このリポジトリは2023-09-09にアーカイブされています。 ファイルの閲覧とクローンは可能ですが、プッシュ、イシューの作成、プルリクエストはできません。

219 行
7.8 KiB

from inspect import Attribute
from app.utils.misc import read_config_bool
from flask import current_app
import os
import re
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode, urlsafe_b64decode
import pickle
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
import hashlib
import brotli
class Config:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
app_config = current_app.config
self.url = os.getenv('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_URL', '')
self.lang_search = os.getenv('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_SEARCH_LANGUAGE', '')
self.lang_interface = os.getenv('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_LANGUAGE', '')
self.style = os.getenv(
self.block = os.getenv('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_BLOCK', '')
self.block_title = os.getenv('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_BLOCK_TITLE', '')
self.block_url = os.getenv('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_BLOCK_URL', '')
self.country = os.getenv('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_COUNTRY', '')
self.tbs = os.getenv('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_TIME_PERIOD', '')
self.theme = os.getenv('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_THEME', 'system')
self.safe = read_config_bool('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_SAFE')
self.dark = read_config_bool('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_DARK') # deprecated
self.alts = read_config_bool('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_ALTS')
self.nojs = read_config_bool('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_NOJS')
self.tor = read_config_bool('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_TOR')
self.near = os.getenv('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_NEAR', '')
self.new_tab = read_config_bool('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_NEW_TAB')
self.view_image = read_config_bool('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_VIEW_IMAGE')
self.get_only = read_config_bool('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_GET_ONLY')
self.anon_view = read_config_bool('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_ANON_VIEW')
self.preferences_encrypted = read_config_bool('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_PREFERENCES_ENCRYPTED')
self.preferences_key = os.getenv('WHOOGLE_CONFIG_PREFERENCES_KEY', '')
self.accept_language = False
self.safe_keys = [
# Skip setting custom config if there isn't one
if kwargs:
mutable_attrs = self.get_mutable_attrs()
for attr in mutable_attrs:
if attr in kwargs.keys():
setattr(self, attr, kwargs[attr])
elif attr not in kwargs.keys() and mutable_attrs[attr] == bool:
setattr(self, attr, False)
def __getitem__(self, name):
return getattr(self, name)
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
return setattr(self, name, value)
def __delitem__(self, name):
return delattr(self, name)
def __contains__(self, name):
return hasattr(self, name)
def get_mutable_attrs(self):
return {name: type(attr) for name, attr in self.__dict__.items()
if not name.startswith("__")
and (type(attr) is bool or type(attr) is str)}
def get_attrs(self):
return {name: attr for name, attr in self.__dict__.items()
if not name.startswith("__")
and (type(attr) is bool or type(attr) is str)}
def preferences(self) -> str:
# if encryption key is not set will uncheck preferences encryption
if self.preferences_encrypted:
self.preferences_encrypted = bool(self.preferences_key)
# add a tag for visibility if preferences token startswith 'e' it means
# the token is encrypted, 'u' means the token is unencrypted and can be
# used by other whoogle instances
encrypted_flag = "e" if self.preferences_encrypted else 'u'
preferences_digest = self._encode_preferences()
return f"{encrypted_flag}{preferences_digest}"
def is_safe_key(self, key) -> bool:
"""Establishes a group of config options that are safe to set
in the url.
key (str) -- the key to check against
bool -- True/False depending on if the key is in the "safe"
return key in self.safe_keys
def get_localization_lang(self):
"""Returns the correct language to use for localization, but falls
back to english if not set.
str -- the localization language string
if (self.lang_interface and
self.lang_interface in current_app.config['TRANSLATIONS']):
return self.lang_interface
return 'lang_en'
def from_params(self, params) -> 'Config':
"""Modify user config with search parameters. This is primarily
used for specifying configuration on a search-by-search basis on
public instances.
params -- the url arguments (can be any deemed safe by is_safe())
Config -- a modified config object
if 'preferences' in params:
params_new = self._decode_preferences(params['preferences'])
# if preferences leads to an empty dictionary it means preferences
# parameter was not decrypted successfully
if len(params_new):
params = params_new
for param_key in params.keys():
if not self.is_safe_key(param_key):
param_val = params.get(param_key)
if param_val == 'off':
param_val = False
elif isinstance(param_val, str):
if param_val.isdigit():
param_val = int(param_val)
self[param_key] = param_val
return self
def to_params(self, keys: list = []) -> str:
"""Generates a set of safe params for using in Whoogle URLs
keys (list) -- optional list of keys of URL parameters
str -- a set of URL parameters
if not len(keys):
keys = self.safe_keys
param_str = ''
for safe_key in keys:
if not self[safe_key]:
param_str = param_str + f'&{safe_key}={self[safe_key]}'
return param_str
def _get_fernet_key(self, password: str) -> bytes:
hash_object = hashlib.md5(password.encode())
key = urlsafe_b64encode(hash_object.hexdigest().encode())
return key
def _encode_preferences(self) -> str:
encoded_preferences = brotli.compress(pickle.dumps(self.get_attrs()))
if self.preferences_encrypted:
if self.preferences_key != '':
key = self._get_fernet_key(self.preferences_key)
encoded_preferences = Fernet(key).encrypt(encoded_preferences)
encoded_preferences = brotli.compress(encoded_preferences)
return urlsafe_b64encode(encoded_preferences).decode()
def _decode_preferences(self, preferences: str) -> dict:
mode = preferences[0]
preferences = preferences[1:]
if mode == 'e': # preferences are encrypted
key = self._get_fernet_key(self.preferences_key)
config = Fernet(key).decrypt(
config = pickle.loads(brotli.decompress(config))
except Exception:
config = {}
elif mode == 'u': # preferences are not encrypted
config = pickle.loads(
else: # preferences are incorrectly formatted
config = {}
return config