
364 行
15 KiB

package streams
import (
typeaccept ""
typeactivity ""
typeadd ""
typeannounce ""
typeapplication ""
typearrive ""
typearticle ""
typeaudio ""
typeblock ""
typecollection ""
typecollectionpage ""
typecreate ""
typedelete ""
typedislike ""
typedocument ""
typeevent ""
typeflag ""
typefollow ""
typegroup ""
typeignore ""
typeimage ""
typeintransitiveactivity ""
typeinvite ""
typejoin ""
typeleave ""
typelike ""
typelink ""
typelisten ""
typemention ""
typemove ""
typenote ""
typeobject ""
typeoffer ""
typeorderedcollection ""
typeorderedcollectionpage ""
typeorganization ""
typepage ""
typeperson ""
typeplace ""
typeprofile ""
typequestion ""
typeread ""
typereject ""
typerelationship ""
typeremove ""
typeservice ""
typetentativeaccept ""
typetentativereject ""
typetombstone ""
typetravel ""
typeundo ""
typeupdate ""
typevideo ""
typeview ""
vocab ""
// ActivityStreamsLinkExtends returns true if Link extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsLinkExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typelink.LinkExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsObjectExtends returns true if Object extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsObjectExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeobject.ObjectExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsViewExtends returns true if View extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsViewExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeview.ViewExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPageExtends returns true if
// OrderedCollectionPage extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionPageExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeorderedcollectionpage.OrderedCollectionPageExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsPlaceExtends returns true if Place extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsPlaceExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeplace.PlaceExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsGroupExtends returns true if Group extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsGroupExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typegroup.GroupExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsFlagExtends returns true if Flag extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsFlagExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeflag.FlagExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsAudioExtends returns true if Audio extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsAudioExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeaudio.AudioExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsJoinExtends returns true if Join extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsJoinExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typejoin.JoinExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsIgnoreExtends returns true if Ignore extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsIgnoreExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeignore.IgnoreExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsVideoExtends returns true if Video extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsVideoExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typevideo.VideoExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsCollectionExtends returns true if Collection extends from the
// other's type.
func ActivityStreamsCollectionExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typecollection.CollectionExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsCollectionPageExtends returns true if CollectionPage extends
// from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsCollectionPageExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typecollectionpage.CollectionPageExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsApplicationExtends returns true if Application extends from the
// other's type.
func ActivityStreamsApplicationExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeapplication.ApplicationExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsEventExtends returns true if Event extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsEventExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeevent.EventExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsUndoExtends returns true if Undo extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsUndoExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeundo.UndoExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsDislikeExtends returns true if Dislike extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsDislikeExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typedislike.DislikeExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsPersonExtends returns true if Person extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsPersonExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeperson.PersonExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionExtends returns true if OrderedCollection
// extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsOrderedCollectionExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeorderedcollection.OrderedCollectionExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsReadExtends returns true if Read extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsReadExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeread.ReadExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsDeleteExtends returns true if Delete extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsDeleteExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typedelete.DeleteExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsImageExtends returns true if Image extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsImageExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeimage.ImageExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsFollowExtends returns true if Follow extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsFollowExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typefollow.FollowExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsTentativeRejectExtends returns true if TentativeReject extends
// from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsTentativeRejectExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typetentativereject.TentativeRejectExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsDocumentExtends returns true if Document extends from the
// other's type.
func ActivityStreamsDocumentExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typedocument.DocumentExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsRelationshipExtends returns true if Relationship extends from
// the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsRelationshipExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typerelationship.RelationshipExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsPageExtends returns true if Page extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsPageExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typepage.PageExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsRejectExtends returns true if Reject extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsRejectExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typereject.RejectExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsAcceptExtends returns true if Accept extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsAcceptExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeaccept.AcceptExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsListenExtends returns true if Listen extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsListenExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typelisten.ListenExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsLikeExtends returns true if Like extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsLikeExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typelike.LikeExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsTombstoneExtends returns true if Tombstone extends from the
// other's type.
func ActivityStreamsTombstoneExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typetombstone.TombstoneExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsUpdateExtends returns true if Update extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsUpdateExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeupdate.UpdateExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsOrganizationExtends returns true if Organization extends from
// the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsOrganizationExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeorganization.OrganizationExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsProfileExtends returns true if Profile extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsProfileExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeprofile.ProfileExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsMoveExtends returns true if Move extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsMoveExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typemove.MoveExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsQuestionExtends returns true if Question extends from the
// other's type.
func ActivityStreamsQuestionExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typequestion.QuestionExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsServiceExtends returns true if Service extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsServiceExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeservice.ServiceExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsRemoveExtends returns true if Remove extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsRemoveExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeremove.RemoveExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsIntransitiveActivityExtends returns true if IntransitiveActivity
// extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsIntransitiveActivityExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeintransitiveactivity.IntransitiveActivityExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsTravelExtends returns true if Travel extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsTravelExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typetravel.TravelExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsAnnounceExtends returns true if Announce extends from the
// other's type.
func ActivityStreamsAnnounceExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeannounce.AnnounceExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsNoteExtends returns true if Note extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsNoteExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typenote.NoteExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsInviteExtends returns true if Invite extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsInviteExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeinvite.InviteExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsBlockExtends returns true if Block extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsBlockExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeblock.BlockExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsActivityExtends returns true if Activity extends from the
// other's type.
func ActivityStreamsActivityExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeactivity.ActivityExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsArticleExtends returns true if Article extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsArticleExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typearticle.ArticleExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsArriveExtends returns true if Arrive extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsArriveExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typearrive.ArriveExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsMentionExtends returns true if Mention extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsMentionExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typemention.MentionExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsTentativeAcceptExtends returns true if TentativeAccept extends
// from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsTentativeAcceptExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typetentativeaccept.TentativeAcceptExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsOfferExtends returns true if Offer extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsOfferExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeoffer.OfferExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsCreateExtends returns true if Create extends from the other's
// type.
func ActivityStreamsCreateExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typecreate.CreateExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsAddExtends returns true if Add extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsAddExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeadd.AddExtends(other)
// ActivityStreamsLeaveExtends returns true if Leave extends from the other's type.
func ActivityStreamsLeaveExtends(other vocab.Type) bool {
return typeleave.LeaveExtends(other)