from app.request import VALID_PARAMS from app.utils.results import * from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from bs4.element import ResultSet, Tag from cryptography.fernet import Fernet from flask import render_template import re import urllib.parse as urlparse from urllib.parse import parse_qs class Filter: def __init__(self, user_key: str, mobile=False, config=None) -> None: if config is None: config = {} self.near = config['near'] if 'near' in config else '' self.dark = config['dark'] if 'dark' in config else False self.nojs = config['nojs'] if 'nojs' in config else False self.new_tab = config['new_tab'] if 'new_tab' in config else False self.alt_redirect = config['alts'] if 'alts' in config else False = mobile self.user_key = user_key self.main_divs = ResultSet('') self._elements = 0 def __getitem__(self, name): return getattr(self, name) @property def elements(self): return self._elements def reskin(self, page: str) -> str: # Aesthetic only re-skinning if self.dark: page = page.replace( 'fff', '000').replace( '202124', 'ddd').replace( '1967D2', '3b85ea') return page def encrypt_path(self, path, is_element=False) -> str: # Encrypts path to avoid plaintext results in logs if is_element: # Element paths are encrypted separately from text, to allow key # regeneration once all items have been served to the user enc_path = Fernet(self.user_key).encrypt(path.encode()).decode() self._elements += 1 return enc_path return Fernet(self.user_key).encrypt(path.encode()).decode() def clean(self, soup) -> BeautifulSoup: self.main_divs = soup.find('div', {'id': 'main'}) self.remove_ads() self.fix_question_section() self.update_styling(soup) for img in [_ for _ in soup.find_all('img') if 'src' in _.attrs]: self.update_element_src(img, 'image/png') for audio in [_ for _ in soup.find_all('audio') if 'src' in _.attrs]: self.update_element_src(audio, 'audio/mpeg') for link in soup.find_all('a', href=True): self.update_link(link) input_form = soup.find('form') if input_form is not None: input_form['method'] = 'POST' # Ensure no extra scripts passed through for script in soup('script'): script.decompose() # Update default footer and header footer = soup.find('footer') if footer: # Remove divs that have multiple links beyond just page navigation [_.decompose() for _ in footer.find_all('div', recursive=False) if len(_.find_all('a', href=True)) > 3] header = soup.find('header') if header: header.decompose() return soup def remove_ads(self) -> None: """Removes ads found in the list of search result divs Returns: None (The soup object is modified directly) """ if not self.main_divs: return for div in [_ for _ in self.main_divs.find_all('div', recursive=True)]: div_ads = [_ for _ in div.find_all('span', recursive=True) if has_ad_content(_.text)] _ = div.decompose() if len(div_ads) else None def fix_question_section(self) -> None: """Collapses the "People Also Asked" section into a "details" element These sections are typically the only sections in the results page that are structured as


, so they are extracted by checking all result divs for h2 children. Returns: None (The soup object is modified directly) """ if not self.main_divs: return question_divs = [_ for _ in self.main_divs.find_all( 'div', recursive=False ) if len(_.find_all('h2')) > 0] if len(question_divs) == 0: return # Wrap section in details element to allow collapse/expand details = BeautifulSoup(features='html.parser').new_tag('details') summary = BeautifulSoup(features='html.parser').new_tag('summary') summary.string = question_divs[0].find('h2').text question_divs[0].find('h2').decompose() details.append(summary) question_divs[0].wrap(details) for question_div in question_divs: questions = [_ for _ in question_div.find_all( 'div', recursive=True ) if _.text.endswith('?')] for question in questions: question['style'] = 'padding: 10px; font-style: italic;' def update_element_src(self, element: Tag, mime: str) -> None: """Encrypts the original src of an element and rewrites the element src to use the "/element?src=" pass-through. Returns: None (The soup element is modified directly) """ src = element['src'] if src.startswith('//'): src = 'https:' + src if src.startswith(LOGO_URL): # Re-brand with Whoogle logo element.replace_with(BeautifulSoup( render_template('logo.html', dark=self.dark), features='html.parser')) return elif src.startswith(GOOG_IMG) or GOOG_STATIC in src: element['src'] = BLANK_B64 return element['src'] = 'element?url=' + self.encrypt_path( src, is_element=True) + '&type=' + urlparse.quote(mime) def update_styling(self, soup) -> None: # Remove unnecessary button(s) for button in soup.find_all('button'): button.decompose() # Remove svg logos for svg in soup.find_all('svg'): svg.decompose() # Update logo logo = soup.find('a', {'class': 'l'}) if logo and logo['style'] = ('display:flex; justify-content:center; ' 'align-items:center; color:#685e79; ' 'font-size:18px; ') # Fix search bar length on mobile try: search_bar = soup.find('header').find('form').find('div') search_bar['style'] = 'width: 100%;' except AttributeError: pass def update_link(self, link: Tag) -> None: """Update internal link paths with encrypted path, otherwise remove unnecessary redirects and/or marketing params from the url Args: link: A bs4 Tag element to inspect and update Returns: None (the tag is updated directly) """ # Replace href with only the intended destination (no "utm" type tags) href = link['href'].replace('', '') if 'advanced_search' in href or 'tbm=shop' in href: # FIXME: The "Shopping" tab requires further filtering (see #136) # Temporarily removing all links to that tab for now. link.decompose() return elif self.new_tab: link['target'] = '_blank' result_link = urlparse.urlparse(href) query_link = parse_qs( result_link.query )['q'][0] if '?q=' in href else '' if query_link.startswith('/'): # Internal google links (i.e. mail, maps, etc) should still # be forwarded to Google link['href'] = '' + query_link elif '/search?q=' in href: # "li:1" implies the query should be interpreted verbatim, # which is accomplished by wrapping the query in double quotes if 'li:1' in href: query_link = '"' + query_link + '"' new_search = 'search?q=' + self.encrypt_path(query_link) query_params = parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(href).query) for param in VALID_PARAMS: if param not in query_params: continue param_val = query_params[param][0] new_search += '&' + param + '=' + param_val link['href'] = new_search elif 'url?q=' in href: # Strip unneeded arguments link['href'] = filter_link_args(query_link) # Add no-js option if self.nojs: append_nojs(link) else: link['href'] = href # Replace link location if "alts" config is enabled if self.alt_redirect: # Search and replace all link descriptions # with alternative location link['href'] = get_site_alt(link['href']) link_desc = link.find_all( text=re.compile('|'.join(SITE_ALTS.keys()))) if len(link_desc) == 0: return # Replace link destination link_desc[0].replace_with(get_site_alt(link_desc[0])) def view_image(self, soup) -> BeautifulSoup: """Replaces the soup with a new one that handles mobile results and adds the link of the image full res to the results. Args: soup: A BeautifulSoup object containing the image mobile results. Returns: BeautifulSoup: The new BeautifulSoup object """ # get some tags that are unchanged between mobile and pc versions search_input = soup.find_all('td', attrs={'class': "O4cRJf"})[0] search_options = soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class': "M7pB2"})[0] cor_suggested = soup.find_all('table', attrs={'class': "By0U9"}) next_pages = soup.find_all('table', attrs={'class': "uZgmoc"})[0] information = soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class': "TuS8Ad"})[0] results = [] # find results div results_div = soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class': "nQvrDb"})[0] # find all the results results_all = results_div.find_all('div', attrs={'class': "lIMUZd"}) for item in results_all: urls = item.find('a')['href'].split('&imgrefurl=') img_url = urlparse.unquote(urls[0].replace('/imgres?imgurl=', '')) webpage = urlparse.unquote(urls[1].split('&')[0]) img_tbn = urlparse.unquote(item.find('a').find('img')['src']) results.append({ 'domain': urlparse.urlparse(webpage).netloc, 'img_url': img_url, 'webpage': webpage, 'img_tbn': img_tbn }) soup = BeautifulSoup(render_template('imageresults.html', length=len(results), results=results, view_label="View Image"), features='html.parser') # replace search input object soup.find_all('td', attrs={'class': "O4cRJf"})[0].replaceWith(search_input) # replace search options object (All, Images, Videos, etc.) soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class': "M7pB2"})[0].replaceWith(search_options) # replace correction suggested by google object if exists if len(cor_suggested): soup.find_all( 'table', attrs={'class': "By0U9"} )[0].replaceWith(cor_suggested[0]) # replace next page object at the bottom of the page soup.find_all('table', attrs={'class': "uZgmoc"})[0].replaceWith(next_pages) # replace information about user connection at the bottom of the page soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class': "TuS8Ad"})[0].replaceWith(information) return soup