require "./macros" struct Nonce include DB::Serializable property nonce : String property expire : Time end struct SessionId include DB::Serializable property id : String property email : String property issued : String end struct Annotation include DB::Serializable property id : String property annotations : String end def html_to_content(description_html : String) description = description_html.gsub(/(
)|()/, { "
": "\n", "
": "\n", }) if !description.empty? description = XML.parse_html(description).content.strip("\n ") end return description end def cache_annotation(id, annotations) if !CONFIG.cache_annotations return end body = XML.parse(annotations) nodeset = body.xpath_nodes(%q(/document/annotations/annotation)) return if nodeset == 0 has_legacy_annotations = false nodeset.each do |node| if !{"branding", "card", "drawer"}.includes? node["type"]? has_legacy_annotations = true break end end Invidious::Database::Annotations.insert(id, annotations) if has_legacy_annotations end def create_notification_stream(env, topics, connection_channel) connection = Channel(PQ::Notification).new(8) connection_channel.send({true, connection}) locale = env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale since = env.params.query["since"]?.try &.to_i? id = 0 if topics.includes? "debug" spawn do begin loop do time_span = [0, 0, 0, 0] time_span[rand(4)] = rand(30) + 5 published = Time.utc - time_span[0], hours: time_span[1], minutes: time_span[2], seconds: time_span[3]) video_id = TEST_IDS[rand(TEST_IDS.size)] video = get_video(video_id) video.published = published response = JSON.parse(video.to_json(locale, nil)) env.response.puts "id: #{id}" env.response.puts "data: #{response.to_json}" env.response.puts env.response.flush id += 1 sleep 1.minute Fiber.yield end rescue ex end end end spawn do begin if since since_unix = Time.unix(since.not_nil!) topics.try &.each do |topic| case topic when .match(/UC[A-Za-z0-9_-]{22}/) Invidious::Database::ChannelVideos.select_notfications(topic, since_unix).each do |video| response = JSON.parse(video.to_json(locale)) env.response.puts "id: #{id}" env.response.puts "data: #{response.to_json}" env.response.puts env.response.flush id += 1 end else # TODO end end end end end spawn do begin loop do event = connection.receive notification = JSON.parse(event.payload) topic = notification["topic"].as_s video_id = notification["videoId"].as_s published = notification["published"].as_i64 if !topics.try &.includes? topic next end video = get_video(video_id) video.published = Time.unix(published) response = JSON.parse(video.to_json(locale, nil)) env.response.puts "id: #{id}" env.response.puts "data: #{response.to_json}" env.response.puts env.response.flush id += 1 end rescue ex ensure connection_channel.send({false, connection}) end end begin # Send heartbeat loop do env.response.puts ":keepalive #{Time.utc.to_unix}" env.response.puts env.response.flush sleep (20 + rand(11)).seconds end rescue ex ensure connection_channel.send({false, connection}) end end def extract_initial_data(body) : Hash(String, JSON::Any) return JSON.parse(body.match(/(window\["ytInitialData"\]|var\s*ytInitialData)\s*=\s*(?{.*?});<\/script>/mx).try &.["info"] || "{}").as_h end def proxy_file(response, env) if response.headers.includes_word?("Content-Encoding", "gzip") do |deflate| IO.copy response.body_io, deflate end elsif response.headers.includes_word?("Content-Encoding", "deflate") do |deflate| IO.copy response.body_io, deflate end else IO.copy response.body_io, env.response end end # Fetch the playback requests tracker from the statistics endpoint. # # Creates a new tracker when unavailable. def get_playback_statistic if (tracker = Invidious::Jobs::StatisticsRefreshJob::STATISTICS["playback"]) && tracker = { "totalRequests" => 0_i64, "successfulRequests" => 0_i64, "ratio" => 0_f64, } Invidious::Jobs::StatisticsRefreshJob::STATISTICS["playback"] = tracker end return, Int64 | Float64)) end