struct SearchVideo include DB::Serializable property title : String property id : String property author : String property ucid : String property published : Time property views : Int64 property description_html : String property length_seconds : Int32 property live_now : Bool property premium : Bool property premiere_timestamp : Time? property author_verified : Bool def to_xml(auto_generated, query_params, xml : XML::Builder) query_params["v"] = xml.element("entry") do xml.element("id") { xml.text "yt:video:#{}" } xml.element("yt:videoId") { xml.text } xml.element("yt:channelId") { xml.text self.ucid } xml.element("title") { xml.text self.title } xml.element("link", rel: "alternate", href: "#{HOST_URL}/watch?#{query_params}") xml.element("author") do if auto_generated xml.element("name") { xml.text } xml.element("uri") { xml.text "#{HOST_URL}/channel/#{self.ucid}" } else xml.element("name") { xml.text author } xml.element("uri") { xml.text "#{HOST_URL}/channel/#{ucid}" } end end xml.element("content", type: "xhtml") do xml.element("div", xmlns: "") do xml.element("a", href: "#{HOST_URL}/watch?#{query_params}") do xml.element("img", src: "#{HOST_URL}/vi/#{}/mqdefault.jpg") end xml.element("p", style: "word-break:break-word;white-space:pre-wrap") { xml.text html_to_content(self.description_html) } end end xml.element("published") { xml.text self.published.to_s("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z") } xml.element("media:group") do xml.element("media:title") { xml.text self.title } xml.element("media:thumbnail", url: "#{HOST_URL}/vi/#{}/mqdefault.jpg", width: "320", height: "180") xml.element("media:description") { xml.text html_to_content(self.description_html) } end xml.element("media:community") do xml.element("media:statistics", views: self.views) end end end def to_xml(auto_generated, query_params, _xml : Nil) do |xml| to_xml(auto_generated, query_params, xml) end end def to_json(locale : String?, json : JSON::Builder) json.object do json.field "type", "video" json.field "title", self.title json.field "videoId", json.field "author", json.field "authorId", self.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{self.ucid}" json.field "videoThumbnails" do Invidious::JSONify::APIv1.thumbnails(json, end json.field "description", html_to_content(self.description_html) json.field "descriptionHtml", self.description_html json.field "viewCount", self.views json.field "published", self.published.to_unix json.field "publishedText", translate(locale, "`x` ago", recode_date(self.published, locale)) json.field "lengthSeconds", self.length_seconds json.field "liveNow", self.live_now json.field "premium", self.premium json.field "isUpcoming", self.is_upcoming if self.premiere_timestamp json.field "premiereTimestamp", self.premiere_timestamp.try &.to_unix end end end # TODO: remove the locale and follow the crystal convention def to_json(locale : String?, _json : Nil) do |json| to_json(locale, json) end end def to_json(json : JSON::Builder) to_json(nil, json) end def is_upcoming premiere_timestamp ? true : false end end struct SearchPlaylistVideo include DB::Serializable property title : String property id : String property length_seconds : Int32 end struct SearchPlaylist include DB::Serializable property title : String property id : String property author : String property ucid : String property video_count : Int32 property videos : Array(SearchPlaylistVideo) property thumbnail : String? property author_verified : Bool def to_json(locale : String?, json : JSON::Builder) json.object do json.field "type", "playlist" json.field "title", self.title json.field "playlistId", json.field "playlistThumbnail", self.thumbnail json.field "author", json.field "authorId", self.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{self.ucid}" json.field "authorVerified", self.author_verified json.field "videoCount", self.video_count json.field "videos" do json.array do self.videos.each do |video| json.object do json.field "title", video.title json.field "videoId", json.field "lengthSeconds", video.length_seconds json.field "videoThumbnails" do Invidious::JSONify::APIv1.thumbnails(json, end end end end end end end # TODO: remove the locale and follow the crystal convention def to_json(locale : String?, _json : Nil) do |json| to_json(locale, json) end end def to_json(json : JSON::Builder) to_json(nil, json) end end struct SearchChannel include DB::Serializable property author : String property ucid : String property author_thumbnail : String property subscriber_count : Int32 property video_count : Int32 property description_html : String property auto_generated : Bool property author_verified : Bool def to_json(locale : String?, json : JSON::Builder) json.object do json.field "type", "channel" json.field "author", json.field "authorId", self.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{self.ucid}" json.field "authorVerified", self.author_verified json.field "authorThumbnails" do json.array do qualities = {32, 48, 76, 100, 176, 512} qualities.each do |quality| json.object do json.field "url", self.author_thumbnail.gsub(/=\d+/, "=s#{quality}") json.field "width", quality json.field "height", quality end end end end json.field "autoGenerated", self.auto_generated json.field "subCount", self.subscriber_count json.field "videoCount", self.video_count json.field "description", html_to_content(self.description_html) json.field "descriptionHtml", self.description_html end end # TODO: remove the locale and follow the crystal convention def to_json(locale : String?, _json : Nil) do |json| to_json(locale, json) end end def to_json(json : JSON::Builder) to_json(nil, json) end end class Category include DB::Serializable property title : String property contents : Array(SearchItem) | Array(Video) property url : String? property description_html : String property badges : Array(Tuple(String, String))? def to_json(locale : String?, json : JSON::Builder) json.object do json.field "type", "category" json.field "title", self.title json.field "contents" do json.array do self.contents.each do |item| item.to_json(locale, json) end end end end end # TODO: remove the locale and follow the crystal convention def to_json(locale : String?, _json : Nil) do |json| to_json(locale, json) end end def to_json(json : JSON::Builder) to_json(nil, json) end end struct Continuation getter token def initialize(@token : String) end end alias SearchItem = SearchVideo | SearchChannel | SearchPlaylist | Category