
451 行
13 KiB

package pub
import (
var (
// ErrObjectRequired indicates the activity needs its object property
// set. Can be returned by DelegateActor's PostInbox or PostOutbox so a
// Bad Request response is set.
ErrObjectRequired = errors.New("object property required on the provided activity")
// ErrTargetRequired indicates the activity needs its target property
// set. Can be returned by DelegateActor's PostInbox or PostOutbox so a
// Bad Request response is set.
ErrTargetRequired = errors.New("target property required on the provided activity")
// activityStreamsMediaTypes contains all of the accepted ActivityStreams media
// types. Generated at init time.
var activityStreamsMediaTypes []string
func init() {
activityStreamsMediaTypes = []string{
jsonLdType := "application/ld+json"
for _, semi := range []string{";", " ;", " ; ", "; "} {
for _, profile := range []string{
} {
activityStreamsMediaTypes = append(
fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", jsonLdType, semi, profile))
// headerIsActivityPubMediaType returns true if the header string contains one
// of the accepted ActivityStreams media types.
// Note we don't try to build a comprehensive parser and instead accept a
// tolerable amount of whitespace since the HTTP specification is ambiguous
// about the format and significance of whitespace.
func headerIsActivityPubMediaType(header string) bool {
for _, mediaType := range activityStreamsMediaTypes {
if strings.Contains(header, mediaType) {
return true
return false
const (
// The Content-Type header.
contentTypeHeader = "Content-Type"
// The Accept header.
acceptHeader = "Accept"
// isActivityPubPost returns true if the request is a POST request that has the
// ActivityStreams content type header
func isActivityPubPost(r *http.Request) bool {
return r.Method == "POST" && headerIsActivityPubMediaType(r.Header.Get(contentTypeHeader))
// isActivityPubGet returns true if the request is a GET request that has the
// ActivityStreams content type header
func isActivityPubGet(r *http.Request) bool {
return r.Method == "GET" && headerIsActivityPubMediaType(r.Header.Get(acceptHeader))
// dedupeOrderedItems deduplicates the 'orderedItems' within an ordered
// collection type. Deduplication happens by the 'id' property.
func dedupeOrderedItems(oc orderedItemser) error {
oi := oc.GetActivityStreamsOrderedItems()
if oi == nil {
return nil
seen := make(map[string]bool, oi.Len())
for i := 0; i < oi.Len(); {
var id *url.URL
iter := oi.At(i)
asType := iter.GetType()
if asType != nil {
var err error
id, err = GetId(asType)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if iter.IsIRI() {
id = iter.GetIRI()
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("element %d in OrderedCollection does not have an ID nor is an IRI", i)
if seen[id.String()] {
} else {
seen[id.String()] = true
return nil
const (
// jsonLDContext is the key for the JSON-LD specification's context
// value. It contains the definitions of the types contained within the
// rest of the payload. Important for linked-data representations, but
// only applicable to go-fed at code-generation time.
jsonLDContext = "@context"
// addJSONLDContext adds the
func serialize(a vocab.Type) (m map[string]interface{}, e error) {
m, e = a.Serialize()
if e != nil {
v := a.JSONLDContext()
// Transform the map of vocabulary-to-aliases into a context payload,
// but do so in a way that at least keeps it readable for other humans.
var contextValue interface{}
if len(v) == 1 {
for vocab, alias := range v {
if len(alias) == 0 {
contextValue = vocab
} else {
contextValue = map[string]string{
alias: vocab,
} else {
var arr []interface{}
aliases := make(map[string]string)
for vocab, alias := range v {
if len(alias) == 0 {
arr = append(arr, vocab)
} else {
aliases[alias] = vocab
contextValue = append(arr, aliases)
m[jsonLDContext] = contextValue
const (
// Contains the ActivityStreams Content-Type value.
contentTypeHeaderValue = "application/ld+json; profile=\"\""
// The Date header.
dateHeader = "Date"
// The Digest header.
digestHeader = "Digest"
// The delimiter used in the Digest header.
digestDelimiter = "="
// SHA-256 string for the Digest header.
sha256Digest = "SHA-256"
// addResponseHeaders sets headers needed in the HTTP response, such but not
// limited to the Content-Type, Date, and Digest headers.
func addResponseHeaders(h http.Header, c Clock, responseContent []byte) {
h.Set(contentTypeHeader, contentTypeHeaderValue)
// RFC 7231 §
h.Set(dateHeader, c.Now().UTC().Format("Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05")+" GMT")
// RFC 3230 and RFC 5843
var b bytes.Buffer
hashed := sha256.Sum256(responseContent)
h.Set(digestHeader, b.String())
// IdProperty is a property that can readily have its id obtained
type IdProperty interface {
// GetIRI returns the IRI of this property. When IsIRI returns false,
// GetIRI will return an arbitrary value.
GetIRI() *url.URL
// GetType returns the value in this property as a Type. Returns nil if
// the value is not an ActivityStreams type, such as an IRI or another
// value.
GetType() vocab.Type
// IsIRI returns true if this property is an IRI.
IsIRI() bool
// ToId returns an IdProperty's id.
func ToId(i IdProperty) (*url.URL, error) {
if i.GetType() != nil {
return GetId(i.GetType())
} else if i.IsIRI() {
return i.GetIRI(), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot determine id of activitystreams property")
// GetId will attempt to find the 'id' property or, if it happens to be a
// Link or derived from Link type, the 'href' property instead.
// Returns an error if the id is not set and either the 'href' property is not
// valid on this type, or it is also not set.
func GetId(t vocab.Type) (*url.URL, error) {
if id := t.GetActivityStreamsId(); id != nil {
return id.Get(), nil
} else if h, ok := t.(hrefer); ok {
if href := h.GetActivityStreamsHref(); href != nil {
return href.Get(), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot determine id of activitystreams value")
// getInboxForwardingValues obtains the 'inReplyTo', 'object', 'target', and
// 'tag' values on an ActivityStreams value.
func getInboxForwardingValues(o vocab.Type) (t []vocab.Type, iri []*url.URL) {
// 'inReplyTo'
if i, ok := o.(inReplyToer); ok {
irt := i.GetActivityStreamsInReplyTo()
for iter := irt.Begin(); iter != irt.End(); iter = iter.Next() {
if tv := iter.GetType(); tv != nil {
t = append(t, tv)
} else {
iri = append(iri, iter.GetIRI())
// 'tag'
if i, ok := o.(tagger); ok {
tag := i.GetActivityStreamsTag()
for iter := tag.Begin(); iter != tag.End(); iter = iter.Next() {
if tv := iter.GetType(); tv != nil {
t = append(t, tv)
} else {
iri = append(iri, iter.GetIRI())
// 'object'
if i, ok := o.(objecter); ok {
obj := i.GetActivityStreamsObject()
for iter := obj.Begin(); iter != obj.End(); iter = iter.Next() {
if tv := iter.GetType(); tv != nil {
t = append(t, tv)
} else {
iri = append(iri, iter.GetIRI())
// 'target'
if i, ok := o.(targeter); ok {
tar := i.GetActivityStreamsTarget()
for iter := tar.Begin(); iter != tar.End(); iter = iter.Next() {
if tv := iter.GetType(); tv != nil {
t = append(t, tv)
} else {
iri = append(iri, iter.GetIRI())
// wrapInCreate will automatically wrap the provided object in a Create
// activity. This will copy over the 'to', 'bto', 'cc', 'bcc', and 'audience'
// properties. It will also copy over the published time if present.
func wrapInCreate(ctx context.Context, o vocab.Type, actor *url.URL) (c vocab.ActivityStreamsCreate, err error) {
c = streams.NewActivityStreamsCreate()
// Object property
oProp := streams.NewActivityStreamsObjectProperty()
addToCreate(ctx, c, o)
// Actor Property
actorProp := streams.NewActivityStreamsActorProperty()
// Published Property
if v, ok := o.(publisheder); ok {
// Copying over properties.
if v, ok := o.(toer); ok {
activityTo := streams.NewActivityStreamsToProperty()
to := v.GetActivityStreamsTo()
for iter := to.Begin(); iter != to.End(); iter = iter.Next() {
var id *url.URL
id, err = ToId(iter)
if err != nil {
if v, ok := o.(btoer); ok {
activityBto := streams.NewActivityStreamsBtoProperty()
bto := v.GetActivityStreamsBto()
for iter := bto.Begin(); iter != bto.End(); iter = iter.Next() {
var id *url.URL
id, err = ToId(iter)
if err != nil {
if v, ok := o.(ccer); ok {
activityCc := streams.NewActivityStreamsCcProperty()
cc := v.GetActivityStreamsCc()
for iter := cc.Begin(); iter != cc.End(); iter = iter.Next() {
var id *url.URL
id, err = ToId(iter)
if err != nil {
if v, ok := o.(bccer); ok {
activityBcc := streams.NewActivityStreamsBccProperty()
bcc := v.GetActivityStreamsBcc()
for iter := bcc.Begin(); iter != bcc.End(); iter = iter.Next() {
var id *url.URL
id, err = ToId(iter)
if err != nil {
if v, ok := o.(audiencer); ok {
activityAudience := streams.NewActivityStreamsAudienceProperty()
aud := v.GetActivityStreamsAudience()
for iter := aud.Begin(); iter != aud.End(); iter = iter.Next() {
var id *url.URL
id, err = ToId(iter)
if err != nil {
// filterURLs removes urls whose strings match the provided filter
func filterURLs(u []*url.URL, fn func(s string) bool) []*url.URL {
i := 0
for i < len(u) {
if fn(u[i].String()) {
u = append(u[:i], u[i+1:]...)
} else {
return u
const (
// PublicActivityPubIRI is the IRI that indicates an Activity is meant
// to be visible for general public consumption.
PublicActivityPubIRI = ""
publicJsonLD = "Public"
publicJsonLDAS = "as:Public"
// IsPublic determines if an IRI string is the Public collection as defined in
// the spec, including JSON-LD compliant collections.
func IsPublic(s string) bool {
return s == PublicActivityPubIRI || s == publicJsonLD || s == publicJsonLDAS
// getInboxes extracts the 'inbox' IRIs from actor types.
func getInboxes(t []vocab.Type) (u []*url.URL, err error) {
for _, elem := range t {
var iri *url.URL
iri, err = getInbox(elem)
if err != nil {
u = append(u, iri)
// getInbox extracts the 'inbox' IRI from an actor type.
func getInbox(t vocab.Type) (u *url.URL, err error) {
ib, ok := t.(inboxer)
if !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("actor type %T has no inbox", t)
inbox := ib.GetActivityStreamsInbox()
return ToId(inbox)
// dedupeIRIs will deduplicate final inbox IRIs. The ignore list is applied to
// the final list.
func dedupeIRIs(recipients, ignored []*url.URL) (out []*url.URL) {
ignoredMap := make(map[string]bool, len(ignored))
for _, elem := range ignored {
ignoredMap[elem.String()] = true
outMap := make(map[string]bool, len(recipients))
for _, k := range recipients {
kStr := k.String()
if !ignoredMap[kStr] && !outMap[kStr] {
out = append(out, k)
outMap[kStr] = true
// stripHiddenRecipients removes "bto" and "bcc" from the activity.
// Note that this requirement of the specification is under "Section 6: Client
// to Server Interactions", the Social API, and not the Federative API.
func stripHiddenRecipients(activity Activity) {
bto := activity.GetActivityStreamsBto()
if bto != nil {
for i := bto.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
bcc := activity.GetActivityStreamsBcc()
if bcc != nil {
for i := bcc.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {