require "json" module Invidious::JSONify::APIv1 extend self def video(video : Video, json : JSON::Builder, *, locale : String?, proxy : Bool = false) json.object do json.field "type", video.video_type json.field "title", video.title json.field "videoId", json.field "error",["reason"] if["reason"]? json.field "videoThumbnails" do self.thumbnails(json, end json.field "storyboards" do self.storyboards(json,, video.storyboards) end json.field "description", video.description json.field "descriptionHtml", video.description_html json.field "published", video.published.to_unix json.field "publishedText", translate(locale, "`x` ago", recode_date(video.published, locale)) json.field "keywords", video.keywords json.field "viewCount", video.views json.field "likeCount", video.likes json.field "dislikeCount", 0_i64 json.field "paid", video.paid json.field "premium", video.premium json.field "isFamilyFriendly", video.is_family_friendly json.field "allowedRegions", video.allowed_regions json.field "genre", video.genre json.field "genreUrl", video.genre_url json.field "author", json.field "authorId", video.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{video.ucid}" json.field "authorThumbnails" do json.array do qualities = {32, 48, 76, 100, 176, 512} qualities.each do |quality| json.object do json.field "url", video.author_thumbnail.gsub(/=s\d+/, "=s#{quality}") json.field "width", quality json.field "height", quality end end end end json.field "subCountText", video.sub_count_text json.field "lengthSeconds", video.length_seconds json.field "allowRatings", video.allow_ratings json.field "rating", 0_i64 json.field "isListed", video.is_listed json.field "liveNow", video.live_now json.field "isUpcoming", video.is_upcoming if video.premiere_timestamp json.field "premiereTimestamp", video.premiere_timestamp.try &.to_unix end if hlsvp = video.hls_manifest_url hlsvp = hlsvp.gsub("", HOST_URL) json.field "hlsUrl", hlsvp end json.field "dashUrl", "#{HOST_URL}/api/manifest/dash/id/#{}" json.field "adaptiveFormats" do json.array do video.adaptive_fmts.each do |fmt| json.object do # Only available on regular videos, not livestreams/OTF streams if init_range = fmt["initRange"]? json.field "init", "#{init_range["start"]}-#{init_range["end"]}" end if index_range = fmt["indexRange"]? json.field "index", "#{index_range["start"]}-#{index_range["end"]}" end # Not available on MPEG-4 Timed Text (`text/mp4`) streams (livestreams only) json.field "bitrate", fmt["bitrate"].as_i.to_s if fmt["bitrate"]? if proxy json.field "url", Invidious::HttpServer::Utils.proxy_video_url( fmt["url"].to_s, absolute: true ) else json.field "url", fmt["url"] end json.field "itag", fmt["itag"].as_i.to_s json.field "type", fmt["mimeType"] json.field "clen", fmt["contentLength"]? || "-1" # Last modified is a unix timestamp with µS, with the dot omitted. # E.g: 1638056732(.)141582 # # On livestreams, it's not present, so always fall back to the # current unix timestamp (up to mS precision) for compatibility. last_modified = fmt["lastModified"]? last_modified ||= "#{Time.utc.to_unix_ms.to_s}000" json.field "lmt", last_modified json.field "projectionType", fmt["projectionType"] if fmt_info = Invidious::Videos::Formats.itag_to_metadata?(fmt["itag"]) fps = fmt_info["fps"]?.try &.to_i || fmt["fps"]?.try &.as_i || 30 json.field "fps", fps json.field "container", fmt_info["ext"] json.field "encoding", fmt_info["vcodec"]? || fmt_info["acodec"] if fmt_info["height"]? json.field "resolution", "#{fmt_info["height"]}p" quality_label = "#{fmt_info["height"]}p" if fps > 30 quality_label += "60" end json.field "qualityLabel", quality_label if fmt_info["width"]? json.field "size", "#{fmt_info["width"]}x#{fmt_info["height"]}" end end end # Livestream chunk infos json.field "targetDurationSec", fmt["targetDurationSec"].as_i if fmt.has_key?("targetDurationSec") json.field "maxDvrDurationSec", fmt["maxDvrDurationSec"].as_i if fmt.has_key?("maxDvrDurationSec") # Audio-related data json.field "audioQuality", fmt["audioQuality"] if fmt.has_key?("audioQuality") json.field "audioSampleRate", fmt["audioSampleRate"].as_s.to_i if fmt.has_key?("audioSampleRate") json.field "audioChannels", fmt["audioChannels"] if fmt.has_key?("audioChannels") # Extra misc stuff json.field "colorInfo", fmt["colorInfo"] if fmt.has_key?("colorInfo") json.field "captionTrack", fmt["captionTrack"] if fmt.has_key?("captionTrack") end end end end json.field "formatStreams" do json.array do video.fmt_stream.each do |fmt| json.object do json.field "url", fmt["url"] json.field "itag", fmt["itag"].as_i.to_s json.field "type", fmt["mimeType"] json.field "quality", fmt["quality"] fmt_info = Invidious::Videos::Formats.itag_to_metadata?(fmt["itag"]) if fmt_info fps = fmt_info["fps"]?.try &.to_i || fmt["fps"]?.try &.as_i || 30 json.field "fps", fps json.field "container", fmt_info["ext"] json.field "encoding", fmt_info["vcodec"]? || fmt_info["acodec"] if fmt_info["height"]? json.field "resolution", "#{fmt_info["height"]}p" quality_label = "#{fmt_info["height"]}p" if fps > 30 quality_label += "60" end json.field "qualityLabel", quality_label if fmt_info["width"]? json.field "size", "#{fmt_info["width"]}x#{fmt_info["height"]}" end end end end end end end json.field "captions" do json.array do video.captions.each do |caption| json.object do json.field "label", json.field "language_code", caption.language_code json.field "url", "/api/v1/captions/#{}?label=#{URI.encode_www_form(}" end end end end if ! json.field "musicTracks" do json.array do do |music| json.object do json.field "song", json.field "artist", music.artist json.field "album", music.album json.field "license", music.license end end end end end json.field "recommendedVideos" do json.array do video.related_videos.each do |rv| if rv["id"]? json.object do json.field "videoId", rv["id"] json.field "title", rv["title"] json.field "videoThumbnails" do self.thumbnails(json, rv["id"]) end json.field "author", rv["author"] json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{rv["ucid"]?}" json.field "authorId", rv["ucid"]? if rv["author_thumbnail"]? json.field "authorThumbnails" do json.array do qualities = {32, 48, 76, 100, 176, 512} qualities.each do |quality| json.object do json.field "url", rv["author_thumbnail"].gsub(/s\d+-/, "s#{quality}-") json.field "width", quality json.field "height", quality end end end end end json.field "lengthSeconds", rv["length_seconds"]?.try &.to_i json.field "viewCountText", rv["short_view_count"]? json.field "viewCount", rv["view_count"]?.try &.empty? ? nil : rv["view_count"].to_i64 end end end end end end end def storyboards(json, id, storyboards) json.array do storyboards.each do |storyboard| json.object do json.field "url", "/api/v1/storyboards/#{id}?width=#{storyboard[:width]}&height=#{storyboard[:height]}" json.field "templateUrl", storyboard[:url] json.field "width", storyboard[:width] json.field "height", storyboard[:height] json.field "count", storyboard[:count] json.field "interval", storyboard[:interval] json.field "storyboardWidth", storyboard[:storyboard_width] json.field "storyboardHeight", storyboard[:storyboard_height] json.field "storyboardCount", storyboard[:storyboard_count] end end end end end