このリポジトリは2023-09-09にアーカイブされています。 ファイルの閲覧とクローンは可能ですが、プッシュ、イシューの作成、プルリクエストはできません。

243 行
8.6 KiB

from app.request import VALID_PARAMS
from app.utils.misc import BLACKLIST
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from bs4.element import ResultSet
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
import re
import urllib.parse as urlparse
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
SKIP_ARGS = ['ref_src', 'utm']
FULL_RES_IMG = '<br/><a href="{}">Full Image</a>'
GOOG_IMG = '/images/branding/searchlogo/1x/googlelogo'
LOGO_URL = GOOG_IMG + '_desk'
BLANK_B64 = '''
def get_first_link(soup):
# Replace hrefs with only the intended destination (no "utm" type tags)
for a in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
# Return the first search result URL
if 'url?q=' in a['href']:
return filter_link_args(a['href'])
def filter_link_args(query_link):
parsed_link = urlparse.urlparse(query_link)
link_args = parse_qs(parsed_link.query)
safe_args = {}
if len(link_args) == 0 and len(parsed_link) > 0:
return query_link
for arg in link_args.keys():
if arg in SKIP_ARGS:
safe_args[arg] = link_args[arg]
# Remove original link query and replace with filtered args
query_link = query_link.replace(parsed_link.query, '')
if len(safe_args) > 0:
query_link = query_link + urlparse.urlencode(safe_args, doseq=True)
query_link = query_link.replace('?', '')
return query_link
def has_ad_content(element: str):
return element.upper() in (value.upper() for value in BLACKLIST) or '' in element
class Filter:
def __init__(self, user_keys: dict, mobile=False, config=None):
if config is None:
config = {}
self.near = config['near'] if 'near' in config else ''
self.dark = config['dark'] if 'dark' in config else False
self.nojs = config['nojs'] if 'nojs' in config else False
self.new_tab = config['new_tab'] if 'new_tab' in config else False
self.mobile = mobile
self.user_keys = user_keys
self.main_divs = ResultSet('')
self._elements = 0
def __getitem__(self, name):
return getattr(self, name)
def elements(self):
return self._elements
def reskin(self, page):
# Aesthetic only re-skinning
page = page.replace('>G<', '>Wh<')
pattern = re.compile('4285f4|ea4335|fbcc05|34a853|fbbc05', re.IGNORECASE)
page = pattern.sub('685e79', page)
if self.dark:
page = page.replace('fff', '000').replace('202124', 'ddd').replace('1967D2', '3b85ea')
return page
def encrypt_path(self, msg, is_element=False):
# Encrypts path to avoid plaintext results in logs
if is_element:
# Element paths are tracked differently in order for the element key to be regenerated
# once all elements have been loaded
enc_path = Fernet(self.user_keys['element_key']).encrypt(msg.encode()).decode()
self._elements += 1
return enc_path
return Fernet(self.user_keys['text_key']).encrypt(msg.encode()).decode()
def clean(self, soup):
self.main_divs = soup.find('div', {'id': 'main'})
for img in [_ for _ in soup.find_all('img') if 'src' in _.attrs]:
self.update_element_src(img, 'image/png')
for audio in [_ for _ in soup.find_all('audio') if 'src' in _.attrs]:
self.update_element_src(audio, 'audio/mpeg')
for link in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
input_form = soup.find('form')
if input_form is not None:
input_form['method'] = 'POST'
# Ensure no extra scripts passed through
for script in soup('script'):
# Update default footer and header
footer = soup.find('footer')
if footer:
# Remove divs that have multiple links beyond just page navigation
[_.decompose() for _ in footer.find_all('div', recursive=False) if len(_.find_all('a', href=True)) > 2]
header = soup.find('header')
if header:
return soup
def remove_ads(self):
if not self.main_divs:
for div in [_ for _ in self.main_divs.find_all('div', recursive=True)]:
has_ad = len([_ for _ in div.find_all('span', recursive=True) if has_ad_content(_.text)])
_ = div.decompose() if has_ad else None
def fix_question_section(self):
if not self.main_divs:
question_divs = [_ for _ in self.main_divs.find_all('div', recursive=False) if len(_.find_all('h2')) > 0]
for question_div in question_divs:
questions = [_ for _ in question_div.find_all('div', recursive=True) if _.text.endswith('?')]
for question in questions:
question['style'] = 'padding: 10px; font-style: italic;'
def update_element_src(self, element, mime):
element_src = element['src']
if element_src.startswith('//'):
element_src = 'https:' + element_src
elif element_src.startswith(LOGO_URL):
# Re-brand with Whoogle logo
element['src'] = '/static/img/logo.png'
element['style'] = 'height:40px;width:162px'
elif element_src.startswith(GOOG_IMG):
element['src'] = BLANK_B64
element['src'] = '/element?url=' + self.encrypt_path(element_src, is_element=True) + \
'&type=' + urlparse.quote(mime)
# TODO: Non-mobile image results link to website instead of image
# if not self.mobile:
# img.append(BeautifulSoup(FULL_RES_IMG.format(element_src), 'html.parser'))
def update_styling(self, soup):
# Remove unnecessary button(s)
for button in soup.find_all('button'):
# Remove svg logos
for svg in soup.find_all('svg'):
# Update logo
logo = soup.find('a', {'class': 'l'})
if logo and self.mobile:
logo['style'] = 'display:flex; justify-content:center; align-items:center; color:#685e79; ' \
'font-size:18px; '
# Fix search bar length on mobile
search_bar = soup.find('header').find('form').find('div')
search_bar['style'] = 'width: 100%;'
except AttributeError:
# Set up dark mode if active
if self.dark:
soup.find('html')['style'] = 'scrollbar-color: #333 #111;color:#fff !important;background:#000 !important'
for input_element in soup.findAll('input'):
input_element['style'] = 'color:#fff;background:#000;'
for span_element in soup.findAll('span'):
span_element['style'] = 'color: white;'
for href_element in soup.findAll('a'):
href_element['style'] = 'color: white' if href_element['href'].startswith('/search') else ''
def update_link(self, link):
# Replace href with only the intended destination (no "utm" type tags)
href = link['href'].replace('https://www.google.com', '')
if '/advanced_search' in href:
elif self.new_tab:
link['target'] = '_blank'
result_link = urlparse.urlparse(href)
query_link = parse_qs(result_link.query)['q'][0] if '?q=' in href else ''
if query_link.startswith('/'):
link['href'] = 'https://google.com' + query_link
elif '/search?q=' in href:
new_search = '/search?q=' + self.encrypt_path(query_link)
query_params = parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(href).query)
for param in VALID_PARAMS:
param_val = query_params[param][0] if param in query_params else ''
new_search += '&' + param + '=' + param_val
link['href'] = new_search
elif 'url?q=' in href:
# Strip unneeded arguments
link['href'] = filter_link_args(query_link)
# Add no-js option
if self.nojs:
link['href'] = href
def gen_nojs(sibling):
nojs_link = BeautifulSoup().new_tag('a')
nojs_link['href'] = '/window?location=' + sibling['href']
nojs_link['style'] = 'display:block;width:100%;'
nojs_link.string = 'NoJS Link: ' + nojs_link['href']
sibling.append(BeautifulSoup('<br><hr><br>', 'html.parser'))