#!/bin/sh # Updates the Arcade ROM database to the latest version from MAME. # This script requires MAME to be in your PATH, or you can pass the path to MAME as an argument. # mame2bml is also required to be present and up-to-date. # Specify the mame drivers to include in the database export CORES="sega/sg1000a.cpp" export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/tools/mame2bml/out if ! command -v mame2bml &> /dev/null then echo "mame2bml could not be found. Please build it first." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$1" ] then if ! command -v mame &> /dev/null then echo "MAME could not be found. Please install it first." exit 1 fi else export PATH=$PATH:$1 fi # Extract mame.xml mame -listxml > mame.xml # Convert MAME XML to BML mame2bml mame.xml mia/Database/Arcade.bml $CORES rm mame.xml