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Recipe for livestreaming over the Tor network

Screenshot of the livestream web interface

This was originally made for fun over the course of five days and hence sloppiness may pervade (especially in the CSS).



  • Twitch-looking web interface (mobile friendly)
  • Change stream title as you're streaming
  • Viewer count
  • Stream on/off indicator and playback error messages with prompts to refresh
  • Chat with custom names & tripcodes
  • Ban/unban chatters & hide messages
  • Flood detection / liberal captcha
  • Shows stream uptime
  • List of users watching / not watching
  • Optionally uses videojs (append ?videojs=0 to the URL to disable it)
  • With videojs disabled, you can scrub backwards and forwards on the video timeline. If you scrub to the end (the most recent segment), you can achieve really quite low latency, as low as 12 seconds.
  • Works without JavaScript


  • CSS is spaghetti (e.g. the PureCSS framework is used sometimes when it might not need be)
  • AFAIK the FFmpeg command in only works on Linux, change it for other OSs
  • Slow: stream delay of at least 30 seconds (lower with videojs disabled). Hopefully this will decrease when congestion control gets into Tor:
  • Doesn't use low-latency HLS

How it works

  • FFmpeg creates an HLS stream
  • Flask creates a website interface for the stream
  • tor makes the website accessible at an onion address

Explanation of the FFmpeg command in


See and as is based on those.


To run this yourself, get this source code. As the project currently exists you might need to change some things:

  • If you're on Windows will be wrong for you and so will all the fonts in config.json. uses $$ to get its process ID, you'll have to use the Windows equivalent.
  • If you're on macOS might need to be changed a bit and you might not have the fonts in config.json.
  • If you're on Linux will probably be alright but you might not have all the fonts in config.json.

Assuming you've dealt with that, this is what you have to do.

Start streaming


Go to the project root and type sh This starts the livestream.


Go to the project root and type flask run. This starts the websever.


Now your webserver is running on port 5000 (or whichever port you set it to, if you did that). We need to tell tor to create a hidden service and to point it at port 5000.

In your torrc, add these two lines

HiddenServiceDir $PROJECT_ROOT/hidden_service
HiddenServicePort 80

where $PROJECT_ROOT is the root folder of this project. When you reload tor it will create the hidden_service directory and your website will be online. Your onion address is in hidden_service/hostname. You only need to do this once.

While streaming

To appear as the broadcaster in chat, go to /broadcaster and log in with the username broadcaster and the password printed in your terminal when you started Flask.

You can change the stream title while streaming and it will update for all viewers. Edit title.txt to do that.

If you restart FFmpeg while you're streaming, viewers will have to refresh the page. All viewers are prompted to refresh the page.

Stop streaming

To stop streaming, stop FFmpeg and delete all the files in stream/. To start streaming again just run

If you restart Flask, the chat will be cleared, you'll have to log in again, and everyone else will have to do the captcha again.