Add script for updating translations

Still a manual process, but better than updating the json line by line.
I'm undecided on automating this anytime the translation json gets
updated, since it could possibly ratelimit lingva instances.
Ben Busby 2022-12-21 13:14:08 -07:00
コミット 424e6dd341
GPGキーID: B9B7231E01D924A1

misc/ ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
import json
import pathlib
import requests
lingva = ''
def format_lang(lang: str) -> str:
# Chinese (traditional and simplified) require
# a different format for lingva translations
if 'zh-' in lang:
if lang == 'zh-TW':
return 'zh_HANT'
return 'zh'
# Strip lang prefix to leave only the actual
# language code (i.e. 'en', 'fr', etc)
return lang.replace('lang_', '')
def translate(v: str, lang: str) -> str:
# Strip lang prefix to leave only the actual
#language code (i.e. "es", "fr", etc)
lang = format_lang(lang)
lingva_req = f'{lingva}/{lang}/{v}'
response = requests.get(lingva_req).json()
if 'translation' in response:
return response['translation']
return ''
if __name__ == '__main__':
file_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
tl_path = 'app/static/settings/translations.json'
with open(f'{file_path}/../{tl_path}', 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as tl_file:
tl_data = json.load(tl_file)
# If there are any english translations that don't
# exist for other languages, extract them and translate
# them now
en_tl = tl_data['lang_en']
for k, v in en_tl.items():
for lang in tl_data:
if lang == 'lang_en' or k in tl_data[lang]:
translation = ''
if len(k) == 0:
# Special case for placeholder text that gets used
# for translations without any key present
translation = v
# Translate the string using lingva
translation = translate(v, lang)
if len(translation) == 0:
print(f'! Unable to translate {lang}[{k}]')
print(f'{lang}[{k}] = {translation}')
tl_data[lang][k] = translation
# Write out updated translations json
print(json.dumps(tl_data, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False))