class Config YAML.mapping({ crawl_threads: Int32, channel_threads: Int32, feed_threads: Int32, video_threads: Int32, db: NamedTuple( user: String, password: String, host: String, port: Int32, dbname: String, ), dl_api_key: String?, https_only: Bool?, hmac_key: String?, full_refresh: Bool, domain: String?, }) end class FilteredCompressHandler < Kemal::Handler exclude ["/videoplayback", "/videoplayback/*", "/vi/*", "/api/*", "/ggpht/*"] def call(env) return call_next env if exclude_match? env {% if flag?(:without_zlib) %} call_next env {% else %} request_headers = env.request.headers if request_headers.includes_word?("Accept-Encoding", "gzip") env.response.headers["Content-Encoding"] = "gzip" env.response.output =, sync_close: true) elsif request_headers.includes_word?("Accept-Encoding", "deflate") env.response.headers["Content-Encoding"] = "deflate" env.response.output =, sync_close: true) end call_next env {% end %} end end class DenyFrame < Kemal::Handler exclude ["/embed/*"] def call(env) return call_next env if exclude_match? env env.response.headers["X-Frame-Options"] = "sameorigin" call_next env end end def rank_videos(db, n, filter, url) top = [] of {Float64, String} db.query("SELECT id, wilson_score, published FROM videos WHERE views > 5000 ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT 1000") do |rs| rs.each do id = wilson_score = published = # Exponential decay, older videos tend to rank lower temperature = wilson_score * Math.exp(-0.000005*(( - published).total_minutes)) top << {temperature, id} end end top.sort! # Make hottest come first top.reverse! top = { |a, b| b } if filter language_list = [] of String top.each do |id| if language_list.size == n break else client = make_client(url) begin video = get_video(id, db) rescue ex next end if video.language language = video.language else description = XML.parse(video.description) content = [video.title, description.content].join(" ") content = content[0, 10000] results = DetectLanguage.detect(content) language = results[0].language db.exec("UPDATE videos SET language = $1 WHERE id = $2", language, id) end if language == "en" language_list << id end end end return language_list else return top[0..n - 1] end end def login_req(login_form, f_req) data = { "pstMsg" => "1", "checkConnection" => "youtube", "checkedDomains" => "youtube", "hl" => "en", "deviceinfo" => %q([null,null,null,[],null,"US",null,null,[],"GlifWebSignIn",null,[null,null,[]]]), "f.req" => f_req, "flowName" => "GlifWebSignIn", "flowEntry" => "ServiceLogin", } data = login_form.merge(data) return HTTP::Params.encode(data) end def html_to_content(description_html) if !description_html description = "" description_html = "" else description_html = description_html.to_s description = description_html.gsub("
", "\n") description = description.gsub("
", "\n") if description.empty? description = "" else description = XML.parse_html(description).content.strip("\n ") end end return description_html, description end def extract_videos(nodeset, ucid = nil) videos = extract_items(nodeset, ucid)! { |item| !item.is_a?(SearchChannel | SearchPlaylist) } { |video| } end def extract_items(nodeset, ucid = nil) # TODO: Make this a 'common', so it makes more sense to be used here items = [] of SearchItem nodeset.each do |node| anchor = node.xpath_node(%q(.//h3[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-title")]/a)) if !anchor next end if anchor["href"].starts_with? "" next end anchor = node.xpath_node(%q(.//div[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-byline")]/a)) if !anchor author = "" author_id = "" else author = anchor.content.strip author_id = anchor["href"].split("/")[-1] end anchor = node.xpath_node(%q(.//h3[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-title")]/a)) if !anchor next end title = anchor.content.strip id = anchor["href"] description_html = node.xpath_node(%q(.//div[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-description")])) description_html, description = html_to_content(description_html) tile = node.xpath_node(%q(.//div[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-tile")])) if !tile next end case tile["class"] when .includes? "yt-lockup-playlist" plid = HTTP::Params.parse(URI.parse(id).query.not_nil!)["list"] anchor = node.xpath_node(%q(.//div[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-meta")]/a)) if !anchor anchor = node.xpath_node(%q(.//ul[@class="yt-lockup-meta-info"]/li/a)) end video_count = node.xpath_node(%q(.//span[@class="formatted-video-count-label"]/b)) if video_count video_count = video_count.content if video_count == "50+" author = "YouTube" author_id = "UC-9-kyTW8ZkZNDHQJ6FgpwQ" video_count = video_count.rchop("+") end video_count = video_count.to_i? end video_count ||= 0 videos = [] of SearchPlaylistVideo node.xpath_nodes(%q(.//*[contains(@class, "yt-lockup-playlist-items")]/li)).each do |video| anchor = video.xpath_node(%q(.//a)) if anchor video_title = anchor.content.strip id = HTTP::Params.parse(URI.parse(anchor["href"]).query.not_nil!)["v"] end video_title ||= "" id ||= "" anchor = video.xpath_node(%q(.//span/span)) if anchor length_seconds = decode_length_seconds(anchor.content) end length_seconds ||= 0 videos << video_title, id, length_seconds ) end items << title, plid, author, author_id, video_count, videos ) when .includes? "yt-lockup-channel" author = title.strip ucid = id.split("/")[-1] author_thumbnail = node.xpath_node(%q(.//div/span/img)).try &.["data-thumb"]? author_thumbnail ||= node.xpath_node(%q(.//div/span/img)).try &.["src"] author_thumbnail ||= "" subscriber_count = node.xpath_node(%q(.//span[contains(@class, "yt-subscriber-count")])).try &.["title"].delete(",").to_i? subscriber_count ||= 0 video_count = node.xpath_node(%q(.//ul[@class="yt-lockup-meta-info"]/li)).try &.content.split(" ")[0].delete(",").to_i? video_count ||= 0 items << author, ucid, author_thumbnail, subscriber_count, video_count, description, description_html ) else id = id.lchop("/watch?v=") metadata = node.xpath_nodes(%q(.//div[contains(@class,"yt-lockup-meta")]/ul/li)) begin published = decode_date(metadata[0].content.lchop("Streamed ").lchop("Starts ")) rescue ex end begin published ||= Time.unix(metadata[0].xpath_node(%q(.//span)).not_nil!["data-timestamp"].to_i64) rescue ex end published ||= begin view_count = metadata[0].content.rchop(" watching").delete(",").try &.to_i64? rescue ex end begin view_count ||= metadata.try &.[1].content.delete("No views,").try &.to_i64? rescue ex end view_count ||= 0_i64 length_seconds = node.xpath_node(%q(.//span[@class="video-time"])) if length_seconds length_seconds = decode_length_seconds(length_seconds.content) else length_seconds = -1 end live_now = node.xpath_node(%q(.//span[contains(@class, "yt-badge-live")])) if live_now live_now = true else live_now = false end if node.xpath_node(%q(.//span[text()="Premium"])) premium = true else premium = false end if node.xpath_node(%q(.//span[contains(text(), "Get YouTube Premium")])) paid = true else paid = false end items << title, id, author, author_id, published, view_count, description, description_html, length_seconds, live_now, paid, premium ) end end return items end