# TODO: Refactor into either SearchChannel or InvidiousChannel record AboutChannel, ucid : String, author : String, auto_generated : Bool, author_url : String, author_thumbnail : String, banner : String?, description : String, description_html : String, total_views : Int64, sub_count : Int32, joined : Time, is_family_friendly : Bool, allowed_regions : Array(String), tabs : Array(String), verified : Bool def get_about_info(ucid, locale) : AboutChannel begin # Fetch channel information from channel home page initdata = YoutubeAPI.browse(browse_id: ucid, params: "") rescue raise InfoException.new("Could not get channel info.") end if initdata.dig?("alerts", 0, "alertRenderer", "type") == "ERROR" error_message = initdata["alerts"][0]["alertRenderer"]["text"]["simpleText"].as_s if error_message == "This channel does not exist." raise NotFoundException.new(error_message) else raise InfoException.new(error_message) end end if browse_endpoint = initdata["onResponseReceivedActions"]?.try &.[0]?.try &.["navigateAction"]?.try &.["endpoint"]?.try &.["browseEndpoint"]? raise ChannelRedirect.new(channel_id: browse_endpoint["browseId"].to_s) end auto_generated = false # Check for special auto generated gaming channels if !initdata.has_key?("metadata") auto_generated = true end if auto_generated author = initdata["header"]["interactiveTabbedHeaderRenderer"]["title"]["simpleText"].as_s author_url = initdata["microformat"]["microformatDataRenderer"]["urlCanonical"].as_s author_thumbnail = initdata["header"]["interactiveTabbedHeaderRenderer"]["boxArt"]["thumbnails"][0]["url"].as_s # Raises a KeyError on failure. banners = initdata["header"]["interactiveTabbedHeaderRenderer"]?.try &.["banner"]?.try &.["thumbnails"]? banner = banners.try &.[-1]?.try &.["url"].as_s? description_node = initdata["header"]["interactiveTabbedHeaderRenderer"]["description"] else author = initdata["metadata"]["channelMetadataRenderer"]["title"].as_s author_url = initdata["metadata"]["channelMetadataRenderer"]["channelUrl"].as_s author_thumbnail = initdata["metadata"]["channelMetadataRenderer"]["avatar"]["thumbnails"][0]["url"].as_s author_verified = has_verified_badge?(initdata.dig?("header", "c4TabbedHeaderRenderer", "badges")) ucid = initdata["metadata"]["channelMetadataRenderer"]["externalId"].as_s # Raises a KeyError on failure. banners = initdata["header"]["c4TabbedHeaderRenderer"]?.try &.["banner"]?.try &.["thumbnails"]? banner = banners.try &.[-1]?.try &.["url"].as_s? # if banner.includes? "channels/c4/default_banner" # banner = nil # end description_node = initdata["metadata"]["channelMetadataRenderer"]?.try &.["description"]? end is_family_friendly = initdata["microformat"]["microformatDataRenderer"]["familySafe"].as_bool allowed_regions = initdata .dig?("microformat", "microformatDataRenderer", "availableCountries") .try &.as_a.map(&.as_s) || [] of String description = !description_node.nil? ? description_node.as_s : "" description_html = HTML.escape(description) if !description_node.nil? if description_node.as_h?.nil? description_node = text_to_parsed_content(description_node.as_s) end description_html = parse_content(description_node) if description_html == "" && description != "" description_html = HTML.escape(description) end end total_views = 0_i64 joined = Time.unix(0) tab_names = [] of String if tabs_json = initdata["contents"]["twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer"]["tabs"]? # Get the name of the tabs available on this channel tab_names = tabs_json.as_a.compact_map do |entry| name = entry.dig?("tabRenderer", "title").try &.as_s.downcase # This is a small fix to not add extra code on the HTML side # I.e, the URL for the "live" tab is .../streams, so use "streams" # everywhere for the sake of simplicity (name == "live") ? "streams" : name end # Get the currently active tab ("About") about_tab = extract_selected_tab(tabs_json) # Try to find the about metadata section channel_about_meta = about_tab.dig?( "content", "sectionListRenderer", "contents", 0, "itemSectionRenderer", "contents", 0, "channelAboutFullMetadataRenderer" ) if !channel_about_meta.nil? total_views = channel_about_meta.dig?("viewCountText", "simpleText").try &.as_s.gsub(/\D/, "").to_i64? || 0_i64 # The joined text is split to several sub strings. The reduce joins those strings before parsing the date. joined = extract_text(channel_about_meta["joinedDateText"]?) .try { |text| Time.parse(text, "Joined %b %-d, %Y", Time::Location.local) } || Time.unix(0) # Normal Auto-generated channels # https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2579942 # For auto-generated channels, channel_about_meta only has # ["description"]["simpleText"] and ["primaryLinks"][0]["title"]["simpleText"] auto_generated = ( (channel_about_meta["primaryLinks"]?.try &.size) == 1 && \ extract_text(channel_about_meta.dig?("primaryLinks", 0, "title")) == "Auto-generated by YouTube" ) end end sub_count = initdata .dig?("header", "c4TabbedHeaderRenderer", "subscriberCountText", "simpleText").try &.as_s? .try { |text| short_text_to_number(text.split(" ")[0]).to_i32 } || 0 AboutChannel.new( ucid: ucid, author: author, auto_generated: auto_generated, author_url: author_url, author_thumbnail: author_thumbnail, banner: banner, description: description, description_html: description_html, total_views: total_views, sub_count: sub_count, joined: joined, is_family_friendly: is_family_friendly, allowed_regions: allowed_regions, tabs: tab_names, verified: author_verified || false, ) end def fetch_related_channels(about_channel : AboutChannel, continuation : String? = nil) : {Array(SearchChannel), String?} if continuation.nil? # params is {"2:string":"channels"} encoded initial_data = YoutubeAPI.browse(browse_id: about_channel.ucid, params: "EghjaGFubmVscw%3D%3D") else initial_data = YoutubeAPI.browse(continuation) end items, continuation = extract_items(initial_data) return items.select(SearchChannel), continuation end