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#pragma once
//serializer: a class designed to save and restore the state of classes.
//- data() will be portable in size (it is not necessary to specify type sizes.)
//- data() will be portable in endianness (always stored internally as little-endian.)
//- one serialize function can both save and restore class states.
//- only plain-old-data can be stored. complex classes must provide serialize(serializer&);
//- floating-point usage is not portable across different implementations
#include <nall/array.hpp>
#include <nall/bit.hpp>
#include <nall/range.hpp>
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
#include <nall/traits.hpp>
#include <nall/utility.hpp>
namespace nall {
struct serializer;
template<typename T>
struct has_serialize {
template<typename C> static auto test(decltype(std::declval<C>().serialize(std::declval<serializer&>()))*) -> char;
template<typename C> static auto test(...) -> long;
static constexpr bool value = sizeof(test<T>(0)) == sizeof(char);
template<typename T> constexpr bool has_serialize_v = has_serialize<T>::value;
struct serializer {
explicit operator bool() const {
return _size;
auto reading() const -> bool {
return _mode == 0;
auto writing() const -> bool {
return _mode == 1;
auto setReading() -> void {
_mode = 0;
_size = 0;
auto setWriting() -> void {
_mode = 1;
_size = 0;
auto data() const -> const u8* {
return _data;
auto size() const -> u32 {
return _size;
auto capacity() const -> u32 {
return _capacity;
auto reserve(u32 size) -> void {
if(size > _capacity) {
auto data = new u8[bit::round(size)]();
memory::copy(data, _data, _capacity);
delete[] _data;
_data = data;
_capacity = bit::round(size);
template<typename T> auto operator()(T& value) -> serializer& {
static_assert(has_serialize_v<T> || is_integral_v<T> || is_floating_point_v<T>);
if constexpr(has_serialize_v<T>) {
} else if constexpr(is_integral_v<T>) {
} else if constexpr(is_floating_point_v<T>) {
return *this;
template<typename T, s32 N> auto operator()(T (&array)[N]) -> serializer& {
for(auto& value : array) operator()(value);
return *this;
template<typename T> auto operator()(array_span<T> array) -> serializer& {
for(auto& value : array) operator()(value);
return *this;
auto operator=(const serializer& s) -> serializer& {
if(this == &s) return *this;
if(_data) delete[] _data;
_mode = s._mode;
_data = new u8[s._capacity];
_size = s._size;
_capacity = s._capacity;
memory::copy(_data, s._data, s._capacity);
return *this;
auto operator=(serializer&& s) -> serializer& {
if(this == &s) return *this;
if(_data) delete[] _data;
_mode = s._mode;
_data = s._data;
_size = s._size;
_capacity = s._capacity;
s._data = nullptr;
return *this;
serializer(const serializer& s) { operator=(s); }
serializer(serializer&& s) { operator=(std::move(s)); }
serializer() {
_data = new u8[1024 * 1024]();
_size = 0;
_capacity = 1024 * 1024;
serializer(const u8* data, u32 capacity) {
_data = new u8[capacity]();
_size = 0;
_capacity = capacity;
memory::copy(_data, data, capacity);
~serializer() {
if(_data) delete[] _data;
template<typename T> auto integer(T& value) -> serializer& {
enum : u32 { size = std::is_same<bool, T>::value ? 1 : sizeof(T) };
reserve(_size + size);
if(writing()) {
for(u32 n : range(size)) _data[_size++] = value >> (n << 3);
} else if(reading()) {
value = 0;
for(u32 n : range(size)) value |= (T)_data[_size++] << (n << 3);
return *this;
template<typename T> auto real(T& value) -> serializer& {
enum : u32 { size = sizeof(T) };
reserve(_size + size);
//this is rather dangerous, and not cross-platform safe;
//but there is no standardized way to export floating point values
auto p = (u8*)&value;
if(writing()) {
for(u32 n : range(size)) _data[_size++] = p[n];
} else if(reading()) {
for(u32 n : range(size)) p[n] = _data[_size++];
return *this;
bool _mode = 0;
u8* _data = nullptr;
u32 _size = 0;
u32 _capacity = 0;