from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import urllib.parse as urlparse from urllib.parse import parse_qs SKIP_ARGS = ['ref_src', 'utm'] FULL_RES_IMG = '
Full Image' GOOG_IMG = '/images/branding/searchlogo/1x/googlelogo' LOGO_URL = GOOG_IMG + '_desk' BLANK_B64 = '''  ''' BLACKLIST = [ 'ad', 'anuncio', 'annuncio', 'annonce', 'Anzeige', '广告', '廣告', 'Reklama', 'Реклама', 'Anunț', '광고', 'annons', 'Annonse', 'Iklan', '広告', 'Augl.', 'Mainos', 'Advertentie', 'إعلان', 'Գովազդ', 'विज्ञापन', 'Reklam', 'آگهی', 'Reklāma', 'Reklaam', 'Διαφήμιση', 'מודעה', 'Hirdetés', 'Anúncio' ] SITE_ALTS = { '': '', '': '', '': '' } def has_ad_content(element: str): return element.upper() in (value.upper() for value in BLACKLIST) or 'ⓘ' in element def get_first_link(soup): # Replace hrefs with only the intended destination (no "utm" type tags) for a in soup.find_all('a', href=True): # Return the first search result URL if 'url?q=' in a['href']: return filter_link_args(a['href']) def get_site_alt(link: str): for site_key in SITE_ALTS.keys(): if site_key not in link: continue link = link.replace(site_key, SITE_ALTS[site_key]) break return link.replace('www.', '').replace('//m.', '//') def filter_link_args(query_link): parsed_link = urlparse.urlparse(query_link) link_args = parse_qs(parsed_link.query) safe_args = {} if len(link_args) == 0 and len(parsed_link) > 0: return query_link for arg in link_args.keys(): if arg in SKIP_ARGS: continue safe_args[arg] = link_args[arg] # Remove original link query and replace with filtered args query_link = query_link.replace(parsed_link.query, '') if len(safe_args) > 0: query_link = query_link + urlparse.urlencode(safe_args, doseq=True) else: query_link = query_link.replace('?', '') return query_link def gen_nojs(sibling): nojs_link = BeautifulSoup().new_tag('a') nojs_link['href'] = '/window?location=' + sibling['href'] nojs_link['style'] = 'display:block;width:100%;' nojs_link.string = 'NoJS Link: ' + nojs_link['href'] sibling.append(BeautifulSoup('

', 'html.parser')) sibling.append(nojs_link)