from lxml import etree import random import requests from requests import Response import urllib.parse as urlparse # Core Google search URLs SEARCH_URL = '' AUTOCOMPLETE_URL = '' MOBILE_UA = '{}/5.0 (Android 0; Mobile; rv:54.0) Gecko/54.0 {}/59.0' DESKTOP_UA = '{}/5.0 (X11; {} x86_64; rv:75.0) Gecko/20100101 {}/75.0' # Valid query params VALID_PARAMS = ['tbs', 'tbm', 'start', 'near', 'source', 'nfpr'] def gen_user_agent(is_mobile): mozilla = random.choice(['Moo', 'Woah', 'Bro', 'Slow']) + 'zilla' firefox = random.choice(['Choir', 'Squier', 'Higher', 'Wire']) + 'fox' linux = random.choice(['Win', 'Sin', 'Gin', 'Fin', 'Kin']) + 'ux' if is_mobile: return MOBILE_UA.format(mozilla, firefox) return DESKTOP_UA.format(mozilla, linux, firefox) def gen_query(query, args, config, near_city=None): param_dict = {key: '' for key in VALID_PARAMS} # Use :past(hour/day/week/month/year) if available # example search "new restaurants :past month" sub_lang = '' if ':past' in query and 'tbs' not in args: time_range = str.strip(query.split(':past', 1)[-1]) param_dict['tbs'] = '&tbs=' + ('qdr:' + str.lower(time_range[0])) elif 'tbs' in args: result_tbs = args.get('tbs') param_dict['tbs'] = '&tbs=' + result_tbs # Occasionally the 'tbs' param provided by google also contains a field for 'lr', but formatted # strangely. This is a (admittedly not very elegant) solution for this. # Ex/ &tbs=qdr:h,lr:lang_1pl --> the lr param needs to be extracted and have the "1" digit removed in this case sub_lang = [_ for _ in result_tbs.split(',') if 'lr:' in _] sub_lang = sub_lang[0][sub_lang[0].find('lr:') + 3:len(sub_lang[0])] if len(sub_lang) > 0 else '' # Ensure search query is parsable query = urlparse.quote(query) # Pass along type of results (news, images, books, etc) if 'tbm' in args: param_dict['tbm'] = '&tbm=' + args.get('tbm') # Get results page start value (10 per page, ie page 2 start val = 20) if 'start' in args: param_dict['start'] = '&start=' + args.get('start') # Search for results near a particular city, if available if near_city: param_dict['near'] = '&near=' + urlparse.quote(near_city) # Set language for results (lr) if source isn't set, otherwise use the result # language param provided by google (but with the strange digit(s) removed) if 'source' in args: param_dict['source'] = '&source=' + args.get('source') param_dict['lr'] = ('&lr=' + ''.join([_ for _ in sub_lang if not _.isdigit()])) if sub_lang else '' else: param_dict['lr'] = ('&lr=' + config.lang_search) if config.lang_search else '' # Set autocorrected search ignore if 'nfpr' in args: param_dict['nfpr'] = '&nfpr=' + args.get('nfpr') param_dict['cr'] = ('&cr=' + config.ctry) if config.ctry else '' param_dict['hl'] = ('&hl=' + config.lang_interface.replace('lang_', '')) if config.lang_interface else '' param_dict['safe'] = '&safe=' + ('active' if else 'off') for val in param_dict.values(): if not val: continue query += val return query class Request: def __init__(self, normal_ua, language='lang_en'): self.language = language = 'Android' in normal_ua or 'iPhone' in normal_ua self.modified_user_agent = gen_user_agent( def __getitem__(self, name): return getattr(self, name) def autocomplete(self, query): ac_query = dict(hl=self.language, q=query) response = self.send(base_url=AUTOCOMPLETE_URL, query=urlparse.urlencode(ac_query)).text if response: dom = etree.fromstring(response) return dom.xpath('//suggestion/@data') return [] def send(self, base_url=SEARCH_URL, query='') -> Response: headers = { 'User-Agent': self.modified_user_agent } return requests.get(base_url + query, headers=headers)