module Invidious::Routes::API::Manifest # /api/manifest/dash/id/:id def self.get_dash_video_id(env) env.response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") env.response.content_type = "application/dash+xml" local = env.params.query["local"]?.try &.== "true" id = env.params.url["id"] region = env.params.query["region"]? # Since some implementations create playlists based on resolution regardless of different codecs, # we can opt to only add a source to a representation if it has a unique height within that representation unique_res = env.params.query["unique_res"]?.try { |q| (q == "true" || q == "1").to_unsafe } begin video = get_video(id, region: region) rescue ex : NotFoundException haltf env, status_code: 404 rescue ex haltf env, status_code: 403 end if dashmpd = video.dash_manifest_url manifest = YT_POOL.client &.get(URI.parse(dashmpd).request_target).body manifest = manifest.gsub(/[^<]+<\/BaseURL>/) do |baseurl| url = baseurl.lchop("") url = url.rchop("") if local uri = URI.parse(url) url = "#{HOST_URL}#{uri.request_target}host/#{}/" end "#{url}" end return manifest end adaptive_fmts = video.adaptive_fmts if local adaptive_fmts.each do |fmt| fmt["url"] ="#{HOST_URL}#{URI.parse(fmt["url"].as_s).request_target}") end end audio_streams = video.audio_streams.sort_by { |stream| {stream["bitrate"].as_i} }.reverse! video_streams = video.video_streams.sort_by { |stream| {stream["width"].as_i, stream["fps"].as_i} }.reverse! manifest = " ", encoding: "UTF-8") do |xml| xml.element("MPD", "xmlns": "urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011", "profiles": "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:full:2011", minBufferTime: "PT1.5S", type: "static", mediaPresentationDuration: "PT#{video.length_seconds}S") do xml.element("Period") do i = 0 {"audio/mp4"}.each do |mime_type| mime_streams = { |stream| stream["mimeType"].as_s.starts_with? mime_type } next if mime_streams.empty? mime_streams.each do |fmt| # OTF streams aren't supported yet (See next if !(fmt.has_key?("indexRange") && fmt.has_key?("initRange")) # Different representations of the same audio should be groupped into one AdaptationSet. # However, most players don't support auto quality switching, so we have to trick them # into providing a quality selector. # See for more details. xml.element("AdaptationSet", id: i, mimeType: mime_type, startWithSAP: 1, subsegmentAlignment: true, label: fmt["bitrate"].to_s + "k") do codecs = fmt["mimeType"].as_s.split("codecs=")[1].strip('"') bandwidth = fmt["bitrate"].as_i itag = fmt["itag"].as_i url = fmt["url"].as_s xml.element("Role", schemeIdUri: "urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011", value: i == 0 ? "main" : "alternate") xml.element("Representation", id: fmt["itag"], codecs: codecs, bandwidth: bandwidth) do xml.element("AudioChannelConfiguration", schemeIdUri: "urn:mpeg:dash:23003:3:audio_channel_configuration:2011", value: "2") xml.element("BaseURL") { xml.text url } xml.element("SegmentBase", indexRange: "#{fmt["indexRange"]["start"]}-#{fmt["indexRange"]["end"]}") do xml.element("Initialization", range: "#{fmt["initRange"]["start"]}-#{fmt["initRange"]["end"]}") end end end i += 1 end end potential_heights = {4320, 2160, 1440, 1080, 720, 480, 360, 240, 144} {"video/mp4"}.each do |mime_type| mime_streams = { |stream| stream["mimeType"].as_s.starts_with? mime_type } next if mime_streams.empty? heights = [] of Int32 xml.element("AdaptationSet", id: i, mimeType: mime_type, startWithSAP: 1, subsegmentAlignment: true, scanType: "progressive") do mime_streams.each do |fmt| # OTF streams aren't supported yet (See next if !(fmt.has_key?("indexRange") && fmt.has_key?("initRange")) codecs = fmt["mimeType"].as_s.split("codecs=")[1].strip('"') bandwidth = fmt["bitrate"].as_i itag = fmt["itag"].as_i url = fmt["url"].as_s width = fmt["width"].as_i height = fmt["height"].as_i # Resolutions reported by YouTube player (may not accurately reflect source) height = potential_heights.min_by { |x| (height - x).abs } next if unique_res && heights.includes? height heights << height xml.element("Representation", id: itag, codecs: codecs, width: width, height: height, startWithSAP: "1", maxPlayoutRate: "1", bandwidth: bandwidth, frameRate: fmt["fps"]) do xml.element("BaseURL") { xml.text url } xml.element("SegmentBase", indexRange: "#{fmt["indexRange"]["start"]}-#{fmt["indexRange"]["end"]}") do xml.element("Initialization", range: "#{fmt["initRange"]["start"]}-#{fmt["initRange"]["end"]}") end end end end i += 1 end end end end return manifest end # /api/manifest/dash/id/videoplayback def self.get_dash_video_playback(env) env.response.headers.delete("Content-Type") env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" env.redirect "/videoplayback?#{env.params.query}" end # /api/manifest/dash/id/videoplayback/* def self.get_dash_video_playback_greedy(env) env.response.headers.delete("Content-Type") env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" env.redirect env.request.path.lchop("/api/manifest/dash/id") end # /api/manifest/dash/id/videoplayback && /api/manifest/dash/id/videoplayback/* def self.options_dash_video_playback(env) env.response.headers.delete("Content-Type") env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "GET, OPTIONS" env.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Content-Type, Range" end # /api/manifest/hls_playlist/* def self.get_hls_playlist(env) response = YT_POOL.client &.get(env.request.path) if response.status_code != 200 haltf env, status_code: response.status_code end local = env.params.query["local"]?.try &.== "true" env.response.content_type = "application/x-mpegURL" env.response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") manifest = response.body if local manifest = manifest.gsub(/^https:\/\/\w+---.{11}\.c\.youtube\.com[^\n]*/m) do |match| path = URI.parse(match).path path = path.lchop("/videoplayback/") path = path.rchop("/") path = path.gsub(/mime\/\w+\/\w+/) do |mimetype| mimetype = mimetype.split("/") mimetype[0] + "/" + mimetype[1] + "%2F" + mimetype[2] end path = path.split("/") raw_params = {} of String => Array(String) path.each_slice(2) do |pair| key, value = pair value = URI.decode_www_form(value) if raw_params[key]? raw_params[key] << value else raw_params[key] = [value] end end raw_params = if fvip = raw_params["hls_chunk_host"].match(/r(?\d+)---/) raw_params["fvip"] = fvip["fvip"] end raw_params["local"] = "true" "#{HOST_URL}/videoplayback?#{raw_params}" end end manifest end # /api/manifest/hls_variant/* def self.get_hls_variant(env) response = YT_POOL.client &.get(env.request.path) if response.status_code != 200 haltf env, status_code: response.status_code end local = env.params.query["local"]?.try &.== "true" env.response.content_type = "application/x-mpegURL" env.response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") manifest = response.body if local manifest = manifest.gsub("", HOST_URL) manifest = manifest.gsub("index.m3u8", "index.m3u8?local=true") end manifest end end