
613 行
20 KiB

package propertysummary
import (
langstring ""
string1 ""
vocab ""
// SummaryPropertyIterator is an iterator for a property. It is permitted to be
// one of multiple value types. At most, one type of value can be present, or
// none at all. Setting a value will clear the other types of values so that
// only one of the 'Is' methods will return true. It is possible to clear all
// values, so that this property is empty.
type SummaryPropertyIterator struct {
stringMember string
hasStringMember bool
langStringMember map[string]string
unknown interface{}
iri *url.URL
alias string
myIdx int
parent vocab.SummaryPropertyInterface
// NewSummaryPropertyIterator creates a new summary property.
func NewSummaryPropertyIterator() *SummaryPropertyIterator {
return &SummaryPropertyIterator{alias: ""}
// deserializeSummaryPropertyIterator creates an iterator from an element that has
// been unmarshalled from a text or binary format.
func deserializeSummaryPropertyIterator(i interface{}, aliasMap map[string]string) (*SummaryPropertyIterator, error) {
alias := ""
if a, ok := aliasMap[""]; ok {
alias = a
if s, ok := i.(string); ok {
u, err := url.Parse(s)
// If error exists, don't error out -- skip this and treat as unknown string ([]byte) at worst
// Also, if no scheme exists, don't treat it as a URL -- net/url is greedy
if err == nil && len(u.Scheme) > 0 {
this := &SummaryPropertyIterator{
alias: alias,
iri: u,
return this, nil
if v, err := string1.DeserializeString(i); err == nil {
this := &SummaryPropertyIterator{
alias: alias,
hasStringMember: true,
stringMember: v,
return this, nil
} else if v, err := langstring.DeserializeLangString(i); err == nil {
this := &SummaryPropertyIterator{
alias: alias,
langStringMember: v,
return this, nil
this := &SummaryPropertyIterator{
alias: alias,
unknown: i,
return this, nil
// GetIRI returns the IRI of this property. When IsIRI returns false, GetIRI will
// return an arbitrary value.
func (this SummaryPropertyIterator) GetIRI() *url.URL {
return this.iri
// GetLangString returns the value of this property. When IsLangString returns
// false, GetLangString will return an arbitrary value.
func (this SummaryPropertyIterator) GetLangString() map[string]string {
return this.langStringMember
// GetLanguage returns the value for the specified BCP47 language code, or an
// empty string if it is either not a language map or no value is present.
func (this SummaryPropertyIterator) GetLanguage(bcp47 string) string {
if this.langStringMember == nil {
return ""
} else if v, ok := this.langStringMember[bcp47]; ok {
return v
} else {
return ""
// GetString returns the value of this property. When IsString returns false,
// GetString will return an arbitrary value.
func (this SummaryPropertyIterator) GetString() string {
return this.stringMember
// HasAny returns true if any of the values are set, except for the natural
// language map. When true, the specific has, getter, and setter methods may
// be used to determine what kind of value there is to access and set this
// property. To determine if the property was set as a natural language map,
// use the IsLangString method instead.
func (this SummaryPropertyIterator) HasAny() bool {
return this.IsString() ||
this.IsLangString() ||
this.iri != nil
// HasLanguage returns true if the natural language map has an entry for the
// specified BCP47 language code.
func (this SummaryPropertyIterator) HasLanguage(bcp47 string) bool {
if this.langStringMember == nil {
return false
} else {
_, ok := this.langStringMember[bcp47]
return ok
// IsIRI returns true if this property is an IRI. When true, use GetIRI and SetIRI
// to access and set this property
func (this SummaryPropertyIterator) IsIRI() bool {
return this.iri != nil
// IsLangString returns true if this property has a type of "langString". When
// true, use the GetLangString and SetLangString methods to access and set
// this property.. To determine if the property was set as a natural language
// map, use the IsLangString method instead.
func (this SummaryPropertyIterator) IsLangString() bool {
return this.langStringMember != nil
// IsString returns true if this property has a type of "string". When true, use
// the GetString and SetString methods to access and set this property.. To
// determine if the property was set as a natural language map, use the
// IsLangString method instead.
func (this SummaryPropertyIterator) IsString() bool {
return this.hasStringMember
// JSONLDContext returns the JSONLD URIs required in the context string for this
// property and the specific values that are set. The value in the map is the
// alias used to import the property's value or values.
func (this SummaryPropertyIterator) JSONLDContext() map[string]string {
m := map[string]string{"": this.alias}
var child map[string]string
Since the literal maps in this function are determined at
code-generation time, this loop should not overwrite an existing key with a
new value.
for k, v := range child {
m[k] = v
return m
// KindIndex computes an arbitrary value for indexing this kind of value. This is
// a leaky API detail only for folks looking to replace the go-fed
// implementation. Applications should not use this method.
func (this SummaryPropertyIterator) KindIndex() int {
if this.IsString() {
return 0
if this.IsLangString() {
return 1
if this.IsIRI() {
return -2
return -1
// LessThan compares two instances of this property with an arbitrary but stable
// comparison. Applications should not use this because it is only meant to
// help alternative implementations to go-fed to be able to normalize
// nonfunctional properties.
func (this SummaryPropertyIterator) LessThan(o vocab.SummaryPropertyIteratorInterface) bool {
idx1 := this.KindIndex()
idx2 := o.KindIndex()
if idx1 < idx2 {
return true
} else if idx1 > idx2 {
return false
} else if this.IsString() {
return string1.LessString(this.GetString(), o.GetString())
} else if this.IsLangString() {
return langstring.LessLangString(this.GetLangString(), o.GetLangString())
} else if this.IsIRI() {
return this.iri.String() < o.GetIRI().String()
return false
// Name returns the name of this property: "summary".
func (this SummaryPropertyIterator) Name() string {
if this.IsLangString() {
return "summaryMap"
} else {
return "summary"
// Next returns the next iterator, or nil if there is no next iterator.
func (this SummaryPropertyIterator) Next() vocab.SummaryPropertyIteratorInterface {
if this.myIdx+1 >= this.parent.Len() {
return nil
} else {
return this.parent.At(this.myIdx + 1)
// Prev returns the previous iterator, or nil if there is no previous iterator.
func (this SummaryPropertyIterator) Prev() vocab.SummaryPropertyIteratorInterface {
if this.myIdx-1 < 0 {
return nil
} else {
return this.parent.At(this.myIdx - 1)
// SetIRI sets the value of this property. Calling IsIRI afterwards returns true.
func (this *SummaryPropertyIterator) SetIRI(v *url.URL) {
this.iri = v
// SetLangString sets the value of this property and clears the natural language
// map. Calling IsLangString afterwards will return true. Calling IsLangString
// afterwards returns false.
func (this *SummaryPropertyIterator) SetLangString(v map[string]string) {
this.langStringMember = v
// SetLanguage sets the value for the specified BCP47 language code.
func (this *SummaryPropertyIterator) SetLanguage(bcp47, value string) {
this.hasStringMember = false
this.langStringMember = nil
this.unknown = nil
this.iri = nil
if this.langStringMember == nil {
this.langStringMember = make(map[string]string)
this.langStringMember[bcp47] = value
// SetString sets the value of this property and clears the natural language map.
// Calling IsString afterwards will return true. Calling IsLangString
// afterwards returns false.
func (this *SummaryPropertyIterator) SetString(v string) {
this.stringMember = v
this.hasStringMember = true
// clear ensures no value and no language map for this property is set. Calling
// HasAny or any of the 'Is' methods afterwards will return false.
func (this *SummaryPropertyIterator) clear() {
this.hasStringMember = false
this.langStringMember = nil
this.unknown = nil
this.iri = nil
this.langStringMember = nil
// serialize converts this into an interface representation suitable for
// marshalling into a text or binary format. Applications should not need this
// function as most typical use cases serialize types instead of individual
// properties. It is exposed for alternatives to go-fed implementations to use.
func (this SummaryPropertyIterator) serialize() (interface{}, error) {
if this.IsString() {
return string1.SerializeString(this.GetString())
} else if this.IsLangString() {
return langstring.SerializeLangString(this.GetLangString())
} else if this.IsIRI() {
return this.iri.String(), nil
return this.unknown, nil
// SummaryProperty is the non-functional property "summary". It is permitted to
// have one or more values, and of different value types.
type SummaryProperty struct {
properties []*SummaryPropertyIterator
alias string
// DeserializeSummaryProperty creates a "summary" property from an interface
// representation that has been unmarshalled from a text or binary format.
func DeserializeSummaryProperty(m map[string]interface{}, aliasMap map[string]string) (vocab.SummaryPropertyInterface, error) {
alias := ""
if a, ok := aliasMap[""]; ok {
alias = a
propName := "summary"
if len(alias) > 0 {
propName = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", alias, "summary")
i, ok := m[propName]
if !ok {
// Attempt to find the map instead.
i, ok = m[propName+"Map"]
if ok {
this := &SummaryProperty{
alias: alias,
properties: []*SummaryPropertyIterator{},
if list, ok := i.([]interface{}); ok {
for _, iterator := range list {
if p, err := deserializeSummaryPropertyIterator(iterator, aliasMap); err != nil {
return this, err
} else if p != nil { = append(, p)
} else {
if p, err := deserializeSummaryPropertyIterator(i, aliasMap); err != nil {
return this, err
} else if p != nil { = append(, p)
// Set up the properties for iteration.
for idx, ele := range {
ele.parent = this
ele.myIdx = idx
return this, nil
return nil, nil
// NewSummaryProperty creates a new summary property.
func NewSummaryProperty() *SummaryProperty {
return &SummaryProperty{alias: ""}
// AppendIRI appends an IRI value to the back of a list of the property "summary"
func (this *SummaryProperty) AppendIRI(v *url.URL) { = append(, &SummaryPropertyIterator{
alias: this.alias,
iri: v,
myIdx: this.Len(),
parent: this,
// AppendLangString appends a langString value to the back of a list of the
// property "summary". Invalidates iterators that are traversing using Prev.
func (this *SummaryProperty) AppendLangString(v map[string]string) { = append(, &SummaryPropertyIterator{
alias: this.alias,
langStringMember: v,
myIdx: this.Len(),
parent: this,
// AppendString appends a string value to the back of a list of the property
// "summary". Invalidates iterators that are traversing using Prev.
func (this *SummaryProperty) AppendString(v string) { = append(, &SummaryPropertyIterator{
alias: this.alias,
hasStringMember: true,
myIdx: this.Len(),
parent: this,
stringMember: v,
// At returns the property value for the specified index. Panics if the index is
// out of bounds.
func (this SummaryProperty) At(index int) vocab.SummaryPropertyIteratorInterface {
// Begin returns the first iterator, or nil if empty. Can be used with the
// iterator's Next method and this property's End method to iterate from front
// to back through all values.
func (this SummaryProperty) Begin() vocab.SummaryPropertyIteratorInterface {
if this.Empty() {
return nil
} else {
// Empty returns returns true if there are no elements.
func (this SummaryProperty) Empty() bool {
return this.Len() == 0
// End returns beyond-the-last iterator, which is nil. Can be used with the
// iterator's Next method and this property's Begin method to iterate from
// front to back through all values.
func (this SummaryProperty) End() vocab.SummaryPropertyIteratorInterface {
return nil
// JSONLDContext returns the JSONLD URIs required in the context string for this
// property and the specific values that are set. The value in the map is the
// alias used to import the property's value or values.
func (this SummaryProperty) JSONLDContext() map[string]string {
m := map[string]string{"": this.alias}
for _, elem := range {
child := elem.JSONLDContext()
Since the literal maps in this function are determined at
code-generation time, this loop should not overwrite an existing key with a
new value.
for k, v := range child {
m[k] = v
return m
// KindIndex computes an arbitrary value for indexing this kind of value. This is
// a leaky API method specifically needed only for alternate implementations
// for go-fed. Applications should not use this method. Panics if the index is
// out of bounds.
func (this SummaryProperty) KindIndex(idx int) int {
// Len returns the number of values that exist for the "summary" property.
func (this SummaryProperty) Len() (length int) {
return len(
// Less computes whether another property is less than this one. Mixing types
// results in a consistent but arbitrary ordering
func (this SummaryProperty) Less(i, j int) bool {
idx1 := this.KindIndex(i)
idx2 := this.KindIndex(j)
if idx1 < idx2 {
return true
} else if idx1 == idx2 {
if idx1 == 0 {
lhs :=[i].GetString()
rhs :=[j].GetString()
return string1.LessString(lhs, rhs)
} else if idx1 == 1 {
lhs :=[i].GetLangString()
rhs :=[j].GetLangString()
return langstring.LessLangString(lhs, rhs)
} else if idx1 == -2 {
lhs :=[i].GetIRI()
rhs :=[j].GetIRI()
return lhs.String() < rhs.String()
return false
// LessThan compares two instances of this property with an arbitrary but stable
// comparison. Applications should not use this because it is only meant to
// help alternative implementations to go-fed to be able to normalize
// nonfunctional properties.
func (this SummaryProperty) LessThan(o vocab.SummaryPropertyInterface) bool {
l1 := this.Len()
l2 := o.Len()
l := l1
if l2 < l1 {
l = l2
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
if[i].LessThan(o.At(i)) {
return true
} else if o.At(i).LessThan([i]) {
return false
return l1 < l2
// Name returns the name of this property: "summary".
func (this SummaryProperty) Name() string {
if this.Len() == 1 && this.At(0).IsLangString() {
return "summaryMap"
} else {
return "summary"
// PrependIRI prepends an IRI value to the front of a list of the property
// "summary".
func (this *SummaryProperty) PrependIRI(v *url.URL) { = append([]*SummaryPropertyIterator{{
alias: this.alias,
iri: v,
myIdx: 0,
parent: this,
for i := 1; i < this.Len(); i++ {
([i].myIdx = i
// PrependLangString prepends a langString value to the front of a list of the
// property "summary". Invalidates all iterators.
func (this *SummaryProperty) PrependLangString(v map[string]string) { = append([]*SummaryPropertyIterator{{
alias: this.alias,
langStringMember: v,
myIdx: 0,
parent: this,
for i := 1; i < this.Len(); i++ {
([i].myIdx = i
// PrependString prepends a string value to the front of a list of the property
// "summary". Invalidates all iterators.
func (this *SummaryProperty) PrependString(v string) { = append([]*SummaryPropertyIterator{{
alias: this.alias,
hasStringMember: true,
myIdx: 0,
parent: this,
stringMember: v,
for i := 1; i < this.Len(); i++ {
([i].myIdx = i
// Remove deletes an element at the specified index from a list of the property
// "summary", regardless of its type. Panics if the index is out of bounds.
// Invalidates all iterators.
func (this *SummaryProperty) Remove(idx int) {
([idx].parent = nil
copy(([idx:], ([idx+1:])
([len(] = &SummaryPropertyIterator{} = ([:len(]
for i := idx; i < this.Len(); i++ {
([i].myIdx = i
// Serialize converts this into an interface representation suitable for
// marshalling into a text or binary format. Applications should not need this
// function as most typical use cases serialize types instead of individual
// properties. It is exposed for alternatives to go-fed implementations to use.
func (this SummaryProperty) Serialize() (interface{}, error) {
s := make([]interface{}, 0, len(
for _, iterator := range {
if b, err := iterator.serialize(); err != nil {
return s, err
} else {
s = append(s, b)
// Shortcut: if serializing one value, don't return an array -- pretty sure other Fediverse software would choke on a "type" value with array, for example.
if len(s) == 1 {
return s[0], nil
return s, nil
// SetIRI sets an IRI value to be at the specified index for the property
// "summary". Panics if the index is out of bounds.
func (this *SummaryProperty) SetIRI(idx int, v *url.URL) {
([idx].parent = nil
([idx] = &SummaryPropertyIterator{
alias: this.alias,
iri: v,
myIdx: idx,
parent: this,
// SetLangString sets a langString value to be at the specified index for the
// property "summary". Panics if the index is out of bounds. Invalidates all
// iterators.
func (this *SummaryProperty) SetLangString(idx int, v map[string]string) {
([idx].parent = nil
([idx] = &SummaryPropertyIterator{
alias: this.alias,
langStringMember: v,
myIdx: idx,
parent: this,
// SetString sets a string value to be at the specified index for the property
// "summary". Panics if the index is out of bounds. Invalidates all iterators.
func (this *SummaryProperty) SetString(idx int, v string) {
([idx].parent = nil
([idx] = &SummaryPropertyIterator{
alias: this.alias,
hasStringMember: true,
myIdx: idx,
parent: this,
stringMember: v,
// Swap swaps the location of values at two indices for the "summary" property.
func (this SummaryProperty) Swap(i, j int) {[i],[j] =[j],[i]