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package vocab
// A Link is an indirect, qualified reference to a resource identified by a URL.
// The fundamental model for links is established by [ RFC5988]. Many of the
// properties defined by the Activity Vocabulary allow values that are either
// instances of Object or Link. When a Link is used, it establishes a
// qualified relation connecting the subject (the containing object) to the
// resource identified by the href. Properties of the Link are properties of
// the reference as opposed to properties of the resource.
// Example 2 (
// {
// "hreflang": "en",
// "mediaType": "text/html",
// "name": "An example link",
// "type": "owl:Class",
// "url": ""
// }
type LinkInterface interface {
// GetAttributedTo returns the "attributedTo" property if it exists, and
// nil otherwise.
GetAttributedTo() AttributedToPropertyInterface
// GetHeight returns the "height" property if it exists, and nil otherwise.
GetHeight() HeightPropertyInterface
// GetHref returns the "href" property if it exists, and nil otherwise.
GetHref() HrefPropertyInterface
// GetHreflang returns the "hreflang" property if it exists, and nil
// otherwise.
GetHreflang() HreflangPropertyInterface
// GetId returns the "id" property if it exists, and nil otherwise.
GetId() IdPropertyInterface
// GetMediaType returns the "mediaType" property if it exists, and nil
// otherwise.
GetMediaType() MediaTypePropertyInterface
// GetName returns the "name" property if it exists, and nil otherwise.
GetName() NamePropertyInterface
// GetPreview returns the "preview" property if it exists, and nil
// otherwise.
GetPreview() PreviewPropertyInterface
// GetRel returns the "rel" property if it exists, and nil otherwise.
GetRel() RelPropertyInterface
// GetSummary returns the "summary" property if it exists, and nil
// otherwise.
GetSummary() SummaryPropertyInterface
// GetType returns the "type" property if it exists, and nil otherwise.
GetType() TypePropertyInterface
// GetUnknownProperties returns the unknown properties for the Link type.
// Note that this should not be used by app developers. It is only
// used to help determine which implementation is LessThan the other.
// Developers who are creating a different implementation of this
// type's interface can use this method in their LessThan
// implementation, but routine ActivityPub applications should not use
// this to bypass the code generation tool.
GetUnknownProperties() map[string]interface{}
// GetWidth returns the "width" property if it exists, and nil otherwise.
GetWidth() WidthPropertyInterface
// IsExtending returns true if the Link type extends from the other type.
IsExtending(other Type) bool
// JSONLDContext returns the JSONLD URIs required in the context string
// for this type and the specific properties that are set. The value
// in the map is the alias used to import the type and its properties.
JSONLDContext() map[string]string
// LessThan computes if this Link is lesser, with an arbitrary but stable
// determination.
LessThan(o LinkInterface) bool
// Serialize converts this into an interface representation suitable for
// marshalling into a text or binary format.
Serialize() (map[string]interface{}, error)
// SetAttributedTo returns the "attributedTo" property if it exists, and
// nil otherwise.
SetAttributedTo(i AttributedToPropertyInterface)
// SetHeight returns the "height" property if it exists, and nil otherwise.
SetHeight(i HeightPropertyInterface)
// SetHref returns the "href" property if it exists, and nil otherwise.
SetHref(i HrefPropertyInterface)
// SetHreflang returns the "hreflang" property if it exists, and nil
// otherwise.
SetHreflang(i HreflangPropertyInterface)
// SetId returns the "id" property if it exists, and nil otherwise.
SetId(i IdPropertyInterface)
// SetMediaType returns the "mediaType" property if it exists, and nil
// otherwise.
SetMediaType(i MediaTypePropertyInterface)
// SetName returns the "name" property if it exists, and nil otherwise.
SetName(i NamePropertyInterface)
// SetPreview returns the "preview" property if it exists, and nil
// otherwise.
SetPreview(i PreviewPropertyInterface)
// SetRel returns the "rel" property if it exists, and nil otherwise.
SetRel(i RelPropertyInterface)
// SetSummary returns the "summary" property if it exists, and nil
// otherwise.
SetSummary(i SummaryPropertyInterface)
// SetType returns the "type" property if it exists, and nil otherwise.
SetType(i TypePropertyInterface)
// SetWidth returns the "width" property if it exists, and nil otherwise.
SetWidth(i WidthPropertyInterface)