Readme change and removed unneeded protocol

MadcowOG 2023-02-22 22:41:40 -08:00
コミット 539e8d84c7


@ -3,20 +3,19 @@ dwm-like bar for dwl
I believe dwl-bar provides a more dwm-like experience out of the box than other bars like somebar.
Still in development. But should compile.
## Dependencies
I'm not sure what the package names will be for your distrobution, so just make sure these are generally what you have.
+ make
+ pango
+ cairo
+ wayland
+ wayland-protocols
## Compile
Compile with this command `gcc ./src/*.c -o ./bar $(pkg-config --cflags --libs wayland-client wayland-cursor pangocairo)`.
Compile with `make`, install with `make install`, uninstall `make uninstall`.
## Configuration
Like most suckless-like software, configuration is done through `src/config.def.h` modify it to your heart's content.
Like most suckless-like software, configuration is done through `src/config.def.h` modify it to your heart's content. dwl-bar is compatible with [someblocks]( for status.
## Thanks
Thanks to raphi for somebar this project is largely just somebar but in C and a few tweaks to make it similar to dwm. The ipc protocol is also just the ipc patch in somebar's `contrib/`.


@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
This is largely ripped from somebar's ipc patchset; just with some personal modifications.
I would probably just submit raphi's patchset but I don't think that would be polite.
<protocol name="dwl_bar_ipc_unstable_v1">
<description summary="inter-proccess-communication about dwl's state">
This protocol allows clients to get updates from dwl and vice versa.
Warning! This protocol is experimental and may make backward incompatible changes.
<interface name="zdwl_manager_v1" version="1">
<description summary="manage dwl state">
This interface is exposed as a global in wl_registry.
Clients can use this interface to get a dwl_output.
After binding the client will revieve dwl_manager.tag and dwl_manager.layout events.
The dwl_manager.tag and dwl_manager.layout events expose tags and layouts to the client.
<request name="release" type="destructor">
<description summary="release dwl_manager">
Indicates that the client will not the dwl_manager object anymore.
Objects created through this instance are not affected.
<request name="get_output">
<description summary="get a dwl_output for a wl_output">
Get a dwl_output for the specified wl_output.
<arg name="id" type="new_id" interface="zdwl_output_v1"/>
<arg name="output" type="object" interface="wl_output"/>
<event name="tag">
<description summary="Announces a tag">
This event is sent after binding.
A roundtrip after binding guarantees the client recieved all tags.
<arg name="name" type="string"/>
<event name="layout">
<description summary="Announces a layout">
This event is sent after binding.
A roundtrip after binding guarantees the client recieved all layouts.
<arg name="name" type="string"/>
<interface name="zdwl_output_v1" version="1">
<description summary="control dwl output">
Observe and control a dwl output.
Events are double-buffered:
Clients should cache events and redraw when a dwl_output.done event is sent.
Request are not double-buffered:
The compositor will update immediately upon request.
<enum name="tag_state">
<entry name="none" value="0" summary="no state"/>
<entry name="active" value="1" summary="tag is active"/>
<entry name="urgent" value="2" summary="tag has at least one urgent client"/>
<request name="release" type="destructor">
<description summary="release dwl_output">
Indicates to that the client no longer needs this dwl_output.
<event name="toggle_visibility">
<description summary="Toggle client visibilty">
Indicates the client should hide or show themselves.
If the client is visible then hide, if hidden then show.
<event name="active">
<description summary="Update the selected output.">
Indicates if the output is active. Zero is invalid, nonzero is valid.
<arg name="active" type="uint"/>
<event name="tag">
<description summary="Update the state of a tag.">
Indicates that a tag has been updated.
<arg name="tag" type="uint" summary="Index of the tag"/>
<arg name="state" type="uint" enum="tag_state" summary="The state of the tag."/>
<arg name="clients" type="uint" summary="The number of clients in the tag."/>
<arg name="focused" type="uint" summary="If there is a focused client. Nonzero being valid, zero being invalid."/>
<event name="layout">
<description summary="Update the layout.">
Indicates a new layout is selected.
<arg name="layout" type="uint" summary="Index of the layout."/>
<event name="title">
<description summary="Update the title.">
Indicates the title has changed.
<arg name="title" type="string" summary="The new title name."/>
<event name="frame">
<description summary="The update sequence is done.">
Indicates that a sequence of status updates have finished and the client should redraw.
<request name="set_layout">
<description summary="Set the layout of this output"/>
<arg name="index" type="uint" summary="index of a layout recieved by dwl_manager.layout"/>
<request name="set_tags">
<description summary="Set the active tags of this output"/>
<arg name="tagmask" type="uint" summary="bitmask of the tags that should be set."/>
<arg name="toggle_tagset" type="uint" summary="toggle the selected tagset, zero for invalid, nonzero for valid."/>
<request name="set_client_tags">
<description summary="Set the tags of the focused client.">
The tags are updated as follows:
new_tags = (current_tags AND and_tags) XOR xor_tags
<arg name="and_tags" type="uint"/>
<arg name="xor_tags" type="uint"/>