require "crypto/subtle" def generate_token(email, scopes, expire, key) session = "v1:#{Base64.urlsafe_encode(Random::Secure.random_bytes(32))}" Invidious::Database::SessionIDs.insert(session, email) token = { "session" => session, "scopes" => scopes, "expire" => expire, } if !expire token.delete("expire") end token["signature"] = sign_token(key, token) return token.to_json end def generate_response(session, scopes, key, expire = 6.hours, use_nonce = false) expire = Time.utc + expire token = { "session" => session, "expire" => expire.to_unix, "scopes" => scopes, } if use_nonce nonce = Random::Secure.hex(16) Invidious::Database::Nonces.insert(nonce, expire) token["nonce"] = nonce end token["signature"] = sign_token(key, token) return token.to_json end def sign_token(key, hash) string_to_sign = [] of String # TODO: figure out which "key" variable is used # Ameba reports a warning for "Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVar" on this # variable, but it's preferable to not touch that (works fine atm). hash.each do |key, value| next if key == "signature" if value.is_a?(JSON::Any) && value.as_a? value = end case value when Array string_to_sign << "#{key}=#{value.sort.join(",")}" when Tuple string_to_sign << "#{key}=#{value.to_a.sort.join(",")}" else string_to_sign << "#{key}=#{value}" end end string_to_sign = string_to_sign.sort.join("\n") return Base64.urlsafe_encode(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(:sha256, key, string_to_sign)).strip end def validate_request(token, session, request, key, locale = nil) case token when String token = JSON.parse(URI.decode_www_form(token)).as_h when JSON::Any token = token.as_h when Nil raise"Hidden field \"token\" is a required field") end expire = token["expire"]?.try &.as_i if expire.try &.< Time.utc.to_unix raise"Token is expired, please try again") end if token["session"] != session raise"Erroneous token") end scopes = token["scopes"] scope = "#{request.method}:#{request.path.lchop("/api/v1/auth/").lstrip("/")}" if !scopes_include_scope(scopes, scope) raise"Invalid scope") end if !Crypto::Subtle.constant_time_compare(token["signature"].to_s, sign_token(key, token)) raise"Invalid signature") end if token["nonce"]? && (nonce =["nonce"].as_s)) if nonce[1] > Time.utc Invidious::Database::Nonces.update_set_expired(nonce[0]) else raise"Erroneous token") end end return {scopes, expire, token["signature"].as_s} end def scope_includes_scope(scope, subset) methods, endpoint = scope.split(":") methods = methods.split(";").map(&.upcase).reject(&.empty?).sort! endpoint = endpoint.downcase subset_methods, subset_endpoint = subset.split(":") subset_methods = subset_methods.split(";").map(&.upcase).sort! subset_endpoint = subset_endpoint.downcase if methods.empty? methods = %w(GET POST PUT HEAD DELETE PATCH OPTIONS) end if methods & subset_methods != subset_methods return false end if endpoint.ends_with?("*") && !subset_endpoint.starts_with? endpoint.rchop("*") return false end if !endpoint.ends_with?("*") && subset_endpoint != endpoint return false end return true end def scopes_include_scope(scopes, subset) scopes.each do |scope| if scope_includes_scope(scope, subset) return true end end return false end