FROM alpine:edge AS builder RUN apk add --no-cache curl crystal shards libc-dev \ yaml-dev libxml2-dev sqlite-dev zlib-dev openssl-dev \ yaml-static sqlite-static zlib-static openssl-libs-static WORKDIR /invidious RUN curl -Lo /etc/apk/keys/ && \ curl -Lo boringssl-dev.apk && \ curl -Lo lsquic.apk && \ apk verify --no-cache boringssl-dev.apk lsquic.apk && \ tar -xf boringssl-dev.apk usr/lib/libcrypto.a usr/lib/libssl.a && \ tar -xf lsquic.apk usr/lib/liblsquic.a && \ rm /etc/apk/keys/ boringssl-dev.apk lsquic.apk COPY ./shard.yml ./shard.yml RUN shards update && shards install && \ mv ./usr/lib/* ./lib/lsquic/src/lsquic/ext && \ rm -r ./usr /root/.cache COPY ./src/ ./src/ # TODO: .git folder is required for building – this is destructive. # See definition of CURRENT_BRANCH, CURRENT_COMMIT and CURRENT_VERSION. COPY ./.git/ ./.git/ RUN crystal build ./src/ \ --static --warnings all --error-on-warnings \ --link-flags "-lxml2 -llzma" FROM alpine:latest RUN apk add --no-cache librsvg ttf-opensans WORKDIR /invidious RUN addgroup -g 1000 -S invidious && \ adduser -u 1000 -S invidious -G invidious COPY ./assets/ ./assets/ COPY --chown=invidious ./config/config.yml ./config/config.yml RUN sed -i 's/host: \(\|localhost\)/host: postgres/' config/config.yml COPY ./config/sql/ ./config/sql/ COPY ./locales/ ./locales/ COPY --from=builder /invidious/invidious . USER invidious CMD [ "/invidious/invidious" ]