
189 行
7.6 KiB

package pages
import (
type User struct {
Login string
Name string
Bio string
Status string
StatusEmoji string
AvatarUrl string
Location string
Email string
Timezone string
Following string
Followers string
Link string
Social []string
Organizations []string
OrgMembers []string
Company string
Type string
Contributions string
Readme string
ReadmeUrl string
MainRepos []RepoList
PinOrPopular string
type RepoList struct {
Name string
Type string
Link string
Desc string
Lang string
Stars string
Forks string
ForkOf string
// HandleUser handles the user page.
func HandleUser(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
// Declare Array used for displaying data
var userArray []User
// Scraping
Scrape := User{}
UserAgent, ok := os.LookupEnv("GITLIN_USER_AGENT")
if !ok {
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
sc1 := colly.NewCollector(colly.AllowedDomains(""), colly.UserAgent(UserAgent))
sc1.OnHTML("div[itemscope]", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
Scrape.Type = e.Attr("itemtype")
sc1.Visit("" + c.Params("user") + "/")
sc := colly.NewCollector(colly.AllowedDomains(""), colly.UserAgent(UserAgent))
if Scrape.Type == "" {
sc.OnHTML("div.js-profile-editable-replace", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
// Main info
Scrape.Login = e.ChildText("span[itemprop*='additionalName']")
Scrape.Name = e.ChildText("span[itemprop*='name']")
Scrape.Bio = e.ChildText("div[data-bio-text] div")
Scrape.AvatarUrl = e.ChildAttr("img[alt*='Avatar']", "src")
// Metadata
Scrape.Location = e.ChildText("li[itemprop*='homeLocation'] span")
Scrape.Timezone = e.ChildText("li[itemprop*='localTime'] span")
Scrape.Company = e.ChildText("li[itemprop*='worksFor'] span")
Scrape.Link = e.ChildText("li[itemprop*='url'] a")
e.ForEach("li[itemprop*='social']", func(i int, el *colly.HTMLElement) {
Scrape.Social = append(Scrape.Social, el.ChildAttr("a.Link--primary", "href"))
// Followers/Following
Scrape.Followers = e.ChildText("a[href*='" + c.Params("user") + "?tab=followers' i] span")
Scrape.Following = e.ChildText("a[href*='" + c.Params("user") + "?tab=following' i] span")
// Organizations
e.ForEach("a[data-hovercard-type*='organization']", func(i int, el *colly.HTMLElement) {
Scrape.Organizations = append(Scrape.Organizations, el.Attr("aria-label"))
// User Status
Scrape.Status = e.ChildText("div.user-status-circle-badge div.user-status-message-wrapper div")
Scrape.StatusEmoji = e.ChildAttr("div.user-status-circle-badge div.user-status-emoji-container g-emoji", "alias")
// Contributions
sc.OnHTML("div.js-yearly-contributions", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
Scrape.Contributions = e.ChildText("h2")
} else if Scrape.Type == "" {
sc.OnHTML("div.container-xl div.flex-md-items-center div.flex-1", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
// Main info
Scrape.Name = e.ChildText("h1.h2")
Scrape.Bio = e.ChildText("div.color-fg-muted div")
// Metadata
Scrape.Location = e.ChildText("span[itemprop*='location']")
Scrape.Email = e.ChildText("a[itemprop*='email']")
Scrape.Link = e.ChildText("a[itemprop*='url']")
e.ForEach("a.Link--primary", func(i int, el *colly.HTMLElement) {
Scrape.Social = append(Scrape.Social, el.Attr("href"))
// Followers
Scrape.Followers = e.ChildText("a[href*='/orgs/" + c.Params("user") + "/followers' i] span")
sc.OnHTML("img[alt*='@"+c.Params("user")+"' i]", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
Scrape.AvatarUrl = e.Attr("src")
Scrape.Login = e.Attr("alt")
// Org Members
sc.OnHTML("div.clearfix", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
e.ForEach("a[data-hovercard-type*='user'] img", func(i int, el *colly.HTMLElement) {
Scrape.OrgMembers = append(Scrape.OrgMembers, strings.TrimPrefix(el.Attr("alt"), "@"))
} else {
return c.Status(404).Render("error", fiber.Map{
"error": "User " + c.Params("user") + " not found",
sc.OnHTML("div.js-pinned-items-reorder-container", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
e.ForEach("div.pinned-item-list-item-content", func(i int, el *colly.HTMLElement) {
var MainRepo RepoList
MainRepo = RepoList{} // Clear data if old data is present
MainRepo.Name = strings.TrimPrefix(el.ChildAttr("div.width-full a", "href"), "/")
MainRepo.Link = el.ChildAttr("div.width-full a", "href")
if strings.Contains(MainRepo.Name, "") {
MainRepo.Name = el.ChildAttr("div.width-full a span", "title")
MainRepo.Link = "/gist" + strings.TrimPrefix(el.ChildAttr("div.width-full a", "href"), "")
if strings.Contains(MainRepo.Link, "/gist") {
MainRepo.Type = "Gist"
} else {
MainRepo.Type = "Repository"
MainRepo.Desc = el.ChildText("p.pinned-item-desc")
if MainRepo.Type == "Gist" {
MainRepo.Desc = ""
el.ForEach("div.rounded-bottom-2 div.flex-items-center", func(in int, ele *colly.HTMLElement) {
MainRepo.Desc = MainRepo.Desc + "\n" + ele.ChildText("pre")
MainRepo.Lang = el.ChildText("p.color-fg-muted span[itemprop*='programmingLanguage']")
MainRepo.Stars = el.ChildText("p.color-fg-muted a[href*='/stargazers' i]")
MainRepo.Forks = el.ChildText("p.color-fg-muted a[href*='/forks' i]")
MainRepo.ForkOf = el.ChildText("p.text-small a.Link--muted")
Scrape.MainRepos = append(Scrape.MainRepos, MainRepo)
Scrape.PinOrPopular = strings.TrimSuffix(e.ChildText("h2.text-normal"), " repositories")
sc.OnHTML("article.markdown-body", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
Content, _ := e.DOM.Html()
Scrape.Readme = strings.Replace(strings.Replace(strings.Replace(strings.Replace(string(utils.UGCPolicy().SanitizeBytes([]byte(Content))), "", "", -1), "user-content-", "", -1), "", "/camo", -1), "", "/raw", -1)
sc.OnHTML("div.text-mono", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
Scrape.ReadmeUrl = strings.Replace(e.ChildAttr("a", "href"), "tree", "blob", -1)
sc.Visit("" + c.Params("user") + "/")
// Fixing the output a bit
Scrape.AvatarUrl = strings.TrimPrefix(Scrape.AvatarUrl, "")
Scrape.AvatarUrl = "/avatar/" + Scrape.AvatarUrl // Avatar needs to be in /avatar so its proxied
if Scrape.StatusEmoji != "" {
Scrape.StatusEmoji = emoji.Parse(":" + Scrape.StatusEmoji + ":") // Convert the emoji code to an actual emoji
Scrape.Login = strings.TrimPrefix(Scrape.Login, "@") // Only for orgs
// Remove HTTP(s) from user website url if it exists
if strings.HasPrefix(Scrape.Link, "https://") {
Scrape.Link = strings.TrimPrefix(Scrape.Link, "https://")
} else if strings.HasPrefix(Scrape.Link, "http://") {
Scrape.Link = strings.TrimPrefix(Scrape.Link, "http://")
// Add scrape-based info to userArray
userArray = append(userArray, Scrape)
return c.Render("user", fiber.Map{
"title": c.Params("user"),
"branch": utils.Branch,
"user": userArray,