# Invidious ## Invidious is an alternative front-end to YouTube - Audio-only (and no need to keep window open on mobile) - [Open-source](https://github.com/omarroth/invidious) (AGPLv3 licensed) - No ads - No need to create a Google account to save subscriptions - Lightweight (homepage is ~4 KB compressed) - Tools for managing subscriptions: - Only show unseen videos - Only show latest (or latest unseen) video from each channel - Delivers notifications from all subscribed channels - Automatically redirect homepage to feed - Import subscriptions from YouTube - Dark mode - Embed support - Set default player options (speed, quality, autoplay, loop) - Does not require JS to play videos - Support for Reddit comments in place of YT comments - Import/Export subscriptions, watch history, preference - Does not use any of the official YouTube APIs Liberapay: https://liberapay.com/omarroth Patreon: https://patreon.com/omarroth BTC: 356DpZyMXu6rYd55Yqzjs29n79kGKWcYrY BCH: qq4ptclkzej5eza6a50et5ggc58hxsq5aylqut2npk ## Installation ### Docker: #### Build and start cluster: ```bash $ docker-compose up ``` And visit `localhost:3000` in your browser. #### Rebuild cluster: ```bash $ docker-compose build ``` #### Delete data and rebuild: ```bash $ docker volume rm invidious_postgresdata $ docker-compose build ``` ### Installing [Crystal](https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal): #### On Arch: ```bash $ sudo pacman -S shards crystal $ shards ``` #### On OSX: ```bash $ brew update $ brew install shards crystal-lang $ shards ``` ### Installing Postgres: #### On Arch: Install according to the [wiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PostgreSQL#Installing_PostgreSQL) #### On OSX: ```bash $ brew install postgres ``` ### Setup Postgres: ```bash $ ./setup.sh ``` ### Installing ImageMagick (required for CAPTCHA): #### On Arch: ```bash $ sudo pacman -S imagemagick librsvg ``` ## Usage: ```bash $ crystal build src/invidious.cr --release $ ./invidious -h Usage: invidious [arguments] -b HOST, --bind HOST Host to bind (defaults to -p PORT, --port PORT Port to listen for connections (defaults to 3000) -s, --ssl Enables SSL --ssl-key-file FILE SSL key file --ssl-cert-file FILE SSL certificate file -h, --help Shows this help -t THREADS, --crawl-threads=THREADS Number of threads for crawling (default: 1) -c THREADS, --channel-threads=THREADS Number of threads for refreshing channels (default: 1) -v THREADS, --video-threads=THREADS Number of threads for refreshing videos (default: 1) ``` Or for development: ```bash $ curl -fsSLo- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samueleaton/sentry/master/install.cr | crystal eval $ ./sentry ``` ## Extensions - [Alternate Tube Redirector](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/alternate-tube-redirector/): Automatically open Youtube Videos on alternate sites like Invidious or Hooktube. - [Invidious Redirect](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/370461-invidious-redirect): Redirects Youtube URLs to Invidio.us (userscript) - [Invidio.us embed](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/370442-invidious-embed): Replaces YouTube embeds with Invidio.us embeds (userscript) ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/omarroth/invidious/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature) 3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature') 4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature) 5. Create a new Pull Request ## Contributors - [omarroth](https://github.com/omarroth) - creator, maintainer