from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def add_ip_card(html_soup: BeautifulSoup, ip: str) -> BeautifulSoup: """Adds the client's IP address to the search results if query contains keywords Args: html_soup: The parsed search result containing the keywords ip: ip address of the client Returns: BeautifulSoup """ main_div = html_soup.select_one('#main') if main_div: # HTML IP card tag ip_tag = html_soup.new_tag('div') ip_tag['class'] = 'ZINbbc xpd O9g5cc uUPGi' # For IP Address html tag ip_address = html_soup.new_tag('div') ip_address['class'] = 'kCrYT ip-address-div' ip_address.string = ip # Text below the IP address ip_text = html_soup.new_tag('div') ip_text.string = 'Your public IP address' ip_text['class'] = 'kCrYT ip-text-div' # Adding all the above html tags to the IP card ip_tag.append(ip_address) ip_tag.append(ip_text) # Insert the element at the top of the result list main_div.insert_before(ip_tag) return html_soup def add_calculator_card(html_soup: BeautifulSoup) -> BeautifulSoup: """Adds the a calculator widget to the search results if query contains keywords Args: html_soup: The parsed search result containing the keywords Returns: BeautifulSoup """ main_div = html_soup.select_one('#main') if main_div: widget_file = open('app/static/widgets/calculator.html') widget_tag = html_soup.new_tag('div') widget_tag['class'] = 'ZINbbc xpd O9g5cc uUPGi' widget_tag['id'] = 'calculator-wrapper' calculator_text = html_soup.new_tag('div') calculator_text['class'] = 'kCrYT ip-address-div' calculator_text.string = 'Calculator' calculator_widget = html_soup.new_tag('div') calculator_widget.append(BeautifulSoup(widget_file, 'html.parser')); calculator_widget['class'] = 'kCrYT ip-text-div' widget_tag.append(calculator_text) widget_tag.append(calculator_widget) main_div.insert_before(widget_tag) widget_file.close() return html_soup