module JSONFilter alias BracketIndex = Hash(Int64, Int64) alias GroupedFieldsValue = String | Array(GroupedFieldsValue) alias GroupedFieldsList = Array(GroupedFieldsValue) class FieldsParser class ParseError < Exception end # Returns the `Regex` pattern used to match nest groups def self.nest_group_pattern : Regex # uses a '.' character to match json keys as they are allowed # to contain any unicode codepoint /(?:|,)(?[^,\n]*?)\(/ end # Returns the `Regex` pattern used to check if there are any empty nest groups def self.unnamed_nest_group_pattern : Regex /^\(|\(\(|\/\(/ end def self.parse_fields(fields_text : String) : Nil if fields_text.empty? raise "Fields is empty" end opening_bracket_count = fields_text.count('(') closing_bracket_count = fields_text.count(')') if opening_bracket_count != closing_bracket_count bracket_type = opening_bracket_count > closing_bracket_count ? "opening" : "closing" raise "There are too many #{bracket_type} brackets (#{opening_bracket_count}:#{closing_bracket_count})" elsif match_result = unnamed_nest_group_pattern.match(fields_text) raise "Unnamed nest group at position #{match_result.begin}" end # first, handle top-level single nested properties: items/id, playlistItems/snippet, etc parse_single_nests(fields_text) { |nest_list| yield nest_list } # next, handle nest groups: items(id, etag, etc) parse_nest_groups(fields_text) { |nest_list| yield nest_list } end def self.parse_single_nests(fields_text : String) : Nil single_nests = remove_nest_groups(fields_text) if !single_nests.empty? property_nests = single_nests.split(',') property_nests.each do |nest| nest_list = nest.split('/') if nest_list.includes? "" raise "Empty key in nest list: #{nest_list}" end yield nest_list end # else # raise "Empty key in nest list 22: #{fields_text} | #{single_nests}" end end def self.parse_nest_groups(fields_text : String) : Nil nest_stack = [] of NamedTuple(group_name: String, closing_bracket_index: Int64) bracket_pairs = get_bracket_pairs(fields_text, true) text_index = 0 regex_index = 0 while regex_result = self.nest_group_pattern.match(fields_text, regex_index) raw_match = regex_result[0] group_name = regex_result["groupname"] text_index = regex_result.begin regex_index = regex_result.end if text_index.nil? || regex_index.nil? raise "Received invalid index while parsing nest groups: text_index: #{text_index} | regex_index: #{regex_index}" end offset = raw_match.starts_with?(',') ? 1 : 0 opening_bracket_index = (text_index + group_name.size) + offset closing_bracket_index = bracket_pairs[opening_bracket_index] content_start = opening_bracket_index + 1 content = fields_text[content_start...closing_bracket_index] if content.empty? raise "Empty nest group at position #{content_start}" else content = remove_nest_groups(content) end while nest_stack.size > 0 && closing_bracket_index > nest_stack[nest_stack.size - 1][:closing_bracket_index] if nest_stack.size nest_stack.pop end end group_name.split('/').each do |group_name| nest_stack.push({ group_name: group_name, closing_bracket_index: closing_bracket_index, }) end if !content.empty? properties = content.split(',') properties.each do |prop| nest_list = { |nest_prop| nest_prop[:group_name] } if !prop.empty? if prop.includes?('/') parse_single_nests(prop) { |list| nest_list += list } else nest_list.push prop end else raise "Empty key in nest list: #{nest_list << prop}" end yield nest_list end end end end def self.remove_nest_groups(text : String) : String content_bracket_pairs = get_bracket_pairs(text, false) content_bracket_pairs.each_key.to_a.reverse.each do |opening_bracket| closing_bracket = content_bracket_pairs[opening_bracket] last_comma = text.rindex(',', opening_bracket) || 0 text = text[0...last_comma] + text[closing_bracket + 1...text.size] end return text.starts_with?(',') ? text[1...text.size] : text end def self.get_bracket_pairs(text : String, recursive = true) : BracketIndex istart = [] of Int64 bracket_index = text.each_char_with_index do |char, index| if char == '(' istart.push(index.to_i64) end if char == ')' begin opening = istart.pop if recursive || (!recursive && istart.size == 0) bracket_index[opening] = index.to_i64 end rescue raise "No matching opening parenthesis at: #{index}" end end end if istart.size != 0 idx = istart.pop raise "No matching closing parenthesis at: #{idx}" end return bracket_index end end class FieldsGrouper alias SkeletonValue = Hash(String, SkeletonValue) def self.create_json_skeleton(fields_text : String) : SkeletonValue root_hash = {} of String => SkeletonValue FieldsParser.parse_fields(fields_text) do |nest_list| current_item = root_hash nest_list.each do |key| if current_item[key]? current_item = current_item[key] else current_item[key] = {} of String => SkeletonValue current_item = current_item[key] end end end root_hash end def self.create_grouped_fields_list(json_skeleton : SkeletonValue) : GroupedFieldsList grouped_fields_list = json_skeleton.each do |key, value| grouped_fields_list.push key nested_keys = create_grouped_fields_list(value) grouped_fields_list.push nested_keys unless nested_keys.empty? end return grouped_fields_list end end class FilterError < Exception end def self.filter(item : JSON::Any, fields_text : String, in_place : Bool = true) skeleton = FieldsGrouper.create_json_skeleton(fields_text) grouped_fields_list = FieldsGrouper.create_grouped_fields_list(skeleton) filter(item, grouped_fields_list, in_place) end def self.filter(item : JSON::Any, grouped_fields_list : GroupedFieldsList, in_place : Bool = true) : JSON::Any item = item.clone unless in_place if !item.as_h? && !item.as_a? raise "Can't filter '#{item}' by #{grouped_fields_list}" end top_level_keys = Array(String).new grouped_fields_list.each do |value| if value.is_a? String top_level_keys.push value elsif value.is_a? Array if !top_level_keys.empty? key_to_filter = top_level_keys.last if item.as_h? filter(item[key_to_filter], value, in_place: true) elsif item.as_a? item.as_a.each { |arr_item| filter(arr_item[key_to_filter], value, in_place: true) } end else raise "Tried to filter while top level keys list is empty" end end end if item.as_h?! top_level_keys elsif item.as_a? { |value| filter(value, top_level_keys, in_place: true) } end item end end