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2016-02-08 00:36:46 +09:00
htwtxt hosted twtxt server
2016-02-07 01:05:26 +09:00
2016-02-07 01:05:26 +09:00
"twtxt" is a protocol and client (<https://github.com/buckket/twtxt>) for
decentralized microblogging. Users are expected to provide their feeds as plain
text files with URLs accessible over the Internet. "htwtxt" is a web server to
host and grow such text files for users without trivial access to their own web
2016-02-07 01:05:26 +09:00
Clone, build, run
2016-02-07 01:05:26 +09:00
With htwtxt written in Go, the following instructions expect a Go development
environment with the go tool (<https://golang.org/cmd/go/>) installed, and the
$GOPATH set:
2016-02-07 01:05:26 +09:00
git clone https://github.com/plomlompom/htwtxt $GOPATH/src/htwtxt
2016-02-08 00:36:46 +09:00
go get htwtxt
mkdir ~/htwtxt
cp -R $GOPATH/src/htwtxt/templates ~/htwtxt
cd ~/htwtxt
2016-02-07 01:05:26 +09:00
This will build and start the server, and set up directories and files expected
2016-02-08 00:36:46 +09:00
by it below ~/htwtxt (or any other path you prefer instead of this).
2016-02-07 01:05:26 +09:00
Configuring port number and TLS
2016-02-07 01:05:26 +09:00
By default, htwtxt serves unencrypted HTTP over port 8000. But the executable
accepts the flag --port to provide an alternate port number, and the flags
--cert and --key to provide paths to an SSL certificate and key file to run
htwtxt as an HTTPS server.
2016-02-07 01:05:26 +09:00
Copyright, license
2016-02-07 01:05:26 +09:00
2016-02-08 00:36:46 +09:00
htwtx (c) 2016 Christian Heller a.k.a. plomlompom
License: Affero GPL version 3, see ./LICENSE