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1006 B

OpenBSD Ports

Modified OpenBSD 7.2 ports. Everything here works with OpenBSD 7.2.

How to install

First if you haven't done so, download and unpack the ports tree for your current OpenBSD version.

These instructions are taken from https://www.openbsd.org/faq/ports/ports.html#PortsFetch

cd /tmp
ftp https://cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/$(uname -r)/{ports.tar.gz,SHA256.sig}
signify -Cp /etc/signify/openbsd-$(uname -r | cut -c 1,3)-base.pub -x SHA256.sig ports.tar.gz
cd /usr
tar xzf /tmp/ports.tar.gz

Then remove some ports and unpack this git repo on top of the ports tree with the instructions below:

rm -rf /usr/ports/net/{i2pd,tor}
cd /tmp
ftp https://gitler.moe/koishi/openbsd-ports/archive/master.tar.gz
tar xzvf /tmp/master.tar.gz
mv /tmp/openbsd-ports/net/* /usr/ports/net/

Installing dependencies

# i2pd dependencies
pkg_add cmake ninja gmake boost 

# tor dependencies
pkg_add autoconf (select autoconf-2.69 with any patch version)
pkg_add metaauto libevent