package pub import ( "bytes" "context" "crypto" "crypto/rand" "crypto/rsa" "encoding/json" "fmt" "" "" "" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "net/url" "strings" "testing" "time" ) const ( iriString = "" noteURIString = "" updateURIString = "" noteActivityURIString = "" testAgent = "test agent string" testInboxURI = "" testOutboxURI = "" testNewIRIString = "" testNewIRIString2 = "" sallyIRIString = "" sallyFollowingIRIString = "" samIRIString = "" samIRIInboxString = "" samIRIFollowersString = "" sallyIRIInboxString = "" noteName = "A Note" otherOriginIRIString = "" otherOriginActorIRIString = "" testPublicKeyId = "publicKeyId" ) var ( iri *url.URL noteIRI *url.URL noteActivityIRI *url.URL updateActivityIRI *url.URL testNewIRI *url.URL testNewIRI2 *url.URL sallyIRI *url.URL sallyIRIInbox *url.URL sallyFollowingIRI *url.URL sallyActor *vocab.Person sallyActorJSON []byte samIRI *url.URL samIRIInbox *url.URL samIRIFollowers *url.URL otherOriginIRI *url.URL otherOriginActorIRI *url.URL samActor *vocab.Person samActorJSON []byte testNote *vocab.Note testSingleOrderedCollection *vocab.OrderedCollection testCreateNote *vocab.Create testUpdateNote *vocab.Update testDeleteNote *vocab.Delete testTombstoneNote *vocab.Tombstone testFollow *vocab.Follow testAcceptNote *vocab.Accept testAcceptFollow *vocab.Accept testRejectFollow *vocab.Reject testAddNote *vocab.Add testRemoveNote *vocab.Remove testLikeNote *vocab.Like testUndoLike *vocab.Undo testBlock *vocab.Block testClientExpectedNote *vocab.Note testClientExpectedCreateNote *vocab.Create testDeleteSubFields string testDeleteFields string testDeleteFieldsDifferentObjects string testClientUpdateNote *vocab.Update testClientExpectedUpdateNote *vocab.Update testClientExpectedDeleteNote *vocab.Delete testClientExpectedFollow *vocab.Follow testClientExpectedAcceptFollow *vocab.Accept testClientExpectedRejectFollow *vocab.Reject testClientExpectedAdd *vocab.Add testClientExpectedRemove *vocab.Remove testClientExpectedLike *vocab.Like testClientExpectedUndo *vocab.Undo testClientExpectedBlock *vocab.Block testPrivateKey *rsa.PrivateKey testOtherPrivateKey *rsa.PrivateKey ) func init() { var err error iri, err = url.Parse(iriString) if err != nil { panic(err) } noteIRI, err = url.Parse(noteURIString) if err != nil { panic(err) } noteActivityIRI, err = url.Parse(noteActivityURIString) if err != nil { panic(err) } updateActivityIRI, err = url.Parse(updateURIString) if err != nil { panic(err) } testNewIRI, err = url.Parse(testNewIRIString) if err != nil { panic(err) } testNewIRI2, err = url.Parse(testNewIRIString2) if err != nil { panic(err) } sallyIRI, err = url.Parse(sallyIRIString) if err != nil { panic(err) } sallyIRIInbox, err = url.Parse(sallyIRIInboxString) if err != nil { panic(err) } sallyFollowingIRI, err = url.Parse(sallyFollowingIRIString) if err != nil { panic(err) } samIRI, err = url.Parse(samIRIString) if err != nil { panic(err) } samIRIInbox, err = url.Parse(samIRIInboxString) if err != nil { panic(err) } samIRIFollowers, err = url.Parse(samIRIFollowersString) if err != nil { panic(err) } otherOriginIRI, err = url.Parse(otherOriginIRIString) if err != nil { panic(err) } otherOriginActorIRI, err = url.Parse(otherOriginActorIRIString) if err != nil { panic(err) } samActor = &vocab.Person{} samActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) samActor.SetId(samIRI) samActor.AppendNameString("Sam") m, err := samActor.Serialize() if err != nil { panic(err) } samActorJSON, err = json.Marshal(m) if err != nil { panic(err) } sallyInbox, err := url.Parse(testInboxURI) if err != nil { panic(err) } sallyOutbox, err := url.Parse(testOutboxURI) if err != nil { panic(err) } sallyActor = &vocab.Person{} sallyActor.AppendNameString("Sally") sallyActor.SetId(sallyIRI) sallyActor.SetInboxAnyURI(sallyInbox) sallyActor.SetOutboxAnyURI(sallyOutbox) m, err = sallyActor.Serialize() if err != nil { panic(err) } sallyActorJSON, err = json.Marshal(m) if err != nil { panic(err) } testNote = &vocab.Note{} testNote.SetId(noteIRI) testNote.AppendNameString(noteName) testNote.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") testSingleOrderedCollection = &vocab.OrderedCollection{} testSingleOrderedCollection.AppendItemsObject(testNote) testCreateNote = &vocab.Create{} testCreateNote.SetId(noteActivityIRI) testCreateNote.AppendSummaryString("Sally created a note") testCreateNote.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testCreateNote.AppendObject(testNote) testCreateNote.AppendToObject(samActor) testUpdateNote = &vocab.Update{} testUpdateNote.SetId(updateActivityIRI) testUpdateNote.AppendSummaryString("Sally updated a note") testUpdateNote.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testUpdateNote.AppendObject(testNote) testUpdateNote.AppendToObject(samActor) testDeleteNote = &vocab.Delete{} testDeleteNote.SetId(noteActivityIRI) testDeleteNote.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testDeleteNote.AppendObject(testNote) testDeleteNote.AppendToObject(samActor) testTombstoneNote = &vocab.Tombstone{} testTombstoneNote.SetId(noteIRI) testTombstoneNote.AppendFormerTypeString("Note") testTombstoneNote.SetDeleted(now) testFollow = &vocab.Follow{} testFollow.SetId(noteActivityIRI) testFollow.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testFollow.AppendObject(samActor) testFollow.AppendToObject(samActor) testAcceptNote = &vocab.Accept{} testAcceptNote.SetId(noteActivityIRI) testAcceptNote.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testAcceptNote.AppendObject(&vocab.Offer{}) testAcceptNote.AppendToObject(samActor) testAcceptFollow = &vocab.Accept{} testAcceptFollow.SetId(noteActivityIRI) testAcceptFollow.AppendActorObject(samActor) testAcceptFollow.AppendObject(testFollow) testAcceptFollow.AppendToObject(sallyActor) testRejectFollow = &vocab.Reject{} testRejectFollow.SetId(noteActivityIRI) testRejectFollow.AppendActorObject(samActor) testRejectFollow.AppendObject(testFollow) testRejectFollow.AppendToObject(sallyActor) testAddNote = &vocab.Add{} testAddNote.SetId(noteActivityIRI) testAddNote.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testAddNote.AppendObject(testNote) testAddNote.AppendTargetIRI(iri) testAddNote.AppendToObject(samActor) testRemoveNote = &vocab.Remove{} testRemoveNote.SetId(noteActivityIRI) testRemoveNote.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testRemoveNote.AppendObject(testNote) testRemoveNote.AppendTargetIRI(iri) testRemoveNote.AppendToObject(samActor) testLikeNote = &vocab.Like{} testLikeNote.SetId(noteActivityIRI) testLikeNote.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testLikeNote.AppendObject(testNote) testLikeNote.AppendToObject(samActor) testUndoLike = &vocab.Undo{} testUndoLike.SetId(noteActivityIRI) testUndoLike.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testUndoLike.AppendObject(testLikeNote) testUndoLike.AppendToObject(samActor) testBlock = &vocab.Block{} testBlock.SetId(noteActivityIRI) testBlock.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testBlock.AppendObject(samActor) testClientExpectedNote = &vocab.Note{} testClientExpectedNote.SetId(testNewIRI2) testClientExpectedNote.AppendNameString(noteName) testClientExpectedNote.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") testClientExpectedNote.AppendAttributedToIRI(sallyIRI) testClientExpectedNote.AppendToIRI(samIRI) testClientExpectedCreateNote = &vocab.Create{} testClientExpectedCreateNote.SetId(testNewIRI) testClientExpectedCreateNote.AppendSummaryString("Sally created a note") testClientExpectedCreateNote.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testClientExpectedCreateNote.AppendObject(testClientExpectedNote) testClientExpectedCreateNote.AppendToObject(samActor) testDeleteSubFields = ` { "@context": "", "summary": "Sally updated her note", "type": "Update", "actor": "", "id": "", "object": { "id": "", "type": "Note", "to": { "id": "", "inbox": "", "type": "Person", "name": null } } } ` testDeleteFields = ` { "@context": "", "summary": "Sally updated her note", "type": "Update", "actor": "", "id": "", "object": { "id": "", "type": "Note", "to": null } } ` testDeleteFieldsDifferentObjects = ` { "@context": "", "summary": "Sally updated her notes", "type": "Update", "actor": "", "id": "", "object": [ { "id": "", "type": "Note", "to": { "id": "", "inbox": "", "type": "Person", "name": null } }, { "id": "", "type": "Note", "to": { "id": "", "inbox": "", "type": "Person", "name": null } } ] } ` sammActor := &vocab.Person{} sammActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) sammActor.SetId(samIRI) sammActor.AppendNameString("Samm") testUpdateNote := &vocab.Note{} testUpdateNote.SetId(noteIRI) testUpdateNote.AppendNameString(noteName) testUpdateNote.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") testUpdateNote.AppendToObject(sammActor) testClientUpdateNote = &vocab.Update{} testClientUpdateNote.SetId(updateActivityIRI) testClientUpdateNote.AppendSummaryString("Sally updated a note") testClientUpdateNote.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testClientUpdateNote.AppendObject(testUpdateNote) testClientUpdateNote.AppendToObject(samActor) testClientExpectedUpdateNote = &vocab.Update{} testClientExpectedUpdateNote.SetId(testNewIRI) testClientExpectedUpdateNote.AppendSummaryString("Sally updated a note") testClientExpectedUpdateNote.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testClientExpectedUpdateNote.AppendObject(testNote) testClientExpectedUpdateNote.AppendToObject(samActor) testClientExpectedDeleteNote = &vocab.Delete{} testClientExpectedDeleteNote.SetId(testNewIRI) testClientExpectedDeleteNote.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testClientExpectedDeleteNote.AppendObject(testNote) testClientExpectedDeleteNote.AppendToObject(samActor) testClientExpectedFollow = &vocab.Follow{} testClientExpectedFollow.SetId(testNewIRI) testClientExpectedFollow.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testClientExpectedFollow.AppendObject(samActor) testClientExpectedFollow.AppendToObject(samActor) testClientExpectedAcceptFollow = &vocab.Accept{} testClientExpectedAcceptFollow.SetId(testNewIRI) testClientExpectedAcceptFollow.AppendActorObject(samActor) testClientExpectedAcceptFollow.AppendObject(testFollow) testClientExpectedAcceptFollow.AppendToObject(sallyActor) testClientExpectedRejectFollow = &vocab.Reject{} testClientExpectedRejectFollow.SetId(testNewIRI) testClientExpectedRejectFollow.AppendActorObject(samActor) testClientExpectedRejectFollow.AppendObject(testFollow) testClientExpectedRejectFollow.AppendToObject(sallyActor) testClientExpectedAdd = &vocab.Add{} testClientExpectedAdd.SetId(testNewIRI) testClientExpectedAdd.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testClientExpectedAdd.AppendObject(testNote) testClientExpectedAdd.AppendTargetIRI(iri) testClientExpectedAdd.AppendToObject(samActor) testClientExpectedRemove = &vocab.Remove{} testClientExpectedRemove.SetId(testNewIRI) testClientExpectedRemove.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testClientExpectedRemove.AppendObject(testNote) testClientExpectedRemove.AppendTargetIRI(iri) testClientExpectedRemove.AppendToObject(samActor) testClientExpectedLike = &vocab.Like{} testClientExpectedLike.SetId(testNewIRI) testClientExpectedLike.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testClientExpectedLike.AppendObject(testNote) testClientExpectedLike.AppendToObject(samActor) testClientExpectedUndo = &vocab.Undo{} testClientExpectedUndo.SetId(testNewIRI) testClientExpectedUndo.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testClientExpectedUndo.AppendObject(testLikeNote) testClientExpectedUndo.AppendToObject(samActor) testClientExpectedBlock = &vocab.Block{} testClientExpectedBlock.SetId(testNewIRI) testClientExpectedBlock.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) testClientExpectedBlock.AppendObject(samActor) testPrivateKey, err = rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048) if err != nil { panic(err) } testOtherPrivateKey, err = rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 2048) if err != nil { panic(err) } } func Must(l *time.Location, e error) *time.Location { if e != nil { panic(e) } return l } func MustSerialize(s vocab.Serializer) []byte { m, err := s.Serialize() if err != nil { panic(err) } addJSONLDContext(m) b, err := json.Marshal(m) if err != nil { panic(err) } return b } func BadSignature(r *http.Request) *http.Request { s, _, err := httpsig.NewSigner([]httpsig.Algorithm{httpsig.RSA_SHA256}, nil, httpsig.Signature) if err != nil { panic(err) } err = s.SignRequest(testOtherPrivateKey, testPublicKeyId, r) if err != nil { panic(err) } return r } func Sign(r *http.Request) *http.Request { s, _, err := httpsig.NewSigner([]httpsig.Algorithm{httpsig.RSA_SHA256}, nil, httpsig.Signature) if err != nil { panic(err) } err = s.SignRequest(testPrivateKey, testPublicKeyId, r) if err != nil { panic(err) } return r } func ActivityPubRequest(r *http.Request) *http.Request { if r.Method == "POST" { existing, ok := r.Header["Content-Type"] if ok { r.Header["Content-Type"] = append(existing, "application/ld+json; profile=\"\"") } else { r.Header["Content-Type"] = []string{"application/ld+json; profile=\"\""} } } else { existing, ok := r.Header["Accept"] if ok { r.Header["Accept"] = append(existing, "application/ld+json; profile=\"\"") } else { r.Header["Accept"] = []string{"application/ld+json; profile=\"\""} } } r.Header["Date"] = []string{now.UTC().Format("Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05") + " GMT"} return r } func PubObjectEquals(p PubObject, s vocab.Serializer) error { ps, ok := p.(vocab.Serializer) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("PubObject is not Serializer") } m, err := ps.Serialize() if err != nil { return err } b, err := json.Marshal(m) if err != nil { return err } return VocabEqualsContext(bytes.NewBuffer(b), s, false) } func VocabSerializerEquals(i, j vocab.Serializer) error { m, err := i.Serialize() if err != nil { return err } b, err := json.Marshal(m) if err != nil { return err } return VocabEqualsContext(bytes.NewBuffer(b), j, false) } func VocabEquals(b *bytes.Buffer, s vocab.Serializer) error { return VocabEqualsContext(b, s, true) } func VocabEqualsContext(b *bytes.Buffer, s vocab.Serializer, requireContext bool) error { m, err := s.Serialize() if err != nil { return err } if requireContext { m["@context"] = "" } expected, err := json.Marshal(m) if err != nil { return err } actual := b.Bytes() if len(actual) != len(expected) { return fmt.Errorf("expected len %d, actual len %d:\nexpected value %s\nactual value %s", len(expected), len(actual), expected, actual) } var diffs []string for i := range actual { if actual[i] != expected[i] { diffs = append(diffs, fmt.Sprintf("at %d expected %d but got %d", i, expected[i], actual[i])) } } if len(diffs) == 0 { return nil } return fmt.Errorf(strings.Join(diffs, "; ")) } var ( now = time.Date(2000, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Must(time.LoadLocation("America/New_York"))) testPublishedTime = time.Date(2001, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Must(time.LoadLocation("America/New_York"))) testUpdateTime = time.Date(2002, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Must(time.LoadLocation("America/New_York"))) ) var _ Clock = &MockClock{} type MockClock struct { now time.Time } func (m *MockClock) Now() time.Time { return } var _ Application = &MockApplication{} type MockApplication struct { t *testing.T owns func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool get func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) getAsVerifiedUser func(c context.Context, id, authdUser *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) has func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) (bool, error) set func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error getInbox func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) getOutbox func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) newId func(c context.Context, t Typer) *url.URL getPublicKey func(c context.Context, publicKeyId string) (crypto.PublicKey, httpsig.Algorithm, *url.URL, error) canAdd func(c context.Context, o vocab.ObjectType, t vocab.ObjectType) bool canRemove func(c context.Context, o vocab.ObjectType, t vocab.ObjectType) bool } func (m *MockApplication) Owns(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { if m.owns == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockApplication Owns") } return m.owns(c, id) } func (m *MockApplication) Get(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if m.get == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockApplication Get") } return m.get(c, id, rw) } func (m *MockApplication) GetAsVerifiedUser(c context.Context, id, authdUser *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if m.getAsVerifiedUser == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockApplication GetAsVerifiedUser") } return m.getAsVerifiedUser(c, id, authdUser, rw) } func (m *MockApplication) Has(c context.Context, id *url.URL) (bool, error) { if m.has == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockApplication Has") } return m.has(c, id) } func (m *MockApplication) Set(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { if m.set == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockApplication Set") } return m.set(c, o) } func (m *MockApplication) GetInbox(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { if m.getInbox == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockApplication GetInbox") } return m.getInbox(c, r, rw) } func (m *MockApplication) GetOutbox(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { if m.getOutbox == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockApplication GetOutbox") } return m.getOutbox(c, r, rw) } func (m *MockApplication) NewId(c context.Context, t Typer) *url.URL { if m.newId == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockApplication NewId") } return m.newId(c, t) } func (m *MockApplication) GetPublicKey(c context.Context, publicKeyId string) (crypto.PublicKey, httpsig.Algorithm, *url.URL, error) { if m.getPublicKey == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockApplication GetPublicKey") } return m.getPublicKey(c, publicKeyId) } func (m *MockApplication) CanAdd(c context.Context, o vocab.ObjectType, t vocab.ObjectType) bool { if m.canAdd == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockApplication CanAdd") } return m.canAdd(c, o, t) } func (m *MockApplication) CanRemove(c context.Context, o vocab.ObjectType, t vocab.ObjectType) bool { if m.canRemove == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockApplication CanRemove") } return m.canRemove(c, o, t) } var _ SocialApplication = &MockSocialApp{} type MockSocialApp struct { *MockApplication t *testing.T actorIRI func(c context.Context, r *http.Request) (*url.URL, error) getPublicKeyForOutbox func(c context.Context, publicKeyId string, boxIRI *url.URL) (crypto.PublicKey, httpsig.Algorithm, error) getSocialAPIVerifier func(c context.Context) SocialAPIVerifier } func (m *MockSocialApp) ActorIRI(c context.Context, r *http.Request) (*url.URL, error) { if m.actorIRI == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockSocialApp ActorIRI") } return m.actorIRI(c, r) } func (m *MockSocialApp) GetPublicKeyForOutbox(c context.Context, publicKeyId string, boxIRI *url.URL) (crypto.PublicKey, httpsig.Algorithm, error) { if m.getPublicKeyForOutbox == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockSocialApp GetPublicKeyForOutbox") } return m.getPublicKeyForOutbox(c, publicKeyId, boxIRI) } func (m *MockSocialApp) GetSocialAPIVerifier(c context.Context) SocialAPIVerifier { if m.getSocialAPIVerifier == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockSocialApp GetSocialAPIVerifier") } return m.getSocialAPIVerifier(c) } var _ Callbacker = &MockCallbacker{} type MockCallbacker struct { t *testing.T create func(c context.Context, s *streams.Create) error update func(c context.Context, s *streams.Update) error delete func(c context.Context, s *streams.Delete) error add func(c context.Context, s *streams.Add) error remove func(c context.Context, s *streams.Remove) error like func(c context.Context, s *streams.Like) error block func(c context.Context, s *streams.Block) error follow func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) error undo func(c context.Context, s *streams.Undo) error accept func(c context.Context, s *streams.Accept) error reject func(c context.Context, s *streams.Reject) error } func (m *MockCallbacker) Create(c context.Context, s *streams.Create) error { if m.create == nil { m.t.Logf("unimplemented MockCallbacker Create called: %v %v", c, s) return nil } else { return m.create(c, s) } } func (m *MockCallbacker) Update(c context.Context, s *streams.Update) error { if m.update == nil { m.t.Logf("unimplemented MockCallbacker Update called: %v %v", c, s) return nil } else { return m.update(c, s) } } func (m *MockCallbacker) Delete(c context.Context, s *streams.Delete) error { if m.delete == nil { m.t.Logf("unimplemented MockCallbacker Delete called: %v %v", c, s) return nil } else { return m.delete(c, s) } } func (m *MockCallbacker) Add(c context.Context, s *streams.Add) error { if m.add == nil { m.t.Logf("unimplemented MockCallbacker Add called: %v %v", c, s) return nil } else { return m.add(c, s) } } func (m *MockCallbacker) Remove(c context.Context, s *streams.Remove) error { if m.remove == nil { m.t.Logf("unimplemented MockCallbacker Remove called: %v %v", c, s) return nil } else { return m.remove(c, s) } } func (m *MockCallbacker) Like(c context.Context, s *streams.Like) error { if == nil { m.t.Logf("unimplemented MockCallbacker Like called: %v %v", c, s) return nil } else { return, s) } } func (m *MockCallbacker) Block(c context.Context, s *streams.Block) error { if m.block == nil { m.t.Logf("unimplemented MockCallbacker Block called: %v %v", c, s) return nil } else { return m.block(c, s) } } func (m *MockCallbacker) Follow(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) error { if m.follow == nil { m.t.Logf("unimplemented MockCallbacker Follow called: %v %v", c, s) return nil } else { return m.follow(c, s) } } func (m *MockCallbacker) Undo(c context.Context, s *streams.Undo) error { if m.undo == nil { m.t.Logf("unimplemented MockCallbacker Undo called: %v %v", c, s) return nil } else { return m.undo(c, s) } } func (m *MockCallbacker) Accept(c context.Context, s *streams.Accept) error { if m.accept == nil { m.t.Logf("unimplemented MockCallbacker Accept called: %v %v", c, s) return nil } else { return m.accept(c, s) } } func (m *MockCallbacker) Reject(c context.Context, s *streams.Reject) error { if m.reject == nil { m.t.Logf("unimplemented MockCallbacker Reject called: %v %v", c, s) return nil } else { return m.reject(c, s) } } var _ FederateApplication = &MockFederateApp{} type MockFederateApp struct { *MockApplication t *testing.T onFollow func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) FollowResponse unblocked func(c context.Context, actorIRIs []*url.URL) error filterForwarding func(c context.Context, activity vocab.ActivityType, iris []*url.URL) ([]*url.URL, error) newSigner func() (httpsig.Signer, error) privateKey func(boxIRI *url.URL) (crypto.PrivateKey, string, error) } func (m *MockFederateApp) OnFollow(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) FollowResponse { if m.onFollow == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockFederateApp OnFollow") } return m.onFollow(c, s) } func (m *MockFederateApp) Unblocked(c context.Context, actorIRIs []*url.URL) error { if m.unblocked == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockFederateApp Unblocked") } return m.unblocked(c, actorIRIs) } func (m *MockFederateApp) FilterForwarding(c context.Context, activity vocab.ActivityType, iris []*url.URL) ([]*url.URL, error) { if m.filterForwarding == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockFederateApp FilterForwarding") } return m.filterForwarding(c, activity, iris) } func (m *MockFederateApp) NewSigner() (httpsig.Signer, error) { if m.newSigner == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockFederateApp NewSigner") } return m.newSigner() } func (m *MockFederateApp) PrivateKey(boxIRI *url.URL) (privKey crypto.PrivateKey, pubKeyId string, err error) { if m.privateKey == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockFederateApp PrivateKey") } return m.privateKey(boxIRI) } var _ SocialFederateApplication = &MockSocialFederateApp{} type MockSocialFederateApp struct { *MockFederateApp *MockSocialApp } func (m *MockSocialFederateApp) Owns(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { return m.MockFederateApp.Owns(c, id) } func (m *MockSocialFederateApp) Get(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { return m.MockFederateApp.Get(c, id, rw) } func (m *MockSocialFederateApp) GetAsVerifiedUser(c context.Context, id, authdUser *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { return m.MockFederateApp.GetAsVerifiedUser(c, id, authdUser, rw) } func (m *MockSocialFederateApp) Has(c context.Context, id *url.URL) (bool, error) { return m.MockFederateApp.Has(c, id) } func (m *MockSocialFederateApp) Set(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { return m.MockFederateApp.Set(c, o) } func (m *MockSocialFederateApp) GetInbox(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { return m.MockFederateApp.GetInbox(c, r, rw) } func (m *MockSocialFederateApp) GetOutbox(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { return m.MockFederateApp.GetOutbox(c, r, rw) } func (m *MockSocialFederateApp) NewId(c context.Context, t Typer) *url.URL { return m.MockFederateApp.NewId(c, t) } func (m *MockSocialFederateApp) GetPublicKey(c context.Context, publicKeyId string) (crypto.PublicKey, httpsig.Algorithm, *url.URL, error) { return m.MockFederateApp.GetPublicKey(c, publicKeyId) } func (m *MockSocialFederateApp) CanAdd(c context.Context, o vocab.ObjectType, t vocab.ObjectType) bool { return m.MockFederateApp.CanAdd(c, o, t) } func (m *MockSocialFederateApp) CanRemove(c context.Context, o vocab.ObjectType, t vocab.ObjectType) bool { return m.MockFederateApp.CanRemove(c, o, t) } var _ Deliverer = &MockDeliverer{} type MockDeliverer struct { t *testing.T do func(b []byte, to *url.URL, toDo func(b []byte, u *url.URL) error) } func (m *MockDeliverer) Do(b []byte, to *url.URL, toDo func(b []byte, u *url.URL) error) { if == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockDeliverer Do") }, to, toDo) } var _ HttpClient = &MockHttpClient{} type MockHttpClient struct { t *testing.T do func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) } func (m *MockHttpClient) Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { if == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockHttpClient Do") } return } var _ SocialAPIVerifier = &MockSocialAPIVerifier{} type MockSocialAPIVerifier struct { t *testing.T verify func(r *http.Request) (authenticatedUser *url.URL, authn, authz bool, err error) verifyForOutbox func(r *http.Request, outbox *url.URL) (authn, authz bool, err error) } func (m *MockSocialAPIVerifier) Verify(r *http.Request) (authenticatedUser *url.URL, authn, authz bool, err error) { if m.verify == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockSocialAPIVerifier Verify") } return m.verify(r) } func (m *MockSocialAPIVerifier) VerifyForOutbox(r *http.Request, outbox *url.URL) (authn, authz bool, err error) { if m.verifyForOutbox == nil { m.t.Fatal("unexpected call to MockSocialAPIVerifier VerifyForOutbox") } return m.verifyForOutbox(r, outbox) } func NewSocialPubberTest(t *testing.T) (app *MockApplication, socialApp *MockSocialApp, cb *MockCallbacker, p Pubber) { clock := &MockClock{now} app = &MockApplication{t: t} socialApp = &MockSocialApp{MockApplication: app, t: t} cb = &MockCallbacker{t: t} p = NewSocialPubber(clock, socialApp, cb) return } func NewFederatingPubberTest(t *testing.T) (app *MockApplication, fedApp *MockFederateApp, cb *MockCallbacker, d *MockDeliverer, h *MockHttpClient, p Pubber) { clock := &MockClock{now} app = &MockApplication{t: t} fedApp = &MockFederateApp{MockApplication: app, t: t} cb = &MockCallbacker{t: t} d = &MockDeliverer{t: t} h = &MockHttpClient{t: t} p = NewFederatingPubber(clock, fedApp, cb, d, h, testAgent, 1, 1) return } func NewPubberTest(t *testing.T) (app *MockSocialFederateApp, socialApp *MockSocialApp, fedApp *MockFederateApp, socialCb, fedCb *MockCallbacker, d *MockDeliverer, h *MockHttpClient, p Pubber) { clock := &MockClock{now} appl := &MockApplication{t: t} socialApp = &MockSocialApp{t: t} fedApp = &MockFederateApp{MockApplication: appl, t: t} app = &MockSocialFederateApp{MockSocialApp: socialApp, MockFederateApp: fedApp} socialCb = &MockCallbacker{t: t} fedCb = &MockCallbacker{t: t} d = &MockDeliverer{t: t} h = &MockHttpClient{t: t} p = NewPubber(clock, app, socialCb, fedCb, d, h, testAgent, 1, 1) return } func PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t *testing.T, app *MockSocialFederateApp, socialApp *MockSocialApp, fedApp *MockFederateApp, socialCb, fedCb *MockCallbacker, d *MockDeliverer, h *MockHttpClient, p Pubber) { PreparePostInboxTest(t, app.MockFederateApp.MockApplication, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, h, p) } func PreparePostInboxTest(t *testing.T, app *MockApplication, socialApp *MockSocialApp, fedApp *MockFederateApp, socialCb, fedCb *MockCallbacker, d *MockDeliverer, h *MockHttpClient, p Pubber) { fedApp.unblocked = func(c context.Context, actorIRIs []*url.URL) error { return nil } app.getInbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } oc := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} oc.AppendType("OrderedCollection") return oc, nil } app.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { return nil } app.has = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) (bool, error) { return false, nil } return } func PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t *testing.T, app *MockSocialFederateApp, socialApp *MockSocialApp, fedApp *MockFederateApp, socialCb, fedCb *MockCallbacker, d *MockDeliverer, h *MockHttpClient, p Pubber) { PreparePostOutboxTest(t, app.MockFederateApp.MockApplication, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, h, p) } func PreparePostOutboxTest(t *testing.T, app *MockApplication, socialApp *MockSocialApp, fedApp *MockFederateApp, socialCb, fedCb *MockCallbacker, d *MockDeliverer, h *MockHttpClient, p Pubber) { socialApp.getPublicKeyForOutbox = func(c context.Context, publicKeyId string, boxIRI *url.URL) (crypto.PublicKey, httpsig.Algorithm, error) { return testPrivateKey.Public(), httpsig.RSA_SHA256, nil } socialApp.getSocialAPIVerifier = func(c context.Context) SocialAPIVerifier { return nil } fedApp.newSigner = func() (httpsig.Signer, error) { s, _, err := httpsig.NewSigner([]httpsig.Algorithm{httpsig.RSA_SHA256}, nil, httpsig.Signature) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return s, err } fedApp.privateKey = func(boxIRI *url.URL) (crypto.PrivateKey, string, error) { return testPrivateKey, testPublicKeyId, nil } gotNewId := 0 app.newId = func(c context.Context, t Typer) *url.URL { gotNewId++ if gotNewId == 1 { return testNewIRI } else { return testNewIRI2 } } app.getOutbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } oc := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} oc.AppendType("OrderedCollection") return oc, nil } app.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { return nil } gotHttpDo := 0 = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { gotHttpDo++ if gotHttpDo == 1 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(samActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 2 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(sallyActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 3 { okResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), } return okResp, nil } return nil, nil } = func(b []byte, u *url.URL, toDo func(b []byte, u *url.URL) error) { if err := toDo(b, u); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error in MockDeliverer.Do: %s", err) } } return } func TestSocialPubber_RejectPostInbox(t *testing.T) { _, _, _, p := NewSocialPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, nil)) handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if resp.Code != http.StatusMethodNotAllowed { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, resp.Code) } } func TestSocialPubber_GetInbox(t *testing.T) { app, _, _, p := NewSocialPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("GET", testInboxURI, nil)) gotInbox := 0 app.getInbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { if rw != Read { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", Read, rw) } gotInbox++ return testSingleOrderedCollection, nil } handled, err := p.GetInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotInbox != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotInbox) } else if l := len(resp.HeaderMap["Content-Type"]); l != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, l) } else if h := resp.HeaderMap["Content-Type"][0]; h != responseContentTypeHeader { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", responseContentTypeHeader, h) } else if resp.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusOK, resp.Code) } else if e := VocabEquals(resp.Body, testSingleOrderedCollection); e != nil { t.Fatal(e) } } func TestSocialPubber_PostOutbox(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, cb, p := NewSocialPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote))))) gotPublicKeyForOutbox := 0 var gotPublicKeyId string var gotBoxIRI *url.URL socialApp.getPublicKeyForOutbox = func(c context.Context, publicKeyId string, boxIRI *url.URL) (crypto.PublicKey, httpsig.Algorithm, error) { gotPublicKeyForOutbox++ gotPublicKeyId = publicKeyId gotBoxIRI = boxIRI return testPrivateKey.Public(), httpsig.RSA_SHA256, nil } gotSocialAPIVerifier := 0 socialApp.getSocialAPIVerifier = func(c context.Context) SocialAPIVerifier { gotSocialAPIVerifier++ return nil } gotNewId := 0 app.newId = func(c context.Context, t Typer) *url.URL { gotNewId++ if gotNewId == 1 { return testNewIRI } return testNewIRI2 } gotOutbox := 0 app.getOutbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } gotOutbox++ oc := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} oc.AppendType("OrderedCollection") return oc, nil } gotSet := 0 var gotSetOutbox PubObject var gotSetActivity PubObject var gotSetCreateObject PubObject app.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetCreateObject = o } else if gotSet == 2 { gotSetActivity = o } else if gotSet == 3 { gotSetOutbox = o } return nil } gotCreate := 0 var gotCreateCallback *streams.Create cb.create = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Create) error { gotCreate++ gotCreateCallback = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if resp.Code != http.StatusCreated { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusCreated, resp.Code) } else if gotPublicKeyForOutbox != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotPublicKeyForOutbox) } else if gotPublicKeyId != testPublicKeyId { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", testPublicKeyId, gotPublicKeyId) } else if s := gotBoxIRI.String(); s != testOutboxURI { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", testOutboxURI, s) } else if gotSocialAPIVerifier != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotSocialAPIVerifier) } else if gotNewId != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotNewId) } else if gotOutbox != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOutbox) } else if gotSet != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotSet) } else if l := gotSetOutbox.GetType(0).(string); l != "OrderedCollection" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "OrderedCollection", l) } else if l := gotSetCreateObject.GetType(0).(string); l != "Note" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "Note", l) } else if l := gotSetActivity.GetType(0).(string); l != "Create" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "Create", l) } else if gotCreate != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCreate) } else if iri := gotCreateCallback.Raw().GetActorObject(0).GetId(); *iri != *sallyIRI { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIString, iri.String()) } else if l := len(resp.HeaderMap["Location"]); l != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, l) } else if h := resp.HeaderMap["Location"][0]; h != testNewIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", testNewIRI, h) } else if resp.Code != http.StatusCreated { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusCreated, resp.Code) } } func TestSocialPubber_PostOutbox_SocialAPIVerified(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, cb, p := NewSocialPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote))))) gotVerifyForOutbox := 0 var gotVerifiedOutbox *url.URL socialApp.getSocialAPIVerifier = func(c context.Context) SocialAPIVerifier { mockV := &MockSocialAPIVerifier{ verifyForOutbox: func(r *http.Request, outbox *url.URL) (bool, bool, error) { gotVerifyForOutbox++ gotVerifiedOutbox = outbox return true, true, nil }, } return mockV } gotNewId := 0 app.newId = func(c context.Context, t Typer) *url.URL { gotNewId++ if gotNewId == 1 { return testNewIRI } else { return testNewIRI2 } } gotOutbox := 0 app.getOutbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } gotOutbox++ oc := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} oc.AppendType("OrderedCollection") return oc, nil } gotSet := 0 var gotSetOutbox PubObject var gotSetActivity PubObject var gotSetCreateObject PubObject app.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetCreateObject = o } else if gotSet == 2 { gotSetActivity = o } else if gotSet == 3 { gotSetOutbox = o } return nil } gotCreate := 0 var gotCreateCallback *streams.Create cb.create = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Create) error { gotCreate++ gotCreateCallback = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if resp.Code != http.StatusCreated { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusCreated, resp.Code) } else if gotVerifyForOutbox != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotVerifyForOutbox) } else if o := gotVerifiedOutbox.String(); o != testOutboxURI { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", testOutboxURI, o) } else if gotNewId != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotNewId) } else if gotOutbox != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOutbox) } else if gotSet != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotSet) } else if l := gotSetOutbox.GetType(0).(string); l != "OrderedCollection" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "OrderedCollection", l) } else if l := gotSetCreateObject.GetType(0).(string); l != "Note" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "Note", l) } else if l := gotSetActivity.GetType(0).(string); l != "Create" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "Create", l) } else if gotCreate != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCreate) } else if iri := gotCreateCallback.Raw().GetActorObject(0).GetId(); *iri != *sallyIRI { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIString, iri.String()) } else if l := len(resp.HeaderMap["Location"]); l != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, l) } else if h := resp.HeaderMap["Location"][0]; h != testNewIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", testNewIRI, h) } else if resp.Code != http.StatusCreated { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusCreated, resp.Code) } } func TestSocialPubber_GetOutbox(t *testing.T) { app, _, _, p := NewSocialPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("GET", testOutboxURI, nil)) gotOutbox := 0 app.getOutbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { if rw != Read { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", Read, rw) } gotOutbox++ return testSingleOrderedCollection, nil } handled, err := p.GetOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOutbox != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOutbox) } else if l := len(resp.HeaderMap["Content-Type"]); l != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, l) } else if h := resp.HeaderMap["Content-Type"][0]; h != responseContentTypeHeader { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", responseContentTypeHeader, h) } else if resp.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusOK, resp.Code) } else if e := VocabEquals(resp.Body, testSingleOrderedCollection); e != nil { t.Fatal(e) } } func TestFederatingPubber_PostInbox(t *testing.T) { app, fedApp, cb, _, _, p := NewFederatingPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote)))) gotUnblocked := 0 var iri *url.URL fedApp.unblocked = func(c context.Context, actorIRIs []*url.URL) error { gotUnblocked++ iri = actorIRIs[0] return nil } gotInbox := 0 app.getInbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } gotInbox++ oc := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} oc.AppendType("OrderedCollection") return oc, nil } gotSet := 0 var setObject PubObject var inboxObject PubObject app.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { setObject = o } else if gotSet == 2 { inboxObject = o } return nil } gotHas := 0 var hasIriActivity *url.URL var hasIriTo *url.URL app.has = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) (bool, error) { gotHas++ if gotHas == 1 { hasIriActivity = id return false, nil } else { hasIriTo = id return true, nil } } gotGet := 0 var gotIri *url.URL app.get = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != Read { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", Read, rw) } gotGet++ gotIri = iri return samActor, nil } gotCreate := 0 var gotCreateCallback *streams.Create cb.create = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Create) error { gotCreate++ gotCreateCallback = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotUnblocked != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotUnblocked) } else if iri.String() != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIString, iri.String()) } else if gotInbox != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotInbox) } else if gotSet != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotSet) } else if l := inboxObject.GetType(0).(string); l != "OrderedCollection" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "OrderedCollection", l) } else if l := setObject.GetType(0).(string); l != "Note" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "Note", l) } else if gotHas != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotHas) } else if hasIriActivityString := hasIriActivity.String(); hasIriActivityString != noteActivityURIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", noteActivityURIString, hasIriActivityString) } else if hasIriToString := hasIriTo.String(); hasIriToString != samIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIString, hasIriToString) } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if gotIriString := gotIri.String(); gotIriString != samIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIString, gotIriString) } else if gotCreate != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCreate) } else if s := gotCreateCallback.Raw().GetActorObject(0).GetId(); s.String() != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIString, s) } else if resp.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusOK, resp.Code) } } func TestFederatingPubber_GetInbox(t *testing.T) { app, _, _, _, _, p := NewFederatingPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("GET", testInboxURI, nil)) gotInbox := 0 app.getInbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { if rw != Read { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", Read, rw) } gotInbox++ return testSingleOrderedCollection, nil } handled, err := p.GetInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotInbox != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotInbox) } else if l := len(resp.HeaderMap["Content-Type"]); l != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, l) } else if h := resp.HeaderMap["Content-Type"][0]; h != responseContentTypeHeader { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", responseContentTypeHeader, h) } else if resp.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusOK, resp.Code) } else if e := VocabEquals(resp.Body, testSingleOrderedCollection); e != nil { t.Fatal(e) } } func TestFederatingPubber_RejectPostOutbox(t *testing.T) { _, _, _, _, _, p := NewFederatingPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, nil)) handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if resp.Code != http.StatusMethodNotAllowed { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, resp.Code) } } func TestFederatingPubber_GetOutbox(t *testing.T) { app, _, _, _, _, p := NewFederatingPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("GET", testOutboxURI, nil)) gotOutbox := 0 app.getOutbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { if rw != Read { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", Read, rw) } gotOutbox++ return testSingleOrderedCollection, nil } handled, err := p.GetOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOutbox != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOutbox) } else if l := len(resp.HeaderMap["Content-Type"]); l != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, l) } else if h := resp.HeaderMap["Content-Type"][0]; h != responseContentTypeHeader { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", responseContentTypeHeader, h) } else if resp.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusOK, resp.Code) } else if e := VocabEquals(resp.Body, testSingleOrderedCollection); e != nil { t.Fatal(e) } } func TestPubber_PostInbox(t *testing.T) { app, _, fedApp, _, fedCb, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote)))) gotUnblocked := 0 var iri *url.URL fedApp.unblocked = func(c context.Context, actorIRIs []*url.URL) error { gotUnblocked++ iri = actorIRIs[0] return nil } gotInbox := 0 app.MockFederateApp.getInbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } gotInbox++ oc := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} oc.AppendType("OrderedCollection") return oc, nil } gotSet := 0 var setObject PubObject var inboxObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { setObject = o } else if gotSet == 2 { inboxObject = o } return nil } gotHas := 0 var hasIriActivity *url.URL var hasIriTo *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.has = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) (bool, error) { gotHas++ if gotHas == 1 { hasIriActivity = id return false, nil } else { hasIriTo = id return true, nil } } gotGet := 0 var gotIri *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != Read { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", Read, rw) } gotGet++ gotIri = iri return samActor, nil } gotCreate := 0 var gotCreateCallback *streams.Create fedCb.create = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Create) error { gotCreate++ gotCreateCallback = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotUnblocked != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotUnblocked) } else if iri.String() != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIString, iri.String()) } else if gotInbox != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotInbox) } else if gotSet != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotSet) } else if l := inboxObject.GetType(0).(string); l != "OrderedCollection" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "OrderedCollection", l) } else if l := setObject.GetType(0).(string); l != "Note" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "Note", l) } else if gotHas != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotHas) } else if hasIriActivityString := hasIriActivity.String(); hasIriActivityString != noteActivityURIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", noteActivityURIString, hasIriActivityString) } else if hasIriToString := hasIriTo.String(); hasIriToString != samIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIString, hasIriToString) } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if gotIriString := gotIri.String(); gotIriString != samIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIString, gotIriString) } else if gotCreate != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCreate) } else if s := gotCreateCallback.Raw().GetActorObject(0).GetId(); s.String() != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIString, s) } else if resp.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusOK, resp.Code) } } func TestPubber_GetInbox(t *testing.T) { app, _, _, _, _, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("GET", testInboxURI, nil)) gotInbox := 0 app.MockFederateApp.getInbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { if rw != Read { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", Read, rw) } gotInbox++ return testSingleOrderedCollection, nil } handled, err := p.GetInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotInbox != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotInbox) } else if l := len(resp.HeaderMap["Content-Type"]); l != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, l) } else if h := resp.HeaderMap["Content-Type"][0]; h != responseContentTypeHeader { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", responseContentTypeHeader, h) } else if resp.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusOK, resp.Code) } else if e := VocabEquals(resp.Body, testSingleOrderedCollection); e != nil { t.Fatal(e) } } func TestPubber_PostOutbox(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, _, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote))))) gotPublicKey := 0 var gotPublicKeyId string var gotBoxIRI *url.URL socialApp.getPublicKeyForOutbox = func(c context.Context, publicKeyId string, boxIRI *url.URL) (crypto.PublicKey, httpsig.Algorithm, error) { gotPublicKey++ gotPublicKeyId = publicKeyId gotBoxIRI = boxIRI return testPrivateKey.Public(), httpsig.RSA_SHA256, nil } gotSocialAPIVerifier := 0 socialApp.getSocialAPIVerifier = func(c context.Context) SocialAPIVerifier { gotSocialAPIVerifier++ return nil } gotNewSigner := 0 fedApp.newSigner = func() (httpsig.Signer, error) { gotNewSigner++ s, _, err := httpsig.NewSigner([]httpsig.Algorithm{httpsig.RSA_SHA256}, nil, httpsig.Signature) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return s, err } gotPrivateKey := 0 var gotPrivateKeyIRI *url.URL fedApp.privateKey = func(boxIRI *url.URL) (crypto.PrivateKey, string, error) { gotPrivateKey++ gotPrivateKeyIRI = boxIRI return testPrivateKey, testPublicKeyId, nil } gotNewId := 0 app.MockFederateApp.newId = func(c context.Context, t Typer) *url.URL { gotNewId++ if gotNewId == 1 { return testNewIRI } else { return testNewIRI2 } } gotOutbox := 0 app.MockFederateApp.getOutbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } gotOutbox++ oc := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} oc.AppendType("OrderedCollection") return oc, nil } gotSet := 0 var gotSetOutbox PubObject var gotSetActivity PubObject var gotSetCreateObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetCreateObject = o } else if gotSet == 2 { gotSetActivity = o } else if gotSet == 3 { gotSetOutbox = o } return nil } gotCreate := 0 var gotCreateCallback *streams.Create socialCb.create = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Create) error { gotCreate++ gotCreateCallback = s return nil } gotHttpDo := 0 var httpActorRequest *http.Request var httpSenderRequest *http.Request var httpDeliveryRequest *http.Request = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { gotHttpDo++ if gotHttpDo == 1 { httpActorRequest = req actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(samActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 2 { httpSenderRequest = req actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(sallyActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 3 { httpDeliveryRequest = req okResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), } return okResp, nil } return nil, nil } gotDoDelivery := 0 var doDeliveryURL *url.URL = func(b []byte, u *url.URL, toDo func(b []byte, u *url.URL) error) { gotDoDelivery++ doDeliveryURL = u if err := toDo(b, u); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error in MockDeliverer.Do: %s", err) } } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotPublicKey != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotPublicKey) } else if gotPublicKeyId != testPublicKeyId { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", testPublicKeyId, gotPublicKeyId) } else if s := gotBoxIRI.String(); s != testOutboxURI { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", testOutboxURI, s) } else if gotSocialAPIVerifier != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotSocialAPIVerifier) } else if gotNewId != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotNewId) } else if gotNewSigner != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotNewSigner) } else if gotPrivateKey != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotPrivateKey) } else if s := gotPrivateKeyIRI.String(); s != testOutboxURI { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", testOutboxURI, s) } else if gotOutbox != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOutbox) } else if gotSet != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotSet) } else if l := gotSetOutbox.GetType(0).(string); l != "OrderedCollection" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "OrderedCollection", l) } else if l := gotSetCreateObject.GetType(0).(string); l != "Note" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "Note", l) } else if l := gotSetActivity.GetType(0).(string); l != "Create" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "Create", l) } else if gotCreate != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCreate) } else if iri := gotCreateCallback.Raw().GetActorObject(0).GetId(); iri.String() != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIString, iri.String()) } else if gotDoDelivery != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotDoDelivery) } else if doDeliveryURL.String() != samIRIInboxString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIInboxString, doDeliveryURL.String()) } else if gotHttpDo != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotHttpDo) } else if h := httpActorRequest.Header.Get("Accept"); h != getAcceptHeader { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", getAcceptHeader, h) } else if h := httpSenderRequest.Header.Get("Accept"); h != getAcceptHeader { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", getAcceptHeader, h) } else if h := httpDeliveryRequest.Header.Get("Content-Type"); h != postContentTypeHeader { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", postContentTypeHeader, h) } else if httpActorRequest.Method != "GET" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "GET", httpActorRequest.Method) } else if httpSenderRequest.Method != "GET" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "GET", httpSenderRequest.Method) } else if httpDeliveryRequest.Method != "POST" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "POST", httpDeliveryRequest.Method) } else if s := httpActorRequest.URL.String(); s != samIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIString, s) } else if s := httpSenderRequest.URL.String(); s != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIString, s) } else if s := httpDeliveryRequest.URL.String(); s != samIRIInboxString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIInboxString, s) } else if l := len(resp.HeaderMap["Location"]); l != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, l) } else if h := resp.HeaderMap["Location"][0]; h != testNewIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", testNewIRI, h) } else if resp.Code != http.StatusCreated { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusCreated, resp.Code) } verif, err := httpsig.NewVerifier(httpDeliveryRequest) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if verif.KeyId() != testPublicKeyId { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", testPublicKeyId, verif.KeyId()) } else if err := verif.Verify(testPrivateKey.Public(), httpsig.RSA_SHA256); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestPubber_GetOutbox(t *testing.T) { app, _, _, _, _, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("GET", testOutboxURI, nil)) gotOutbox := 0 app.MockFederateApp.getOutbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { if rw != Read { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", Read, rw) } gotOutbox++ return testSingleOrderedCollection, nil } handled, err := p.GetOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOutbox != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOutbox) } else if l := len(resp.HeaderMap["Content-Type"]); l != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, l) } else if h := resp.HeaderMap["Content-Type"][0]; h != responseContentTypeHeader { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", responseContentTypeHeader, h) } else if resp.Code != http.StatusOK { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusOK, resp.Code) } else if e := VocabEquals(resp.Body, testSingleOrderedCollection); e != nil { t.Fatal(e) } } func TestPostInbox_RejectNonActivityPub(t *testing.T) { _, _, _, _, _, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote))) handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if handled { t.Fatalf("expected !handled, got handled") } } func TestPostInbox_HandlesBlocked(t *testing.T) { _, _, fedApp, _, _, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote)))) blockedErr := fmt.Errorf("blocked") gotBlocked := 0 var iri *url.URL fedApp.unblocked = func(c context.Context, actorIRIs []*url.URL) error { gotBlocked++ iri = actorIRIs[0] return blockedErr } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != blockedErr { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", blockedErr, err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if *iri != *sallyIRI { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIString, iri.String()) } } func TestPostInbox_RequiresObject(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string input func() vocab.Serializer }{ { name: "create", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Create{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendSummaryString("Sally created a note") v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v }, }, { name: "update", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Update{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendSummaryString("Sally updated a note") v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v }, }, { name: "delete", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Delete{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v }, }, { name: "follow", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Follow{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v }, }, { name: "add", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Add{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) v.AppendTargetObject(testNote) return v }, }, { name: "remove", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Remove{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) v.AppendTargetObject(testNote) return v }, }, { name: "like", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Like{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v }, }, { name: "block", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Block{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v }, }, { name: "undo", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Undo{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v }, }, } app, _, fedApp, _, _, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) fedApp.unblocked = func(c context.Context, actorIRIs []*url.URL) error { return nil } app.MockFederateApp.getInbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { inbox := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} return inbox, nil } for _, test := range tests { t.Logf("Running table test case %q", resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(test.input())))) handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if resp.Code != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Fatalf("(%s) expected %d, got %d",, http.StatusBadRequest, resp.Code) } else if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("(%s) expected handled, got !handled", } } } func TestPostInbox_RequiresTarget(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string input func() vocab.Serializer }{ { name: "add", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Add{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) v.AppendObject(testNote) return v }, }, { name: "remove", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Remove{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) v.AppendObject(testNote) return v }, }, } app, _, fedApp, _, _, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) fedApp.unblocked = func(c context.Context, actorIRIs []*url.URL) error { return nil } app.MockFederateApp.getInbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { inbox := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} return inbox, nil } for _, test := range tests { t.Logf("Running table test case %q", resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(test.input())))) handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if resp.Code != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Fatalf("(%s) expected %d, got %d",, http.StatusBadRequest, resp.Code) } else if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("(%s) expected handled, got !handled", } } } func TestPostInbox_DoesNotAddToInboxIfDuplicate(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote)))) gotSet := 0 app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ return nil } app.MockFederateApp.getInbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { inbox := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} inbox.AppendOrderedItemsIRI(noteActivityIRI) return inbox, nil } fedCb.create = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Create) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expectedInbox := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} expectedInbox.AppendOrderedItemsIRI(noteActivityIRI) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotSet != 0 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 0, gotSet) } } func TestPostInbox_OriginMustMatch(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string input func() vocab.ActivityType }{ { name: "update", input: func() vocab.ActivityType { a := &vocab.Update{} a.SetId(otherOriginIRI) a.AppendActorIRI(otherOriginActorIRI) a.AppendObject(testCreateNote) return a }, }, { name: "delete", input: func() vocab.ActivityType { a := &vocab.Delete{} a.SetId(otherOriginIRI) a.AppendActorIRI(otherOriginActorIRI) a.AppendObject(testCreateNote) return a }, }, { name: "update", input: func() vocab.ActivityType { a := &vocab.Update{} a.SetId(otherOriginIRI) a.AppendActorIRI(otherOriginActorIRI) a.AppendObjectIRI(noteIRI) return a }, }, { name: "delete", input: func() vocab.ActivityType { a := &vocab.Delete{} a.SetId(otherOriginIRI) a.AppendActorIRI(otherOriginActorIRI) a.AppendObjectIRI(noteIRI) return a }, }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Logf("Running table test case %q", app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(test.input())))) handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if !handled { t.Fatalf("%q: expected handled, got !handled", } else if err == nil { t.Fatalf("%q: expected same origin error", } } } func TestPostInbox_ActivityActorsMustCoverObjectActors(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string input func() vocab.ActivityType }{ { name: "undo", input: func() vocab.ActivityType { a := &vocab.Undo{} a.SetId(noteActivityIRI) a.AppendActorObject(samActor) a.AppendObject(testLikeNote) return a }, }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Logf("Running table test case %q", app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(test.input())))) handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if !handled { t.Fatalf("%q: expected handled, got !handled", } else if err == nil { t.Fatalf("%q: expected actor mismatch error", } } } func TestPostInbox_Create_SetsObject(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote)))) gotSet := 0 var setObject PubObject var gotSetInbox PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { setObject = o } else if gotSet == 2 { gotSetInbox = o } return nil } fedCb.create = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Create) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expectedInbox := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} expectedInbox.AppendType("OrderedCollection") expectedInbox.AppendOrderedItemsIRI(testCreateNote.GetId()) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotSet != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(setObject, testNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected set object: %s", err) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetInbox, expectedInbox); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostInbox_Create_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote)))) gotCreate := 0 var gotCreateCallback *streams.Create fedCb.create = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Create) error { gotCreate++ gotCreateCallback = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCreate != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCreate) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCreateCallback.Raw(), testCreateNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected create callback: %s", err) } } func TestPostInbox_Update_SetsObject(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testUpdateNote)))) gotSet := 0 var setObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { setObject = o } return nil } fedCb.update = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Update) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotSet != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(setObject, testNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected set object: %s", err) } } func TestPostInbox_Update_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testUpdateNote)))) gotCallback := 0 var gotStreamCallback *streams.Update fedCb.update = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Update) error { gotCallback++ gotStreamCallback = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotStreamCallback.Raw(), testUpdateNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostInbox_Delete_FetchesObject(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testDeleteNote)))) app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } else if *id != *noteIRI { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", noteIRI, id) } return testNote, nil } fedCb.delete = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Delete) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } } func TestPostInbox_Delete_SetsTombstone(t *testing.T) { // Table test tests := []struct { name string input func() PubObject expected func() vocab.Serializer }{ { name: "delete note", input: func() PubObject { return testNote }, expected: func() vocab.Serializer { return testTombstoneNote }, }, { name: "forward published time", input: func() PubObject { testNote := &vocab.Note{} testNote.SetId(noteIRI) testNote.AppendType("Note") testNote.AppendNameString(noteName) testNote.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") testNote.SetPublished(now) return testNote }, expected: func() vocab.Serializer { testTombstoneNote := &vocab.Tombstone{} testTombstoneNote.SetId(noteIRI) testTombstoneNote.AppendFormerTypeString("Note") testTombstoneNote.SetDeleted(now) testTombstoneNote.SetPublished(now) return testTombstoneNote }, }, { name: "forward published iri", input: func() PubObject { testNote := &vocab.Note{} testNote.SetId(noteIRI) testNote.AppendType("Note") testNote.AppendNameString(noteName) testNote.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") testNote.SetPublishedIRI(iri) return testNote }, expected: func() vocab.Serializer { testTombstoneNote := &vocab.Tombstone{} testTombstoneNote.SetId(noteIRI) testTombstoneNote.AppendFormerTypeString("Note") testTombstoneNote.SetDeleted(now) testTombstoneNote.SetPublishedIRI(iri) return testTombstoneNote }, }, { name: "forward updated time", input: func() PubObject { testNote := &vocab.Note{} testNote.SetId(noteIRI) testNote.AppendType("Note") testNote.AppendNameString(noteName) testNote.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") testNote.SetUpdated(now) return testNote }, expected: func() vocab.Serializer { testTombstoneNote := &vocab.Tombstone{} testTombstoneNote.SetId(noteIRI) testTombstoneNote.AppendFormerTypeString("Note") testTombstoneNote.SetDeleted(now) testTombstoneNote.SetUpdated(now) return testTombstoneNote }, }, { name: "forward updated iri", input: func() PubObject { testNote := &vocab.Note{} testNote.SetId(noteIRI) testNote.AppendType("Note") testNote.AppendNameString(noteName) testNote.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") testNote.SetUpdatedIRI(iri) return testNote }, expected: func() vocab.Serializer { testTombstoneNote := &vocab.Tombstone{} testTombstoneNote.SetId(noteIRI) testTombstoneNote.AppendFormerTypeString("Note") testTombstoneNote.SetDeleted(now) testTombstoneNote.SetUpdatedIRI(iri) return testTombstoneNote }, }, } app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) gotSet := 0 var gotSetObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, p PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetObject = p } return nil } fedCb.delete = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Delete) error { return nil } for _, test := range tests { t.Logf("Running table test case %q", app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { return test.input(), nil } gotSet = 0 resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testDeleteNote)))) handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("(%q) %s",, err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("(%q) expected handled, got !handled", } else if gotSet != 2 { t.Fatalf("(%q) expected %d, got %d",, 2, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetObject, test.expected()); err != nil { t.Fatalf("(%q) unexpected tombstone object: %s",, err) } } } func TestPostInbox_Delete_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testDeleteNote)))) app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { return testNote, nil } gotCallback := 0 var gotStreamCallback *streams.Delete fedCb.delete = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Delete) error { gotCallback++ gotStreamCallback = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotStreamCallback.Raw(), testDeleteNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostInbox_Follow_DoNothing(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testFollow)))) gotOnFollow := 0 fedApp.onFollow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) FollowResponse { gotOnFollow++ return DoNothing } fedCb.follow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOnFollow != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOnFollow) } } func TestPostInbox_Follow_AutoReject(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testFollow)))) gotOnFollow := 0 fedApp.onFollow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) FollowResponse { gotOnFollow++ return AutomaticReject } gotNewSigner := 0 fedApp.newSigner = func() (httpsig.Signer, error) { gotNewSigner++ s, _, err := httpsig.NewSigner([]httpsig.Algorithm{httpsig.RSA_SHA256}, nil, httpsig.Signature) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return s, err } gotPrivateKey := 0 var gotPrivateKeyIRI *url.URL fedApp.privateKey = func(boxIRI *url.URL) (crypto.PrivateKey, string, error) { gotPrivateKey++ gotPrivateKeyIRI = boxIRI return testPrivateKey, testPublicKeyId, nil } fedCb.follow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) error { return nil } gotOwns := 0 var ownsIRI *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ ownsIRI = id return true } gotHttpDo := 0 var httpActorRequest *http.Request var httpDeliveryRequest *http.Request = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { gotHttpDo++ if gotHttpDo == 1 { httpActorRequest = req actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(sallyActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 2 { httpDeliveryRequest = req okResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), } return okResp, nil } return nil, nil } gotDoDelivery := 0 var doDeliveryURL *url.URL var bytesToSend []byte = func(b []byte, u *url.URL, toDo func(b []byte, u *url.URL) error) { gotDoDelivery++ doDeliveryURL = u bytesToSend = b if err := toDo(b, u); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error in MockDeliverer.Do: %s", err) } } expected := &vocab.Reject{} expected.AppendObject(testFollow) expected.AppendToIRI(sallyIRI) handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotNewSigner != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotNewSigner) } else if gotPrivateKey != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotPrivateKey) } else if s := gotPrivateKeyIRI.String(); s != testInboxURI { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", testInboxURI, s) } else if gotOnFollow != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOnFollow) } else if gotHttpDo != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotHttpDo) } else if s := httpActorRequest.URL.String(); s != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIString, s) } else if s := httpDeliveryRequest.URL.String(); s != sallyIRIInboxString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIInboxString, s) } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if ownsIRI.String() != samIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIString, ownsIRI.String()) } else if gotDoDelivery != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotDoDelivery) } else if doDeliveryURL.String() != sallyIRIInboxString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIInboxString, doDeliveryURL.String()) } else if err := VocabEquals(bytes.NewBuffer(bytesToSend), expected); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestPostInbox_Follow_AutoAccept(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testFollow)))) gotOnFollow := 0 fedApp.onFollow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) FollowResponse { gotOnFollow++ return AutomaticAccept } gotNewSigner := 0 fedApp.newSigner = func() (httpsig.Signer, error) { gotNewSigner++ s, _, err := httpsig.NewSigner([]httpsig.Algorithm{httpsig.RSA_SHA256}, nil, httpsig.Signature) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return s, err } gotPrivateKey := 0 var gotPrivateKeyIRI *url.URL fedApp.privateKey = func(boxIRI *url.URL) (crypto.PrivateKey, string, error) { gotPrivateKey++ gotPrivateKeyIRI = boxIRI return testPrivateKey, testPublicKeyId, nil } fedCb.follow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) error { return nil } gotHttpDo := 0 var httpActorRequest *http.Request var httpDeliveryRequest *http.Request = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { gotHttpDo++ if gotHttpDo == 1 { httpActorRequest = req actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(sallyActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 2 { httpDeliveryRequest = req okResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), } return okResp, nil } return nil, nil } gotDoDelivery := 0 var doDeliveryURL *url.URL var bytesToSend []byte = func(b []byte, u *url.URL, toDo func(b []byte, u *url.URL) error) { gotDoDelivery++ doDeliveryURL = u bytesToSend = b if err := toDo(b, u); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error in MockDeliverer.Do: %s", err) } } gotOwns := 0 var ownsIRI *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ ownsIRI = id return true } gotGet := 0 var getIRI *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } gotGet++ getIRI = id samActor := &vocab.Person{} samActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) samActor.SetId(samIRI) samActor.SetFollowersCollection(&vocab.Collection{}) return samActor, nil } gotSet := 0 var setObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { setObject = o } return nil } expected := &vocab.Accept{} expected.AppendObject(testFollow) expected.AppendToIRI(sallyIRI) expectedFollowers := &vocab.Collection{} expectedFollowers.AppendItemsIRI(sallyIRI) expectedActor := &vocab.Person{} expectedActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) expectedActor.SetId(samIRI) expectedActor.SetFollowersCollection(expectedFollowers) handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOnFollow != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOnFollow) } else if gotNewSigner != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotNewSigner) } else if gotPrivateKey != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotPrivateKey) } else if s := gotPrivateKeyIRI.String(); s != testInboxURI { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", testInboxURI, s) } else if gotHttpDo != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotHttpDo) } else if s := httpActorRequest.URL.String(); s != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIString, s) } else if s := httpDeliveryRequest.URL.String(); s != sallyIRIInboxString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIInboxString, s) } else if gotDoDelivery != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotDoDelivery) } else if doDeliveryURL.String() != sallyIRIInboxString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIInboxString, doDeliveryURL.String()) } else if err := VocabEquals(bytes.NewBuffer(bytesToSend), expected); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if ownsIRI.String() != samIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIString, ownsIRI.String()) } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if getIRI.String() != samIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIString, getIRI.String()) } else if gotSet != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(setObject, expectedActor); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestPostInbox_Follow_AutoAcceptDefaultFollowersOrderedCollection(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testFollow)))) gotOnFollow := 0 fedApp.onFollow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) FollowResponse { gotOnFollow++ return AutomaticAccept } gotNewSigner := 0 fedApp.newSigner = func() (httpsig.Signer, error) { gotNewSigner++ s, _, err := httpsig.NewSigner([]httpsig.Algorithm{httpsig.RSA_SHA256}, nil, httpsig.Signature) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return s, err } gotPrivateKey := 0 var gotPrivateKeyIRI *url.URL fedApp.privateKey = func(boxIRI *url.URL) (crypto.PrivateKey, string, error) { gotPrivateKey++ gotPrivateKeyIRI = boxIRI return testPrivateKey, testPublicKeyId, nil } fedCb.follow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) error { return nil } gotHttpDo := 0 var httpActorRequest *http.Request var httpDeliveryRequest *http.Request = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { gotHttpDo++ if gotHttpDo == 1 { httpActorRequest = req actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(sallyActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 2 { httpDeliveryRequest = req okResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), } return okResp, nil } return nil, nil } gotDoDelivery := 0 var doDeliveryURL *url.URL var bytesToSend []byte = func(b []byte, u *url.URL, toDo func(b []byte, u *url.URL) error) { gotDoDelivery++ doDeliveryURL = u bytesToSend = b if err := toDo(b, u); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error in MockDeliverer.Do: %s", err) } } gotOwns := 0 var ownsIRI *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ ownsIRI = id return true } gotGet := 0 var getIRI *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } gotGet++ getIRI = id samActor := &vocab.Person{} samActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) samActor.SetId(samIRI) return samActor, nil } gotSet := 0 var setObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { setObject = o } return nil } expected := &vocab.Accept{} expected.AppendObject(testFollow) expected.AppendToIRI(sallyIRI) expectedFollowers := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} expectedFollowers.AppendOrderedItemsIRI(sallyIRI) expectedActor := &vocab.Person{} expectedActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) expectedActor.SetId(samIRI) expectedActor.SetFollowersOrderedCollection(expectedFollowers) handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOnFollow != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOnFollow) } else if gotNewSigner != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotNewSigner) } else if gotPrivateKey != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotPrivateKey) } else if s := gotPrivateKeyIRI.String(); s != testInboxURI { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", testInboxURI, s) } else if gotHttpDo != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotHttpDo) } else if s := httpActorRequest.URL.String(); s != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIString, s) } else if s := httpDeliveryRequest.URL.String(); s != sallyIRIInboxString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIInboxString, s) } else if gotDoDelivery != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotDoDelivery) } else if doDeliveryURL.String() != sallyIRIInboxString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIInboxString, doDeliveryURL.String()) } else if err := VocabEquals(bytes.NewBuffer(bytesToSend), expected); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if ownsIRI.String() != samIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIString, ownsIRI.String()) } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if getIRI.String() != samIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIString, getIRI.String()) } else if gotSet != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(setObject, expectedActor); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestPostInbox_Follow_DoesNotAddForAutoAcceptIfAlreadyPresent(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testFollow)))) fedApp.onFollow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) FollowResponse { return AutomaticAccept } fedApp.newSigner = func() (httpsig.Signer, error) { s, _, err := httpsig.NewSigner([]httpsig.Algorithm{httpsig.RSA_SHA256}, nil, httpsig.Signature) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return s, err } fedApp.privateKey = func(boxIRI *url.URL) (crypto.PrivateKey, string, error) { return testPrivateKey, testPublicKeyId, nil } fedCb.follow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) error { return nil } gotHttpDo := 0 = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { gotHttpDo++ if gotHttpDo == 1 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(sallyActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 2 { okResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), } return okResp, nil } return nil, nil } = func(b []byte, u *url.URL, toDo func(b []byte, u *url.URL) error) { if err := toDo(b, u); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error in MockDeliverer.Do: %s", err) } } app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { return true } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } followers := &vocab.Collection{} followers.AppendItemsIRI(sallyIRI) samActor := &vocab.Person{} samActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) samActor.SetId(samIRI) samActor.SetFollowersCollection(followers) return samActor, nil } gotSet := 0 var setObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { setObject = o } return nil } expectedFollowers := &vocab.Collection{} expectedFollowers.AppendItemsIRI(sallyIRI) expectedActor := &vocab.Person{} expectedActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) expectedActor.SetId(samIRI) expectedActor.SetFollowersCollection(expectedFollowers) handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotSet != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(setObject, expectedActor); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestPostInbox_Follow_AutoAcceptFollowersIsOrderedCollection(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testFollow)))) fedApp.onFollow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) FollowResponse { return AutomaticAccept } fedApp.newSigner = func() (httpsig.Signer, error) { s, _, err := httpsig.NewSigner([]httpsig.Algorithm{httpsig.RSA_SHA256}, nil, httpsig.Signature) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return s, err } fedApp.privateKey = func(boxIRI *url.URL) (crypto.PrivateKey, string, error) { return testPrivateKey, testPublicKeyId, nil } fedCb.follow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) error { return nil } gotHttpDo := 0 = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { gotHttpDo++ if gotHttpDo == 1 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(sallyActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 2 { okResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), } return okResp, nil } return nil, nil } = func(b []byte, u *url.URL, toDo func(b []byte, u *url.URL) error) { if err := toDo(b, u); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error in MockDeliverer.Do: %s", err) } } app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { return true } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } samActor := &vocab.Person{} samActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) samActor.SetId(samIRI) samActor.SetFollowersOrderedCollection(&vocab.OrderedCollection{}) return samActor, nil } gotSet := 0 var setObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { setObject = o } return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expectedFollowers := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} expectedFollowers.AppendOrderedItemsIRI(sallyIRI) expectedActor := &vocab.Person{} expectedActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) expectedActor.SetId(samIRI) expectedActor.SetFollowersOrderedCollection(expectedFollowers) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if err := PubObjectEquals(setObject, expectedActor); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestPostInbox_Follow_AutoAcceptFollowersIsIRI(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testFollow)))) fedApp.onFollow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) FollowResponse { return AutomaticAccept } fedApp.newSigner = func() (httpsig.Signer, error) { s, _, err := httpsig.NewSigner([]httpsig.Algorithm{httpsig.RSA_SHA256}, nil, httpsig.Signature) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return s, err } fedApp.privateKey = func(boxIRI *url.URL) (crypto.PrivateKey, string, error) { return testPrivateKey, testPublicKeyId, nil } fedCb.follow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) error { return nil } gotHttpDo := 0 = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { gotHttpDo++ if gotHttpDo == 1 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(sallyActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 2 { okResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), } return okResp, nil } return nil, nil } = func(b []byte, u *url.URL, toDo func(b []byte, u *url.URL) error) { if err := toDo(b, u); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error in MockDeliverer.Do: %s", err) } } app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { return true } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } if *id == *samIRI { samActor := &vocab.Person{} samActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) samActor.SetId(samIRI) samActor.SetFollowersAnyURI(testNewIRI) return samActor, nil } else if *id == *testNewIRI { return &vocab.Collection{}, nil } t.Fatalf("unexpected get(%s)", id) return nil, nil } gotSet := 0 var setObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { setObject = o } return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expectedFollowers := &vocab.Collection{} expectedFollowers.AppendItemsIRI(sallyIRI) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if err := PubObjectEquals(setObject, expectedFollowers); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestPostInbox_Follow_DoesNotAutoAcceptIfNotOwned(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testFollow)))) fedApp.onFollow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) FollowResponse { return AutomaticAccept } fedCb.follow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) error { return nil } app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { return false } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } } func TestPostInbox_Follow_DoesNotAutoRejectIfNotOwned(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testFollow)))) fedApp.onFollow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) FollowResponse { return AutomaticReject } fedCb.follow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) error { return nil } app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { return false } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } } func TestPostInbox_Follow_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testFollow)))) fedApp.onFollow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) FollowResponse { return DoNothing } gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Follow fedCb.follow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testFollow); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostInbox_Accept_DoesNothingIfNotAcceptingFollow(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAcceptNote)))) fedCb.accept = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Accept) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } } func TestPostInbox_Accept_AcceptFollowAddsToFollowersIfOwned(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAcceptFollow)))) gotOwns := 0 var ownsIRI *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ ownsIRI = id return true } gotGet := 0 var getIRI *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } gotGet++ getIRI = id sallyActor := &vocab.Person{} sallyActor.SetInboxAnyURI(sallyIRIInbox) sallyActor.SetId(sallyIRI) sallyActor.SetFollowingCollection(&vocab.Collection{}) return sallyActor, nil } gotSet := 0 var setObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { setObject = o } return nil } fedCb.accept = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Accept) error { return nil } expectedFollowing := &vocab.Collection{} expectedFollowing.AppendItemsIRI(samIRI) expectedActor := &vocab.Person{} expectedActor.SetInboxAnyURI(sallyIRIInbox) expectedActor.SetId(sallyIRI) expectedActor.SetFollowingCollection(expectedFollowing) handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if ownsIRI.String() != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIString, ownsIRI.String()) } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if getIRI.String() != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIString, getIRI.String()) } else if gotSet != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(setObject, expectedActor); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestPostInbox_Accept_AcceptFollowAddsToDefaultFollowersOrderedCollection(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAcceptFollow)))) gotOwns := 0 var ownsIRI *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ ownsIRI = id return true } gotGet := 0 var getIRI *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } gotGet++ getIRI = id sallyActor := &vocab.Person{} sallyActor.SetInboxAnyURI(sallyIRIInbox) sallyActor.SetId(sallyIRI) return sallyActor, nil } gotSet := 0 var setObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { setObject = o } return nil } fedCb.accept = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Accept) error { return nil } expectedFollowing := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} expectedFollowing.AppendOrderedItemsIRI(samIRI) expectedActor := &vocab.Person{} expectedActor.SetInboxAnyURI(sallyIRIInbox) expectedActor.SetId(sallyIRI) expectedActor.SetFollowingOrderedCollection(expectedFollowing) handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if ownsIRI.String() != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIString, ownsIRI.String()) } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if getIRI.String() != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIString, getIRI.String()) } else if gotSet != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(setObject, expectedActor); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestPostInbox_Accept_AcceptFollowDoesNotAddIfAlreadyInCollection(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAcceptFollow)))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { return true } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { following := &vocab.Collection{} following.AppendItemsIRI(samIRI) sallyActor := &vocab.Person{} sallyActor.SetInboxAnyURI(sallyIRIInbox) sallyActor.SetId(sallyIRI) sallyActor.SetFollowingCollection(following) return sallyActor, nil } gotSet := 0 var setObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { setObject = o } return nil } fedCb.accept = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Accept) error { return nil } expectedFollowing := &vocab.Collection{} expectedFollowing.AppendItemsIRI(samIRI) expectedActor := &vocab.Person{} expectedActor.SetInboxAnyURI(sallyIRIInbox) expectedActor.SetId(sallyIRI) expectedActor.SetFollowingCollection(expectedFollowing) handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotSet != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(setObject, expectedActor); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestPostInbox_Accept_AcceptFollowAddsToFollowersOrderedCollection(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAcceptFollow)))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { return true } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } sallyActor := &vocab.Person{} sallyActor.SetInboxAnyURI(sallyIRIInbox) sallyActor.SetId(sallyIRI) sallyActor.SetFollowingOrderedCollection(&vocab.OrderedCollection{}) return sallyActor, nil } gotSet := 0 var setObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { setObject = o } return nil } fedCb.accept = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Accept) error { return nil } expectedFollowing := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} expectedFollowing.AppendOrderedItemsIRI(samIRI) expectedActor := &vocab.Person{} expectedActor.SetInboxAnyURI(sallyIRIInbox) expectedActor.SetId(sallyIRI) expectedActor.SetFollowingOrderedCollection(expectedFollowing) handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if err := PubObjectEquals(setObject, expectedActor); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestPostInbox_Accept_AcceptFollowAddsToFollowersIRI(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAcceptFollow)))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { return true } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } if *id == *sallyIRI { sallyActor := &vocab.Person{} sallyActor.SetInboxAnyURI(sallyIRIInbox) sallyActor.SetId(sallyIRI) sallyActor.SetFollowingAnyURI(sallyFollowingIRI) return sallyActor, nil } else if *id == *sallyFollowingIRI { return &vocab.OrderedCollection{}, nil } t.Fatalf("unexpected get(%s)", id.String()) return nil, nil } gotSet := 0 var setObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { setObject = o } return nil } fedCb.accept = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Accept) error { return nil } expectedFollowing := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} expectedFollowing.AppendOrderedItemsIRI(samIRI) handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if err := PubObjectEquals(setObject, expectedFollowing); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestPostInbox_Accept_DoesNothingIfNotOwned(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAcceptFollow)))) gotOwns := 0 var ownsIRI *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ ownsIRI = id return false } fedCb.accept = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Accept) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if ownsIRI.String() != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", sallyIRIString, ownsIRI.String()) } } func TestPostInbox_Accept_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAcceptFollow)))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { return true } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { sallyActor := &vocab.Person{} sallyActor.SetInboxAnyURI(sallyIRIInbox) sallyActor.SetId(sallyIRI) sallyActor.SetFollowingCollection(&vocab.Collection{}) return sallyActor, nil } gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Accept fedCb.accept = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Accept) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } expectedFollowing := &vocab.Collection{} expectedFollowing.AppendItemsObject(samActor) handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testAcceptFollow); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostInbox_Reject_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testRejectFollow)))) gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Reject fedCb.reject = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Reject) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testRejectFollow); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostInbox_Add_DoesNotAddIfTargetNotOwned(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAddNote)))) gotOwns := 0 var gotOwnsId *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ gotOwnsId = id return false } fedCb.add = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Add) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if gotOwnsId.String() != iriString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", iriString, gotOwnsId.String()) } } func TestPostInbox_Add_AddIfTargetOwnedAndAppCanAdd(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAddNote)))) gotOwns := 0 var gotOwnsId *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ gotOwnsId = id return true } gotGet := 0 var gotGetId *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } gotGet++ gotGetId = id v := &vocab.Collection{} return v, nil } gotCanAdd := 0 var gotCanAddObject vocab.ObjectType var gotCanAddTarget vocab.ObjectType app.MockFederateApp.canAdd = func(c context.Context, o vocab.ObjectType, t vocab.ObjectType) bool { gotCanAdd++ gotCanAddObject = o gotCanAddTarget = t return true } gotSet := 0 var gotSetTarget PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, target PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetTarget = target } return nil } fedCb.add = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Add) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expected := &vocab.Collection{} expected.AppendItemsIRI(noteIRI) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if gotOwnsId.String() != iriString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", iriString, gotOwnsId.String()) } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if gotGetId.String() != iriString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", iriString, gotGetId.String()) } else if gotCanAdd != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCanAdd) } else if err := VocabSerializerEquals(gotCanAddObject, testNote); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if err := VocabSerializerEquals(gotCanAddTarget, expected); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if gotSet != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetTarget, expected); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestPostInbox_Add_DoesNotAddIfAppCannotAdd(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAddNote)))) gotOwns := 0 var gotOwnsId *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ gotOwnsId = id return true } gotGet := 0 var gotGetId *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { gotGet++ gotGetId = id v := &vocab.Collection{} return v, nil } gotCanAdd := 0 var gotCanAddObject vocab.ObjectType var gotCanAddTarget vocab.ObjectType app.MockFederateApp.canAdd = func(c context.Context, o vocab.ObjectType, t vocab.ObjectType) bool { gotCanAdd++ gotCanAddObject = o gotCanAddTarget = t return false } fedCb.add = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Add) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if gotOwnsId.String() != iriString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", iriString, gotOwnsId.String()) } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if gotGetId.String() != iriString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", iriString, gotGetId.String()) } else if gotCanAdd != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCanAdd) } else if err := VocabSerializerEquals(gotCanAddObject, testNote); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if err := VocabSerializerEquals(gotCanAddTarget, &vocab.Collection{}); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestPostInbox_Add_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAddNote)))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { return true } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { v := &vocab.Collection{} return v, nil } app.MockFederateApp.canAdd = func(c context.Context, o vocab.ObjectType, t vocab.ObjectType) bool { return true } gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Add fedCb.add = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Add) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testAddNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostInbox_Remove_DoesNotRemoveIfTargetNotOwned(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testRemoveNote)))) gotOwns := 0 var gotOwnsId *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ gotOwnsId = id return false } fedCb.remove = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Remove) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if gotOwnsId.String() != iriString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", iriString, gotOwnsId.String()) } } func TestPostInbox_Remove_RemoveIfTargetOwnedAndCanRemove(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testRemoveNote)))) gotOwns := 0 var gotOwnsId *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ gotOwnsId = id return true } gotGet := 0 var gotGetId *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } gotGet++ gotGetId = id v := &vocab.Collection{} v.AppendItemsObject(testNote) return v, nil } gotCanRemove := 0 var gotCanRemoveObject vocab.ObjectType var gotCanRemoveTarget vocab.ObjectType app.MockFederateApp.canRemove = func(c context.Context, o vocab.ObjectType, t vocab.ObjectType) bool { gotCanRemove++ gotCanRemoveObject = o gotCanRemoveTarget = t return true } gotSet := 0 var gotSetTarget PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, target PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetTarget = target } return nil } fedCb.remove = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Remove) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if gotOwnsId.String() != iriString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", iriString, gotOwnsId.String()) } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if gotGetId.String() != iriString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", iriString, gotGetId.String()) } else if gotCanRemove != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCanRemove) } else if err := VocabSerializerEquals(gotCanRemoveObject, testNote); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if err := VocabSerializerEquals(gotCanRemoveTarget, &vocab.Collection{}); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if gotSet != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetTarget, &vocab.Collection{}); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestPostInbox_Remove_DoesNotRemoveIfAppCannotRemove(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testRemoveNote)))) gotOwns := 0 var gotOwnsId *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ gotOwnsId = id return true } gotGet := 0 var gotGetId *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { gotGet++ gotGetId = id v := &vocab.Collection{} v.AppendItemsObject(testNote) return v, nil } gotCanRemove := 0 var gotCanRemoveObject vocab.ObjectType var gotCanRemoveTarget vocab.ObjectType app.MockFederateApp.canRemove = func(c context.Context, o vocab.ObjectType, t vocab.ObjectType) bool { gotCanRemove++ gotCanRemoveObject = o gotCanRemoveTarget = t return false } fedCb.remove = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Remove) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expected := &vocab.Collection{} expected.AppendItemsObject(testNote) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if gotOwnsId.String() != iriString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", iriString, gotOwnsId.String()) } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if gotGetId.String() != iriString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", iriString, gotGetId.String()) } else if gotCanRemove != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCanRemove) } else if err := VocabSerializerEquals(gotCanRemoveObject, testNote); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if err := VocabSerializerEquals(gotCanRemoveTarget, expected); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestPostInbox_Remove_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testRemoveNote)))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { return true } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { v := &vocab.Collection{} return v, nil } app.MockFederateApp.canRemove = func(c context.Context, o vocab.ObjectType, t vocab.ObjectType) bool { return true } gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Remove fedCb.remove = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Remove) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testRemoveNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostInbox_Like_AddsToLikeCollection(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testLikeNote)))) gotOwns := 0 var gotOwnsId *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ gotOwnsId = id return true } gotGet := 0 var gotGetId *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } gotGet++ gotGetId = id v := &vocab.Note{} v.SetId(noteIRI) v.AppendNameString(noteName) v.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") v.SetLikesCollection(&vocab.Collection{}) return v, nil } gotSet := 0 var gotSetObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, target PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetObject = target } return nil } = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Like) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expected := &vocab.Collection{} expected.AppendItemsIRI(noteActivityIRI) expectedNote := &vocab.Note{} expectedNote.SetId(noteIRI) expectedNote.AppendNameString(noteName) expectedNote.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") expectedNote.SetLikesCollection(expected) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if gotOwnsId.String() != noteURIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", noteURIString, gotOwnsId.String()) } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if gotGetId.String() != noteURIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", noteURIString, gotGetId.String()) } else if gotSet != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetObject, expectedNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostInbox_Like_AddsToDefaultOrderedCollection(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testLikeNote)))) gotOwns := 0 var gotOwnsId *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ gotOwnsId = id return true } gotGet := 0 var gotGetId *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } gotGet++ gotGetId = id v := &vocab.Note{} v.SetId(noteIRI) v.AppendNameString(noteName) v.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") return v, nil } gotSet := 0 var gotSetObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, target PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetObject = target } return nil } = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Like) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expected := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} expected.AppendOrderedItemsIRI(noteActivityIRI) expectedNote := &vocab.Note{} expectedNote.SetId(noteIRI) expectedNote.AppendNameString(noteName) expectedNote.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") expectedNote.SetLikesOrderedCollection(expected) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if gotOwnsId.String() != noteURIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", noteURIString, gotOwnsId.String()) } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if gotGetId.String() != noteURIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", noteURIString, gotGetId.String()) } else if gotSet != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetObject, expectedNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostInbox_Like_DoesNotAddLikeToCollectionIfAlreadyPresent(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testLikeNote)))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { return true } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { likes := &vocab.Collection{} likes.AppendItemsIRI(noteActivityIRI) v := &vocab.Note{} v.SetId(noteIRI) v.AppendNameString(noteName) v.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") v.SetLikesCollection(likes) return v, nil } gotSet := 0 var gotSetObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, target PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetObject = target } return nil } = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Like) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expected := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} expected.AppendOrderedItemsIRI(noteActivityIRI) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotSet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetObject, expected); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostInbox_Like_AddsToLikeOrderedCollection(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testLikeNote)))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { return true } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { v := &vocab.Note{} v.SetId(noteIRI) v.AppendNameString(noteName) v.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") v.SetLikesOrderedCollection(&vocab.OrderedCollection{}) return v, nil } gotSet := 0 var gotSetObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, target PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetObject = target } return nil } = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Like) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expected := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} expected.AppendOrderedItemsIRI(noteActivityIRI) expectedNote := &vocab.Note{} expectedNote.SetId(noteIRI) expectedNote.AppendNameString(noteName) expectedNote.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") expectedNote.SetLikesOrderedCollection(expected) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetObject, expectedNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostInbox_Like_AddsToLikeIRI(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testLikeNote)))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { return true } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if *id == *noteIRI { v := &vocab.Note{} v.SetId(noteIRI) v.AppendNameString(noteName) v.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") v.SetLikesAnyURI(testNewIRI) return v, nil } else if *id == *testNewIRI { return &vocab.OrderedCollection{}, nil } t.Fatalf("unexpected get(%s)", id) return nil, nil } gotSet := 0 var gotSetObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, target PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetObject = target } return nil } = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Like) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expected := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} expected.AppendOrderedItemsIRI(noteActivityIRI) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetObject, expected); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostInbox_Like_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testLikeNote)))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL) bool { return true } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { v := &vocab.Note{} v.SetId(noteIRI) v.AppendNameString(noteName) v.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") v.SetLikesCollection(&vocab.Collection{}) return v, nil } gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Like = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Like) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testLikeNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostInbox_Undo_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostInboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testInboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testUndoLike)))) gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Undo fedCb.undo = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Undo) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testUndoLike); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestGetInbox_RejectNonActivityPub(t *testing.T) { app, _, _, _, _, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", testInboxURI, nil) app.MockFederateApp.getInbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { return &vocab.OrderedCollection{}, nil } handled, err := p.GetInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if handled { t.Fatalf("expected !handled, got handled") } } func TestGetInbox_SetsContentTypeHeader(t *testing.T) { app, _, _, _, _, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("GET", testInboxURI, nil)) app.MockFederateApp.getInbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { return &vocab.OrderedCollection{}, nil } handled, err := p.GetInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if l := len(resp.HeaderMap["Content-Type"]); l != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, l) } else if h := resp.HeaderMap["Content-Type"][0]; h != responseContentTypeHeader { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", responseContentTypeHeader, h) } } func TestGetInbox_DeduplicateInboxItems(t *testing.T) { app, _, _, _, _, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("GET", testInboxURI, nil)) app.MockFederateApp.getInbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { v := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} v.AppendOrderedItemsObject(testCreateNote) v.AppendOrderedItemsObject(testCreateNote) v.AppendOrderedItemsObject(testUpdateNote) return v, nil } handled, err := p.GetInbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expected := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} expected.AppendOrderedItemsObject(testCreateNote) expected.AppendOrderedItemsObject(testUpdateNote) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if err := VocabEquals(resp.Body, expected); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_RejectNonActivityPub(t *testing.T) { _, _, _, _, _, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote))) handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if handled { t.Fatalf("expected !handled, got handled") } } func TestPostOutbox_RejectUnauthorized_NotSigned(t *testing.T) { _, socialApp, _, _, _, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote)))) socialApp.getSocialAPIVerifier = func(c context.Context) SocialAPIVerifier { return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if resp.Code != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusBadRequest, resp.Code) } } func TestPostOutbox_RejectUnauthenticatedUnauthorized(t *testing.T) { _, socialApp, _, _, _, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote)))) gotVerifyForOutbox := 0 socialApp.getSocialAPIVerifier = func(c context.Context) SocialAPIVerifier { mockV := &MockSocialAPIVerifier{ verifyForOutbox: func(r *http.Request, outbox *url.URL) (bool, bool, error) { gotVerifyForOutbox++ return false, false, nil }, } return mockV } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotVerifyForOutbox != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotVerifyForOutbox) } else if resp.Code != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusBadRequest, resp.Code) } } func TestPostOutbox_RejectAuthenticatedUnauthorized(t *testing.T) { _, socialApp, _, _, _, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote)))) gotVerifyForOutbox := 0 socialApp.getSocialAPIVerifier = func(c context.Context) SocialAPIVerifier { mockV := &MockSocialAPIVerifier{ verifyForOutbox: func(r *http.Request, outbox *url.URL) (bool, bool, error) { gotVerifyForOutbox++ return true, false, nil }, } return mockV } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotVerifyForOutbox != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotVerifyForOutbox) } else if resp.Code != http.StatusForbidden { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusForbidden, resp.Code) } } func TestPostOutbox_RejectFallback_Unauthorized_NotSigned(t *testing.T) { _, socialApp, _, _, _, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote)))) gotVerifyForOutbox := 0 socialApp.getSocialAPIVerifier = func(c context.Context) SocialAPIVerifier { mockV := &MockSocialAPIVerifier{ verifyForOutbox: func(r *http.Request, outbox *url.URL) (bool, bool, error) { gotVerifyForOutbox++ return false, true, nil }, } return mockV } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotVerifyForOutbox != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotVerifyForOutbox) } else if resp.Code != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusBadRequest, resp.Code) } } func TestPostOutbox_RejectFallback_Unauthorized_WrongSignature(t *testing.T) { _, socialApp, _, _, _, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := BadSignature(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote))))) gotVerifyForOutbox := 0 socialApp.getSocialAPIVerifier = func(c context.Context) SocialAPIVerifier { mockV := &MockSocialAPIVerifier{ verifyForOutbox: func(r *http.Request, outbox *url.URL) (bool, bool, error) { gotVerifyForOutbox++ return false, true, nil }, } return mockV } gotPublicKey := 0 var gotPublicKeyId string var gotBoxIRI *url.URL socialApp.getPublicKeyForOutbox = func(c context.Context, publicKeyId string, boxIRI *url.URL) (crypto.PublicKey, httpsig.Algorithm, error) { gotPublicKey++ gotPublicKeyId = publicKeyId gotBoxIRI = boxIRI return testPrivateKey.Public(), httpsig.RSA_SHA256, nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotVerifyForOutbox != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotVerifyForOutbox) } else if gotPublicKey != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotPublicKey) } else if gotPublicKeyId != testPublicKeyId { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", testPublicKeyId, gotPublicKeyId) } else if s := gotBoxIRI.String(); s != testOutboxURI { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", testOutboxURI, s) } else if resp.Code != http.StatusForbidden { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusForbidden, resp.Code) } } func TestPostOutbox_RejectUnauthorized_WrongSignature(t *testing.T) { _, socialApp, _, _, _, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := BadSignature(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote))))) gotSocialAPIVerifier := 0 socialApp.getSocialAPIVerifier = func(c context.Context) SocialAPIVerifier { gotSocialAPIVerifier++ return nil } gotPublicKey := 0 var gotPublicKeyId string var gotBoxIRI *url.URL socialApp.getPublicKeyForOutbox = func(c context.Context, publicKeyId string, boxIRI *url.URL) (crypto.PublicKey, httpsig.Algorithm, error) { gotPublicKey++ gotPublicKeyId = publicKeyId gotBoxIRI = boxIRI return testPrivateKey.Public(), httpsig.RSA_SHA256, nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotSocialAPIVerifier != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotSocialAPIVerifier) } else if gotPublicKey != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotPublicKey) } else if gotPublicKeyId != testPublicKeyId { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", testPublicKeyId, gotPublicKeyId) } else if s := gotBoxIRI.String(); s != testOutboxURI { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", testOutboxURI, s) } else if resp.Code != http.StatusForbidden { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", http.StatusForbidden, resp.Code) } } func TestPostOutbox_WrapInCreateActivity(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) // Raw Note rawNote := &vocab.Note{} rawNote.SetId(noteIRI) rawNote.AppendNameString(noteName) rawNote.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") rawNote.AppendToObject(samActor) // Expected result expectedNote := &vocab.Note{} expectedNote.SetId(testNewIRI2) expectedNote.AppendNameString(noteName) expectedNote.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") expectedNote.AppendToObject(samActor) expectedNote.AppendAttributedToIRI(sallyIRI) expectedCreate := &vocab.Create{} expectedCreate.SetId(testNewIRI) expectedCreate.AppendActorIRI(sallyIRI) expectedCreate.AppendObject(expectedNote) expectedCreate.AppendToIRI(samIRI) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(rawNote))))) gotActorIRI := 0 socialApp.actorIRI = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request) (*url.URL, error) { gotActorIRI++ return sallyIRI, nil } gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Create socialCb.create = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Create) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotActorIRI != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotActorIRI) } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), expectedCreate); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_RequiresObject(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string input func() vocab.Serializer }{ { name: "create", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Create{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendSummaryString("Sally created a note") v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v }, }, { name: "update", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Update{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendSummaryString("Sally updated a note") v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v }, }, { name: "delete", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Delete{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v }, }, { name: "follow", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Follow{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v }, }, { name: "add", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Add{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) v.AppendTargetObject(testNote) return v }, }, { name: "remove", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Remove{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) v.AppendTargetObject(testNote) return v }, }, { name: "like", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Like{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v }, }, { name: "block", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Block{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v }, }, { name: "undo", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Undo{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v }, }, } app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) for _, test := range tests { t.Logf("Running table test case %q", resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(test.input()))))) handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if resp.Code != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Fatalf("(%s) expected %d, got %d",, http.StatusBadRequest, resp.Code) } else if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("(%s) expected handled, got !handled", } } } func TestPostOutbox_RequiresTarget(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string input func() vocab.Serializer }{ { name: "add", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Add{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) v.AppendObject(testNote) return v }, }, { name: "remove", input: func() vocab.Serializer { v := &vocab.Remove{} v.SetId(noteActivityIRI) v.AppendActorObject(sallyActor) v.AppendToObject(samActor) v.AppendObject(testNote) return v }, }, } app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) for _, test := range tests { t.Logf("Running table test case %q", resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(test.input()))))) handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if resp.Code != http.StatusBadRequest { t.Fatalf("(%s) expected %d, got %d",, http.StatusBadRequest, resp.Code) } else if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("(%s) expected handled, got !handled", } } } func TestPostOutbox_Create_CopyToAttributedTo(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote))))) gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Create socialCb.create = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Create) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if e := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testClientExpectedCreateNote); e != nil { t.Fatal(e) } } func TestPostOutbox_Create_SetCreatedObject(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote))))) socialCb.create = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Create) error { return nil } gotSet := 0 var gotSetOutbox PubObject var gotSetActivity PubObject var gotSetCreate PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetCreate = o } else if gotSet == 2 { gotSetActivity = o } else if gotSet == 3 { gotSetOutbox = o } return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expectedOutbox := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} expectedOutbox.AppendType("OrderedCollection") expectedOutbox.AppendOrderedItemsIRI(testClientExpectedCreateNote.GetId()) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotSet != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetCreate, testClientExpectedNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetActivity, testClientExpectedCreateNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetOutbox, expectedOutbox); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Create_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote))))) gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Create socialCb.create = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Create) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testClientExpectedCreateNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Create_IsDelivered(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote))))) socialCb.create = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Create) error { return nil } gotHttpDo := 0 var httpDeliveryRequest *http.Request = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { gotHttpDo++ if gotHttpDo == 1 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(samActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 2 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(sallyActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 3 { httpDeliveryRequest = req okResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), } return okResp, nil } return nil, nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotHttpDo != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotHttpDo) } else if httpDeliveryRequest.Method != "POST" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "POST", httpDeliveryRequest.Method) } else if s := httpDeliveryRequest.URL.String(); s != samIRIInboxString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIInboxString, s) } } func TestPostOutbox_Update_DeleteSubFields(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(testDeleteSubFields))))) socialCb.update = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Update) error { return nil } gotGet := 0 app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { gotGet++ if *id != *noteIRI { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", noteIRI, id) } samActor := &vocab.Person{} samActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) samActor.SetId(samIRI) samActor.AppendNameString("Sam") v := &vocab.Note{} v.SetId(noteIRI) v.AppendNameString(noteName) v.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v, nil } gotSet := 0 var gotSetObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, p PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetObject = p } return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expectedSamActor := &vocab.Person{} expectedSamActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) expectedSamActor.SetId(samIRI) expectedUpdatedNote := &vocab.Note{} expectedUpdatedNote.SetId(noteIRI) expectedUpdatedNote.AppendNameString(noteName) expectedUpdatedNote.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") expectedUpdatedNote.AppendToObject(expectedSamActor) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if gotSet != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetObject, expectedUpdatedNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected set object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Update_DeleteFields(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(testDeleteFields))))) socialCb.update = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Update) error { return nil } gotGet := 0 app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } gotGet++ if *id != *noteIRI { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", noteIRI, id) } samActor := &vocab.Person{} samActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) samActor.SetId(samIRI) samActor.AppendNameString("Sam") v := &vocab.Note{} v.SetId(noteIRI) v.AppendNameString(noteName) v.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v, nil } gotSet := 0 var gotSetObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, p PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetObject = p } return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expectedUpdatedNote := &vocab.Note{} expectedUpdatedNote.SetId(noteIRI) expectedUpdatedNote.AppendNameString(noteName) expectedUpdatedNote.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if gotSet != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetObject, expectedUpdatedNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected set object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Update_DeleteSubFieldsMultipleObjects(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(testDeleteFieldsDifferentObjects))))) socialCb.update = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Update) error { return nil } gotGet := 0 app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { gotGet++ var v *vocab.Note if *id == *noteIRI { samActor := &vocab.Person{} samActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) samActor.SetId(samIRI) samActor.AppendNameString("Sam") v = &vocab.Note{} v.SetId(noteIRI) v.AppendNameString(noteName) v.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") v.AppendToObject(samActor) } else if *id == *updateActivityIRI { samActor := &vocab.Person{} samActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) samActor.SetId(samIRI) samActor.AppendNameString("Sam") v = &vocab.Note{} v.SetId(updateActivityIRI) v.AppendNameString(noteName) v.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") v.AppendToObject(samActor) } else { t.Fatalf("unexpected app.MockFederateApp.Get id: %s", id) } return v, nil } gotSet := 0 var gotSetObject PubObject var gotSetObject2 PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, p PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetObject = p } else if gotSet == 2 { gotSetObject2 = p } return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expectedSamActor := &vocab.Person{} expectedSamActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) expectedSamActor.SetId(samIRI) expectedUpdatedNote := &vocab.Note{} expectedUpdatedNote.SetId(noteIRI) expectedUpdatedNote.AppendNameString(noteName) expectedUpdatedNote.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") expectedUpdatedNote.AppendToObject(expectedSamActor) expectedUpdatedNote2 := &vocab.Note{} expectedUpdatedNote2.SetId(updateActivityIRI) expectedUpdatedNote2.AppendNameString(noteName) expectedUpdatedNote2.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") expectedUpdatedNote2.AppendToObject(expectedSamActor) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotGet != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 2, gotGet) } else if gotSet != 4 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 4, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetObject, expectedUpdatedNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected set object: %s", err) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetObject2, expectedUpdatedNote2); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected set object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Update_OverwriteUpdatedFields(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testClientUpdateNote))))) socialCb.update = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Update) error { return nil } gotGet := 0 app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { gotGet++ if *id != *noteIRI { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", noteIRI, id) } samActor := &vocab.Person{} samActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) samActor.SetId(samIRI) samActor.AppendNameString("Sam") v := &vocab.Note{} v.SetId(noteIRI) v.AppendNameString(noteName) v.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v, nil } gotSet := 0 var gotSetObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, p PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetObject = p } return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) samActor := &vocab.Person{} samActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) samActor.SetId(samIRI) samActor.AppendNameString("Samm") expectedUpdatedNote := &vocab.Note{} expectedUpdatedNote.SetId(noteIRI) expectedUpdatedNote.AppendNameString(noteName) expectedUpdatedNote.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") expectedUpdatedNote.AppendToObject(samActor) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if gotSet != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetObject, expectedUpdatedNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected set object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Update_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testUpdateNote))))) gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Update socialCb.update = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Update) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { samActor := &vocab.Person{} samActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) samActor.SetId(samIRI) samActor.AppendNameString("Sam") v := &vocab.Note{} v.SetId(noteIRI) v.AppendNameString(noteName) v.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v, nil } app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, p PubObject) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testClientExpectedUpdateNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Update_IsDelivered(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testUpdateNote))))) socialCb.update = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Update) error { return nil } gotHttpDo := 0 var httpDeliveryRequest *http.Request = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { gotHttpDo++ if gotHttpDo == 1 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(samActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 2 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(sallyActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 3 { httpDeliveryRequest = req okResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), } return okResp, nil } return nil, nil } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { samActor := &vocab.Person{} samActor.SetInboxAnyURI(samIRIInbox) samActor.SetId(samIRI) samActor.AppendNameString("Sam") v := &vocab.Note{} v.SetId(noteIRI) v.AppendNameString(noteName) v.AppendContentString("This is a simple note") v.AppendToObject(samActor) return v, nil } app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, p PubObject) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotHttpDo != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotHttpDo) } else if httpDeliveryRequest.Method != "POST" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "POST", httpDeliveryRequest.Method) } else if s := httpDeliveryRequest.URL.String(); s != samIRIInboxString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIInboxString, s) } } func TestPostOutbox_Delete_SetsTombstone(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testDeleteNote))))) socialCb.delete = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Delete) error { return nil } gotGet := 0 app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } gotGet++ if *id != *noteIRI { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", noteIRI, id) } v := &vocab.Note{} v.AppendType("Note") v.SetId(noteIRI) v.SetPublished(testPublishedTime) v.SetUpdated(testUpdateTime) return v, nil } gotSet := 0 var gotSetObject PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, p PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetObject = p } return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expectedTombstone := &vocab.Tombstone{} expectedTombstone.SetId(noteIRI) expectedTombstone.SetPublished(testPublishedTime) expectedTombstone.SetUpdated(testUpdateTime) expectedTombstone.SetDeleted(now) expectedTombstone.AppendFormerTypeString("Note") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if gotSet != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetObject, expectedTombstone); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected set object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Delete_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testDeleteNote))))) gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Delete socialCb.delete = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Delete) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { return testNote, nil } app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, p PubObject) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testClientExpectedDeleteNote); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Delete_IsDelivered(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testDeleteNote))))) socialCb.delete = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Delete) error { return nil } gotHttpDo := 0 var httpDeliveryRequest *http.Request = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { gotHttpDo++ if gotHttpDo == 1 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(samActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 2 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(sallyActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 3 { httpDeliveryRequest = req okResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), } return okResp, nil } return nil, nil } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, id *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { return testNote, nil } app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, p PubObject) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotHttpDo != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotHttpDo) } else if httpDeliveryRequest.Method != "POST" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "POST", httpDeliveryRequest.Method) } else if s := httpDeliveryRequest.URL.String(); s != samIRIInboxString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIInboxString, s) } } func TestPostOutbox_Follow_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testFollow))))) gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Follow socialCb.follow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testClientExpectedFollow); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Follow_IsDelivered(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testFollow))))) socialCb.follow = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Follow) error { return nil } gotHttpDo := 0 var httpDeliveryRequest *http.Request = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { gotHttpDo++ if gotHttpDo == 1 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(samActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 2 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(sallyActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 3 { httpDeliveryRequest = req okResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), } return okResp, nil } return nil, nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotHttpDo != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotHttpDo) } else if httpDeliveryRequest.Method != "POST" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "POST", httpDeliveryRequest.Method) } else if s := httpDeliveryRequest.URL.String(); s != samIRIInboxString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIInboxString, s) } } func TestPostOutbox_Accept_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAcceptFollow))))) gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Accept socialCb.accept = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Accept) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testClientExpectedAcceptFollow); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Accept_IsDelivered(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAcceptFollow))))) socialCb.accept = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Accept) error { return nil } gotHttpDo := 0 var httpDeliveryRequest *http.Request = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { gotHttpDo++ if gotHttpDo == 1 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(samActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 2 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(sallyActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 3 { httpDeliveryRequest = req okResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), } return okResp, nil } return nil, nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotHttpDo != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotHttpDo) } else if httpDeliveryRequest.Method != "POST" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "POST", httpDeliveryRequest.Method) } else if s := httpDeliveryRequest.URL.String(); s != samIRIInboxString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIInboxString, s) } } func TestPostOutbox_Reject_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testRejectFollow))))) gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Reject socialCb.reject = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Reject) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testClientExpectedRejectFollow); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Reject_IsDelivered(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testRejectFollow))))) socialCb.reject = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Reject) error { return nil } gotHttpDo := 0 var httpDeliveryRequest *http.Request = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { gotHttpDo++ if gotHttpDo == 1 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(samActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 2 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(sallyActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 3 { httpDeliveryRequest = req okResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), } return okResp, nil } return nil, nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotHttpDo != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotHttpDo) } else if httpDeliveryRequest.Method != "POST" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "POST", httpDeliveryRequest.Method) } else if s := httpDeliveryRequest.URL.String(); s != samIRIInboxString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIInboxString, s) } } func TestPostOutbox_Add_DoesNotAddIfTargetNotOwned(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAddNote))))) gotOwns := 0 var gotOwnsIri *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ gotOwnsIri = iri return false } socialCb.add = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Add) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if ownsIri := gotOwnsIri.String(); ownsIri != iriString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", iriString, ownsIri) } } func TestPostOutbox_Add_AddsIfTargetOwnedAndAppCanAdd(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAddNote))))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL) bool { return true } gotGet := 0 var gotGetIri *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } gotGet++ gotGetIri = iri col := &vocab.Collection{} col.AppendType("Collection") return col, nil } gotCanAdd := 0 var canAddObj vocab.ObjectType var canAddTarget vocab.ObjectType app.MockFederateApp.canAdd = func(c context.Context, obj vocab.ObjectType, t vocab.ObjectType) bool { gotCanAdd++ canAddObj = obj canAddTarget = t return true } gotSet := 0 var gotSetObj PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, t PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetObj = t } return nil } socialCb.add = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Add) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expectedTarget := &vocab.Collection{} expectedTarget.AppendType("Collection") expectedTarget.AppendItemsIRI(noteIRI) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if getIri := gotGetIri.String(); getIri != iriString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", iriString, getIri) } else if gotCanAdd != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCanAdd) } else if err := VocabSerializerEquals(canAddTarget, expectedTarget); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if err := VocabSerializerEquals(canAddObj, testNote); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if gotSet != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetObj, expectedTarget); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected set object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Add_DoesNotAddIfAppCannotAdd(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAddNote))))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL) bool { return true } gotGet := 0 var gotGetIri *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { gotGet++ gotGetIri = iri col := &vocab.Collection{} col.AppendType("Collection") return col, nil } gotCanAdd := 0 var canAddObj vocab.ObjectType var canAddTarget vocab.ObjectType app.MockFederateApp.canAdd = func(c context.Context, obj vocab.ObjectType, t vocab.ObjectType) bool { gotCanAdd++ canAddObj = obj canAddTarget = t return false } socialCb.add = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Add) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expectedTarget := &vocab.Collection{} expectedTarget.AppendType("Collection") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if getIri := gotGetIri.String(); getIri != iriString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", iriString, getIri) } else if gotCanAdd != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCanAdd) } else if err := VocabSerializerEquals(canAddTarget, expectedTarget); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if err := VocabSerializerEquals(canAddObj, testNote); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Add_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAddNote))))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL) bool { return false } gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Add socialCb.add = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Add) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testClientExpectedAdd); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Add_IsDelivered(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testAddNote))))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL) bool { return false } socialCb.add = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Add) error { return nil } gotHttpDo := 0 var httpDeliveryRequest *http.Request = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { gotHttpDo++ if gotHttpDo == 1 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(samActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 2 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(sallyActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 3 { httpDeliveryRequest = req okResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), } return okResp, nil } return nil, nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotHttpDo != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotHttpDo) } else if httpDeliveryRequest.Method != "POST" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "POST", httpDeliveryRequest.Method) } else if s := httpDeliveryRequest.URL.String(); s != samIRIInboxString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIInboxString, s) } } func TestPostOutbox_Remove_DoesNotRemoveIfTargetNotOwned(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testRemoveNote))))) gotOwns := 0 var gotOwnsIri *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ gotOwnsIri = iri return false } socialCb.remove = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Remove) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if ownsIri := gotOwnsIri.String(); ownsIri != iriString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", iriString, ownsIri) } } func TestPostOutbox_Remove_RemoveIfTargetOwnedAndCanRemove(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testRemoveNote))))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL) bool { return true } gotGet := 0 var gotGetIri *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { gotGet++ gotGetIri = iri col := &vocab.Collection{} col.AppendType("Collection") col.AppendItemsObject(testNote) return col, nil } gotCanRemove := 0 var canRemoveObj vocab.ObjectType var canRemoveTarget vocab.ObjectType app.MockFederateApp.canRemove = func(c context.Context, obj vocab.ObjectType, t vocab.ObjectType) bool { gotCanRemove++ canRemoveObj = obj canRemoveTarget = t return true } gotSet := 0 var gotSetObj PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, t PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetObj = t } return nil } socialCb.remove = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Remove) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expectedTarget := &vocab.Collection{} expectedTarget.AppendType("Collection") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if getIri := gotGetIri.String(); getIri != iriString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", iriString, getIri) } else if gotCanRemove != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCanRemove) } else if err := VocabSerializerEquals(canRemoveTarget, expectedTarget); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if err := VocabSerializerEquals(canRemoveObj, testNote); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if gotSet != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetObj, expectedTarget); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected set object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Remove_DoesNotRemoveIfAppCannotRemove(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testRemoveNote))))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL) bool { return true } gotGet := 0 var gotGetIri *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { gotGet++ gotGetIri = iri col := &vocab.Collection{} col.AppendType("Collection") col.AppendItemsObject(testNote) return col, nil } gotCanRemove := 0 var canRemoveObj vocab.ObjectType var canRemoveTarget vocab.ObjectType app.MockFederateApp.canRemove = func(c context.Context, obj vocab.ObjectType, t vocab.ObjectType) bool { gotCanRemove++ canRemoveObj = obj canRemoveTarget = t return false } socialCb.remove = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Remove) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expectedTarget := &vocab.Collection{} expectedTarget.AppendType("Collection") expectedTarget.AppendItemsObject(testNote) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if getIri := gotGetIri.String(); getIri != iriString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", iriString, getIri) } else if gotCanRemove != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCanRemove) } else if err := VocabSerializerEquals(canRemoveTarget, expectedTarget); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if err := VocabSerializerEquals(canRemoveObj, testNote); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Remove_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testRemoveNote))))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL) bool { return false } gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Remove socialCb.remove = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Remove) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testClientExpectedRemove); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Remove_IsDelivered(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testRemoveNote))))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL) bool { return false } socialCb.remove = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Remove) error { return nil } gotHttpDo := 0 var httpDeliveryRequest *http.Request = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { gotHttpDo++ if gotHttpDo == 1 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(samActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 2 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(sallyActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 3 { httpDeliveryRequest = req okResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), } return okResp, nil } return nil, nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotHttpDo != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotHttpDo) } else if httpDeliveryRequest.Method != "POST" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "POST", httpDeliveryRequest.Method) } else if s := httpDeliveryRequest.URL.String(); s != samIRIInboxString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIInboxString, s) } } func TestPostOutbox_Like_AddsToLikedCollection(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testLikeNote))))) gotOwns := 0 var gotOwnsIri *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ gotOwnsIri = iri return true } gotGet := 0 var gotGetIri *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } gotGet++ gotGetIri = iri v := &vocab.Person{} v.AppendNameString("Sally") v.SetId(sallyIRI) v.SetLikedCollection(&vocab.Collection{}) return v, nil } gotSet := 0 var gotSetObj PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetObj = o } return nil } = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Like) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expectedLikes := &vocab.Collection{} expectedLikes.AppendItemsIRI(noteIRI) expectedActor := &vocab.Person{} expectedActor.AppendNameString("Sally") expectedActor.SetId(sallyIRI) expectedActor.SetLikedCollection(expectedLikes) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if gotOwnsString := gotOwnsIri.String(); gotOwnsString != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", noteURIString, sallyIRIString) } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if gotGetString := gotGetIri.String(); gotGetString != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", noteURIString, sallyIRIString) } else if gotSet != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetObj, expectedActor); err != nil { t.Fatalf("set obj: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Like_AddsToDefaultOrderedCollection(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testLikeNote))))) gotOwns := 0 var gotOwnsIri *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ gotOwnsIri = iri return true } gotGet := 0 var gotGetIri *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { if rw != ReadWrite { t.Fatalf("expected RWType of %v, got %v", ReadWrite, rw) } gotGet++ gotGetIri = iri v := &vocab.Person{} v.AppendNameString("Sally") v.SetId(sallyIRI) return v, nil } gotSet := 0 var gotSetObj PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetObj = o } return nil } = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Like) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expectedLikes := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} expectedLikes.AppendOrderedItemsIRI(noteIRI) expectedActor := &vocab.Person{} expectedActor.AppendNameString("Sally") expectedActor.SetId(sallyIRI) expectedActor.SetLikedOrderedCollection(expectedLikes) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if gotOwnsString := gotOwnsIri.String(); gotOwnsString != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", noteURIString, sallyIRIString) } else if gotGet != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotGet) } else if gotGetString := gotGetIri.String(); gotGetString != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", noteURIString, sallyIRIString) } else if gotSet != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetObj, expectedActor); err != nil { t.Fatalf("set obj: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Like_DoesNotAddIfAlreadyLiked(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testLikeNote))))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL) bool { return true } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { liked := &vocab.Collection{} liked.AppendItemsIRI(noteIRI) v := &vocab.Person{} v.AppendNameString("Sally") v.SetId(sallyIRI) v.SetLikedCollection(liked) return v, nil } gotSet := 0 var gotSetObj PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetObj = o } return nil } = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Like) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expectedLikes := &vocab.Collection{} expectedLikes.AppendItemsIRI(noteIRI) expectedActor := &vocab.Person{} expectedActor.AppendNameString("Sally") expectedActor.SetId(sallyIRI) expectedActor.SetLikedCollection(expectedLikes) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotSet != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotSet) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetObj, expectedActor); err != nil { t.Fatalf("set obj: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Like_AddsToLikedOrderedCollection(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testLikeNote))))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL) bool { return true } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { v := &vocab.Person{} v.AppendNameString("Sally") v.SetId(sallyIRI) v.SetLikedOrderedCollection(&vocab.OrderedCollection{}) return v, nil } gotSet := 0 var gotSetObj PubObject app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { gotSet++ if gotSet == 1 { gotSetObj = o } return nil } = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Like) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expectedLikes := &vocab.OrderedCollection{} expectedLikes.AppendOrderedItemsIRI(noteIRI) expectedActor := &vocab.Person{} expectedActor.AppendNameString("Sally") expectedActor.SetId(sallyIRI) expectedActor.SetLikedOrderedCollection(expectedLikes) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotSetObj, expectedActor); err != nil { t.Fatalf("set obj: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Like_DoesNotAddIfCollectionNotOwned(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testLikeNote))))) gotOwns := 0 var gotOwnsIri *url.URL app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL) bool { gotOwns++ gotOwnsIri = iri return false } = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Like) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotOwns != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotOwns) } else if gotOwnsString := gotOwnsIri.String(); gotOwnsString != sallyIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", noteURIString, sallyIRIString) } } func TestPostOutbox_Like_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testLikeNote))))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL) bool { return true } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { v := &vocab.Person{} v.AppendNameString("Sally") v.SetId(sallyIRI) v.SetLikedOrderedCollection(&vocab.OrderedCollection{}) return v, nil } app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { return nil } gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Like = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Like) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testClientExpectedLike); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Like_IsDelivered(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testLikeNote))))) app.MockFederateApp.owns = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL) bool { return true } app.MockFederateApp.get = func(c context.Context, iri *url.URL, rw RWType) (PubObject, error) { v := &vocab.Person{} v.AppendNameString("Sally") v.SetId(sallyIRI) v.SetLikedOrderedCollection(&vocab.OrderedCollection{}) return v, nil } app.MockFederateApp.set = func(c context.Context, o PubObject) error { return nil } = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Like) error { return nil } gotHttpDo := 0 var httpDeliveryRequest *http.Request = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { gotHttpDo++ if gotHttpDo == 1 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(samActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 2 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(sallyActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 3 { httpDeliveryRequest = req okResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), } return okResp, nil } return nil, nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotHttpDo != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotHttpDo) } else if httpDeliveryRequest.Method != "POST" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "POST", httpDeliveryRequest.Method) } else if s := httpDeliveryRequest.URL.String(); s != samIRIInboxString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIInboxString, s) } } func TestPostOutbox_Undo_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testUndoLike))))) gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Undo socialCb.undo = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Undo) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testClientExpectedUndo); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Undo_IsDelivered(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testUndoLike))))) socialCb.undo = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Undo) error { return nil } gotHttpDo := 0 var httpDeliveryRequest *http.Request = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { gotHttpDo++ if gotHttpDo == 1 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(samActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 2 { actorResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(sallyActorJSON)), } return actorResp, nil } else if gotHttpDo == 3 { httpDeliveryRequest = req okResp := &http.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})), } return okResp, nil } return nil, nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotHttpDo != 3 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 3, gotHttpDo) } else if httpDeliveryRequest.Method != "POST" { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", "POST", httpDeliveryRequest.Method) } else if s := httpDeliveryRequest.URL.String(); s != samIRIInboxString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", samIRIInboxString, s) } } func TestPostOutbox_Block_CallsCallback(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testBlock))))) gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Block socialCb.block = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Block) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), testClientExpectedBlock); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } } func TestPostOutbox_Block_IsNotDelivered(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testBlock))))) socialCb.block = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Block) error { return nil } = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { t.Fatalf("expected no calls to httpClient.Do") return nil, nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } } func TestPostOutbox_SetsLocationHeader(t *testing.T) { app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p := NewPubberTest(t) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, app, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", testOutboxURI, bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(testCreateNote))))) socialCb.create = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Create) error { return nil } handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if loc, ok := resp.HeaderMap["Location"]; !ok { t.Fatalf("expected Location header, got none") } else if len(loc) != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected Location header to have length 1, got %d", len(loc)) } else if loc[0] != testNewIRIString { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", testNewIRIString, loc[0]) } } func TestGetOutbox_RejectNonActivityPub(t *testing.T) { app, _, _, _, _, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", testOutboxURI, nil) app.MockFederateApp.getOutbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { return &vocab.OrderedCollection{}, nil } handled, err := p.GetOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if handled { t.Fatalf("expected !handled, got handled") } } func TestGetOutbox_SetsContentTypeHeader(t *testing.T) { app, _, _, _, _, _, _, p := NewPubberTest(t) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() req := ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("GET", testOutboxURI, nil)) app.MockFederateApp.getOutbox = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request, rw RWType) (vocab.OrderedCollectionType, error) { return &vocab.OrderedCollection{}, nil } handled, err := p.GetOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if l := len(resp.HeaderMap["Content-Type"]); l != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, l) } else if h := resp.HeaderMap["Content-Type"][0]; h != responseContentTypeHeader { t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", responseContentTypeHeader, h) } } func TestIssue75(t *testing.T) { // Root cause: Setting a maxDeliveryDepth to zero means no C2S messages // will be sent to federate peers. clock := &MockClock{now} app := &MockApplication{t: t} socialApp := &MockSocialApp{t: t} fedApp := &MockFederateApp{MockApplication: app, t: t} appl := &MockSocialFederateApp{MockSocialApp: socialApp, MockFederateApp: fedApp} socialCb := &MockCallbacker{t: t} fedCb := &MockCallbacker{t: t} d := &MockDeliverer{t: t} httpClient := &MockHttpClient{t: t} p := NewPubber(clock, appl, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, testAgent /*maxDeliveryDepth=*/, 0, 1) PreparePubberPostOutboxTest(t, appl, socialApp, fedApp, socialCb, fedCb, d, httpClient, p) resp := httptest.NewRecorder() // Data as described in the issue jamesIRI, err := url.Parse("") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } jamesIRIOutbox, err := url.Parse("") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } jessIRI, err := url.Parse("") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } publicIRI, err := url.Parse("") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } docIRI, err := url.Parse("") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } payload := &vocab.Document{} payload.AppendCcIRI(jessIRI) payload.AppendToIRI(publicIRI) payload.AppendNameString("ActivityPub") payload.AppendUrlAnyURI(docIRI) req := Sign(ActivityPubRequest(httptest.NewRequest("POST", jamesIRIOutbox.String(), bytes.NewBuffer(MustSerialize(payload))))) gotActorIRI := 0 socialApp.actorIRI = func(c context.Context, r *http.Request) (*url.URL, error) { gotActorIRI++ return jamesIRI, nil } gotCallback := 0 var gotCallbackObject *streams.Create socialCb.create = func(c context.Context, s *streams.Create) error { gotCallback++ gotCallbackObject = s return nil } = nil handled, err := p.PostOutbox(context.Background(), resp, req) expectedPayload := &vocab.Document{} expectedPayload.AppendCcIRI(jessIRI) expectedPayload.AppendToIRI(publicIRI) expectedPayload.AppendNameString("ActivityPub") expectedPayload.AppendUrlAnyURI(docIRI) expectedPayload.AppendAttributedToIRI(jamesIRI) expectedPayload.SetId(testNewIRI2) expectedCreate := &vocab.Create{} expectedCreate.AppendActorIRI(jamesIRI) expectedCreate.AppendObject(expectedPayload) expectedCreate.AppendType("Create") expectedCreate.SetId(testNewIRI) expectedCreate.AppendCcIRI(jessIRI) expectedCreate.AppendToIRI(publicIRI) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } else if !handled { t.Fatalf("expected handled, got !handled") } else if gotActorIRI != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotActorIRI) } else if gotCallback != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected %d, got %d", 1, gotCallback) } else if err := PubObjectEquals(gotCallbackObject.Raw(), expectedCreate); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected callback object: %s", err) } }