package xsd import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "net/url" "strings" ) const ( xmlName = "XMLSchema" xmlSpec = "" anyURISpec = "anyURI" dateTimeSpec = "dateTime" floatSpec = "float" stringSpec = "string" booleanSpec = "boolean" nonNegativeIntegerSpec = "nonNegativeInteger" durationSpec = "duration" ) // XMLOntology represents XML as an Ontology. type XMLOntology struct { Package string } // SpecURI returns the XML URI. func (o *XMLOntology) SpecURI() string { return xmlSpec } // Load the XML Ontology without an alias. func (o *XMLOntology) Load() ([]rdf.RDFNode, error) { return o.LoadAsAlias("") } // LoadAsAlias loads the XML Ontology with an alias. func (o *XMLOntology) LoadAsAlias(s string) ([]rdf.RDFNode, error) { return []rdf.RDFNode{ &rdf.AliasedDelegate{ Spec: xmlSpec, Alias: s, Name: anyURISpec, Delegate: &anyURI{pkg: o.Package}, }, &rdf.AliasedDelegate{ Spec: xmlSpec, Alias: s, Name: dateTimeSpec, Delegate: &dateTime{pkg: o.Package}, }, &rdf.AliasedDelegate{ Spec: xmlSpec, Alias: s, Name: floatSpec, Delegate: &float{pkg: o.Package}, }, &rdf.AliasedDelegate{ Spec: xmlSpec, Alias: s, Name: stringSpec, Delegate: &xmlString{pkg: o.Package}, }, &rdf.AliasedDelegate{ Spec: xmlSpec, Alias: s, Name: booleanSpec, Delegate: &boolean{pkg: o.Package}, }, &rdf.AliasedDelegate{ Spec: xmlSpec, Alias: s, Name: nonNegativeIntegerSpec, Delegate: &nonNegativeInteger{pkg: o.Package}, }, &rdf.AliasedDelegate{ Spec: xmlSpec, Alias: s, Name: durationSpec, Delegate: &duration{pkg: o.Package}, }, }, nil } // LoadSpecificAsAlias loads a specific node with an alias. func (o *XMLOntology) LoadSpecificAsAlias(alias, name string) ([]rdf.RDFNode, error) { switch name { case anyURISpec: return []rdf.RDFNode{ &rdf.AliasedDelegate{ Spec: "", Alias: "", Name: alias, Delegate: &anyURI{pkg: o.Package}, }, }, nil case dateTimeSpec: return []rdf.RDFNode{ &rdf.AliasedDelegate{ Spec: "", Alias: "", Name: alias, Delegate: &dateTime{pkg: o.Package}, }, }, nil case floatSpec: return []rdf.RDFNode{ &rdf.AliasedDelegate{ Spec: "", Alias: "", Name: alias, Delegate: &float{pkg: o.Package}, }, }, nil case stringSpec: return []rdf.RDFNode{ &rdf.AliasedDelegate{ Spec: "", Alias: "", Name: alias, Delegate: &xmlString{pkg: o.Package}, }, }, nil case booleanSpec: return []rdf.RDFNode{ &rdf.AliasedDelegate{ Spec: "", Alias: "", Name: alias, Delegate: &boolean{pkg: o.Package}, }, }, nil case nonNegativeIntegerSpec: return []rdf.RDFNode{ &rdf.AliasedDelegate{ Spec: "", Alias: "", Name: alias, Delegate: &nonNegativeInteger{pkg: o.Package}, }, }, nil case durationSpec: return []rdf.RDFNode{ &rdf.AliasedDelegate{ Spec: "", Alias: "", Name: alias, Delegate: &duration{pkg: o.Package}, }, }, nil } return nil, fmt.Errorf("xml ontology cannot find %q to alias to %q", name, alias) } // LoadElement does nothing. func (o *XMLOntology) LoadElement(name string, payload map[string]interface{}) ([]rdf.RDFNode, error) { return nil, nil } // GetByName returns a bare node selected by name. func (o *XMLOntology) GetByName(name string) (rdf.RDFNode, error) { name = strings.TrimPrefix(name, o.SpecURI()) switch name { case anyURISpec: return &anyURI{pkg: o.Package}, nil case dateTimeSpec: return &dateTime{pkg: o.Package}, nil case floatSpec: return &float{pkg: o.Package}, nil case stringSpec: return &xmlString{pkg: o.Package}, nil case booleanSpec: return &boolean{pkg: o.Package}, nil case nonNegativeIntegerSpec: return &nonNegativeInteger{pkg: o.Package}, nil case durationSpec: return &duration{pkg: o.Package}, nil } return nil, fmt.Errorf("xsd ontology could not find node for name %s", name) } var _ rdf.RDFNode = &anyURI{} // anyURI represents an xsd:anyURI value. type anyURI struct { pkg string } // Enter returns an error. func (a *anyURI) Enter(key string, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { return true, fmt.Errorf("xsd anyURI cannot be entered") } // Exit returns an error. func (a *anyURI) Exit(key string, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { return true, fmt.Errorf("xsd anyURI cannot be exited") } // Apply adds the anyURI value Kind to the XML namespace. func (a *anyURI) Apply(key string, value interface{}, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { v, err := ctx.GetResultReferenceWithDefaults(xmlSpec, xmlName) if err != nil { return true, err } if len(v.Values[anyURISpec].Name) == 0 { u, err := url.Parse(xmlSpec + anyURISpec) if err != nil { return true, err } val := &rdf.VocabularyValue{ Name: anyURISpec, URI: u, DefinitionType: jen.Op("*").Qual("net/url", "URL"), Zero: "&url.URL{}", IsNilable: true, IsURI: true, SerializeFn: rdf.SerializeValueFunction( a.pkg, anyURISpec, jen.Op("*").Qual("net/url", "URL"), []jen.Code{ jen.Return( jen.Id(codegen.This()).Dot("String").Call(), jen.Nil(), ), }), DeserializeFn: rdf.DeserializeValueFunction( a.pkg, anyURISpec, jen.Op("*").Qual("net/url", "URL"), []jen.Code{ jen.Var().Id("u").Op("*").Qual("net/url", "URL"), jen.Var().Err().Error(), jen.If( jen.List( jen.Id("s"), jen.Id("ok"), ).Op(":=").Id(codegen.This()).Assert(jen.String()), jen.Id("ok"), ).Block( jen.List( jen.Id("u"), jen.Err(), ).Op("=").Qual("net/url", "Parse").Call(jen.Id("s")), jen.If( jen.Err().Op("!=").Nil(), ).Block( jen.Err().Op("=").Qual("fmt", "Errorf").Call( jen.Lit("%v cannot be interpreted as a xsd:anyURI: %s"), jen.Id(codegen.This()), jen.Err(), ), ), ).Else().Block( jen.Err().Op("=").Qual("fmt", "Errorf").Call( jen.Lit("%v cannot be interpreted as a string for xsd:anyURI"), jen.Id(codegen.This()), ), ), jen.Return(jen.List( jen.Id("u"), jen.Err(), )), }), LessFn: rdf.LessFunction( a.pkg, anyURISpec, jen.Op("*").Qual("net/url", "URL"), []jen.Code{ jen.Return( jen.Id("lhs").Dot("String").Call().Op("<").Id("rhs").Dot("String").Call(), ), }), } if err = v.SetValue(anyURISpec, val); err != nil { return true, err } } return true, nil } var _ rdf.RDFNode = &dateTime{} // dateTime is the xsd:dateTime value. type dateTime struct { pkg string } // Enter returns an error. func (d *dateTime) Enter(key string, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { return true, fmt.Errorf("xsd dateTime cannot be entered") } // Exit returns an error. func (d *dateTime) Exit(key string, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { return true, fmt.Errorf("xsd dateTime cannot be exited") } // Apply adds the xsd:dateTime value Kind to the XML namespace. func (d *dateTime) Apply(key string, value interface{}, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { v, err := ctx.GetResultReferenceWithDefaults(xmlSpec, xmlName) if err != nil { return true, err } if len(v.Values[dateTimeSpec].Name) == 0 { u, err := url.Parse(xmlSpec + dateTimeSpec) if err != nil { return true, err } val := &rdf.VocabularyValue{ Name: dateTimeSpec, URI: u, DefinitionType: jen.Qual("time", "Time"), Zero: "&time.Time{}", IsNilable: false, SerializeFn: rdf.SerializeValueFunction( d.pkg, dateTimeSpec, jen.Qual("time", "Time"), []jen.Code{ jen.Return( jen.Id(codegen.This()).Dot("Format").Call(jen.Qual("time", "RFC3339")), jen.Nil(), ), }), DeserializeFn: rdf.DeserializeValueFunction( d.pkg, dateTimeSpec, jen.Qual("time", "Time"), []jen.Code{ jen.Var().Id("tmp").Qual("time", "Time"), jen.Var().Err().Error(), jen.If( jen.List( jen.Id("s"), jen.Id("ok"), ).Op(":=").Id(codegen.This()).Assert(jen.String()), jen.Id("ok"), ).Block( jen.List( jen.Id("tmp"), jen.Err(), ).Op("=").Qual("time", "Parse").Call( jen.Qual("time", "RFC3339"), jen.Id("s"), ), jen.If( jen.Err().Op("!=").Nil(), ).Block( jen.List( jen.Id("tmp"), jen.Err(), ).Op("=").Qual("time", "Parse").Call( jen.Lit("2006-01-02T15:04Z07:00"), jen.Id("s"), ), jen.If( jen.Err().Op("!=").Nil(), ).Block( jen.Err().Op("=").Qual("fmt", "Errorf").Call( jen.Lit("%v cannot be interpreted as xsd:datetime"), jen.Id(codegen.This()), ), ), ), ).Else().Block( jen.Err().Op("=").Qual("fmt", "Errorf").Call( jen.Lit("%v cannot be interpreted as a string for xsd:datetime"), jen.Id(codegen.This()), ), ), jen.Return(jen.List( jen.Id("tmp"), jen.Err(), )), }), LessFn: rdf.LessFunction( d.pkg, dateTimeSpec, jen.Qual("time", "Time"), []jen.Code{ jen.Return(jen.Id("lhs").Dot("Before").Call(jen.Id("rhs"))), }), } if err = v.SetValue(dateTimeSpec, val); err != nil { return true, err } } return true, nil } var _ rdf.RDFNode = &float{} // float is a 32 bit floating point value. type float struct { pkg string } // Enter returns an error. func (f *float) Enter(key string, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { return true, fmt.Errorf("xsd float cannot be entered") } // Exit returns an error. func (f *float) Exit(key string, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { return true, fmt.Errorf("xsd float cannot be exited") } // Apply adds xsd:float value Kind to the XML namespace. func (f *float) Apply(key string, value interface{}, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { v, err := ctx.GetResultReferenceWithDefaults(xmlSpec, xmlName) if err != nil { return true, err } if len(v.Values[floatSpec].Name) == 0 { u, err := url.Parse(xmlSpec + floatSpec) if err != nil { return true, err } val := &rdf.VocabularyValue{ Name: floatSpec, URI: u, DefinitionType: jen.Float32(), Zero: "0.0", IsNilable: false, SerializeFn: rdf.SerializeValueFunction( f.pkg, floatSpec, jen.Id("float32"), []jen.Code{ jen.Return( jen.Id(codegen.This()), jen.Nil(), ), }), DeserializeFn: rdf.DeserializeValueFunction( f.pkg, floatSpec, jen.Id("float32"), []jen.Code{ jen.If( jen.List( jen.Id("f"), jen.Id("ok"), ).Op(":=").Id(codegen.This()).Assert(jen.Float32()), jen.Id("ok"), ).Block( jen.Return( jen.Id("f"), jen.Nil(), ), ).Else().Block( jen.Return( jen.Lit(0), jen.Qual("fmt", "Errorf").Call( jen.Lit("%v cannot be interpreted as a float32 for xsd:float"), jen.Id(codegen.This()), ), ), ), }), LessFn: rdf.LessFunction( f.pkg, floatSpec, jen.Id("float32"), []jen.Code{ jen.Return( jen.Id("lhs").Op("<").Id("rhs"), ), }), } if err = v.SetValue(floatSpec, val); err != nil { return true, err } } return true, nil } var _ rdf.RDFNode = &xmlString{} // xmlString is a string. type xmlString struct { pkg string } // Enter returns an error func (*xmlString) Enter(key string, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { return true, fmt.Errorf("xsd string cannot be entered") } // Exit returns an error. func (*xmlString) Exit(key string, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { return true, fmt.Errorf("xsd string cannot be exited") } // Apply adds xsd:xmlString value Kind to the XML namespace. func (s *xmlString) Apply(key string, value interface{}, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { v, err := ctx.GetResultReferenceWithDefaults(xmlSpec, xmlName) if err != nil { return true, err } if len(v.Values[stringSpec].Name) == 0 { u, err := url.Parse(xmlSpec + stringSpec) if err != nil { return true, err } val := &rdf.VocabularyValue{ Name: stringSpec, URI: u, DefinitionType: jen.String(), Zero: "\"\"", IsNilable: false, SerializeFn: rdf.SerializeValueFunction( s.pkg, stringSpec, jen.Id("string"), []jen.Code{ jen.Return( jen.Id(codegen.This()), jen.Nil(), ), }), DeserializeFn: rdf.DeserializeValueFunction( s.pkg, stringSpec, jen.Id("string"), []jen.Code{ jen.If( jen.List( jen.Id("s"), jen.Id("ok"), ).Op(":=").Id(codegen.This()).Assert(jen.String()), jen.Id("ok"), ).Block( jen.Return( jen.Id("s"), jen.Nil(), ), ).Else().Block( jen.Return( jen.Lit(""), jen.Qual("fmt", "Errorf").Call( jen.Lit("%v cannot be interpreted as a string for xsd:string"), jen.Id(codegen.This()), ), ), ), }), LessFn: rdf.LessFunction( s.pkg, stringSpec, jen.Id("string"), []jen.Code{ jen.Return( jen.Id("lhs").Op("<").Id("rhs"), ), }), } if err = v.SetValue(stringSpec, val); err != nil { return true, err } } return true, nil } var _ rdf.RDFNode = &boolean{} // boolean is truly obvious. type boolean struct { pkg string } // Enter returns an error. func (*boolean) Enter(key string, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { return true, fmt.Errorf("xsd boolean cannot be entered") } // Exit returns an error. func (*boolean) Exit(key string, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { return true, fmt.Errorf("xsd boolean cannot be exited") } // Apply adds boolean value Kind to the XML namespace. func (b *boolean) Apply(key string, value interface{}, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { v, err := ctx.GetResultReferenceWithDefaults(xmlSpec, xmlName) if err != nil { return true, err } if len(v.Values[booleanSpec].Name) == 0 { u, err := url.Parse(xmlSpec + booleanSpec) if err != nil { return true, err } val := &rdf.VocabularyValue{ Name: booleanSpec, URI: u, DefinitionType: jen.Bool(), Zero: "false", IsNilable: false, SerializeFn: rdf.SerializeValueFunction( b.pkg, booleanSpec, jen.Id("bool"), []jen.Code{ jen.Return( jen.Id(codegen.This()), jen.Nil(), ), }), DeserializeFn: rdf.DeserializeValueFunction( b.pkg, booleanSpec, jen.Id("bool"), []jen.Code{ jen.If( jen.List( jen.Id("b"), jen.Id("ok"), ).Op(":=").Id(codegen.This()).Assert(jen.Bool()), jen.Id("ok"), ).Block( jen.Return( jen.Id("b"), jen.Nil(), ), ).Else().If( jen.List( jen.Id("f"), jen.Id("ok"), ).Op(":=").Id(codegen.This()).Assert(jen.Float64()), jen.Id("ok"), ).Block( jen.If( jen.Id("f").Op("==").Lit(0), ).Block( jen.Return( jen.False(), jen.Nil(), ), ).Else().If( jen.Id("f").Op("==").Lit(1), ).Block( jen.Return( jen.True(), jen.Nil(), ), ).Else().Block( jen.Return( jen.False(), jen.Qual("fmt", "Errorf").Call( jen.Lit("%v cannot be interpreted as a bool float64 for xsd:boolean"), jen.Id(codegen.This()), ), ), ), ).Else().Block( jen.Return( jen.False(), jen.Qual("fmt", "Errorf").Call( jen.Lit("%v cannot be interpreted as a bool for xsd:boolean"), jen.Id(codegen.This()), ), ), ), }), LessFn: rdf.LessFunction( b.pkg, booleanSpec, jen.Id("bool"), []jen.Code{ jen.Commentf("Booleans don't have a natural ordering, so we pick that truth is greater than falsehood."), jen.Return( jen.Op("!").Id("lhs").Op("&&").Id("rhs"), ), }), } if err = v.SetValue(booleanSpec, val); err != nil { return true, err } } return true, nil } var _ rdf.RDFNode = &nonNegativeInteger{} // nonNegativeInteger is a non-negative integer value. type nonNegativeInteger struct { pkg string } // Enter returns an error. func (*nonNegativeInteger) Enter(key string, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { return true, fmt.Errorf("xsd nonNegativeInteger cannot be entered") } // Exit returns an error. func (*nonNegativeInteger) Exit(key string, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { return true, fmt.Errorf("xsd nonNegativeInteger cannot be exited") } // Apply adds xsd:nonNegativeInteger value Kind to the XML namespace. func (n *nonNegativeInteger) Apply(key string, value interface{}, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { v, err := ctx.GetResultReferenceWithDefaults(xmlSpec, xmlName) if err != nil { return true, err } if len(v.Values[nonNegativeIntegerSpec].Name) == 0 { u, err := url.Parse(xmlSpec + nonNegativeIntegerSpec) if err != nil { return true, err } val := &rdf.VocabularyValue{ Name: nonNegativeIntegerSpec, URI: u, DefinitionType: jen.Int(), Zero: "0", IsNilable: false, SerializeFn: rdf.SerializeValueFunction( n.pkg, nonNegativeIntegerSpec, jen.Id("int"), []jen.Code{ jen.Return( jen.Id(codegen.This()), jen.Nil(), ), }), DeserializeFn: rdf.DeserializeValueFunction( n.pkg, nonNegativeIntegerSpec, jen.Id("int"), []jen.Code{ jen.If( jen.List( jen.Id("i"), jen.Id("ok"), ).Op(":=").Id(codegen.This()).Assert(jen.Float64()), jen.Id("ok"), ).Block( jen.Id("n").Op(":=").Int().Call(jen.Id("i")), jen.If( jen.Id("n").Op(">=").Lit(0), ).Block( jen.Return( jen.Id("n"), jen.Nil(), ), ).Else().Block( jen.Return( jen.Lit(0), jen.Qual("fmt", "Errorf").Call( jen.Lit("%v is a negative integer for xsd:nonNegativeInteger"), jen.Id(codegen.This()), ), ), ), ).Else().Block( jen.Return( jen.Lit(0), jen.Qual("fmt", "Errorf").Call( jen.Lit("%v cannot be interpreted as a float for xsd:nonNegativeInteger"), jen.Id(codegen.This()), ), ), ), }), LessFn: rdf.LessFunction( n.pkg, nonNegativeIntegerSpec, jen.Id("int"), []jen.Code{ jen.Return( jen.Id("lhs").Op("<").Id("rhs"), ), }), } if err = v.SetValue(nonNegativeIntegerSpec, val); err != nil { return true, err } } return true, nil } var _ rdf.RDFNode = &duration{} // duration is a poorly defined value for a duration. type duration struct { pkg string } // Enter returns an error. func (*duration) Enter(key string, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { return true, fmt.Errorf("xsd duration cannot be entered") } // Exit returns an error. func (*duration) Exit(key string, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { return true, fmt.Errorf("xsd duration cannot be exited") } // Apply adds duration value Kind to the XML namespace. // // Note that duration has a really poor definition -- how long is a month or a // year in seconds? // // Avoid at all costs. func (d *duration) Apply(key string, value interface{}, ctx *rdf.ParsingContext) (bool, error) { v, err := ctx.GetResultReferenceWithDefaults(xmlSpec, xmlName) if err != nil { return true, err } if len(v.Values[durationSpec].Name) == 0 { u, err := url.Parse(xmlSpec + durationSpec) if err != nil { return true, err } val := &rdf.VocabularyValue{ Name: durationSpec, URI: u, DefinitionType: jen.Qual("time", "Duration"), Zero: "time.Duration(0)", IsNilable: false, SerializeFn: rdf.SerializeValueFunction( d.pkg, durationSpec, jen.Qual("time", "Duration"), []jen.Code{ jen.Commentf("Seriously questioning my life choices."), jen.Id("s").Op(":=").Lit("P"), jen.If( jen.Id(codegen.This()).Op("<").Lit(0), ).Block( jen.Id("s").Op("=").Lit("-P"), jen.Id(codegen.This()).Op("=").Lit(-1).Op("*").Id(codegen.This()), ), jen.Var().Id("tally").Qual("time", "Duration"), // Years jen.Commentf("Assume 8760 Hours per 365 days, cannot account for leap years in xsd:duration. :("), jen.If( jen.Id("years").Op(":=").Id(codegen.This()).Dot("Hours").Call().Op("/").Lit(8760.0), jen.Id("years").Op(">=").Lit(1), ).Block( jen.Id("nYears").Op(":=").Int64().Call( jen.Qual("math", "Floor").Call( jen.Id("years"), ), ), jen.Id("tally").Op("+=").Qual("time", "Duration").Call( jen.Id("nYears"), ).Op("*").Lit(8760).Op("*").Qual("time", "Hour"), jen.Id("s").Op("=").Qual("fmt", "Sprintf").Call( jen.Lit("%s%dY"), jen.Id("s"), jen.Id("nYears"), ), ), // Months jen.Commentf("Assume 30 days per month, cannot account for months lasting 31, 30, 29, or 28 days in xsd:duration. :("), jen.If( jen.Id("months").Op(":=").Parens( jen.Id(codegen.This()).Dot("Hours").Call().Op("-").Id("tally").Dot("Hours").Call(), ).Op("/").Lit(720.0), jen.Id("months").Op(">=").Lit(1), ).Block( jen.Id("nMonths").Op(":=").Int64().Call( jen.Qual("math", "Floor").Call( jen.Id("months"), ), ), jen.Id("tally").Op("+=").Qual("time", "Duration").Call( jen.Id("nMonths"), ).Op("*").Lit(720).Op("*").Qual("time", "Hour"), jen.Id("s").Op("=").Qual("fmt", "Sprintf").Call( jen.Lit("%s%dM"), jen.Id("s"), jen.Id("nMonths"), ), ), // Days jen.If( jen.Id("days").Op(":=").Parens( jen.Id(codegen.This()).Dot("Hours").Call().Op("-").Id("tally").Dot("Hours").Call(), ).Op("/").Lit(24.0), jen.Id("days").Op(">=").Lit(1), ).Block( jen.Id("nDays").Op(":=").Int64().Call( jen.Qual("math", "Floor").Call( jen.Id("days"), ), ), jen.Id("tally").Op("+=").Qual("time", "Duration").Call( jen.Id("nDays"), ).Op("*").Lit(24).Op("*").Qual("time", "Hour"), jen.Id("s").Op("=").Qual("fmt", "Sprintf").Call( jen.Lit("%s%dD"), jen.Id("s"), jen.Id("nDays"), ), ), jen.If( jen.Id("tally").Op("<").Id(codegen.This()), ).Block( jen.Id("s").Op("=").Qual("fmt", "Sprintf").Call( jen.Lit("%sT"), jen.Id("s"), ), // Hours jen.If( jen.Id("hours").Op(":=").Id(codegen.This()).Dot("Hours").Call().Op("-").Id("tally").Dot("Hours").Call(), jen.Id("hours").Op(">=").Lit(1), ).Block( jen.Id("nHours").Op(":=").Int64().Call( jen.Qual("math", "Floor").Call( jen.Id("hours"), ), ), jen.Id("tally").Op("+=").Qual("time", "Duration").Call( jen.Id("nHours"), ).Op("*").Qual("time", "Hour"), jen.Id("s").Op("=").Qual("fmt", "Sprintf").Call( jen.Lit("%s%dH"), jen.Id("s"), jen.Id("nHours"), ), ), // Minutes jen.If( jen.Id("minutes").Op(":=").Id(codegen.This()).Dot("Minutes").Call().Op("-").Id("tally").Dot("Minutes").Call(), jen.Id("minutes").Op(">=").Lit(1), ).Block( jen.Id("nMinutes").Op(":=").Int64().Call( jen.Qual("math", "Floor").Call( jen.Id("minutes"), ), ), jen.Id("tally").Op("+=").Qual("time", "Duration").Call( jen.Id("nMinutes"), ).Op("*").Qual("time", "Minute"), jen.Id("s").Op("=").Qual("fmt", "Sprintf").Call( jen.Lit("%s%dM"), jen.Id("s"), jen.Id("nMinutes"), ), ), // Seconds jen.If( jen.Id("seconds").Op(":=").Id(codegen.This()).Dot("Seconds").Call().Op("-").Id("tally").Dot("Seconds").Call(), jen.Id("seconds").Op(">=").Lit(1), ).Block( jen.Id("nSeconds").Op(":=").Int64().Call( jen.Qual("math", "Floor").Call( jen.Id("seconds"), ), ), jen.Id("tally").Op("+=").Qual("time", "Duration").Call( jen.Id("nSeconds"), ).Op("*").Qual("time", "Second"), jen.Id("s").Op("=").Qual("fmt", "Sprintf").Call( jen.Lit("%s%dS"), jen.Id("s"), jen.Id("nSeconds"), ), ), ), jen.Return( jen.Id("s"), jen.Nil(), ), }), DeserializeFn: rdf.DeserializeValueFunction( d.pkg, durationSpec, jen.Qual("time", "Duration"), []jen.Code{ jen.Commentf("Maybe this time it will be easier."), jen.If( jen.List( jen.Id("s"), jen.Id("ok"), ).Op(":=").Id(codegen.This()).Assert(jen.String()), jen.Id("ok"), ).Block( jen.Id("isNeg").Op(":=").False(), jen.If( jen.Id("s").Index(jen.Lit(0)).Op("==").LitRune('-'), ).Block( jen.Id("isNeg").Op("=").True(), jen.Id("s").Op("=").Id("s").Index(jen.Lit(1), jen.Empty()), ), jen.If( jen.Id("s").Index(jen.Lit(0)).Op("!=").LitRune('P'), ).Block( jen.Return( jen.Lit(0), jen.Qual("fmt", "Errorf").Call( jen.Lit("%s malformed: missing 'P' for xsd:duration"), jen.Id("s"), ), ), ), jen.Id("re").Op(":=").Qual("regexp", "MustCompile").Call( jen.Lit("P(\\d*Y)?(\\d*M)?(\\d*D)?(T(\\d*H)?(\\d*M)?(\\d*S)?)?"), ), jen.Id("res").Op(":=").Id("re").Dot("FindStringSubmatch").Call(jen.Id("s")), jen.Var().Id("dur").Qual("time", "Duration"), // Years jen.Id("nYear").Op(":=").Id("res").Index(jen.Lit(1)), jen.If( jen.Len( jen.Id("nYear"), ).Op(">").Lit(0), ).Block( jen.Id("nYear").Op("=").Id("nYear").Index( jen.Empty(), jen.Len( jen.Id("nYear"), ).Op("-").Lit(1), ), jen.List( jen.Id("vYear"), jen.Err(), ).Op(":=").Qual("strconv", "ParseInt").Call( jen.Id("nYear"), jen.Lit(10), jen.Lit(64), ), jen.If( jen.Err().Op("!=").Nil(), ).Block( jen.Return( jen.Lit(0), jen.Err(), ), ), jen.Commentf("Assume 8760 Hours per 365 days, cannot account for leap years in xsd:duration. :("), jen.Id("dur").Op("+=").Qual("time", "Duration").Call( jen.Id("vYear"), ).Op("*").Qual("time", "Hour").Op("*").Lit(8760), ), // Months jen.Id("nMonth").Op(":=").Id("res").Index(jen.Lit(2)), jen.If( jen.Len( jen.Id("nMonth"), ).Op(">").Lit(0), ).Block( jen.Id("nMonth").Op("=").Id("nMonth").Index( jen.Empty(), jen.Len( jen.Id("nMonth"), ).Op("-").Lit(1), ), jen.List( jen.Id("vMonth"), jen.Err(), ).Op(":=").Qual("strconv", "ParseInt").Call( jen.Id("nMonth"), jen.Lit(10), jen.Lit(64), ), jen.If( jen.Err().Op("!=").Nil(), ).Block( jen.Return( jen.Lit(0), jen.Err(), ), ), jen.Commentf("Assume 30 days per month, cannot account for months lasting 31, 30, 29, or 28 days in xsd:duration. :("), jen.Id("dur").Op("+=").Qual("time", "Duration").Call( jen.Id("vMonth"), ).Op("*").Qual("time", "Hour").Op("*").Lit(720), ), // Days jen.Id("nDay").Op(":=").Id("res").Index(jen.Lit(3)), jen.If( jen.Len( jen.Id("nDay"), ).Op(">").Lit(0), ).Block( jen.Id("nDay").Op("=").Id("nDay").Index( jen.Empty(), jen.Len( jen.Id("nDay"), ).Op("-").Lit(1), ), jen.List( jen.Id("vDay"), jen.Err(), ).Op(":=").Qual("strconv", "ParseInt").Call( jen.Id("nDay"), jen.Lit(10), jen.Lit(64), ), jen.If( jen.Err().Op("!=").Nil(), ).Block( jen.Return( jen.Lit(0), jen.Err(), ), ), jen.Id("dur").Op("+=").Qual("time", "Duration").Call( jen.Id("vDay"), ).Op("*").Qual("time", "Hour").Op("*").Lit(24), ), // Hours jen.Id("nHour").Op(":=").Id("res").Index(jen.Lit(5)), jen.If( jen.Len( jen.Id("nHour"), ).Op(">").Lit(0), ).Block( jen.Id("nHour").Op("=").Id("nHour").Index( jen.Empty(), jen.Len( jen.Id("nHour"), ).Op("-").Lit(1), ), jen.List( jen.Id("vHour"), jen.Err(), ).Op(":=").Qual("strconv", "ParseInt").Call( jen.Id("nHour"), jen.Lit(10), jen.Lit(64), ), jen.If( jen.Err().Op("!=").Nil(), ).Block( jen.Return( jen.Lit(0), jen.Err(), ), ), jen.Id("dur").Op("+=").Qual("time", "Duration").Call( jen.Id("vHour"), ).Op("*").Qual("time", "Hour"), ), // Minutes jen.Id("nMinute").Op(":=").Id("res").Index(jen.Lit(6)), jen.If( jen.Len( jen.Id("nMinute"), ).Op(">").Lit(0), ).Block( jen.Id("nMinute").Op("=").Id("nMinute").Index( jen.Empty(), jen.Len( jen.Id("nMinute"), ).Op("-").Lit(1), ), jen.List( jen.Id("vMinute"), jen.Err(), ).Op(":=").Qual("strconv", "ParseInt").Call( jen.Id("nMinute"), jen.Lit(10), jen.Lit(64), ), jen.If( jen.Err().Op("!=").Nil(), ).Block( jen.Return( jen.Lit(0), jen.Err(), ), ), jen.Id("dur").Op("+=").Qual("time", "Duration").Call( jen.Id("vMinute"), ).Op("*").Qual("time", "Minute"), ), // Seconds jen.Id("nSecond").Op(":=").Id("res").Index(jen.Lit(7)), jen.If( jen.Len( jen.Id("nSecond"), ).Op(">").Lit(0), ).Block( jen.Id("nSecond").Op("=").Id("nSecond").Index( jen.Empty(), jen.Len( jen.Id("nSecond"), ).Op("-").Lit(1), ), jen.List( jen.Id("vSecond"), jen.Err(), ).Op(":=").Qual("strconv", "ParseInt").Call( jen.Id("nSecond"), jen.Lit(10), jen.Lit(64), ), jen.If( jen.Err().Op("!=").Nil(), ).Block( jen.Return( jen.Lit(0), jen.Err(), ), ), jen.Id("dur").Op("+=").Qual("time", "Duration").Call( jen.Id("vSecond"), ).Op("*").Qual("time", "Second"), ), jen.If( jen.Id("isNeg"), ).Block( jen.Id("dur").Op("*=").Lit(-1), ), jen.Return( jen.Id("dur"), jen.Nil(), ), ).Else().Block( jen.Return( jen.Lit(0), jen.Qual("fmt", "Errorf").Call( jen.Lit("%v cannot be interpreted as a string for xsd:duration"), jen.Id(codegen.This()), ), ), ), }), LessFn: rdf.LessFunction( d.pkg, durationSpec, jen.Qual("time", "Duration"), []jen.Code{ jen.Return( jen.Id("lhs").Op("<").Id("rhs"), ), }), } if err = v.SetValue(durationSpec, val); err != nil { return true, err } } return true, nil }