
24 コミット

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守矢諏訪子 6763201cc5 support openbsd 2024-06-14 21:41:54 +09:00
jcm b5cd509a77
ruby: Add Metal VRR support, various Metal driver fixes (#1455)
Adds to the Metal backend from #1431, extending host VSync functionality
to variable refresh rate (VRR) displays, enabling the ability to sync to
guest and host refresh rates simultaneously, along with an assortment of
minor changes and code cleanups:

- Adds a threaded renderer option (technically a GCD queue) to the Metal
backend; essential for VRR at lower audio latencies. At higher audio
latencies, the synchronous rendering option may function better.
- Add easier debug capabilities, including a shell script to compile a
debug `.metallib` shader library which will be used at runtime if ares
is compiled in debug mode. The debug `.metallib` enables GPU frame
- Implement `clear()` for the Metal backend; the last displayed frame
will no longer stay on the screen if a core is explicitly unloaded.
- Implement fullscreen mode. Uses a borderless window that covers the
entire screen, rather than idiomatic fullscreen, primarily in order to
render around the camera housing. Normal macOS fullscreen behavior is
available via the main window title bar controls.
- Remove unused custom window code.
- Remove redundant copy of `Shaders.metal`.
- Miscellaneous small fixes and code cleanups to resolve compiler


## ares vs. VRR
As discussed in #1431, there are some challenges in implementing smooth
VRR support for ares on Metal. Briefly:

- ares lacked a mechanism to tell the display backend the core's desired
refresh rate, in order to sync to it.
- ares on macOS lacked an effective mechanism for receiving callbacks
when frames were presented, in order to keep track of whether we were
running fast or slow, because of the way ares monopolizes the main
thread on macOS.

The first issue has been resolved by a3c57b4 and ec0b625. Cores now tell
the `Screen` instance how often they want to present, and the screen
instance will tell the display backend if it implements the
`refreshRateHint` function. This enables the display backend to quickly
respond to changing guest refresh rates even during runtime.

The second issue is a bit trickier. As discussed, `MTKViewDelegate` and
`CAMetalDisplayLink` are both effectively unavailable until ares moves
its primary emulation work off of the main thread. There is, however,
one Metal callback mechanism that can still be used by ares;
because it calls back on a dedicated serial queue
(`com.apple.coreanimation.CAMachPortUtilReplyQueue`) rather than the
main thread.

Using this presented handler, ares can use `drawable.presentedTime` to
keep a running average of how long our frames are being presented for,
determine if we are running ahead or behind, and modify our subsequent
present intervals accordingly. That is what we do for this initial VRR

## macOS VRR

> [!NOTE]
> The following applies to "ProMotion" displays, as those are the ones
most tightly integrated with macOS and most likely to be used by Mac
users on VRR displays.

Unfortunately, VRR sync is not as simple as just picking a present
interval and telling macOS to present each frame for the guest's
requested interval. macOS only pretends to offer this capability in
exclusive fullscreen mode, and even then, present intervals cannot be
completely arbitrary. Realistically, we seem to be able to get
consistent present intervals for some integer refresh rates between 40
Hz and 120 Hz, and certain rational present intervals (59.97, 23.976
among them). The spread of achievable consistent present intervals seems
to be arbitrary enough that there isn't any sense in targeting them
specifically. Even if we can theoretically present at the exact interval
the guest wants, we inevitably end up falling behind due to transient
load conditions.

> [!NOTE]
> For background, the landscape of guest refresh rates in ares is quite
wide. Many systems present near 60 Hz; 59.97, 60.01, 59.73, 59.92,
59.82, etc. Many of these systems have PAL modes that present near 50
with similar variations. The WonderSwan presents at a maximum of ~75.47
Hz, with per-game variations. The Atari 2600 can present at completely
arbitrary intervals during runtime owing to its CRT- and
processor-centric presentation strategies. In short, It is difficult to
narrow the range of expected guest present intervals if we wanted to
simplify this problem.

Rather, we have to pursue a more holistic strategy. The strategy ares
uses with this PR is as follows:

1. The output function sends frames into a FIFO dispatch queue that can
present asynchronously, to reduce the burden of needing to present
immediately if we are in danger of blocking the main thread.
2. If we are more than 0.5% off of the targeted present interval as
determined by a weighted rolling average, start "nudging" the system to
present at earlier intervals calculated according to the difference
between the rolling average and the target, multiplied by a constant
- This is done because we can often prod the system into presenting at
rational intervals close to the target interval, resulting in an overall
smoother presentation to the user than if we were to correct more
3. If more than `kVRRImmediatePresentThreshold = 3` frames are in the
queue to be presented, start telling the system to present immediately
instead of "nudging."
- This is a more forceful correction toward the target present interval,
and must be kept low for systems that want to present at intervals that
are far away from any achievable consistent present interval.
4. If the queue gets much deeper, `kMaxSourceBuffersInFlight = 6`, start
dropping frames.
- This is necessary for synchronizing to neither audio nor video, or
else in rare cases where the GPU is overloaded, such as for a shader
that the system is not capable of rendering in time each frame.

This system achieves decent results across most systems in my testing. I
considered allowing these constants to be twiddled with sliders, but was
wary of presenting too many esoteric options to the user. If it's
determined to be worth exposing these constants, that can be done in
future work (if a superior VRR presentation strategy entirely is not
discovered by that point).

## Miscellany

- The threaded renderer is necessary so that we do not ever block the
main thread in the worst case present interval conditions. However, it
only works well at relatively low audio latencies. At higher audio
latencies (as for users on lower-specced systems), the queue overflows
easily and it works better to render synchronously.
- The threaded renderer can also have unintuitive results when
exclusively syncing to host VSync or GPU sync, so for users that expect
particular behavior from that functionality, it is better left disabled.
- For PAL refresh intervals, players will get generally better results
in exclusive fullscreen. macOS likes to render things at 60Hz and will
struggle to render near 50 Hz with other elements onscreen.
- To view the present interval graph as in these debug shots, input
`defaults write -g MetalForceHudEnabled -bool YES` at the command line
before launching ares.

## Future Work

We could possibly achieve better VRR results utilizing something like
`CAMetalDisplayLink` after freeing up the macOS main thread. In my
testing it seems to have the same limitations in terms of achievable
consistent present intervals, but it may offer a more precise picture of
host vs. guest present timing.

Regardless of the viability of other strategies, it would still be
valuable to free up the main thread on macOS for the sake of other
system APIs that may be used in the future, plus benefits of being able
to use the UI consistently and smoothly concurrently with emulation.

N64 and PS1 also do not fully implement the `refreshRateHint` API, and
the API may be buggy for some platforms. Metal refresh rate hints
currently appear in stdout, so if you are seeing an issue with VRR sync,
check the console to see the guest's requested present interval first.

## Gallery 



(PAL Super Mario World)


Co-authored-by: jcm <butt@butts.com>
2024-04-21 19:27:16 +01:00
jcm 72fa7d38c3
ruby: Add Metal display backend (#1431)
This PR adds a Metal display backend to ares.

<img width="1482" alt="Screenshot 2024-03-31 at 7 02 40 PM"

*ares N64 core on a 60Hz P3 display. Shader: "crt-maximus-royale".*

## Context

With ares's recent introduction of librashader, ares users have enjoyed
access to the sizable library of shaders in the slang format, such as
those used by the RetroArch frontend. Simultaneously, up to now, the CGL
OpenGL backend shipped by ares for Mac users has offered enough
functionality to do the (relatively) simple job of an ares display
backend; display software-rendered frame buffers and pace them

librashader's advanced postprocessing, however, has asked a bit more of
the display backend, and in the case of OpenGL, has laid bare various
deficiencies in macOS's OpenGL driver. These deficiencies can kneecap
ares's librashader support on macOS with compiler errors and broken
shader behavior.

Rather than chase down these errors and try to work around what is
fundamentally a broken driver shipped by Apple, we take advantage of
librashader's native Metal support by adding a Metal backend to ares.
This greatly increases baseline shader compatibility, with the added
benefit of documentation and greater platform debugging information when
issues arise. The Metal backend will also generally future-proof ares on
macOS, with OpenGL's uncertain future on macOS.

## Basics

The first iteration of this Metal driver mostly offers feature parity
with the OpenGL driver. More advanced features, particularly in the
realm of frame pacing on ProMotion displays, will arrive in future
iterations. The priority with this PR is to start getting the driver in
the hands of users with basic features and greater librashader

Host refresh rate sync is still a work in progress and in this iteration
will only be enabled for users above 10.15.4 on non-VRR displays
(discussed more below).

Explicit sRGB color matching is offered as a new option for those on
wide gamut displays (by default, the Metal driver will map to the native
color space, conforming to OpenGL driver behavior). This option is only
exposed on macOS, since other operating systems lack per-surface color

<img width="400" alt="Screenshot 2024-03-31 at 6 37 38 PM"
<img width="400" alt="Screenshot 2024-03-31 at 6 37 46 PM"

*Left: ares presenting in Display P3. Right: ares presenting more
accurately in sRGB with "Force sRGB" enabled. Shader: crt-hyllian.*

A simple vertex and fragment shader are compiled at runtime, so we avoid
the need to add another compiler toolchain to the ares build process.
There is unfortunately some code duplicated at present; `metal.cpp` and
`Shaders.metal` both include types defined in `ShaderTypes.h`, but we
also need to place `Shaders.metal` inside the .app bundle for runtime
compilation, making for awkward `#include`s. Presently, we just bundle a
copy of `Shaders.metal` appended with `ShaderTypes.h`, inside
`desktop-ui/resource`. This will be cleaned up in future work.

The driver's draw implementation itself is fairly simple; one render
pass renders to an offscreen texture, librashader performs its work on
that offscreen texture, and a second ares Metal render pass composites
the finished texture inside ares's viewport. Since we do not use
`MTKViewDelegate`, our output function finishes with a `[view draw]`
call and the system presents at the earliest opportunity.

## Details

When it came to the details of implementing this driver, there were some
nontrivial issues encountered. Some of these will need solving in
separate PRs before this driver is feature-complete.

### ares vs. VRR

Users on fixed refresh rate displays should enjoy good frame pacing with
this driver. Unfortunately, users of more recent Mac machines with
"ProMotion" refresh rates will not have an ideal experience in terms of
pacing. To understand why, we need to take a brief detour into how ares
works and then discuss some current limitations with ares's macOS

In ares "synchronize to audio" mode, ares creates and delivers video
frames as audio frames are created. This means that the video frame
timing is completely dependent on when exactly the audio driver
processes audio frames. For display modes with a refresh rate at or
close to the core refresh rate, this is mostly no problem; the system
seems to naturally present frames in a FIFO-esque fashion, and every
once in awhile the system will just drop or duplicate a frame if two or
no draw calls fall within one refresh interval.

For recent more advanced Mac displays with "up to 120Hz" refresh rate,
the story is more complicated. We have to explicitly tell the system
when we want it to draw the frame once available. It is tempting to
answer "now"; after all, if our audio timings are correct, then video
frames should be generated precisely when they need to be shown.
Unfortunately, in higher latency modes of OpenAL or with SDL audio in
general on macOS, audio frames are processed in large batches. That
means that we end up emitting several video frames in quick succession
at 8ms intervals on a 120Hz display, then waiting as long as 75ms for a
new batch of audio (and thus video) frames:

<img width="265" alt="Screenshot 2024-03-31 at 4 55 25 PM"
<img width="265" alt="Screenshot 2024-03-31 at 4 55 35 PM"
<img width="265" alt="Screenshot 2024-03-31 at 4 55 56 PM"

*VRR macOS frame pacing across audio driver settings in v0.1 of the
Metal driver. The graph in blue shows frame present intervals over time;
the values in red show the minimum and maximum present intervals over
the graph duration.*

If we do not answer "now," we have to decide when to present.
Unfortunately, currently, there is not a satisfying way to answer that
question. Core refresh rates vary somewhat widely, sometimes during
runtime, and there is no mechanism in ares by which to inform the
graphics driver of a core's desired refresh rate.

We could elect to just duplicate the behavior for a fixed display
refresh rate and pick, e.g. 60 Hz, but unfortunately even that option is
not available, because we currently have no way of receiving callbacks
when a frame is actually presented. Why not `CAMetalDisplayLink` or even
`MTKViewDelegate` you ask? Well...

### ares vs. macOS

For most of its cores, ares performs much of its work on a single
dedicated main thread that blocks for audio and video presentation to
drive hardware-accurate timing. Unfortunately, all of this work occurs
on the macOS main thread, with lots of blocking and CPU-intensive
activity. This interferes with the macOS application run loop's ability
to perform its callbacks and call out to observers.

In practice, this means that if we try to employ delegates that
interface with macOS, that could send a callback when a frame is
presented, or tell ares the exact moment a frame needs to be presented,
these system delegates cannot actually make these calls in time in
between ares's main thread activity; upwards of 50% of `MTKViewDelegate`
callbacks are lost, for example.

This means that tools like `MTKViewDelegate` or `CAMetalDisplayLink`
that would help us solve the frame pacing problem are, unfortunately,
useless to us. We cannot leverage these tools as ares is currently

To get around these issues, we will need one of: less main thread
blocking, so delegates can interface with ares on the main thread, or an
audio driver with a processing tolerance that falls within the display's
minimum refresh interval. Our best bet for now is to emit frames to the
system within ares's main thread work as they come available, let the
system draw them as it will, and hope that our audio driver is doing a
good job pacing them.

In practice, for Metal driver users on VRR displays you cannot set to a
fixed rate, this means you should use the OpenAL driver, and set the
latency to the lowest value possible.

## Future Work

The future for the Metal driver in ares takes us down a few different

The main issue at present is making macOS system delegates work well
with ares, which is the ideal path forward. Ideally, we could move all
of the emulation-intensive work off of the main thread in macOS and into
a high priority dedicated thread, reserving the main thread for actual
UI and rendering, giving the system plenty of overhead with which to

For the future of VRR in ares, it would be good to create a mechanism to
tell the graphics driver what refresh rate the core wants to present at.
This would be one way to pace draw calls appropriately in the absence of
reliable feedback from the system about the state of the display.

It has gone without mentioning so far due to the other issues, but long
term, it would also be good for ares or librashader to have some way of
utilizing the entire viewport for shaders; currently, shaders are
limited to the output width and height area rather than the entire
window view size. This is limiting for "bezel"-style shaders that want
to use the entire screen in fullscreen, for example.

Co-authored-by: jcm <butt@butts.com>
2024-04-01 14:31:28 +01:00
jcm 571832a83d
Make macOS SDL build portable, build script runnable locally (#1393)
Resubmission of https://github.com/ares-emulator/ares/pull/1389 with

Now the SDL build script will not call `xcode-select`, which can have
undesired effects on the user build environment, unless it is on CI
(detected with the `$GITHUB_ACTIONS` env var).

It will also not call ``cmake --install .``, which would previously
replace the user's SDL installation.

This second change required some minor changes to ruby's makefile. We
now include the header directory from the cloned SDL source, and inform
the linker correctly of the location of the SDL .dylib.

Also added the cloned SDL repository and .dylib to the .gitignore for
easier development workflow.

To ensure compatibility with
https://github.com/ares-emulator/ares/pull/1390, the
`MACOS_COMPILED_SDL` flag is added so we can include the proper "SDL.h"
header for compiled builds and `<SDL2/SDL.h>` header for system builds.

Co-authored-by: jcm <butt@butts.com>
2024-03-27 15:18:14 +00:00
Stuff is on GitLab 1215b37448
GDB Server (#1223)
This PR adds a generic GDB server to ares with the ability to be used by
all systems.
For now only the N64 systems was implemented here.

Most documentation on how the server/TCP socket works can be found in
A detailed documentation for ares developers on how to add this to other
systems is included in the `Readme.md` file.

The feature itself was also already tested by a few people on both linux
and windows (with WSL) and seems to be stable now.
2023-09-17 16:19:13 +01:00
Jeff Linahan 84b5222332 removed auto-generated qt.moc 2023-03-24 10:06:56 +00:00
invertego 7f7cc868c4 build: add vs project + solution for desktop-ui 2023-03-13 11:21:26 +00:00
Giovanni Bajo 12a1585ee2 Add script to build an universal binary on mac 2022-09-26 00:43:45 +01:00
invertego c0dfad661b build: fix clean targets on Windows
To get clean makefile targets working robustly under a Windows command
prompt, allow the entire contents of obj/out directories to be deleted.
They are now recreated by the build as needed.
2022-04-23 15:49:02 +01:00
Near dc35465b0a Update to ares v111 release.
Initial release; fork of **higan** v110.

  - the project and core library is now called **ares**
  - the simplified user interface is now called **lucia**
  - the advanced user interface is now called **luna**
  - the game analyzer is now called **mia**
  - removed the database editor **genius** from the project
  - PC Engine: adjusted rendering viewport for the scanline renderer
    from Y=18 to Y=21
2020-03-24 19:06:00 +00:00
byuu 70380e2c21 PPU cycle experiments. 2019-07-20 18:54:58 +09:00
Tim Allen 58dfc4499b Update to v106r91 release.
[r91 was not posted to the WIP thread, but linked to later without a changelog.
This commit also incorporates some .gitignore files missing previously. -Ed.]
2019-02-03 18:43:53 +11:00
Tim Allen c9cdf909f1 Update to v106r88 release.
byuu says:

Couldn't sleep again.

So, this updates all cores to the new options/properties setup, and
connects onModify events to nall/settings.

manifest.bml files are no longer required for .sys folders (I still need
to delete a few of them, I forgot.)

Currently, systems with slightly different properties (WonderSwan EEPROM
sizes, Game Boy boot ROM sizes, ...) require per-system properties()
functions. This in effect exposes a limitation with trying to share the
properties from a single object. What's probably going to be necessary
is to have each Interface class hold a `vector<Settings*>`, and during
construction, add all the members said system needs. The same goes for
options (Master System has controller ports whereas Game Gear does not.)

This also means that we can't pre-declare the default values for all
systems. We'll have to declare defaults inside each Interface instance.

So in light of all of this, I'm probably going to reshape Settings to be
a single-level class holding a ton of `Settings*` objects, and the
serialization functionality will just have to build the tree from a flat
list somehow. I could probably rely on Markup::Node itself to do this
for me.

Oh, nall/primitives gained explicit specializations for converting from
a `const char*` (the string class isn't defined at this point,
regrettably.) So with that, you can make a `Setting<T>` out of any `T` that
can be explicitly constructed from a `const char*`. I want to do the same
for the string class, and allow explicit casting to the nall/primitives
types, as the toInteger(), etc classes are a little wonky to use.
2019-01-25 15:53:16 +11:00
Tim Allen 41eccf6ec4 Update .gitignore.
At some point, higan moved system metadata from higan/profile to higan/systems.
Also, higan's Super Famicom core added config options of its own, which it now
writes out.
2018-12-20 12:15:34 +11:00
Tim Allen 3c3f1de317 Convert README docs to MkDocs format.
The existing documentation was getting *way* too long to be a single

I've just bulk moved the existing content into the new structure, but it
definitely needs another pass to make the prose match, fix hyperlinks,
etc. etc.
2017-08-12 20:58:01 +10:00
Tim Allen d3413db04a Update to v097r27 release.
byuu says:

Absolutely major improvements to the WS/C emulation today.

Changelog: (all WS/C related)
- fixed channel 3 sweep pitch adjustment
- fixed channel 3 sweep value sign extension
- removed errant channel 5 speed setting (not what's really going on)
- fixed sign extension on channel 5 samples
- improved DAC mixing of all five audio channels
- fixed r26 regression with PPU timing loop
- fixed sprite windowing behavior (sprite attribute flag is window mode;
  not window enable)
- added per-scanline register latching to the PPU
- IRQs should terminate HLT even when the IRQ enable register bits are
- fixed PALMONO reads
- added blur emulation
- added color emulation (based on GBA, so it heavily desaturates colors;
  not entirely correct, but it helps a lot)
- no longer decimating audio to 24KHz; running at full 3.072MHz through
  the windowed sinc filter [1]
- cleaned up PPU portRead / portWrite functions significantly
- emulated a weird quirk as mentioned by trap15 regarding timer
  frequency writes enabling said timers [2]
- emulated LCD_CTRL sleep bit; screen can now be disabled (always draws
  black in this case for now)
- improved OAM caching; but it's still disabled because it causes huge
  amounts of sprite glitches (unsure why)
- fixed rendering of sprites that wrap around the screen edges back to
  the top/left of the display
- emulated keypad interrupts
- icarus: detect orientation bit in game header
- higan: use orientation setting in manifest to set default screen

[1] the 24KHz -> 3.072MHz sound change is huge. Sound is substantially
improved over the previous WIPs. It does come at a pretty major speed
penalty, though. This is the highest frequency of any system in higan
running through an incredibly (amazing, yet) demanding sinc resampler.
Frame rate dropped from around 240fps to 150fps with the sinc filter on.
If you choose a different audio filter, you'll get most of that speed
back, but audio will sound worse again.

[2] we aren't sure if this is correct hardware behavior or not. It seems
to very slightly help Magical Drop, but not much.

The blur emulation is brutal. It's absolutely required for Riviera's
translucency simulation of selected menu items, but it causes serious
headaches due to the WS's ~75hz refresh rate running on ~60hz monitors
without vsync. It's probably best to leave it off and just deal with the
awful flickering on Riviera's menu options.

Overall, WS/C emulation is starting to get quite usable indeed. Couple
of major bugs that I'd really like to get fixed before releasing it,
though. But they're getting harder and harder to fix ...

Major Bugs:
- Final Fantasy battle background music is absent. Sound effects still
  work. Very weird.
- Final Fantasy IV scrolling during airship flight opening sequence is
  horribly broken. Scrolls one screen at a time.
- Magical Drop flickers like crazy in-game. Basically unplayable like
- Star Hearts character names don't appear in the smaller dialog box
  that pops up.

Minor Bugs:
- Occasional flickering during Riviera opening scenes.
- One-frame flicker of Leda's sprite at the start of the first stage.
2016-03-19 18:35:25 +11:00
Tim Allen 810cbdafb4 Update to v097r16 release.
byuu says:

- sfc/ppu/sprite updated to use new .bit(s) functions; masked sizes
  better; added valid flags instead of using magic numbers
- ws/ppu updates to use new .bit(s) functions
- ws/ppu: added line compare interrupt support
- added ws/eeprom; emulation of WS/WSC internal EEPROM and cartridge
  EEPROM (1kbit - 16kbit supported)
- added basic read/write handlers for remaining WS/WSC PPU registers

WS EEPROM emulation is basically a direct copy of trap15's code. Still
some unknown areas in there, but hopefully it's enough to get further
into games that depend on EEPROM support. Note that you'll have to
manually add the eeprom line to the manifest for now, as icarus doesn't
know how to detect EEPROM/sizes yet.

I figured the changes to the SNES PPU sprites would slow it down a tad,
but it actually sped it up. Most of the impact from the integer classes
are gone now.
2016-03-13 11:22:10 +11:00
Tim Allen 4d193d7d94 Update to v096r02 (OS X Preview for Developers) release.
byuu says:

Warning: this is not for the faint of heart. This is a very early,
unpolished, buggy release. But help testing/fixing bugs would be greatly
appreciated for anyone willing.

- Mac OS X 10.7+
- Xcode 7.2+

Installation Commands:

    cd higan
    gmake -j 4
    gmake install
    cd ../icarus
    gmake -j 4
    gmake install

(gmake install is absolutely required, sorry. You'll be missing key
files in key places if you don't run it, and nothing will work.)

(gmake uninstall also exists, or you can just delete the .app bundles
from your Applications folder, and the Dev folder on your desktop.)

If you want to use the GBA emulation, then you need to drop the GBA BIOS
into ~/Emulation/System/Game\ Boy\ Advance.sys\bios.rom

You'll now find higan.app and icarus.app in your Applications folders.
First, run icarus.app, navigate to where you keep your game ROMs. Now
click the settings button at the bottom right, and check "Create
Manifests", and click OK. (You'll need to do this every time you run
icarus because there's some sort of bug on OSX saving the settings.) Now
click "Import", and let it bring in your games into ~/Emulation.

Note: "Create Manifests" is required. I don't yet have a pipe
implementation on OS X for higan to invoke icarus yet. If you don't
check this box, it won't create manifest.bml files, and your games won't
run at all.

Now you can run higan.app. The first thing you'll want to do is go to
higan->Preferences... and assign inputs for your gamepads. At the very
least, do it for the default controller for all the systems you want to

Now this is very important ... close the application at this point so
that it writes your config file to disk. There's a serious crashing bug,
and if you trigger it, you'll lose your input bindings.

Now the really annoying part ... go to Library->{System} and pick the
game you want to play. Right now, there's a ~50% chance the application
will bomb. It seems the hiro::pListView object is getting destroyed, yet
somehow the internal Cocoa callbacks are being triggered anyway. I don't
know how this is possible, and my attempts to debug with lldb have been
a failure :(

If you're unlucky, the application will crash. Restart and try again. If
it crashes every single time, then you can try launching your game from
the command-line instead. Example:

    open /Applications/higan.app \
	--args ~/Emulation/Super\ Famicom/Zelda3.sfc/

Help wanted:
I could really, really, really use some help with that crashing on game
loading. There's a lot of rough edges, but they're all cosmetic. This
one thing is pretty much the only major show-stopping issue at the
moment, preventing a wider general audience pre-compiled binary preview.
2016-01-07 19:17:15 +11:00
Tim Allen 7081f46e45 Added icarus 20150821. 2015-08-21 21:29:53 +10:00
Tim Allen 4e2eb23835 Update to v093 release.
byuu says:

- added Cocoa target: higan can now be compiled for OS X Lion
  [Cydrak, byuu]
- SNES/accuracy profile hires color blending improvements - fixes
  Marvelous text [AWJ]
- fixed a slight bug in SNES/SA-1 VBR support caused by a typo
- added support for multi-pass shaders that can load external textures
  (requires OpenGL 3.2+)
- added game library path (used by ananke->Import Game) to
- system profiles, shaders and cheats database can be stored in "all
  users" shared folders now (eg /usr/share on Linux)
- all configuration files are in BML format now, instead of XML (much
  easier to read and edit this way)
- main window supports drag-and-drop of game folders (but not game files
  / ZIP archives)
- audio buffer clears when entering a modal loop on Windows (prevents
  audio repetition with DirectSound driver)
- a substantial amount of code clean-up (probably the biggest
  refactoring to date)

One highly desired target for this release was to default to the optimal
drivers instead of the safest drivers, but because AMD drivers don't
seem to like my OpenGL 3.2 driver, I've decided to postpone that. AMD
has too big a market share. Hopefully with v093 officially released, we
can get some public input on what AMD doesn't like.
2013-08-18 13:21:14 +10:00
Tim Allen ba660600ad Update to purify v02r01 release.
Because byuu's Win32 compiler does not yet support the C++11 std::thread
API, he wrote his own portable wrapper library, so now the new purify
works on Windows too.
2013-01-19 22:20:25 +11:00
Tim Allen 8d88337e28 Update to ananke v01 release.
byuu says:

This updated anake fixes all of the reported game issues thus far.
2013-01-17 22:20:53 +11:00
Tim Allen 84e98833ca Update to v091r11 release.
byuu says:

This release refines HSU1 support as a bidirectional protocol, nests SFC
manifests as "release/cartridge" and "release/information" (but release/
is not guaranteed to be finalized just yet), removes the database
integration, and adds support for ananke.

ananke represents inevitability. It's a library that, when installed,
higan can use to load files from the command-line, and also from a new
File -> Load Game menu option.

I need to change the build rules a bit for it to work on Windows (need
to make phoenix a DLL, basically), but it works now on Linux.

Right now, it only takes *.sfc file names, looks them up in the included
database, converts them to game folders, and returns the game folder
path for higan to load.

The idea is to continue expanding it to support everything we can that
I don't want in the higan core:
- load *.sfc, *.smc, *.swc, *.fig files
- remove SNES copier headers
- split apart merged firmware files
- pull in external firmware files (eg dsp1b.rom - these are staying
  merged, just as SPC7110 prg+dat are merged)
- load *.zip and *.7z archives
- prompt for selection on multi-file archives
- generate manifest files based on heuristics
- apply BPS patches

The "Load" menu option has been renamed to "Library", to represent games
in your library. I'm going to add some sort of suffix to indicate
unverified games, and use a different folder icon for those (eg
manifests built on heuristics rather than from the database.)

So basically, to future end users:
File -> Load Game will be how they play games.
Library -> (specific system) can be thought of as an infinitely-sized
    recent games list.

purify will likely become a simple stub that invokes ananke's functions.
No reason to duplicate all that code.
2012-12-26 17:46:57 +11:00
Tim Allen 77bb5b7891 Update to v088 release.
byuu says:

Changes to v088:
- OBJ mosaic Y fix
- Laevateinn compilation
- Remove filebrowser extra code
- Fix -march=native on Windows
- Fix purify mkdir
- GBA sound volume
- Add .gbb
- free firmware memory after file load
- Add GBA game to profile list (Yoshi's Island should work)
2012-04-24 23:17:52 +10:00