def crawl_videos(db) ids = Deque(String).new random = search(random.base64(3)).as(Tuple)[1].each do |video| if video.is_a?(SearchVideo) ids << end end loop do if ids.empty? search(random.base64(3)).as(Tuple)[1].each do |video| if video.is_a?(SearchVideo) ids << end end end begin id = ids[0] video = get_video(id, db) rescue ex STDOUT << id << " : " << ex.message << "\n" next ensure ids.delete(id) end rvs = [] of Hash(String, String)["rvs"]?.try &.split(",").each do |rv| rvs << HTTP::Params.parse(rv).to_h end rvs.each do |rv| if rv.has_key?("id") && !db.query_one?("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT true FROM videos WHERE id = $1)", rv["id"], as: Bool) ids.delete(id) ids << rv["id"] if ids.size == 150 ids.shift end end end Fiber.yield end end def refresh_channels(db, max_threads = 1, full_refresh = false) max_channel = Channel(Int32).new spawn do max_threads = max_channel.receive active_threads = 0 active_channel = Channel(Bool).new loop do db.query("SELECT id FROM channels ORDER BY updated") do |rs| rs.each do id = if active_threads >= max_threads if active_channel.receive active_threads -= 1 end end active_threads += 1 spawn do begin client = make_client(YT_URL) channel = fetch_channel(id, client, db, full_refresh) db.exec("UPDATE channels SET updated = $1 WHERE id = $2",, id) rescue ex STDOUT << id << " : " << ex.message << "\n" end active_channel.send(true) end end end end end max_channel.send(max_threads) end def refresh_videos(db) loop do db.query("SELECT id FROM videos ORDER BY updated") do |rs| rs.each do begin id = video = get_video(id, db) rescue ex STDOUT << id << " : " << ex.message << "\n" next end end end Fiber.yield end end def refresh_feeds(db, max_threads = 1) max_channel = Channel(Int32).new spawn do max_threads = max_channel.receive active_threads = 0 active_channel = Channel(Bool).new loop do db.query("SELECT email FROM users") do |rs| rs.each do email = view_name = "subscriptions_#{sha256(email)[0..7]}" if active_threads >= max_threads if active_channel.receive active_threads -= 1 end end active_threads += 1 spawn do begin db.exec("REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW #{view_name}") rescue ex STDOUT << "REFRESH " << email << " : " << ex.message << "\n" end active_channel.send(true) end end end end end max_channel.send(max_threads) end def pull_top_videos(config, db) if config.dl_api_key DetectLanguage.configure do |dl_config| dl_config.api_key = config.dl_api_key.not_nil! end filter = true end filter ||= false loop do begin top = rank_videos(db, 40, filter, YT_URL) rescue ex next end if top.size > 0 args = arg_array(top) else next end videos = [] of Video top.each do |id| begin videos << get_video(id, db) rescue ex next end end yield videos Fiber.yield end end def update_decrypt_function loop do begin decrypt_function = fetch_decrypt_function rescue ex next end yield decrypt_function Fiber.yield end end def find_working_proxies(regions) loop do regions.each do |region| proxies = get_proxies(region).first(20) proxies = { |proxy| {ip: proxy[:ip], port: proxy[:port]} } # proxies = filter_proxies(proxies) yield region, proxies Fiber.yield end end end