package streams var repoExample1 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Object", "id": "http://www.test.example/object/1", "name": "A Simple, non-specific object" }` var repoExample3 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Activity", "name": "Sally did something to a note", "actor": { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" }, "object": { "type": "Note", "name": "A Note" } }` var repoExample5 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally's notes", "type": "Collection", "totalItems": 2, "items": [ { "type": "Note", "name": "A Simple Note" }, { "type": "Note", "name": "Another Simple Note" } ] }` var repoExample7 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Accept", "actor": { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" }, "object": { "type": "Invite", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Event", "name": "A Party!" } } }` var repoExample9 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally added an object", "type": "Add", "actor": { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" }, "object": "" }` var repoExample11 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally arrived at work", "type": "Arrive", "actor": { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" }, "location": { "type": "Place", "name": "Work" }, "origin": { "type": "Place", "name": "Home" } }` var repoExample13 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally deleted a note", "type": "Delete", "actor": { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" }, "object": "", "origin": { "type": "Collection", "name": "Sally's Notes" } }` var repoExample15 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally followed John", "type": "Follow", "actor": { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" }, "object": { "type": "Person", "name": "John" } }` var repoExample17 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally joined a group", "type": "Join", "actor": { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" }, "object": { "type": "Group", "name": "A Simple Group" } }` var repoExample19 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally left a group", "type": "Leave", "actor": { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" }, "object": { "type": "Group", "name": "A Simple Group" } }` var repoExample21 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally offered 50% off to Lewis", "type": "Offer", "actor": { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" }, "object": { "type": "http://www.types.example/ProductOffer", "name": "50% Off!" }, "target": { "type": "Person", "name": "Lewis" } }` var repoExample24 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally invited John and Lisa to a party", "type": "Invite", "actor": { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" }, "object": { "type": "Event", "name": "A Party" }, "target": [ { "type": "Person", "name": "John" }, { "type": "Person", "name": "Lisa" } ] }` var repoExample26 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally rejected an invitation to a party", "type": "Reject", "actor": { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" }, "object": { "type": "Invite", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Event", "name": "A Party!" } } }` var repoExample28 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally removed a note from her notes folder", "type": "Remove", "actor": { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" }, "object": "", "target": { "type": "Collection", "name": "Notes Folder" } }` var repoExample32 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally retracted her offer to John", "type": "Undo", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Offer", "actor": "", "object": "", "target": "" } }` var repoExample34 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Application", "name": "My Software Application." }` var repoExample37 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Group", "name": "A Simple Group." }` var repoExample39 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Person", "name": "Sally Smith." }` var repoExample42 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Service", "name": "Acme Web Service" }` var repoExample48 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Document", "name": "4Q Sales Forecast", "url": "" }` var repoExample50 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Image", "name": "A Simple Image", "url": [ { "type": "Link", "href": "", "mediaType": "image/jpeg" }, { "type": "Link", "href": "", "mediaType": "image/png" } ] }` var repoExample52 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Note", "name": "A Short Note", "content": "This is a short note" }` var repoExample55 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Question", "name": "What is the answer?", "oneOf": [ { "type": "Note", "name": "Option A" }, { "type": "Note", "name": "Option B" } ] }` var repoExample57 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Place", "name": "Work" }` var repoExample59 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally offered the Foo object", "type": "Offer", "actor": "", "object": "" }` var repoExample61 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally and Joe offered the Foo object", "type": "Offer", "actor": [ "", { "type": "Person", "id": "", "name": "Sally" } ], "object": "" }` var repoExample64 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Note", "name": "A Simple Note", "attachment": { "type": "Image", "content": "A simple Image", "url": "" } }` var repoExample66 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Image", "name": "A Simple Image", "url": "", "attributedTo": [ "", { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" } ] }` var repoExample68 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally offered a post to John", "type": "Offer", "actor": "", "object": "", "target": "", "bcc": "" }` var repoExample70 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally offered a post to John", "type": "Offer", "actor": "", "object": "", "target": "", "cc": "" }` var repoExample72 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally's blog posts", "type": "Collection", "totalItems": 3, "current": { "type": "Link", "name": "Most Recent Items", "href": "" }, "items": [ "", "", "" ] }` var repoExample74 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally's blog posts", "type": "Collection", "totalItems": 3, "first": { "type": "Link", "name": "First Page", "href": "" } }` var repoExample77 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "A simple note", "type": "Note", "content": "A simple note", "icon": { "type": "Image", "name": "Note", "url": "", "width": 16, "height": 16 } }` var repoExample80 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "A simple note", "type": "Note", "content": "A simple note", "image": { "type": "Image", "name": "A Cat", "url": "" } }` var repoExample83 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "A simple note", "type": "Note", "content": "A simple note", "inReplyTo": { "name": "Another note", "type": "Note", "content": "Another note" } }` var repoExample87 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "A collection", "type": "Collection", "totalItems": 3, "last": "" }` var repoExample89 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Person", "name": "Sally", "location": { "name": "Over the Arabian Sea, east of Socotra Island Nature Sanctuary", "type": "Place", "longitude": 12.34, "latitude": 56.78, "altitude": 90, "units": "m" } }` var repoExample91 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally's notes", "type": "Collection", "totalItems": 2, "items": [ { "type": "Note", "name": "A Simple Note" }, { "type": "Note", "name": "Another Simple Note" } ] }` var repoExample93 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Question", "name": "What is the answer?", "oneOf": [ { "type": "Note", "name": "Option A" }, { "type": "Note", "name": "Option B" } ] }` var repoExample96 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Page 2 of Sally's blog posts", "type": "CollectionPage", "next": "", "items": [ "", "", "" ] }` var repoExample98 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally liked a post", "type": "Like", "actor": "", "object": "" }` var repoExample100 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally liked a note", "type": "Like", "actor": "", "object": [ "", { "type": "Note", "name": "A simple note", "content": "A simple note" } ] }` var repoExample104 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Page 1 of Sally's blog posts", "type": "CollectionPage", "prev": "", "items": [ "", "", "" ] }` var repoExample106 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Video", "name": "Cool New Movie", "duration": "PT2H30M", "preview": { "type": "Video", "name": "Trailer", "duration": "PT1M", "url": { "href": "", "mediaType": "video/mkv" } } }` var repoExample108 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally checked that her flight was on time", "type": ["Activity", "http://www.verbs.example/Check"], "actor": "", "object": "", "result": { "type": "http://www.types.example/flightstatus", "name": "On Time" } }` var repoExample112 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "A simple note", "type": "Note", "id": "http://www.test.example/notes/1", "content": "A simple note", "replies": { "type": "Collection", "totalItems": 1, "items": { "name": "A response to the note", "type": "Note", "content": "A response to the note", "inReplyTo": "http://www.test.example/notes/1" } } }` var repoExample118 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Image", "name": "Picture of Sally", "url": "", "tag": { "type": "Person", "id": "", "name": "Sally" } }` var repoExample120 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally offered the post to John", "type": "Offer", "actor": "", "object": "", "target": "" }` var repoExample123 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally offered the post to John", "type": "Offer", "actor": "", "object": "", "target": "", "to": "" }` var repoExample125 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Document", "name": "4Q Sales Forecast", "url": { "type": "Link", "href": "" } }` var repoExample127 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Liu Gu Lu Cun, Pingdu, Qingdao, Shandong, China", "type": "Place", "latitude": 36.75, "longitude": 119.7667, "accuracy": 94.5 }` var repoExample129 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Place", "name": "Fresno Area", "altitude": 15.0, "latitude": 36.75, "longitude": 119.7667, "units": "miles" }` var repoExample131 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "A simple note", "type": "Note", "contentMap": { "en": "A <i>simple</i> note", "sp": "Una <i>simple</i> nota" } }` var repoExample133 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Note", "nameMap": { "en": "A simple note", "sp": "Una simple nota" } }` var repoExample136 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Link", "href": "", "height": 100, "width": 100 }` var repoExample138 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Link", "href": "", "hreflang": "en", "mediaType": "text/html", "name": "An example link" }` var repoExample140 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Place", "name": "Fresno Area", "latitude": 36.75, "longitude": 119.7667, "radius": 15, "units": "miles" }` var repoExample142 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Link", "href": "", "hreflang": "en", "mediaType": "text/html", "name": "An example link" }` var repoExample144 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Event", "name": "A Party!", "startTime": "2014-12-31T23:00:00-08:00", "endTime": "2015-01-01T06:00:00-08:00" }` var repoExample146 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Event", "name": "A Party!", "startTime": "2014-12-31T23:00:00-08:00", "endTime": "2015-01-01T06:00:00-08:00" }` var repoExample149 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Link", "href": "", "hreflang": "en", "mediaType": "text/html", "name": "An example link", "rel": ["canonical", "preview"] }` var repoExample152 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "A simple note", "type": "Note", "summary": "A simple <i>note</i>" }` var repoExample156 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally's notes", "type": "Collection", "totalItems": 2, "items": [ { "type": "Note", "name": "A Simple Note" }, { "type": "Note", "name": "Another Simple Note" } ] }` var repoExample158 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "A simple note", "type": "Note", "content": "A simple note", "updated": "2014-12-12T12:12:12Z" }` var repoExample161 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally read an article about Activity Streams", "type": "View", "actor": { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" }, "object": { "type": "Article", "name": "An article about Activity Streams" } }` var repoExample163 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally listened to a piece of music", "type": "Listen", "actor": { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" }, "object": "" }` var repoExample166 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally moved a post from List A to List B", "type": "Move", "actor": "", "object": "", "target": { "type": "Collection", "name": "List B" }, "origin": { "type": "Collection", "name": "List A" } }` var repoExample168 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally moved a post from List A to List B", "type": "Move", "actor": { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" }, "object": "", "target": { "type": "Collection", "name": "List B" }, "origin": { "type": "Collection", "name": "List A" } }` var repoExample170 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally announced that she had arrived at work", "type": "Announce", "actor": { "type": "Person", "id": "", "name": "Sally" }, "object": { "type": "Arrive", "actor": "", "location": { "type": "Place", "name": "Work" } } }` var repoExample173 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally blocked Joe", "type": "Block", "actor": "", "object": "" }` var repoExample175 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally disliked a post", "type": "Dislike", "actor": "", "object": "" }` var repoExample180 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally's friends list", "type": "Collection", "items": [ { "name": "Sally is following Joe", "type": "Relationship", "subject": { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" }, "relationship": "IsFollowing", "object": { "type": "Person", "name": "Joe" } }, { "name": "Sally is a contact of Jane", "type": "Relationship", "subject": { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" }, "relationship": "IsContact", "object": { "type": "Person", "name": "Jane" } } ] }` var repoExample182 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Travel", "name": "Sally went to work", "actor": { "type": "Person", "name": "Sally" }, "target": { "type": "Place", "name": "Work" } }` var repoExample184 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "OrderedCollection", "totalItems": 3, "name": "Vacation photos 2016", "orderedItems": [ { "type": "Image", "id": "http://image.example/1" }, { "type": "Tombstone", "formerType": "Image", "id": "http://image.example/2", "deleted": "2016-03-17T00:00:00Z" }, { "type": "Image", "id": "http://image.example/3" } ] }` var repoExample186 = `{ "@context": "", "type": "Organization", "name": "Example Co." }` var repoExample188 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally and John's relationship history", "type": "Collection", "items": [ { "name": "John accepted Sally's friend request", "id": "", "type": "Accept", "actor": "", "object": "", "inReplyTo": "", "context": "", "result": [ "", "", "", "" ] }, { "name": "John followed Sally", "id": "", "type": "Follow", "actor": "", "object": "", "context": "" }, { "name": "Sally followed John", "id": "", "type": "Follow", "actor": "", "object": "", "context": "" }, { "name": "John added Sally to his friends list", "id": "", "type": "Add", "actor": "", "object": "", "target": { "type": "Collection", "name": "John's Connections" }, "context": "" }, { "name": "Sally added John to her friends list", "id": "", "type": "Add", "actor": "", "object": "", "target": { "type": "Collection", "name": "Sally's Connections" }, "context": "" } ] }` var repoExample190 = `{ "@context": "", "id": "", "name": "A question about robots", "type": "Question", "content": "I'd like to build a robot to feed my cat. 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"Group", "name": "Project XYZ Working Group" }, "to": "" } ] }` var repoExample196 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "A thank-you note", "type": "Note", "content": "Thank you <a href=''>@sally</a>\nfor all your hard work!\n<a href=''>#givingthanks</a>", "to": { "name": "Sally", "type": "Person", "id": "" }, "tag": { "id": "", "name": "#givingthanks" } }` var repoExample198 = `{ "@context": "", "name": "Sally moved the sales figures from Folder A to Folder B", "type": "Move", "actor": "", "object": { "type": "Document", "name": "sales figures" }, "origin": { "type": "Collection", "name": "Folder A" }, "target": { "type": "Collection", "name": "Folder B" } }` type example struct { name string example string } var allRepoExamples = []example{ { name: "Example 1", example: repoExample1, }, { name: "Example 3", example: repoExample3, }, { name: "Example 5", example: repoExample5, }, { name: "Example 7", example: repoExample7, }, { name: "Example 9", example: repoExample9, }, { name: "Example 11", example: repoExample11, }, { name: "Example 13", example: repoExample13, }, { name: "Example 15", example: repoExample15, }, { name: "Example 17", example: repoExample17, }, { name: "Example 19", example: repoExample19, }, { name: "Example 21", example: repoExample21, }, { name: "Example 24", example: repoExample24, }, { name: "Example 26", example: repoExample26, }, { name: "Example 28", example: repoExample28, }, { name: "Example 32", example: repoExample32, }, { name: "Example 34", example: repoExample34, }, { name: "Example 37", example: repoExample37, }, { name: "Example 39", example: repoExample39, }, { name: "Example 42", example: repoExample42, }, { name: "Example 48", example: repoExample48, }, { name: "Example 50", example: repoExample50, }, { name: "Example 52", example: repoExample52, }, { name: "Example 55", example: repoExample55, }, { name: "Example 57", example: repoExample57, }, { name: "Example 59", example: repoExample59, }, { name: "Example 61", example: repoExample61, }, { name: "Example 64", example: repoExample64, }, { name: "Example 66", example: repoExample66, }, { name: "Example 68", example: repoExample68, }, { name: "Example 70", example: repoExample70, }, { name: "Example 72", example: repoExample72, }, { name: "Example 74", example: repoExample74, }, { name: "Example 77", example: repoExample77, }, { name: "Example 80", example: repoExample80, }, { name: "Example 83", example: repoExample83, }, { name: "Example 87", example: repoExample87, }, { name: "Example 89", example: repoExample89, }, { name: "Example 91", example: repoExample91, }, { name: "Example 93", example: repoExample93, }, { name: "Example 96", example: repoExample96, }, { name: "Example 98", example: repoExample98, }, { name: "Example 100", example: repoExample100, }, { name: "Example 104", example: repoExample104, }, { name: "Example 106", example: repoExample106, }, { name: "Example 108", example: repoExample108, }, { name: "Example 112", example: repoExample112, }, { name: "Example 118", example: repoExample118, }, { name: "Example 120", example: repoExample120, }, { name: "Example 123", example: repoExample123, }, { name: "Example 125", example: repoExample125, }, { name: "Example 127", example: repoExample127, }, { name: "Example 129", example: repoExample129, }, { name: "Example 131", example: repoExample131, }, { name: "Example 133", example: repoExample133, }, { name: "Example 136", example: repoExample136, }, { name: "Example 138", example: repoExample138, }, { name: "Example 140", example: repoExample140, }, { name: "Example 142", example: repoExample142, }, { name: "Example 144", example: repoExample144, }, { name: "Example 146", example: repoExample146, }, { name: "Example 149", example: repoExample149, }, { name: "Example 152", example: repoExample152, }, { name: "Example 156", example: repoExample156, }, { name: "Example 158", example: repoExample158, }, { name: "Example 161", example: repoExample161, }, { name: "Example 163", example: repoExample163, }, { name: "Example 166", example: repoExample166, }, { name: "Example 168", example: repoExample168, }, { name: "Example 170", example: repoExample170, }, { name: "Example 173", example: repoExample173, }, { name: "Example 175", example: repoExample175, }, { name: "Example 180", example: repoExample180, }, { name: "Example 182", example: repoExample182, }, { name: "Example 184", example: repoExample184, }, { name: "Example 186", example: repoExample186, }, { name: "Example 188", example: repoExample188, }, { name: "Example 190", example: repoExample190, }, { name: "Example 192", example: repoExample192, }, { name: "Example 194", example: repoExample194, }, { name: "Example 196", example: repoExample196, }, { name: "Example 198", example: repoExample198, }, }