struct InvidiousChannel db_mapping({ id: String, author: String, updated: Time, deleted: Bool, subscribed: Time?, }) end struct ChannelVideo def to_json(locale, config, kemal_config, json : JSON::Builder) json.object do json.field "title", self.title json.field "videoId", json.field "videoThumbnails" do generate_thumbnails(json,, config, Kemal.config) end json.field "lengthSeconds", self.length_seconds json.field "author", json.field "authorId", self.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{self.ucid}" json.field "published", self.published.to_unix json.field "publishedText", translate(locale, "`x` ago", recode_date(self.published, locale)) json.field "viewCount", self.views end end def to_json(locale, config, kemal_config, json : JSON::Builder | Nil = nil) if json to_json(locale, config, kemal_config, json) else do |json| to_json(locale, config, kemal_config, json) end end end db_mapping({ id: String, title: String, published: Time, updated: Time, ucid: String, author: String, length_seconds: {type: Int32, default: 0}, live_now: {type: Bool, default: false}, premiere_timestamp: {type: Time?, default: nil}, views: {type: Int64?, default: nil}, }) end def get_batch_channels(channels, db, refresh = false, pull_all_videos = true, max_threads = 10) finished_channel = Channel(String | Nil).new spawn do active_threads = 0 active_channel = Channel(Nil).new channels.each do |ucid| if active_threads >= max_threads active_channel.receive active_threads -= 1 end active_threads += 1 spawn do begin get_channel(ucid, db, refresh, pull_all_videos) finished_channel.send(ucid) rescue ex finished_channel.send(nil) ensure active_channel.send(nil) end end end end final = [] of String channels.size.times do if ucid = finished_channel.receive final << ucid end end return final end def get_channel(id, db, refresh = true, pull_all_videos = true) if db.query_one?("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT true FROM channels WHERE id = $1)", id, as: Bool) channel = db.query_one("SELECT * FROM channels WHERE id = $1", id, as: InvidiousChannel) if refresh && - channel.updated > 10.minutes channel = fetch_channel(id, db, pull_all_videos: pull_all_videos) channel_array = channel.to_a args = arg_array(channel_array) db.exec("INSERT INTO channels VALUES (#{args}) \ ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET author = $2, updated = $3", channel_array) end else channel = fetch_channel(id, db, pull_all_videos: pull_all_videos) channel_array = channel.to_a args = arg_array(channel_array) db.exec("INSERT INTO channels VALUES (#{args})", channel_array) end return channel end def fetch_channel(ucid, db, pull_all_videos = true, locale = nil) client = make_client(YT_URL) rss = client.get("/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=#{ucid}").body rss = XML.parse_html(rss) author = rss.xpath_node(%q(//feed/title)) if !author raise translate(locale, "Deleted or invalid channel") end author = author.content # Auto-generated channels # if author.ends_with?(" - Topic") || {"Popular on YouTube", "Music", "Sports", "Gaming"}.includes? author auto_generated = true end page = 1 url = produce_channel_videos_url(ucid, page, auto_generated: auto_generated) response = client.get(url) json = JSON.parse(response.body) if json["content_html"]? && !json["content_html"].as_s.empty? document = XML.parse_html(json["content_html"].as_s) nodeset = document.xpath_nodes(%q(//li[contains(@class, "feed-item-container")])) if auto_generated videos = extract_videos(nodeset) else videos = extract_videos(nodeset, ucid, author) end end videos ||= [] of ChannelVideo rss.xpath_nodes("//feed/entry").each do |entry| video_id = entry.xpath_node("videoid").not_nil!.content title = entry.xpath_node("title").not_nil!.content published = Time.parse_rfc3339(entry.xpath_node("published").not_nil!.content) updated = Time.parse_rfc3339(entry.xpath_node("updated").not_nil!.content) author = entry.xpath_node("author/name").not_nil!.content ucid = entry.xpath_node("channelid").not_nil!.content views = entry.xpath_node("group/community/statistics").try &.["views"]?.try &.to_i64? views ||= 0_i64 channel_video = { |video| == video_id }[0]? length_seconds = channel_video.try &.length_seconds length_seconds ||= 0 live_now = channel_video.try &.live_now live_now ||= false premiere_timestamp = channel_video.try &.premiere_timestamp video = id: video_id, title: title, published: published, updated:, ucid: ucid, author: author, length_seconds: length_seconds, live_now: live_now, premiere_timestamp: premiere_timestamp, views: views, ) emails = db.query_all("UPDATE users SET notifications = notifications || $1 \ WHERE updated < $2 AND $3 = ANY(subscriptions) AND $1 <> ALL(notifications) RETURNING email",, video.published, ucid, as: String) video_array = video.to_a args = arg_array(video_array) # We don't include the 'premiere_timestamp' here because channel pages don't include them, # meaning the above timestamp is always null db.exec("INSERT INTO channel_videos VALUES (#{args}) \ ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET title = $2, published = $3, \ updated = $4, ucid = $5, author = $6, length_seconds = $7, \ live_now = $8, views = $10", video_array) # Update all users affected by insert if emails.empty? values = "'{}'" else values = "VALUES #{ { |id| %(('#{id}')) }.join(",")}" end db.exec("UPDATE users SET feed_needs_update = true WHERE email = ANY($1)", emails) end if pull_all_videos page += 1 ids = [] of String loop do url = produce_channel_videos_url(ucid, page, auto_generated: auto_generated) response = client.get(url) json = JSON.parse(response.body) if json["content_html"]? && !json["content_html"].as_s.empty? document = XML.parse_html(json["content_html"].as_s) nodeset = document.xpath_nodes(%q(//li[contains(@class, "feed-item-container")])) else break end nodeset = nodeset.not_nil! if auto_generated videos = extract_videos(nodeset) else videos = extract_videos(nodeset, ucid, author) end count = nodeset.size videos = { |video| id:, title: video.title, published: video.published, updated:, ucid: video.ucid, author:, length_seconds: video.length_seconds, live_now: video.live_now, premiere_timestamp: video.premiere_timestamp, views: video.views ) } videos.each do |video| ids << # We are notified of Red videos elsewhere (PubSub), which includes a correct published date, # so since they don't provide a published date here we can safely ignore them. if - video.published > 1.minute emails = db.query_all("UPDATE users SET notifications = notifications || $1 \ WHERE updated < $2 AND $3 = ANY(subscriptions) AND $1 <> ALL(notifications) RETURNING email",, video.published, video.ucid, as: String) video_array = video.to_a args = arg_array(video_array) # We don't update the 'premire_timestamp' here because channel pages don't include them db.exec("INSERT INTO channel_videos VALUES (#{args}) \ ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET title = $2, published = $3, \ updated = $4, ucid = $5, author = $6, length_seconds = $7, \ live_now = $8, views = $10", video_array) # Update all users affected by insert if emails.empty? values = "'{}'" else values = "VALUES #{ { |id| %(('#{id}')) }.join(",")}" end db.exec("UPDATE users SET feed_needs_update = true WHERE email = ANY($1)", emails) end end if count < 25 break end page += 1 end # When a video is deleted from a channel, we find and remove it here db.exec("DELETE FROM channel_videos * WHERE NOT id = ANY ('{#{ { |id| %("#{id}") }.join(",")}}') AND ucid = $1", ucid) end channel =, author,, false, nil) return channel end def subscribe_pubsub(ucid, key, config) client = make_client(PUBSUB_URL) time = nonce = Random::Secure.hex(4) signature = "#{time}:#{nonce}" host_url = make_host_url(config, Kemal.config) body = { "hub.callback" => "#{host_url}/feed/webhook/v1:#{time}:#{nonce}:#{OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(:sha1, key, signature)}", "hub.topic" => "{ucid}", "hub.verify" => "async", "hub.mode" => "subscribe", "hub.lease_seconds" => "432000", "hub.secret" => key.to_s, } return"/subscribe", form: body) end def fetch_channel_playlists(ucid, author, auto_generated, continuation, sort_by) client = make_client(YT_URL) if continuation url = produce_channel_playlists_url(ucid, continuation, sort_by, auto_generated) response = client.get(url) json = JSON.parse(response.body) if json["load_more_widget_html"].as_s.empty? return [] of SearchItem, nil end continuation = XML.parse_html(json["load_more_widget_html"].as_s) continuation = continuation.xpath_node(%q(//button[@data-uix-load-more-href])) if continuation continuation = extract_channel_playlists_cursor(continuation["data-uix-load-more-href"], auto_generated) end html = XML.parse_html(json["content_html"].as_s) nodeset = html.xpath_nodes(%q(//li[contains(@class, "feed-item-container")])) else url = "/channel/#{ucid}/playlists?disable_polymer=1&flow=list" if auto_generated url += "&view=50" else url += "&view=1" end case sort_by when "last", "last_added" # when "oldest", "oldest_created" url += "&sort=da" when "newest", "newest_created" url += "&sort=dd" end response = client.get(url) html = XML.parse_html(response.body) continuation = html.xpath_node(%q(//button[@data-uix-load-more-href])) if continuation continuation = extract_channel_playlists_cursor(continuation["data-uix-load-more-href"], auto_generated) end nodeset = html.xpath_nodes(%q(//ul[@id="browse-items-primary"]/li[contains(@class, "feed-item-container")])) end if auto_generated items = extract_shelf_items(nodeset, ucid, author) else items = extract_items(nodeset, ucid, author) end return items, continuation end def produce_channel_videos_url(ucid, page = 1, auto_generated = nil, sort_by = "newest") if auto_generated seed = Time.unix(1525757349) until seed >= seed += 1.month end timestamp = seed - (page - 1).months page = "#{timestamp.to_unix}" switch = 0x36 else page = "#{page}" switch = 0x00 end meta = meta.write(Bytes[0x12, 0x06]) meta.print("videos") meta.write(Bytes[0x30, 0x02]) meta.write(Bytes[0x38, 0x01]) meta.write(Bytes[0x60, 0x01]) meta.write(Bytes[0x6a, 0x00]) meta.write(Bytes[0xb8, 0x01, 0x00]) meta.write(Bytes[0x20, switch]) meta.write(Bytes[0x7a, page.size]) meta.print(page) case sort_by when "newest" # Empty tags can be omitted # meta.write(Bytes[0x18,0x00]) when "popular" meta.write(Bytes[0x18, 0x01]) when "oldest" meta.write(Bytes[0x18, 0x02]) end meta.rewind meta = Base64.urlsafe_encode(meta.to_slice) meta = URI.escape(meta) continuation = continuation.write(Bytes[0x12, ucid.size]) continuation.print(ucid) continuation.write(Bytes[0x1a, meta.size]) continuation.print(meta) continuation.rewind continuation = continuation.gets_to_end wrapper = wrapper.write(Bytes[0xe2, 0xa9, 0x85, 0xb2, 0x02, continuation.size]) wrapper.print(continuation) wrapper.rewind wrapper = Base64.urlsafe_encode(wrapper.to_slice) wrapper = URI.escape(wrapper) url = "/browse_ajax?continuation=#{wrapper}&gl=US&hl=en" return url end def produce_channel_playlists_url(ucid, cursor, sort = "newest", auto_generated = false) if !auto_generated cursor = Base64.urlsafe_encode(cursor, false) end meta = if auto_generated meta.write(Bytes[0x08, 0x0a]) end meta.write(Bytes[0x12, 0x09]) meta.print("playlists") if auto_generated meta.write(Bytes[0x20, 0x32]) else # TODO: Look at 0x01, 0x00 case sort when "oldest", "oldest_created" meta.write(Bytes[0x18, 0x02]) when "newest", "newest_created" meta.write(Bytes[0x18, 0x03]) when "last", "last_added" meta.write(Bytes[0x18, 0x04]) end meta.write(Bytes[0x20, 0x01]) end meta.write(Bytes[0x30, 0x02]) meta.write(Bytes[0x38, 0x01]) meta.write(Bytes[0x60, 0x01]) meta.write(Bytes[0x6a, 0x00]) meta.write(Bytes[0x7a, cursor.size]) meta.print(cursor) meta.write(Bytes[0xb8, 0x01, 0x00]) meta.rewind meta = Base64.urlsafe_encode(meta.to_slice) meta = URI.escape(meta) continuation = continuation.write(Bytes[0x12, ucid.size]) continuation.print(ucid) continuation.write(Bytes[0x1a]) continuation.write(write_var_int(meta.size)) continuation.print(meta) continuation.rewind continuation = continuation.gets_to_end wrapper = wrapper.write(Bytes[0xe2, 0xa9, 0x85, 0xb2, 0x02]) wrapper.write(write_var_int(continuation.size)) wrapper.print(continuation) wrapper.rewind wrapper = Base64.urlsafe_encode(wrapper.to_slice) wrapper = URI.escape(wrapper) url = "/browse_ajax?continuation=#{wrapper}&gl=US&hl=en" return url end def extract_channel_playlists_cursor(url, auto_generated) wrapper = HTTP::Params.parse(URI.parse(url).query.not_nil!)["continuation"] wrapper = URI.unescape(wrapper) wrapper = Base64.decode(wrapper) # 0xe2 0xa9 0x85 0xb2 0x02 wrapper += 5 continuation_size = read_var_int(wrapper[0, 4]) wrapper += write_var_int(continuation_size).size continuation = wrapper[0, continuation_size] # 0x12 continuation += 1 ucid_size = continuation[0] continuation += 1 ucid = continuation[0, ucid_size] continuation += ucid_size # 0x1a continuation += 1 meta_size = read_var_int(continuation[0, 4]) continuation += write_var_int(meta_size).size meta = continuation[0, meta_size] continuation += meta_size meta = meta = URI.unescape(meta) meta = Base64.decode(meta) # 0x12 0x09 playlists meta += 11 until meta[0] == 0x7a tag = read_var_int(meta[0, 4]) meta += write_var_int(tag).size value = meta[0] meta += 1 end # 0x7a meta += 1 cursor_size = meta[0] meta += 1 cursor = meta[0, cursor_size] cursor = if !auto_generated cursor = URI.unescape(cursor) cursor = Base64.decode_string(cursor) end return cursor end def get_about_info(ucid, locale) client = make_client(YT_URL) about = client.get("/channel/#{ucid}/about?disable_polymer=1&gl=US&hl=en") if about.status_code == 404 about = client.get("/user/#{ucid}/about?disable_polymer=1&gl=US&hl=en") end about = XML.parse_html(about.body) if about.xpath_node(%q(//div[contains(@class, "channel-empty-message")])) error_message = translate(locale, "This channel does not exist.") raise error_message end if about.xpath_node(%q(//span[contains(@class,"qualified-channel-title-text")]/a)).try &.content.empty? error_message = about.xpath_node(%q(//div[@class="yt-alert-content"])).try &.content.strip error_message ||= translate(locale, "Could not get channel info.") raise error_message end sub_count = about.xpath_node(%q(//span[contains(text(), "subscribers")])) if sub_count sub_count = sub_count.content.delete(", subscribers").to_i? end sub_count ||= 0 author = about.xpath_node(%q(//span[contains(@class,"qualified-channel-title-text")]/a)).not_nil!.content ucid = about.xpath_node(%q(//meta[@itemprop="channelId"])).not_nil!["content"] # Auto-generated channels # auto_generated = false if about.xpath_node(%q(//ul[@class="about-custom-links"]/li/a[@title="Auto-generated by YouTube"])) || about.xpath_node(%q(//span[@class="qualified-channel-title-badge"]/span[@title="Auto-generated by YouTube"])) auto_generated = true end return {author, ucid, auto_generated, sub_count} end def get_60_videos(ucid, page, auto_generated, sort_by = "newest") count = 0 videos = [] of SearchVideo client = make_client(YT_URL) 2.times do |i| url = produce_channel_videos_url(ucid, page * 2 + (i - 1), auto_generated: auto_generated, sort_by: sort_by) response = client.get(url) json = JSON.parse(response.body) if json["content_html"]? && !json["content_html"].as_s.empty? document = XML.parse_html(json["content_html"].as_s) nodeset = document.xpath_nodes(%q(//li[contains(@class, "feed-item-container")])) if !json["load_more_widget_html"]?.try &.as_s.empty? count += 30 end if auto_generated videos += extract_videos(nodeset) else videos += extract_videos(nodeset, ucid) end else break end end return videos, count end def get_latest_videos(ucid) client = make_client(YT_URL) videos = [] of SearchVideo url = produce_channel_videos_url(ucid, 0) response = client.get(url) json = JSON.parse(response.body) if json["content_html"]? && !json["content_html"].as_s.empty? document = XML.parse_html(json["content_html"].as_s) nodeset = document.xpath_nodes(%q(//li[contains(@class, "feed-item-container")])) videos = extract_videos(nodeset, ucid) end return videos end