# Extracts text from InnerTube response # # InnerTube can package text in three different formats # "runs": [ # {"text": "something"}, # {"text": "cont"}, # ... # ] # # "SimpleText": "something" # # Or sometimes just none at all as with the data returned from # category continuations. # # In order to facilitate calling this function with `#[]?`: # A nil will be accepted. Of course, since nil cannot be parsed, # another nil will be returned. def extract_text(item : JSON::Any?) : String? if item.nil? return nil end if text_container = item["simpleText"]? return text_container.as_s elsif text_container = item["runs"]? return text_container.as_a.map(&.["text"].as_s).join("") else nil end end # Check if an "ownerBadges" or a "badges" element contains a verified badge. # There is currently two known types of verified badges: # # "ownerBadges": [{ # "metadataBadgeRenderer": { # "icon": { "iconType": "CHECK_CIRCLE_THICK" }, # "style": "BADGE_STYLE_TYPE_VERIFIED", # "tooltip": "Verified", # "accessibilityData": { "label": "Verified" } # } # }], # # "ownerBadges": [{ # "metadataBadgeRenderer": { # "icon": { "iconType": "OFFICIAL_ARTIST_BADGE" }, # "style": "BADGE_STYLE_TYPE_VERIFIED_ARTIST", # "tooltip": "Official Artist Channel", # "accessibilityData": { "label": "Official Artist Channel" } # } # }], # def has_verified_badge?(badges : JSON::Any?) return false if badges.nil? badges.as_a.each do |badge| style = badge.dig("metadataBadgeRenderer", "style").as_s return true if style == "BADGE_STYLE_TYPE_VERIFIED" return true if style == "BADGE_STYLE_TYPE_VERIFIED_ARTIST" end return false rescue ex LOGGER.debug("Unable to parse owner badges. Got exception: #{ex.message}") LOGGER.trace("Owner badges data: #{badges.to_json}") return false end def extract_videos(initial_data : Hash(String, JSON::Any), author_fallback : String? = nil, author_id_fallback : String? = nil) extracted = extract_items(initial_data, author_fallback, author_id_fallback) target = [] of SearchItem extracted.each do |i| if i.is_a?(Category) i.contents.each { |cate_i| target << cate_i if !cate_i.is_a? Video } else target << i end end return target.select(SearchVideo).map(&.as(SearchVideo)) end def extract_selected_tab(tabs) # Extract the selected tab from the array of tabs Youtube returns return selected_target = tabs.as_a.select(&.["tabRenderer"]?.try &.["selected"]?.try &.as_bool)[0]["tabRenderer"] end def fetch_continuation_token(items : Array(JSON::Any)) # Fetches the continuation token from an array of items return items.last["continuationItemRenderer"]? .try &.["continuationEndpoint"]["continuationCommand"]["token"].as_s end def fetch_continuation_token(initial_data : Hash(String, JSON::Any)) # Fetches the continuation token from initial data if initial_data["onResponseReceivedActions"]? continuation_items = initial_data["onResponseReceivedActions"][0]["appendContinuationItemsAction"]["continuationItems"] else tab = extract_selected_tab(initial_data["contents"]["twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer"]["tabs"]) continuation_items = tab["content"]["sectionListRenderer"]["contents"][0]["itemSectionRenderer"]["contents"][0]["gridRenderer"]["items"] end return fetch_continuation_token(continuation_items.as_a) end