from app.models.config import Config from app.utils.misc import read_config_bool from datetime import datetime from defusedxml import ElementTree as ET import random import requests from requests import Response, ConnectionError import urllib.parse as urlparse import os from stem import Signal, SocketError from stem.connection import AuthenticationFailure from stem.control import Controller from stem.connection import authenticate_cookie, authenticate_password MAPS_URL = '' AUTOCOMPLETE_URL = ('' 'complete/search?client=toolbar&') MOBILE_UA = '{}/5.0 (Android 0; Mobile; rv:54.0) Gecko/54.0 {}/59.0' DESKTOP_UA = '{}/5.0 (X11; {} x86_64; rv:75.0) Gecko/20100101 {}/75.0' # Valid query params VALID_PARAMS = ['tbs', 'tbm', 'start', 'near', 'source', 'nfpr'] class TorError(Exception): """Exception raised for errors in Tor requests. Attributes: message: a message describing the error that occurred disable: optionally disables Tor in the user config (note: this should only happen if the connection has been dropped altogether). """ def __init__(self, message, disable=False) -> None: self.message = message self.disable = disable super().__init__(message) def send_tor_signal(signal: Signal) -> bool: use_pass = read_config_bool('WHOOGLE_TOR_USE_PASS') confloc = './misc/tor/control.conf' # Check that the custom location of conf is real. temp = os.getenv('WHOOGLE_TOR_CONF', '') if os.path.isfile(temp): confloc = temp # Attempt to authenticate and send signal. try: with Controller.from_port(port=9051) as c: if use_pass: with open(confloc, "r") as conf: # Scan for the last line of the file. for line in conf: pass secret = line.strip('\n') authenticate_password(c, password=secret) else: cookie_path = '/var/lib/tor/control_auth_cookie' authenticate_cookie(c, cookie_path=cookie_path) c.signal(signal) os.environ['TOR_AVAILABLE'] = '1' return True except (SocketError, AuthenticationFailure, ConnectionRefusedError, ConnectionError): # TODO: Handle Tor authentification (password and cookie) os.environ['TOR_AVAILABLE'] = '0' return False def gen_user_agent(is_mobile) -> str: firefox = random.choice(['Choir', 'Squier', 'Higher', 'Wire']) + 'fox' linux = random.choice(['Win', 'Sin', 'Gin', 'Fin', 'Kin']) + 'ux' if is_mobile: return MOBILE_UA.format("Mozilla", firefox) return DESKTOP_UA.format("Mozilla", linux, firefox) def gen_query(query, args, config) -> str: param_dict = {key: '' for key in VALID_PARAMS} # Use :past(hour/day/week/month/year) if available # example search "new restaurants :past month" lang = '' if ':past' in query and 'tbs' not in args: time_range = str.strip(query.split(':past', 1)[-1]) param_dict['tbs'] = '&tbs=' + ('qdr:' + str.lower(time_range[0])) elif 'tbs' in args: result_tbs = args.get('tbs') param_dict['tbs'] = '&tbs=' + result_tbs # Occasionally the 'tbs' param provided by google also contains a # field for 'lr', but formatted strangely. This is a rough solution # for this. # # Example: # &tbs=qdr:h,lr:lang_1pl # -- the lr param needs to be extracted and remove the leading '1' result_params = [_ for _ in result_tbs.split(',') if 'lr:' in _] if len(result_params) > 0: result_param = result_params[0] lang = result_param[result_param.find('lr:') + 3:len(result_param)] # Ensure search query is parsable query = urlparse.quote(query) # Pass along type of results (news, images, books, etc) if 'tbm' in args: param_dict['tbm'] = '&tbm=' + args.get('tbm') # Get results page start value (10 per page, ie page 2 start val = 20) if 'start' in args: param_dict['start'] = '&start=' + args.get('start') # Search for results near a particular city, if available if config.near: param_dict['near'] = '&near=' + urlparse.quote(config.near) # Set language for results (lr) if source isn't set, otherwise use the # result language param provided in the results if 'source' in args: param_dict['source'] = '&source=' + args.get('source') param_dict['lr'] = ('&lr=' + ''.join( [_ for _ in lang if not _.isdigit()] )) if lang else '' else: param_dict['lr'] = ( '&lr=' + config.lang_search ) if config.lang_search else '' # 'nfpr' defines the exclusion of results from an auto-corrected query if 'nfpr' in args: param_dict['nfpr'] = '&nfpr=' + args.get('nfpr') # 'chips' is used in image tabs to pass the optional 'filter' to add to the # given search term if 'chips' in args: param_dict['chips'] = '&chips=' + args.get('chips') param_dict['gl'] = ( '&gl=' + ) if else '' param_dict['hl'] = ( '&hl=' + config.lang_interface.replace('lang_', '') ) if config.lang_interface else '' param_dict['safe'] = '&safe=' + ('active' if else 'off') # Block all sites specified in the user config unquoted_query = urlparse.unquote(query) for blocked_site in config.block.replace(' ', '').split(','): if not blocked_site: continue block = (' -site:' + blocked_site) query += block if block not in unquoted_query else '' for val in param_dict.values(): if not val: continue query += val return query class Request: """Class used for handling all outbound requests, including search queries, search suggestions, and loading of external content (images, audio, etc). Attributes: normal_ua: the user's current user agent root_path: the root path of the whoogle instance config: the user's current whoogle configuration """ def __init__(self, normal_ua, root_path, config: Config): self.search_url = '' + str( os.getenv('WHOOGLE_RESULTS_PER_PAGE', 10)) + '&q=' # Send heartbeat to Tor, used in determining if the user can or cannot # enable Tor for future requests send_tor_signal(Signal.HEARTBEAT) self.language = ( config.lang_search if config.lang_search else '' ) # For setting Accept-language Header self.lang_interface = '' if config.accept_language: self.lang_interface = config.lang_interface = bool(normal_ua) and ('Android' in normal_ua or 'iPhone' in normal_ua) self.modified_user_agent = gen_user_agent( if not self.modified_user_agent_mobile = gen_user_agent(True) # Set up proxy, if previously configured proxy_path = os.environ.get('WHOOGLE_PROXY_LOC', '') if proxy_path: proxy_type = os.environ.get('WHOOGLE_PROXY_TYPE', '') proxy_user = os.environ.get('WHOOGLE_PROXY_USER', '') proxy_pass = os.environ.get('WHOOGLE_PROXY_PASS', '') auth_str = '' if proxy_user: auth_str = proxy_user + ':' + proxy_pass self.proxies = { 'https': proxy_type + '://' + ((auth_str + '@') if auth_str else '') + proxy_path, } # Need to ensure both HTTP and HTTPS are in the proxy dict, # regardless of underlying protocol if proxy_type == 'https': self.proxies['http'] = self.proxies['https'].replace( 'https', 'http') else: self.proxies['http'] = self.proxies['https'] else: self.proxies = { 'http': 'socks5://', 'https': 'socks5://' } if config.tor else {} self.tor = config.tor self.tor_valid = False self.root_path = root_path def __getitem__(self, name): return getattr(self, name) def autocomplete(self, query) -> list: """Sends a query to Google's search suggestion service Args: query: The in-progress query to send Returns: list: The list of matches for possible search suggestions """ ac_query = dict(q=query) if self.language: ac_query['hl'] = self.language response = self.send(base_url=AUTOCOMPLETE_URL, query=urlparse.urlencode(ac_query)).text if not response: return [] try: root = ET.fromstring(response) return [_.attrib['data'] for _ in root.findall('.//suggestion/[@data]')] except ET.ParseError: # Malformed XML response return [] def send(self, base_url='', query='', attempt=0, force_mobile=False) -> Response: """Sends an outbound request to a URL. Optionally sends the request using Tor, if enabled by the user. Args: base_url: The URL to use in the request query: The optional query string for the request attempt: The number of attempts made for the request (used for cycling through Tor identities, if enabled) force_mobile: Optional flag to enable a mobile user agent (used for fetching full size images in search results) Returns: Response: The Response object returned by the requests call """ if force_mobile and not modified_user_agent = self.modified_user_agent_mobile else: modified_user_agent = self.modified_user_agent headers = { 'User-Agent': modified_user_agent } # Adding the Accept-Language to the Header if possible if self.lang_interface: headers.update({'Accept-Language': self.lang_interface.replace('lang_', '') + ';q=1.0'}) # view is suppressed correctly now = cookies = { 'CONSENT': 'YES+cb.{:d}{:02d}{:02d}'.format( now.year, now.month, ) } # Validate Tor conn and request new identity if the last one failed if self.tor and not send_tor_signal( Signal.NEWNYM if attempt > 0 else Signal.HEARTBEAT): raise TorError( "Tor was previously enabled, but the connection has been " "dropped. Please check your Tor configuration and try again.", disable=True) # Make sure that the tor connection is valid, if enabled if self.tor: try: tor_check = requests.get('', proxies=self.proxies, headers=headers) self.tor_valid = 'Congratulations' in tor_check.text if not self.tor_valid: raise TorError( "Tor connection succeeded, but the connection could " "not be validated by", disable=True) except ConnectionError: raise TorError( "Error raised during Tor connection validation", disable=True) response = requests.get( (base_url or self.search_url) + query, proxies=self.proxies, headers=headers, cookies=cookies) # Retry query with new identity if using Tor (max 10 attempts) if 'form id="captcha-form"' in response.text and self.tor: attempt += 1 if attempt > 10: raise TorError("Tor query failed -- max attempts exceeded 10") return self.send((base_url or self.search_url), query, attempt) return response