
1431 行
41 KiB

package convert
import (
const (
interfacePkg = "vocab"
resolverPkg = "resolver"
typePropertyName = "type"
// File is a code-generated file.
type File struct {
// F is the code-generated contents of this file.
F *jen.File
// FileName is the name of this file to write.
FileName string
// Directory specifies the location to write this file.
Directory string
// vocabulary is a set of code generators for the vocabulary.
type vocabulary struct {
Name string
URI *url.URL
Values map[string]*gen.Kind
FProps map[string]*gen.FunctionalPropertyGenerator
NFProps map[string]*gen.NonFunctionalPropertyGenerator
Types map[string]*gen.TypeGenerator
Manager *gen.ManagerGenerator
References map[string]*vocabulary
// newVocabulary creates a vocabulary with maps already made.
func newVocabulary() vocabulary {
return vocabulary{
Values: make(map[string]*gen.Kind, 0),
FProps: make(map[string]*gen.FunctionalPropertyGenerator, 0),
NFProps: make(map[string]*gen.NonFunctionalPropertyGenerator, 0),
Types: make(map[string]*gen.TypeGenerator, 0),
References: make(map[string]*vocabulary, 0),
// allTypeArray converts all Types, including referenced Types, to an array.
func (v vocabulary) allTypeArray() []*gen.TypeGenerator {
var typeArray []*gen.TypeGenerator
for _, ref := range v.References {
typeArray = append(typeArray, ref.typeArray()...)
typeArray = append(typeArray, v.typeArray()...)
return typeArray
// allPropArray converts all Properties, including referenced Properties, to an
// array.
func (v vocabulary) allPropArray() []*gen.PropertyGenerator {
var propArray []*gen.PropertyGenerator
for _, ref := range v.References {
propArray = append(propArray, ref.propArray()...)
propArray = append(propArray, v.propArray()...)
return propArray
// allFuncPropArray converts all FProps, including referenced Properties, to an
// array.
func (v vocabulary) allFuncPropArray() []*gen.FunctionalPropertyGenerator {
var funcPropArray []*gen.FunctionalPropertyGenerator
for _, ref := range v.References {
funcPropArray = append(funcPropArray, ref.funcPropArray()...)
funcPropArray = append(funcPropArray, v.funcPropArray()...)
return funcPropArray
// allNonFuncPropArray converts all NFProps, including referenced Properties, to
// an array.
func (v vocabulary) allNonFuncPropArray() []*gen.NonFunctionalPropertyGenerator {
var nonFuncPropArray []*gen.NonFunctionalPropertyGenerator
for _, ref := range v.References {
nonFuncPropArray = append(nonFuncPropArray, ref.nonFuncPropArray()...)
nonFuncPropArray = append(nonFuncPropArray, v.nonFuncPropArray()...)
return nonFuncPropArray
// typeArray converts Types to an array.
func (v vocabulary) typeArray() []*gen.TypeGenerator {
tg := make([]*gen.TypeGenerator, 0, len(v.Types))
for _, t := range v.Types {
tg = append(tg, t)
return tg
// propArray converts FProps and NFProps to a generic array.
func (v vocabulary) propArray() []*gen.PropertyGenerator {
fp := make([]*gen.PropertyGenerator, 0, len(v.FProps)+len(v.NFProps))
for _, f := range v.FProps {
fp = append(fp, &f.PropertyGenerator)
for _, f := range v.NFProps {
fp = append(fp, &f.PropertyGenerator)
return fp
// funcPropArray converts only FProps to an array.
func (v vocabulary) funcPropArray() []*gen.FunctionalPropertyGenerator {
fp := make([]*gen.FunctionalPropertyGenerator, 0, len(v.FProps))
for _, f := range v.FProps {
fp = append(fp, f)
return fp
// nonFuncPropArray converts NFProps to an array.
func (v vocabulary) nonFuncPropArray() []*gen.NonFunctionalPropertyGenerator {
nfp := make([]*gen.NonFunctionalPropertyGenerator, 0, len(v.NFProps))
for _, nf := range v.NFProps {
nfp = append(nfp, nf)
return nfp
// rdfReferences properly accounts for HTTP and HTTPS lookups of specification
// URIs.
type mapReferences map[string]*vocabulary
// Get attempts to fetch a reference, returning an error if it cannot.
func (r mapReferences) Get(uri string) (*vocabulary, error) {
http, https, err := rdf.ToHttpAndHttps(uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if v, ok := r[http]; ok {
return v, nil
} else if v, ok := r[https]; ok {
return v, nil
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mapReferences does not have reference %s", uri)
// rdfReferences properly accounts for HTTP and HTTPS lookups of specification
// URIs.
type rdfReferences map[string]*rdf.Vocabulary
// Get attempts to fetch a reference, returning an error if it cannot.
func (r rdfReferences) Get(uri string) (*rdf.Vocabulary, error) {
http, https, err := rdf.ToHttpAndHttps(uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if v, ok := r[http]; ok {
return v, nil
} else if v, ok := r[https]; ok {
return v, nil
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("rdfReferences does not have reference %s", uri)
// PackagePolicy governs what file directory structure to generate files in.
// Only affects types and properties in a vocabulary. Does not affect values.
type PackagePolicy int
const (
// FlatUnderRoot puts all types and properties together for each
// vocabulary.
FlatUnderRoot PackagePolicy = iota
// IndividualUnderRoot puts each type and each property into their own
// package within each vocabulary.
// Converter is responsible for taking the intermediate RDF understanding of one
// or more ActivityStreams-based specifications and converting it into a series
// of code-generated files.
// It supports generating code in two different styles, which greatly affects
// the package imports that application developers will use in their
// applications. While both are available, this results in code that may not be
// able to be built on some systems due to the compilation memory requirements.
// Therefore, final tooling is ecouraged to pick one and only one to use as
// there is no need for another dimension of code fragmentation. These styles
// are dicatated by the Converter's PackagePolicy.
// The generated code is separated into three locations: a "values" series of
// subdirectories, the subdirectories for the ActivityStream specification, and
// the "root" generated package.
// The "root" package is indended to be the sole package that all application
// developers use for non-interface types. It contains free-functions that aid
// in navigating the ActivityStreams hierarchy (such as extends and disjoints).
// It also contains a Resolver for deserialization or type dispatching.
// The specifications' generated code contains both interfaces and
// implementations. Developers' applications should only rely on the interfaces,
// which are used internally anyway.
type Converter struct {
GenRoot *gen.PackageManager
PackagePolicy PackagePolicy
typeProperty *gen.PropertyGenerator
typePropertyVocabName string
// Convert turns a ParsedVocabulary into a set of code-generated files.
func (c *Converter) Convert(p *rdf.ParsedVocabulary) (f []*File, e error) {
v := newVocabulary()
done := make(map[string]bool)
// Step 1: Convert referenced specifications
for i, vocabURI := range p.Order {
refP := p.Clone()
if i < len(p.Order)-1 {
refP.Vocab = *refP.References[vocabURI]
delete(refP.References, vocabURI)
var refV vocabulary
refV, e = c.convertVocabulary(refP, v.References)
if e != nil {
// Order is full of references except the last, which is the
// Vocab on ParsedVocabulary.
if i < len(p.Order)-1 {
v.References[vocabURI] = &refV
} else {
refV.References = v.References
v = refV
done[vocabURI] = true
// Step 2: Intrinsically-known vocabularies won't appear in p.Order
recurV, err := c.convertReferenceVocabularyRecursively(done, p, v.References)
if err != nil {
e = err
for k, rv := range recurV {
v.References[k] = rv
// Step 3: Create code-wide generators
e = c.convertGenRoot(&v)
if e != nil {
// Step 4: Use the code generators to build the resulting code-generated
// files.
f, e = c.convertToFiles(v)
// convertReferenceVocabularyRecursively will convert all references nested in
// all vocabularies and results in a flattened converted map.
func (c *Converter) convertReferenceVocabularyRecursively(skip map[string]bool, p *rdf.ParsedVocabulary, refs map[string]*vocabulary) (v map[string]*vocabulary, e error) {
v = make(map[string]*vocabulary)
for k, _ := range p.References {
if skip[k] {
refP := p.Clone()
refP.Vocab = *refP.References[k]
delete(refP.References, k)
var refV vocabulary
refV, e = c.convertVocabulary(refP, refs)
if e != nil {
v[k] = &refV
// Recur
var recurVocab map[string]*vocabulary
recurVocab, e = c.convertReferenceVocabularyRecursively(skip, refP, refs)
if e != nil {
// Flatten
for k, refVocab := range recurVocab {
v[k] = refVocab
// convertToFiles takes the generators for a vocabulary and maps them into a
// file structure.
func (c *Converter) convertToFiles(v vocabulary) (f []*File, e error) {
pub := c.GenRoot.PublicPackage()
// References
for _, ref := range v.References {
for _, v := range ref.Values {
pkg := c.valuePackage(v)
f = append(f, convertValue(pkg, v))
var files []*File
files, e = c.toFiles(*ref)
if e != nil {
f = append(f, files...)
files, e = c.rootFiles(pub, ref.Name, *ref, v.Manager)
if e != nil {
f = append(f, files...)
pkgFiles, err := c.packageFiles(*ref, v.Manager)
if err != nil {
e = err
f = append(f, pkgFiles...)
// This vocabulary
for _, v := range v.Values {
pkg := c.valuePackage(v)
f = append(f, convertValue(pkg, v))
var files []*File
files, e = c.toFiles(v)
if e != nil {
f = append(f, files...)
files, e = c.rootFiles(pub, v.Name, v, v.Manager)
if e != nil {
f = append(f, files...)
pkgFiles, err := c.packageFiles(v, v.Manager)
if err != nil {
e = err
f = append(f, pkgFiles...)
// Init file
var file *File
file, e = c.initFile(pub, v, v.Manager)
if e != nil {
f = append(f, file)
// Manager
jenFile := jen.NewFilePath(pub.Path())
f = append(f, &File{
F: jenFile,
FileName: "gen_manager.go",
Directory: pub.WriteDir(),
// Root Package Documentation
rootDocFile := jen.NewFilePath(pub.Path())
f = append(f, &File{
F: rootDocFile,
FileName: "gen_doc.go",
Directory: pub.WriteDir(),
// Constants
files, e = c.constFiles(c.GenRoot.PublicPackage(), v.allTypeArray(), v.allPropArray())
if e != nil {
f = append(f, files...)
// Resolvers
files, e = c.resolverFiles(c.GenRoot.PublicPackage(), v.Manager, v)
if e != nil {
f = append(f, files...)
// convertVocabulary works in a two-pass system: first converting all known
// properties, and then the types.
// Due to the fact that properties rely on the Kind abstraction, and both
// properties and types can be Kinds, this introduces tight coupling between
// the two so that callbacks can fill in missing links in data that isn't known
// beforehand (ex: how to serialize, deserialize, and compare types).
// This feels very hacky and could be decoupled using standard design patterns,
// but since there is no need, it isn't addressed now.
func (c *Converter) convertVocabulary(p *rdf.ParsedVocabulary, refs map[string]*vocabulary) (v vocabulary, e error) {
v = newVocabulary()
v.Name = p.Vocab.Name
v.URI = p.Vocab.URI
for k, val := range p.Vocab.Values {
v.Values[k] = c.convertValue(p.Vocab.Name, val)
for k, prop := range p.Vocab.Properties {
if prop.Functional {
v.FProps[k], e = c.convertFunctionalProperty(prop, v.Values, p.Vocab, p.References, refs)
if c.typeProperty == nil && prop.Name == typePropertyName {
c.typeProperty = &(v.FProps[k].PropertyGenerator)
c.typePropertyVocabName = v.Name
} else {
v.NFProps[k], e = c.convertNonFunctionalProperty(prop, v.Values, p.Vocab, p.References, refs)
if c.typeProperty == nil && prop.Name == typePropertyName {
c.typeProperty = &(v.NFProps[k].PropertyGenerator)
c.typePropertyVocabName = v.Name
if e != nil {
if c.typeProperty == nil {
e = fmt.Errorf("convertVocabulary: could not find \"type\" property and its constructor")
// Instead of building a dependency tree, naively keep iterating through
// 'allTypes' until it is empty (good) or we get stuck (return error).
allTypes := make([]rdf.VocabularyType, 0, len(p.Vocab.Types))
for _, t := range p.Vocab.Types {
allTypes = append(allTypes, t)
for {
if len(allTypes) == 0 {
stuck := true
for i, t := range allTypes {
if c.allExtendsAreIn(p.Vocab.Registry, t, v.Types, refs) {
var tg *gen.TypeGenerator
tg, e = c.convertType(t, p.Vocab, v.FProps, v.NFProps, v.Types, refs)
if e != nil {
v.Types[t.Name] = tg
stuck = false
// Delete the one we just did.
allTypes[i] = allTypes[len(allTypes)-1]
allTypes = allTypes[:len(allTypes)-1]
if stuck {
e = fmt.Errorf("converting gen got stuck in dependency cycle")
// convertGenRoot creates code-wide code generators.
func (c *Converter) convertGenRoot(v *vocabulary) (e error) {
v.Manager, e = gen.NewManagerGenerator(
// existingProperty attempts to find an existing Property in a referred
// vocabulary.
// Returns all nils if the property has been defined in a later vocabulary.
func (c *Converter) existingProperty(registry *rdf.RDFRegistry, r rdf.VocabularyReference, genRefs map[string]*vocabulary) (g gen.Property, e error) {
var url string
url, e = registry.ResolveAlias(r.Vocab)
if e != nil {
mapRef := mapReferences(genRefs)
var refVocab *vocabulary
refVocab, e = mapRef.Get(url)
if e != nil {
// Forwarded property -- a later specification added this
// property to a type defined in an earlier specification.
e = nil
// Ugly.
if p, ok := refVocab.FProps[r.Name]; !ok {
if p, ok := refVocab.NFProps[r.Name]; !ok {
e = fmt.Errorf("refVocab %s cannot find %s", r.Vocab, r.Name)
} else {
g = p
} else {
g = p
// convertType turns the rdf.VocabularyType into a TypeGenerator.
// Precondition: The types it extends from and the properties it references are
// already converted into their applicable generators.
func (c *Converter) convertType(t rdf.VocabularyType,
v rdf.Vocabulary,
existingFProps map[string]*gen.FunctionalPropertyGenerator,
existingNFProps map[string]*gen.NonFunctionalPropertyGenerator,
existingTypes map[string]*gen.TypeGenerator,
genRefs map[string]*vocabulary) (tg *gen.TypeGenerator, e error) {
// Determine the gen package name
var pm *gen.PackageManager
pm, e = c.typePackageManager(t, v.Name)
if e != nil {
// Determine the properties for this type
var p []gen.Property
for _, prop := range t.Properties {
if len(prop.Vocab) != 0 {
var py gen.Property
py, e = c.existingProperty(v.Registry, prop, genRefs)
if e != nil {
if py != nil {
p = append(p, py)
} else {
var property gen.Property
var ok bool
property, ok = existingFProps[prop.Name]
if !ok {
property, ok = existingNFProps[prop.Name]
if !ok {
e = fmt.Errorf("cannot find property with name: %s", prop.Name)
p = append(p, property)
// Determine WithoutProperties for this type
var wop []gen.Property
for _, prop := range t.WithoutProperties {
if len(prop.Vocab) != 0 {
var py gen.Property
py, e = c.existingProperty(v.Registry, prop, genRefs)
if e != nil {
if py != nil {
wop = append(wop, py)
} else {
var property gen.Property
var ok bool
property, ok = existingFProps[prop.Name]
if !ok {
property, ok = existingNFProps[prop.Name]
if !ok {
e = fmt.Errorf("cannot find property with name: %s", prop.Name)
wop = append(wop, property)
// Determine what this type extends
var ext []*gen.TypeGenerator
for _, ex := range t.Extends {
if len(ex.Vocab) != 0 {
var t *gen.TypeGenerator
t, e = existingType(v.Registry, ex, genRefs)
if e != nil {
ext = append(ext, t)
} else {
ext = append(ext, existingTypes[ex.Name])
// Apply disjoint if both sides are available because the TypeGenerator
// does not know the entire vocabulary, so cannot do this lookup and
// create this connection for us.
var disjoint []*gen.TypeGenerator
for _, disj := range t.DisjointWith {
if len(disj.Vocab) != 0 {
var t *gen.TypeGenerator
t, e = existingType(v.Registry, disj, genRefs)
if e != nil {
disjoint = append(disjoint, t)
} else if disjointType, ok := existingTypes[disj.Name]; ok {
disjoint = append(disjoint, disjointType)
// Pass in properties whose range is this type so it can build
// references properly.
// Note that the Kinds container on properties contains both types and
// values.
name := c.convertTypeToName(t)
var rangeProps []gen.Property
for _, prop := range existingFProps {
for _, kind := range prop.GetKinds() {
// TODO: Rename "LowerName" since the type's name is
// actually title case.
if kind.Name.LowerName == name {
rangeProps = append(rangeProps, prop)
for _, prop := range existingNFProps {
for _, kind := range prop.GetKinds() {
if kind.Name.LowerName == name {
rangeProps = append(rangeProps, prop)
var examples []string
for _, ex := range t.Examples {
examples = append(examples, asComment(ex))
comment := t.Notes
if len(examples) > 0 {
comment = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\n%s", comment, strings.Join(examples, "\n\n"))
tg, e = gen.NewTypeGenerator(
// convertFunctionalProperty converts an rdf.VocabularyProperty that is
// functional (can only have one value) into a FunctionalPropertyGenerator.
func (c *Converter) convertFunctionalProperty(p rdf.VocabularyProperty,
kinds map[string]*gen.Kind,
v rdf.Vocabulary,
refs map[string]*rdf.Vocabulary,
genRefs map[string]*vocabulary) (fp *gen.FunctionalPropertyGenerator, e error) {
var k []gen.Kind
k, e = c.propertyKinds(p, kinds, v, refs)
if e != nil {
var pm *gen.PackageManager
pm, e = c.propertyPackageManager(p, v.Name)
if e != nil {
var examples []string
for _, ex := range p.Examples {
examples = append(examples, asComment(ex))
comment := p.Notes
if len(examples) > 0 {
comment = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\n%s", comment, strings.Join(examples, "\n\n"))
fp, e = gen.NewFunctionalPropertyGenerator(
if e != nil {
e = backPopulateProperty(v.Registry, p, genRefs, fp)
if e != nil {
// convertNonFunctionalProperty converts an rdf.VocabularyProperty that is
// non-functional (can have multiple values) into a
// NonFunctionalPropertyGenerator.
func (c *Converter) convertNonFunctionalProperty(p rdf.VocabularyProperty,
kinds map[string]*gen.Kind,
v rdf.Vocabulary,
refs map[string]*rdf.Vocabulary,
genRefs map[string]*vocabulary) (nfp *gen.NonFunctionalPropertyGenerator, e error) {
var k []gen.Kind
k, e = c.propertyKinds(p, kinds, v, refs)
if e != nil {
var pm *gen.PackageManager
pm, e = c.propertyPackageManager(p, v.Name)
if e != nil {
var examples []string
for _, ex := range p.Examples {
examples = append(examples, asComment(ex))
comment := p.Notes
if len(examples) > 0 {
comment = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\n%s", comment, strings.Join(examples, "\n\n"))
nfp, e = gen.NewNonFunctionalPropertyGenerator(
if e != nil {
e = backPopulateProperty(v.Registry, p, genRefs, nfp)
if e != nil {
// convertValue turns a rdf.VocabularyValue into a Kind.
func (c *Converter) convertValue(vocabName string, v rdf.VocabularyValue) *gen.Kind {
s := v.SerializeFn.CloneToPackage(c.vocabValuePackage(v).Path())
d := v.DeserializeFn.CloneToPackage(c.vocabValuePackage(v).Path())
l := v.LessFn.CloneToPackage(c.vocabValuePackage(v).Path())
// Name must use toIdentifier for vocabValuePackage and valuePackage to
// be the same.
id := toIdentifier(v)
return gen.NewKindForValue(id.LowerName,
// convertTypeToName makes a Titled version of the VocabularyType's name.
func (c *Converter) convertTypeToName(v rdf.VocabularyType) string {
return strings.Title(v.Name)
// propertyKinds determines what Kind names are referenced by the
// rdf.VocabularyProperty, which may rely on the parsing registry for these
// particular files.
func (c *Converter) propertyKinds(v rdf.VocabularyProperty,
kinds map[string]*gen.Kind,
vocab rdf.Vocabulary,
refs map[string]*rdf.Vocabulary) (k []gen.Kind, e error) {
for _, r := range v.Range {
if len(r.Vocab) == 0 {
if kind, ok := kinds[r.Name]; !ok {
// It is a Type of the vocabulary
if t, ok := vocab.Types[r.Name]; !ok {
e = fmt.Errorf("cannot find own kind with name %q", r.Name)
} else {
id := toIdentifier(t)
kt := gen.NewKindForType(id.LowerName, id.CamelName, vocab.Name)
k = append(k, *kt)
} else {
// It is a Value of the vocabulary
k = append(k, *kind)
} else {
var url string
url, e = vocab.Registry.ResolveAlias(r.Vocab)
if e != nil {
rdfRef := rdfReferences(refs)
var refVocab *rdf.Vocabulary
refVocab, e = rdfRef.Get(url)
if e != nil {
if val, ok := refVocab.Values[r.Name]; !ok {
// It is a Type of the vocabulary instead
if t, ok := refVocab.Types[r.Name]; !ok {
e = fmt.Errorf("cannot find kind with name %q in %s", r.Name, url)
} else {
id := toIdentifier(t)
kt := gen.NewKindForType(id.LowerName, id.CamelName, refVocab.Name)
k = append(k, *kt)
} else {
// It is a Value of the vocabulary
k = append(k, *c.convertValue(refVocab.Name, val))
// getValueRoot returns the subdirectory that contains value types.
func (c *Converter) getValueRoot() *gen.PackageManager {
return c.GenRoot.Sub("values")
// valuePackage returns the subpackage for a value Kind.
// It must match the result of vocabValuePackage. Therefore, convertTypeToKind
// and convertValue must also use toIdentifier.
func (c *Converter) valuePackage(v *gen.Kind) gen.Package {
return c.getValueRoot().Sub(v.Name.LowerName).PublicPackage()
// vocabValuePackage returns the subpackage for a value Kind.
// It must match the result of valuePackage. Therefore, convertTypeToKind and
// convertValue must also use toIdentifier.
func (c *Converter) vocabValuePackage(v rdf.VocabularyValue) gen.Package {
return c.getValueRoot().Sub(toIdentifier(v).LowerName).PublicPackage()
// typePackageManager returns a package manager for an individual type. It may
// be the same as other types depending on the code generation policy.
func (c *Converter) typePackageManager(v typeNamer, vocabName string) (pkg *gen.PackageManager, e error) {
return c.packageManager("type_"+v.TypeName(), vocabName)
// propertyPackageManager returns a package manager for an individual property.
// It may be the same as other types depending on the code generation policy.
func (c *Converter) propertyPackageManager(v propertyNamer, vocabName string) (pkg *gen.PackageManager, e error) {
return c.packageManager("property_"+v.PropertyName(), vocabName)
// packageManager applies the code generation package policy and returns a
// PackageManager applicable for that policy.
// The FlatUnderRoot policy puts all properties and types together in a single
// public and single private package.
// The IndividualUnderRoot policy puts each property and each type in their own
// package, and each of those packages has their own public and private
// subpackages.
func (c *Converter) packageManager(s, vocabName string) (pkg *gen.PackageManager, e error) {
s = strings.ToLower(s)
switch c.PackagePolicy {
case FlatUnderRoot:
pkg = c.GenRoot.SubPublic(interfacePkg).SubPrivate(strings.ToLower(vocabName))
case IndividualUnderRoot:
pkg = c.GenRoot.SubPublic(interfacePkg).SubPrivate(strings.ToLower(vocabName)).SubPrivate(s)
e = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized PackagePolicy: %v", c.PackagePolicy)
// rootFiles creates files that are applied for all vocabularies. These files
// are the ones typically used by developers.
func (c *Converter) rootFiles(pkg gen.Package, vocabName string, v vocabulary, m *gen.ManagerGenerator) (f []*File, e error) {
pg := gen.NewPackageGenerator(c.typePropertyVocabName, m, c.typeProperty)
typeCtors, propCtors, ext, disj, extBy := pg.RootDefinitions(vocabName, v.typeArray(), v.propArray())
lowerVocabName := strings.ToLower(vocabName)
if file := funcsToFile(pkg, typeCtors, fmt.Sprintf("gen_pkg_%s_type_constructors.go", lowerVocabName)); file != nil {
f = append(f, file)
if file := funcsToFile(pkg, propCtors, fmt.Sprintf("gen_pkg_%s_property_constructors.go", lowerVocabName)); file != nil {
f = append(f, file)
if file := funcsToFile(pkg, ext, fmt.Sprintf("gen_pkg_%s_extends.go", lowerVocabName)); file != nil {
f = append(f, file)
if file := funcsToFile(pkg, disj, fmt.Sprintf("gen_pkg_%s_disjoint.go", lowerVocabName)); file != nil {
f = append(f, file)
if file := funcsToFile(pkg, extBy, fmt.Sprintf("gen_pkg_%s_extendedby.go", lowerVocabName)); file != nil {
f = append(f, file)
// initFile creates the file with the init function that hooks together the
// runtime Manager.
func (c *Converter) initFile(pkg gen.Package, root vocabulary, m *gen.ManagerGenerator) (f *File, e error) {
pg := gen.NewPackageGenerator(c.typePropertyVocabName, m, c.typeProperty)
globalVar, initFn := pg.InitDefinitions(pkg, root.allTypeArray(), root.allPropArray())
initFile := jen.NewFilePath(pkg.Path())
f = &File{
F: initFile,
FileName: "gen_init.go",
Directory: pkg.WriteDir(),
// packageFiles generates package-level files necessary for types and properties
// within a single vocabulary.
// In the FlatUnderRoot policy, only one is needed in the public and private
// directories since all types and properties are co-located within the same
// package.
// In the IndividualUnderRoot policy, multiple are needed. Since each type and
// property are in their own package, one package file is needed in each of
// those types' and properties' subpackage.
func (c *Converter) packageFiles(v vocabulary, m *gen.ManagerGenerator) (f []*File, e error) {
switch c.PackagePolicy {
case FlatUnderRoot:
pg := gen.NewPackageGenerator(c.typePropertyVocabName, m, c.typeProperty)
if tArr := v.typeArray(); len(tArr) > 0 {
// Only need one for all types.
pubI := pg.PublicDefinitions(tArr)
// Public
pub := v.typeArray()[0].PublicPackage()
file := jen.NewFilePath(pub.Path())
f = append(f, &File{
F: file,
FileName: "gen_pkg.go",
Directory: pub.WriteDir(),
// Public Package Documentation
docFile := jen.NewFilePath(pub.Path())
docFile.PackageComment(gen.VocabPackageComment(pub.Name(), v.Name))
f = append(f, &File{
F: docFile,
FileName: "gen_doc.go",
Directory: pub.WriteDir(),
// Private
if tArr, pArr := v.typeArray(), v.propArray(); len(tArr) > 0 || len(pArr) > 0 {
s, i, fn := pg.PrivateDefinitions(tArr, pArr)
var priv gen.Package
if len(tArr) > 0 {
priv = tArr[0].PrivatePackage()
} else {
priv = pArr[0].GetPrivatePackage()
file := jen.NewFilePath(priv.Path())
for _, elem := range s {
for _, elem := range i {
for _, elem := range fn {
f = append(f, &File{
F: file,
FileName: "gen_pkg.go",
Directory: priv.WriteDir(),
// Private Package Documentation
privDocFile := jen.NewFilePath(priv.Path())
privDocFile.PackageComment(gen.PrivateFlatPackageComment(priv.Name(), v.Name))
f = append(f, &File{
F: privDocFile,
FileName: "gen_doc.go",
Directory: priv.WriteDir(),
case IndividualUnderRoot:
for _, tg := range v.Types {
var file []*File
file, e = c.typePackageFiles(tg, v.Name, m)
if e != nil {
f = append(f, file...)
for _, pg := range v.FProps {
var file []*File
file, e = c.propertyPackageFiles(&pg.PropertyGenerator, v.Name)
if e != nil {
f = append(f, file...)
for _, pg := range v.NFProps {
var file []*File
file, e = c.propertyPackageFiles(&pg.PropertyGenerator, v.Name)
if e != nil {
f = append(f, file...)
e = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized PackagePolicy: %v", c.PackagePolicy)
// typePackageFile creates the package-level files necessary for a type if it
// is being generated in its own package.
func (c *Converter) typePackageFiles(tg *gen.TypeGenerator, vocabName string, m *gen.ManagerGenerator) (f []*File, e error) {
// Only need one for all types.
tpg := gen.NewTypePackageGenerator(c.typePropertyVocabName, m, c.typeProperty)
pubI := tpg.PublicDefinitions([]*gen.TypeGenerator{tg})
// Public
pub := tg.PublicPackage()
file := jen.NewFilePath(pub.Path())
f = append(f, &File{
F: file,
FileName: "gen_pkg.go",
Directory: pub.WriteDir(),
// Public Package Documentation -- this may collide, but it's all the
// same content.
docFile := jen.NewFilePath(pub.Path())
docFile.PackageComment(gen.VocabPackageComment(pub.Name(), vocabName))
f = append(f, &File{
F: docFile,
FileName: "gen_doc.go",
Directory: pub.WriteDir(),
// Private
s, i, fn := tpg.PrivateDefinitions([]*gen.TypeGenerator{tg})
priv := tg.PrivatePackage()
file = jen.NewFilePath(priv.Path())
for _, elem := range s {
for _, elem := range i {
for _, elem := range fn {
f = append(f, &File{
F: file,
FileName: "gen_pkg.go",
Directory: priv.WriteDir(),
// Private Package Documentation
privDocFile := jen.NewFilePath(priv.Path())
privDocFile.PackageComment(gen.PrivateIndividualTypePackageComment(priv.Name(), tg.TypeName()))
f = append(f, &File{
F: privDocFile,
FileName: "gen_doc.go",
Directory: priv.WriteDir(),
// propertyPackageFiles creates the package-level files necessary for a property
// if it is being generated in its own package.
func (c *Converter) propertyPackageFiles(pg *gen.PropertyGenerator, vocabName string) (f []*File, e error) {
// Only need one for all types.
ppg := gen.NewPropertyPackageGenerator()
// Public Package Documentation -- this may collide, but it's all the
// same content.
pub := pg.GetPublicPackage()
docFile := jen.NewFilePath(pub.Path())
docFile.PackageComment(gen.VocabPackageComment(pub.Name(), vocabName))
f = append(f, &File{
F: docFile,
FileName: "gen_doc.go",
Directory: pub.WriteDir(),
// Private
s, i, fn := ppg.PrivateDefinitions([]*gen.PropertyGenerator{pg})
priv := pg.GetPrivatePackage()
file := jen.NewFilePath(priv.Path())
f = append(f, &File{
F: file,
FileName: "gen_pkg.go",
Directory: priv.WriteDir(),
// Private Package Documentation
privDocFile := jen.NewFilePath(priv.Path())
privDocFile.PackageComment(gen.PrivateIndividualPropertyPackageComment(priv.Name(), pg.PropertyName()))
f = append(f, &File{
F: privDocFile,
FileName: "gen_doc.go",
Directory: priv.WriteDir(),
// resolverFiles creates the files necessary for the resolvers.
func (c *Converter) resolverFiles(pkg gen.Package, manGen *gen.ManagerGenerator, root vocabulary) (files []*File, e error) {
rg := gen.NewResolverGenerator(root.allTypeArray(), manGen, pkg)
jsonRes, typeRes, typePredRes, errDefs, fns, iFaces := rg.Definition()
// Utils
file := jen.NewFilePath(pkg.Path())
for _, errDef := range errDefs {
for _, iFace := range iFaces {
for _, fn := range fns {
files = append(files, &File{
F: file,
FileName: "gen_resolver_utils.go",
Directory: pkg.WriteDir(),
// JSON resolver
file = jen.NewFilePath(pkg.Path())
files = append(files, &File{
F: file,
FileName: "gen_json_resolver.go",
Directory: pkg.WriteDir(),
// Type, not predicated
file = jen.NewFilePath(pkg.Path())
files = append(files, &File{
F: file,
FileName: "gen_type_resolver.go",
Directory: pkg.WriteDir(),
// Type, Predicated
file = jen.NewFilePath(pkg.Path())
files = append(files, &File{
F: file,
FileName: "gen_type_predicated_resolver.go",
Directory: pkg.WriteDir(),
// constFiles creates the files for constants.
func (c *Converter) constFiles(pkg gen.Package, types []*gen.TypeGenerator, props []*gen.PropertyGenerator) (files []*File, e error) {
consts := gen.GenerateConstants(types, props)
file := jen.NewFilePath(pkg.Path())
for _, elem := range consts {
files = append(files, &File{
F: file,
FileName: "gen_consts.go",
Directory: pkg.WriteDir(),
return files, e
// allExtendsAreIn determines if a VocabularyType's parents are all already
// converted to a TypeGenerator.
func (c *Converter) allExtendsAreIn(registry *rdf.RDFRegistry, t rdf.VocabularyType, v map[string]*gen.TypeGenerator, genRefs map[string]*vocabulary) bool {
for _, e := range t.Extends {
if len(e.Vocab) != 0 {
_, err := existingType(registry, e, genRefs)
return err == nil
} else if _, ok := v[e.Name]; !ok {
return false
return true
// toFiles converts a vocabulary's types and properties to files.
func (c *Converter) toFiles(v vocabulary) (f []*File, e error) {
vName := strings.ToLower(v.Name)
for _, i := range v.FProps {
var pm *gen.PackageManager
pm, e = c.propertyPackageManager(i, v.Name)
if e != nil {
// Implementation
priv := pm.PrivatePackage()
file := jen.NewFilePath(priv.Path())
f = append(f, &File{
F: file,
FileName: fmt.Sprintf("gen_property_%s_%s.go", vName, i.PropertyName()),
Directory: priv.WriteDir(),
// Interface
pub := pm.PublicPackage()
file = jen.NewFilePath(pub.Path())
f = append(f, &File{
F: file,
FileName: fmt.Sprintf("gen_property_%s_%s_interface.go", vName, i.PropertyName()),
Directory: pub.WriteDir(),
// Non-Functional Properties
for _, i := range v.NFProps {
var pm *gen.PackageManager
pm, e = c.propertyPackageManager(i, v.Name)
if e != nil {
// Implementation
priv := pm.PrivatePackage()
file := jen.NewFilePath(priv.Path())
s, t := i.Definitions()
f = append(f, &File{
F: file,
FileName: fmt.Sprintf("gen_property_%s_%s.go", vName, i.PropertyName()),
Directory: priv.WriteDir(),
// Interface
pub := pm.PublicPackage()
file = jen.NewFilePath(pub.Path())
for _, intf := range i.InterfaceDefinitions(pm.PublicPackage()) {
f = append(f, &File{
F: file,
FileName: fmt.Sprintf("gen_property_%s_%s_interface.go", vName, i.PropertyName()),
Directory: pub.WriteDir(),
// Types
for _, i := range v.Types {
var pm *gen.PackageManager
pm, e = c.typePackageManager(i, v.Name)
if e != nil {
// Implementation
priv := pm.PrivatePackage()
file := jen.NewFilePath(priv.Path())
f = append(f, &File{
F: file,
FileName: fmt.Sprintf("gen_type_%s_%s.go", vName, strings.ToLower(i.TypeName())),
Directory: priv.WriteDir(),
// Interface
pub := pm.PublicPackage()
file = jen.NewFilePath(pub.Path())
f = append(f, &File{
F: file,
FileName: fmt.Sprintf("gen_type_%s_%s_interface.go", vName, strings.ToLower(i.TypeName())),
Directory: pub.WriteDir(),
// typeNamer bridges rdf.VocabularyType and gen.TypeGenerator.
type typeNamer interface {
TypeName() string
var (
_ typeNamer = &gen.TypeGenerator{}
_ typeNamer = &rdf.VocabularyType{}
// propertyNamer bridges rdf.VocabularyProperty to the gen side of functional
// and non-functional property generators.
type propertyNamer interface {
PropertyName() string
var (
_ propertyNamer = &gen.FunctionalPropertyGenerator{}
_ propertyNamer = &gen.NonFunctionalPropertyGenerator{}
_ propertyNamer = &rdf.VocabularyProperty{}
// toIdentifier converts the name in the rdf package to a gen-compatible
// Identifier.
func toIdentifier(n rdf.NameGetter) gen.Identifier {
return gen.Identifier{
LowerName: n.GetName(),
CamelName: strings.Title(n.GetName()),
// convertValue converts a Kind value into a code-generated File.
func convertValue(pkg gen.Package, v *gen.Kind) *File {
file := jen.NewFilePath(pkg.Path())
return &File{
F: file,
FileName: fmt.Sprintf("gen_%s.go", v.Name.LowerName),
Directory: pkg.WriteDir(),
// existingType attempts to find an existing Property in a referred vocabulary.
func existingType(registry *rdf.RDFRegistry, r rdf.VocabularyReference, genRefs map[string]*vocabulary) (g *gen.TypeGenerator, e error) {
var url string
url, e = registry.ResolveAlias(r.Vocab)
if e != nil {
mapRef := mapReferences(genRefs)
var refVocab *vocabulary
refVocab, e = mapRef.Get(url)
if e != nil {
if t, ok := refVocab.Types[r.Name]; !ok {
e = fmt.Errorf("refVocab %s cannot find %s", r.Vocab, r.Name)
} else {
g = t
// funcsToFile is a helper converting an array of Functions into a single File
// in the specified Package.
func funcsToFile(pkg gen.Package, fns []*codegen.Function, filename string) *File {
if len(fns) == 0 {
return nil
file := jen.NewFilePath(pkg.Path())
for _, fn := range fns {
return &File{
F: file,
FileName: filename,
Directory: pkg.WriteDir(),
// AsComment creates a Go-comment-compatible string out of an Example.
func asComment(v rdf.VocabularyExample) (s string) {
if len(v.Name) > 0 && v.URI != nil {
s = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s):\n", v.Name, v.URI)
} else if len(v.Name) > 0 {
s = fmt.Sprintf("%s:\n", v.Name)
} else if v.URI != nil {
s = fmt.Sprintf("%s:\n", v.URI)
b, err := json.MarshalIndent(v.Example, "", " ")
if err != nil {
ex := string(b)
ex = strings.Replace(ex, "\n", "\n ", -1)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", s, ex)
// backPopulateProperty sets a new property generator onto existing types.
func backPopulateProperty(r *rdf.RDFRegistry, p rdf.VocabularyProperty, genRefs map[string]*vocabulary, fp gen.Property) (e error) {
for _, dom := range p.Domain {
// Within our own vocabulary -- skip
if len(dom.Vocab) == 0 {
var url string
url, e = r.ResolveAlias(dom.Vocab)
if e != nil {
mapRef := mapReferences(genRefs)
var refVocab *vocabulary
refVocab, e = mapRef.Get(url)
if e != nil {
// Continue -- this property should be added when the
// type is being created for this extension.
if t, ok := refVocab.Types[dom.Name]; !ok {
e = fmt.Errorf("back populate property with vocab %s cannot find %s", dom.Vocab, dom.Name)
} else {
e = t.AddPropertyGenerator(fp)
if e != nil {
for _, ran := range p.Range {
t, e := existingType(r, ran, genRefs)
if e != nil {
// Ignore -- it is either a part of this vocabulary, or
// not a type (is a value instead).
// vocabName turns a vocabulary name into an alias based on the capitalization
// of the name. Note that "ActivityStreams" will not be aliased, it will return
// an empty string.
func vocabNameToAlias(name string) string {
if strings.ToLower(name) == "activitystreams" {
return ""
s := ""
for _, r := range name {
if unicode.IsUpper(r) {
s += string(r)
return strings.ToLower(s)