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// Code generated by astool. DO NOT EDIT.
package vocab
import "net/url"
// Specifies a Collection of actors who are working on the object, or responsible
// for it, or managing or administrating it, or having edit access to it. For
// example, for a Repository, it could be the people who have push/edit
// access, the "collaborators" of the repository.
// {
// "@context": [
// "",
// "",
// ""
// ],
// "followers": "https://dev.example/aviva/treesim/followers",
// "id": "https://dev.example/aviva/treesim",
// "inbox": "https://dev.example/aviva/treesim/inbox",
// "name": "Tree Growth 3D Simulation",
// "outbox": "https://dev.example/aviva/treesim/outbox",
// "publicKey": {
// "id": "https://dev.example/aviva/treesim#main-key",
// "owner": "https://dev.example/aviva/treesim",
// "publicKeyPem": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhki....."
// },
// "summary": "\u003cp\u003eTree growth 3D simulator for my nature
// exploration game\u003c/p\u003e",
// "team": "https://dev.example/aviva/treesim/team",
// "type": "Repository"
// }
// {
// "@context": "",
// "id": "https://dev.example/aviva/treesim/team",
// "items": [
// "https://dev.example/aviva",
// "https://dev.example/luke",
// ""
// ],
// "totalItems": 3,
// "type": "Collection"
// }
type ForgeFedTeamProperty interface {
// Clear ensures no value of this property is set. Calling HasAny or any
// of the 'Is' methods afterwards will return false.
// GetActivityStreamsCollection returns the value of this property. When
// IsActivityStreamsCollection returns false,
// GetActivityStreamsCollection will return an arbitrary value.
GetActivityStreamsCollection() ActivityStreamsCollection
// GetActivityStreamsCollectionPage returns the value of this property.
// When IsActivityStreamsCollectionPage returns false,
// GetActivityStreamsCollectionPage will return an arbitrary value.
GetActivityStreamsCollectionPage() ActivityStreamsCollectionPage
// GetActivityStreamsOrderedCollection returns the value of this property.
// When IsActivityStreamsOrderedCollection returns false,
// GetActivityStreamsOrderedCollection will return an arbitrary value.
GetActivityStreamsOrderedCollection() ActivityStreamsOrderedCollection
// GetActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPage returns the value of this
// property. When IsActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPage returns
// false, GetActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPage will return an
// arbitrary value.
GetActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPage() ActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPage
// GetIRI returns the IRI of this property. When IsIRI returns false,
// GetIRI will return an arbitrary value.
GetIRI() *url.URL
// GetType returns the value in this property as a Type. Returns nil if
// the value is not an ActivityStreams type, such as an IRI or another
// value.
GetType() Type
// HasAny returns true if any of the different values is set.
HasAny() bool
// IsActivityStreamsCollection returns true if this property has a type of
// "Collection". When true, use the GetActivityStreamsCollection and
// SetActivityStreamsCollection methods to access and set this
// property.
IsActivityStreamsCollection() bool
// IsActivityStreamsCollectionPage returns true if this property has a
// type of "CollectionPage". When true, use the
// GetActivityStreamsCollectionPage and
// SetActivityStreamsCollectionPage methods to access and set this
// property.
IsActivityStreamsCollectionPage() bool
// IsActivityStreamsOrderedCollection returns true if this property has a
// type of "OrderedCollection". When true, use the
// GetActivityStreamsOrderedCollection and
// SetActivityStreamsOrderedCollection methods to access and set this
// property.
IsActivityStreamsOrderedCollection() bool
// IsActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPage returns true if this property
// has a type of "OrderedCollectionPage". When true, use the
// GetActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPage and
// SetActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPage methods to access and set
// this property.
IsActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPage() bool
// IsIRI returns true if this property is an IRI. When true, use GetIRI
// and SetIRI to access and set this property
IsIRI() bool
// JSONLDContext returns the JSONLD URIs required in the context string
// for this property and the specific values that are set. The value
// in the map is the alias used to import the property's value or
// values.
JSONLDContext() map[string]string
// KindIndex computes an arbitrary value for indexing this kind of value.
// This is a leaky API detail only for folks looking to replace the
// go-fed implementation. Applications should not use this method.
KindIndex() int
// LessThan compares two instances of this property with an arbitrary but
// stable comparison. Applications should not use this because it is
// only meant to help alternative implementations to go-fed to be able
// to normalize nonfunctional properties.
LessThan(o ForgeFedTeamProperty) bool
// Name returns the name of this property: "team".
Name() string
// Serialize converts this into an interface representation suitable for
// marshalling into a text or binary format. Applications should not
// need this function as most typical use cases serialize types
// instead of individual properties. It is exposed for alternatives to
// go-fed implementations to use.
Serialize() (interface{}, error)
// SetActivityStreamsCollection sets the value of this property. Calling
// IsActivityStreamsCollection afterwards returns true.
SetActivityStreamsCollection(v ActivityStreamsCollection)
// SetActivityStreamsCollectionPage sets the value of this property.
// Calling IsActivityStreamsCollectionPage afterwards returns true.
SetActivityStreamsCollectionPage(v ActivityStreamsCollectionPage)
// SetActivityStreamsOrderedCollection sets the value of this property.
// Calling IsActivityStreamsOrderedCollection afterwards returns true.
SetActivityStreamsOrderedCollection(v ActivityStreamsOrderedCollection)
// SetActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPage sets the value of this
// property. Calling IsActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPage afterwards
// returns true.
SetActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPage(v ActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPage)
// SetIRI sets the value of this property. Calling IsIRI afterwards
// returns true.
SetIRI(v *url.URL)
// SetType attempts to set the property for the arbitrary type. Returns an
// error if it is not a valid type to set on this property.
SetType(t Type) error