Add Tor Documentation [skip ci] (#800)

MadcowOG 2022-07-05 16:02:33 +00:00 committed by GitHub
コミット 6a24a785ee


@ -234,6 +234,51 @@ sudo systemctl enable whoogle
sudo systemctl start whoogle
#### Tor Configuration *optional*
If routing your request through Tor you will need to make the following adjustments.
Due to the nature of interacting with Google through Tor we will need to be able to send signals to Tor and therefore authenticate with it.
There are two authentication methods, password and cookie. You will need to make changes to your torrc:
* Cookie
1. Uncomment or add the following lines in your torrc:
- `ControlPort 9051`
- `CookieAuthentication 1`
- `DataDirectoryGroupReadable 1`
- `CookieAuthFileGroupReadable 1`
2. Make the tor auth cookie readable:
- This is assuming that you are using a dedicated user to run whoogle. If you are using a different user replace `whoogle` with that user.
1. `chmod tor:whoogle /var/lib/tor`
2. `chmod tor:whoogle /var/lib/tor/control_auth_cookie`
3. Restart the tor service:
- `systemctl restart tor`
4. Set the Tor environment variable to 1, `WHOOGLE_CONFIG_TOR`. Refer to the [Environment Variables](#environment-variables) section for more details.
- This may be added in the systemd unit file or env file `WHOOGLE_CONFIG_TOR=1`
* Password
1. Run this command:
- `tor --hash-password {Your Password Here}`; put your password in place of `{Your Password Here}`.
- Keep the output of this command, you will be placing it in your torrc.
- Keep the password input of this command, you will be using it later.
2. Uncomment or add the following lines in your torrc:
- `ControlPort 9051`
- `HashedControlPassword {Place output here}`; put the output of the previous command in place of `{Place output here}`.
3. Now take the password from the first step and place it in the control.conf file within the whoogle working directory, ie. [misc/tor/control.conf](misc/tor/control.conf)
- If you want to place your password file in a different location set this location with the `WHOOGLE_TOR_CONF` environment variable. Refer to the [Environment Variables](#environment-variables) section for more details.
4. Heavily restrict access to control.conf to only be readable by the user running whoogle:
- `chmod 400 control.conf`
5. Finally set the Tor environment variable and use password variable to 1, `WHOOGLE_CONFIG_TOR` and `WHOOGLE_TOR_USE_PASS`. Refer to the [Environment Variables](#environment-variables) section for more details.
- These may be added to the systemd unit file or env file:
### G) Manual (Docker)
1. Ensure the Docker daemon is running, and is accessible by your user account
- To add user permissions, you can execute `sudo usermod -aG docker yourusername`