# Since systems have a limit on number of open files (`ulimit -a`), # we serve them from memory to avoid 'Too many open files' without needing # to modify ulimit. # # Very heavily re-used: # https://github.com/kemalcr/kemal/blob/master/src/kemal/helpers/helpers.cr # https://github.com/kemalcr/kemal/blob/master/src/kemal/static_file_handler.cr # # Changes: # - A `send_file` overload is added which supports sending a Slice, file_path, filestat # - `StaticFileHandler` is patched to cache to and serve from @cached_files private def multipart(file, env : HTTP::Server::Context) # See http://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7233.html fileb = file.size startb = endb = 0 if match = env.request.headers["Range"].match /bytes=(\d{1,})-(\d{0,})/ startb = match[1].to_i { 0 } if match.size >= 2 endb = match[2].to_i { 0 } if match.size >= 3 end endb = fileb - 1 if endb == 0 if startb < endb < fileb content_length = 1 + endb - startb env.response.status_code = 206 env.response.content_length = content_length env.response.headers["Accept-Ranges"] = "bytes" env.response.headers["Content-Range"] = "bytes #{startb}-#{endb}/#{fileb}" # MUST if startb > 1024 skipped = 0 # file.skip only accepts values less or equal to 1024 (buffer size, undocumented) until (increase_skipped = skipped + 1024) > startb file.skip(1024) skipped = increase_skipped end if (skipped_minus_startb = skipped - startb) > 0 file.skip skipped_minus_startb end else file.skip(startb) end IO.copy(file, env.response, content_length) else env.response.content_length = fileb env.response.status_code = 200 # Range not satisfable, see 4.4 Note IO.copy(file, env.response) end end # Set the Content-Disposition to "attachment" with the specified filename, # instructing the user agents to prompt to save. private def attachment(env : HTTP::Server::Context, filename : String? = nil, disposition : String? = nil) disposition = "attachment" if disposition.nil? && filename if disposition && filename env.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "#{disposition}; filename=\"#{File.basename(filename)}\"" end end def send_file(env : HTTP::Server::Context, file_path : String, data : Slice(UInt8), filestat : File::Info, filename : String? = nil, disposition : String? = nil) config = Kemal.config.serve_static mime_type = MIME.from_filename(file_path, "application/octet-stream") env.response.content_type = mime_type env.response.headers["Accept-Ranges"] = "bytes" env.response.headers["X-Content-Type-Options"] = "nosniff" minsize = 860 # http://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/31750/what-is-recommended-minimum-object-size-for-gzip-performance-benefits ?? request_headers = env.request.headers filesize = data.bytesize attachment(env, filename, disposition) Kemal.config.static_headers.try(&.call(env.response, file_path, filestat)) file = IO::Memory.new(data) if env.request.method == "GET" && env.request.headers.has_key?("Range") return multipart(file, env) end condition = config.is_a?(Hash) && config["gzip"]? == true && filesize > minsize && Kemal::Utils.zip_types(file_path) if condition && request_headers.includes_word?("Accept-Encoding", "gzip") env.response.headers["Content-Encoding"] = "gzip" Compress::Gzip::Writer.open(env.response) do |deflate| IO.copy(file, deflate) end elsif condition && request_headers.includes_word?("Accept-Encoding", "deflate") env.response.headers["Content-Encoding"] = "deflate" Compress::Deflate::Writer.open(env.response) do |deflate| IO.copy(file, deflate) end else env.response.content_length = filesize IO.copy(file, env.response) end return end module Kemal class StaticFileHandler < HTTP::StaticFileHandler CACHE_LIMIT = 5_000_000 # 5MB @cached_files = {} of String => {data: Bytes, filestat: File::Info} def call(context : HTTP::Server::Context) return call_next(context) if context.request.path.not_nil! == "/" case context.request.method when "GET", "HEAD" else if @fallthrough call_next(context) else context.response.status_code = 405 context.response.headers.add("Allow", "GET, HEAD") end return end config = Kemal.config.serve_static original_path = context.request.path.not_nil! request_path = URI.decode_www_form(original_path) # File path cannot contains '\0' (NUL) because all filesystem I know # don't accept '\0' character as file name. if request_path.includes? '\0' context.response.status_code = 400 return end expanded_path = File.expand_path(request_path, "/") is_dir_path = if original_path.ends_with?('/') && !expanded_path.ends_with? '/' expanded_path = expanded_path + '/' true else expanded_path.ends_with? '/' end file_path = File.join(@public_dir, expanded_path) if file = @cached_files[file_path]? last_modified = file[:filestat].modification_time add_cache_headers(context.response.headers, last_modified) if cache_request?(context, last_modified) context.response.status_code = 304 return end send_file(context, file_path, file[:data], file[:filestat]) else is_dir = Dir.exists? file_path if request_path != expanded_path redirect_to context, expanded_path elsif is_dir && !is_dir_path redirect_to context, expanded_path + '/' end if Dir.exists?(file_path) if config.is_a?(Hash) && config["dir_listing"] == true context.response.content_type = "text/html" directory_listing(context.response, request_path, file_path) else call_next(context) end elsif File.exists?(file_path) last_modified = modification_time(file_path) add_cache_headers(context.response.headers, last_modified) if cache_request?(context, last_modified) context.response.status_code = 304 return end if @cached_files.sum { |element| element[1][:data].bytesize } + (size = File.size(file_path)) < CACHE_LIMIT data = Bytes.new(size) File.open(file_path) do |file| file.read(data) end filestat = File.info(file_path) @cached_files[file_path] = {data: data, filestat: filestat} send_file(context, file_path, data, filestat) else send_file(context, file_path) end else call_next(context) end end end end end