import argparse import base64 import io import json import os import pickle import urllib.parse as urlparse import uuid from datetime import datetime, timedelta from functools import wraps import waitress from app import app from app.models.config import Config from app.models.endpoint import Endpoint from app.request import Request, TorError from app.utils.bangs import resolve_bang from app.filter import Filter from app.utils.misc import read_config_bool, get_client_ip, get_request_url, \ check_for_update from app.utils.results import add_ip_card, bold_search_terms,\ add_currency_card, check_currency, get_tabs_content from import Search, needs_https, has_captcha from app.utils.session import generate_user_key, valid_user_session from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bsoup from flask import jsonify, make_response, request, redirect, render_template, \ send_file, session, url_for, g from requests import exceptions from requests.models import PreparedRequest from cryptography.fernet import Fernet, InvalidToken from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature # Load DDG bang json files only on init bang_json = json.load(open(app.config['BANG_FILE'])) or {} ac_var = 'WHOOGLE_AUTOCOMPLETE' autocomplete_enabled = os.getenv(ac_var, '1') def get_search_name(tbm): for tab in app.config['HEADER_TABS'].values(): if tab['tbm'] == tbm: return tab['name'] def auth_required(f): @wraps(f) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): auth = request.authorization # Skip if username/password not set whoogle_user = os.getenv('WHOOGLE_USER', '') whoogle_pass = os.getenv('WHOOGLE_PASS', '') if (not whoogle_user or not whoogle_pass) or ( auth and whoogle_user == auth.username and whoogle_pass == auth.password): return f(*args, **kwargs) else: return make_response('Not logged in', 401, { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Login Required"'}) return decorated def session_required(f): @wraps(f) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): if (valid_user_session(session) and 'cookies_disabled' not in request.args): g.session_key = session['key'] else: session.pop('_permanent', None) g.session_key = app.default_key # Clear out old sessions invalid_sessions = [] for user_session in os.listdir(app.config['SESSION_FILE_DIR']): file_path = os.path.join( app.config['SESSION_FILE_DIR'], user_session) try: # Ignore files that are larger than the max session file size if os.path.getsize(file_path) > app.config['MAX_SESSION_SIZE']: continue with open(file_path, 'rb') as session_file: _ = pickle.load(session_file) data = pickle.load(session_file) if isinstance(data, dict) and 'valid' in data: continue invalid_sessions.append(file_path) except Exception: # Broad exception handling here due to how instances installed # with pip seem to have issues storing unrelated files in the # same directory as sessions pass for invalid_session in invalid_sessions: try: os.remove(invalid_session) except FileNotFoundError: # Don't throw error if the invalid session has been removed pass return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated @app.before_request def before_request_func(): global bang_json # Check for latest version if needed now = if now - timedelta(hours=24) > app.config['LAST_UPDATE_CHECK']: app.config['LAST_UPDATE_CHECK'] = now app.config['HAS_UPDATE'] = check_for_update( app.config['RELEASES_URL'], app.config['VERSION_NUMBER']) g.request_params = ( request.args if request.method == 'GET' else request.form ) # Skip pre-request actions if verifying session if '/session' in request.path and not valid_user_session(session): return default_config = json.load(open(app.config['DEFAULT_CONFIG'])) \ if os.path.exists(app.config['DEFAULT_CONFIG']) else {} # Generate session values for user if unavailable if (not valid_user_session(session) and 'cookies_disabled' not in request.args): session['config'] = default_config session['uuid'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) session['key'] = generate_user_key() # Skip checking for session on any searches that don't # require a valid session if (not Endpoint.autocomplete.in_path(request.path) and not Endpoint.healthz.in_path(request.path) and not Endpoint.opensearch.in_path(request.path)): return redirect(url_for( 'session_check', session_id=session['uuid'], follow=get_request_url(request.url)), code=307) else: g.user_config = Config(**session['config']) elif 'cookies_disabled' not in request.args: # Set session as permanent session.permanent = True app.permanent_session_lifetime = timedelta(days=365) g.user_config = Config(**session['config']) else: # User has cookies disabled, fall back to immutable default config session.pop('_permanent', None) g.user_config = Config(**default_config) if not g.user_config.url: g.user_config.url = get_request_url(request.url_root) g.user_request = Request( request.headers.get('User-Agent'), get_request_url(request.url_root), config=g.user_config) g.app_location = g.user_config.url # Attempt to reload bangs json if not generated yet if not bang_json and os.path.getsize(app.config['BANG_FILE']) > 4: try: bang_json = json.load(open(app.config['BANG_FILE'])) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: # Ignore decoding error, can occur if file is still # being written pass @app.after_request def after_request_func(resp): resp.headers['X-Content-Type-Options'] = 'nosniff' resp.headers['X-Frame-Options'] = 'DENY' if os.getenv('WHOOGLE_CSP', False): resp.headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = app.config['CSP'] if os.environ.get('HTTPS_ONLY', False): resp.headers['Content-Security-Policy'] += \ 'upgrade-insecure-requests' return resp @app.errorhandler(404) def unknown_page(e): app.logger.warn(e) return redirect(g.app_location) @app.route(f'/{Endpoint.healthz}', methods=['GET']) def healthz(): return '' @app.route(f'/{Endpoint.session}/', methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'POST']) def session_check(session_id): if 'uuid' in session and session['uuid'] == session_id: session['valid'] = True return redirect(request.args.get('follow'), code=307) else: follow_url = request.args.get('follow') req = PreparedRequest() req.prepare_url(follow_url, {'cookies_disabled': 1}) session.pop('_permanent', None) return redirect(req.url, code=307) @app.route('/', methods=['GET']) @app.route(f'/{Endpoint.home}', methods=['GET']) @auth_required def index(): # Redirect if an error was raised if 'error_message' in session and session['error_message']: error_message = session['error_message'] session['error_message'] = '' return render_template('error.html', error_message=error_message) return render_template('index.html', has_update=app.config['HAS_UPDATE'], languages=app.config['LANGUAGES'], countries=app.config['COUNTRIES'], themes=app.config['THEMES'], autocomplete_enabled=autocomplete_enabled, translation=app.config['TRANSLATIONS'][ g.user_config.get_localization_lang() ], logo=render_template( 'logo.html', dark=g.user_config.dark), config_disabled=( app.config['CONFIG_DISABLE'] or not valid_user_session(session) or 'cookies_disabled' in request.args), config=g.user_config, tor_available=int(os.environ.get('TOR_AVAILABLE')), version_number=app.config['VERSION_NUMBER']) @app.route(f'/{Endpoint.opensearch}', methods=['GET']) def opensearch(): opensearch_url = g.app_location if opensearch_url.endswith('/'): opensearch_url = opensearch_url[:-1] # Enforce https for opensearch template if needs_https(opensearch_url): opensearch_url = opensearch_url.replace('http://', 'https://', 1) get_only = g.user_config.get_only or 'Chrome' in request.headers.get( 'User-Agent') return render_template( 'opensearch.xml', main_url=opensearch_url, request_type='' if get_only else 'method="post"', search_type=request.args.get('tbm'), search_name=get_search_name(request.args.get('tbm')) ), 200, {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'} @app.route(f'/{Endpoint.search_html}', methods=['GET']) def search_html(): search_url = g.app_location if search_url.endswith('/'): search_url = search_url[:-1] return render_template('search.html', url=search_url) @app.route(f'/{Endpoint.autocomplete}', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def autocomplete(): if os.getenv(ac_var) and not read_config_bool(ac_var): return jsonify({}) q = g.request_params.get('q') if not q: # FF will occasionally (incorrectly) send the q field without a # mimetype in the format "b'q='" through the field q = str('q=', '') # Search bangs if the query begins with "!", but not "! " (feeling lucky) if q.startswith('!') and len(q) > 1 and not q.startswith('! '): return jsonify([q, [bang_json[_]['suggestion'] for _ in bang_json if _.startswith(q)]]) if not q and not return jsonify({'?': []}) elif q = urlparse.unquote_plus('utf-8').replace('q=', '')) # Return a list of suggestions for the query # # Note: If Tor is enabled, this returns nothing, as the request is # almost always rejected return jsonify([ q, g.user_request.autocomplete(q) if not g.user_config.tor else [] ]) @app.route(f'/{}', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @session_required @auth_required def search(): # Update user config if specified in search args g.user_config = g.user_config.from_params(g.request_params) search_util = Search(request, g.user_config, g.session_key) query = search_util.new_search_query() bang = resolve_bang(query, bang_json) if bang: return redirect(bang) # Redirect to home if invalid/blank search if not query: return redirect(url_for('.index')) # Generate response and number of external elements from the page try: response = search_util.generate_response() except TorError as e: session['error_message'] = e.message + ( "\\n\\nTor config is now disabled!" if e.disable else "") session['config']['tor'] = False if e.disable else session['config'][ 'tor'] return redirect(url_for('.index')) if search_util.feeling_lucky: return redirect(response, code=303) # If the user is attempting to translate a string, determine the correct # string for formatting the url localization_lang = g.user_config.get_localization_lang() translation = app.config['TRANSLATIONS'][localization_lang] translate_to = localization_lang.replace('lang_', '') # Return 503 if temporarily blocked by captcha if has_captcha(str(response)): return render_template( 'error.html', blocked=True, error_message=translation['ratelimit'], translation=translation, farside='', config=g.user_config, query=urlparse.unquote(query), params=g.user_config.to_params()), 503 response = bold_search_terms(response, query) # Feature to display IP address if search_util.check_kw_ip(): html_soup = bsoup(str(response), 'html.parser') response = add_ip_card(html_soup, get_client_ip(request)) # Update tabs content tabs = get_tabs_content(app.config['HEADER_TABS'], search_util.full_query, search_util.search_type, translation) # Feature to display currency_card conversion = check_currency(str(response)) if conversion: html_soup = bsoup(str(response), 'html.parser') response = add_currency_card(html_soup, conversion) return render_template( 'display.html', has_update=app.config['HAS_UPDATE'], query=urlparse.unquote(query), search_type=search_util.search_type, search_name=get_search_name(search_util.search_type), config=g.user_config, autocomplete_enabled=autocomplete_enabled, lingva_url=app.config['TRANSLATE_URL'], translation=translation, translate_to=translate_to, translate_str=query.replace( 'translate', '' ).replace( translation['translate'], '' ), is_translation=any( _ in query.lower() for _ in [translation['translate'], 'translate'] ) and not search_util.search_type, # Standard search queries only response=response, version_number=app.config['VERSION_NUMBER'], search_header=render_template( 'header.html', config=g.user_config, logo=render_template('logo.html', dark=g.user_config.dark), query=urlparse.unquote(query), search_type=search_util.search_type,, tabs=tabs)) @app.route(f'/{Endpoint.config}', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT']) @session_required @auth_required def config(): config_disabled = ( app.config['CONFIG_DISABLE'] or not valid_user_session(session)) if request.method == 'GET': return json.dumps(g.user_config.__dict__) elif request.method == 'PUT' and not config_disabled: if 'name' in request.args: config_pkl = os.path.join( app.config['CONFIG_PATH'], request.args.get('name')) session['config'] = (pickle.load(open(config_pkl, 'rb')) if os.path.exists(config_pkl) else session['config']) return json.dumps(session['config']) else: return json.dumps({}) elif not config_disabled: config_data = request.form.to_dict() if 'url' not in config_data or not config_data['url']: config_data['url'] = g.user_config.url # Save config by name to allow a user to easily load later if 'name' in request.args: pickle.dump( config_data, open(os.path.join( app.config['CONFIG_PATH'], request.args.get('name')), 'wb')) session['config'] = config_data return redirect(config_data['url']) else: return redirect(url_for('.index'), code=403) @app.route(f'/{Endpoint.imgres}') @session_required @auth_required def imgres(): return redirect(request.args.get('imgurl')) @app.route(f'/{Endpoint.element}') @session_required @auth_required def element(): element_url = src_url = request.args.get('url') if element_url.startswith('gAAAAA'): try: cipher_suite = Fernet(g.session_key) src_url = cipher_suite.decrypt(element_url.encode()).decode() except (InvalidSignature, InvalidToken) as e: return render_template( 'error.html', error_message=str(e)), 401 src_type = request.args.get('type') try: file_data = g.user_request.send(base_url=src_url).content tmp_mem = io.BytesIO() tmp_mem.write(file_data) return send_file(tmp_mem, mimetype=src_type) except exceptions.RequestException: pass empty_gif = base64.b64decode( 'R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAP///////yH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==') return send_file(io.BytesIO(empty_gif), mimetype='image/gif') @app.route(f'/{Endpoint.window}') @session_required @auth_required def window(): target_url = request.args.get('location') if target_url.startswith('gAAAAA'): cipher_suite = Fernet(g.session_key) target_url = cipher_suite.decrypt(target_url.encode()).decode() content_filter = Filter( g.session_key, root_url=request.url_root, config=g.user_config) target = urlparse.urlparse(target_url) host_url = f'{target.scheme}://{target.netloc}' get_body = g.user_request.send(base_url=target_url).text results = bsoup(get_body, 'html.parser') src_attrs = ['src', 'href', 'srcset', 'data-srcset', 'data-src'] # Parse HTML response and replace relative links w/ absolute for element in results.find_all(): for attr in src_attrs: if not element.has_attr(attr) or not element[attr].startswith('/'): continue element[attr] = host_url + element[attr] # Replace or remove javascript sources for script in results.find_all('script', {'src': True}): if 'nojs' in request.args: script.decompose() else: content_filter.update_element_src(script, 'application/javascript') # Replace all possible image attributes img_sources = ['src', 'data-src', 'data-srcset', 'srcset'] for img in results.find_all('img'): _ = [ content_filter.update_element_src(img, 'image/png', attr=_) for _ in img_sources if img.has_attr(_) ] # Replace all stylesheet sources for link in results.find_all('link', {'href': True}): content_filter.update_element_src(link, 'text/css', attr='href') # Use anonymous view for all links on page for a in results.find_all('a', {'href': True}): a['href'] = f'{Endpoint.window}?location=' + a['href'] + ( '&nojs=1' if 'nojs' in request.args else '') # Remove all iframes -- these are commonly used inside of