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2022-06-18 22:03:33 +09:00
title: Privacy and anonymity matters
author: 寮
date: 2022-04-05 13:05:59
2023-01-02 20:45:42 +09:00
2022-06-18 22:03:33 +09:00
> Ryo-san, how comes you're still not cancelled despite your world views?
Anonymity and/or privacy.
* Use a different persona, email address, and password for each website.
* Pay in Monero where possible, pay cash if Monero is not possible (even rent!).
* Keep your bank accounts as empty as possible (withdraw as soon as you receive salary, or trade in for crypto).
* Never ever ever ever ever ever ever publish your face, name, phone number, and/or address not even to your closest real life friends (the danger of them using Fakebook and adding your phone number to their addressbooks for example). If your client requires you to make Zoom calls, ask them if it's possible to meet offline instead. If not, avoid.
* When shopping online, make use of crypto, convenience store payments, or prepaid VISA/Slavecard. If none of this is an option, avoid. Also, make them deliver at convenience stores instead of your front door, even if you have to drive to that store to pick up your delivery, it's still better than using your actual home address.
* When buying a new laptop or phone, best to crack it open and remove the camera and microphone before you boot it up, and get an external camera and/or microphone so you can plug it in whenever you really have to. Or otherwise buy a phone with physical kill switches (currently exclusive to PinePhone). Preferrably dump your phone altogether, but if you need to have one, keep it at home ONLY!!
* Stop using bloatware, boycott websites that use CuckFlare, disable Javascript and boycott websites that depend on Javascript unless you can fully trust the website. Learn to live with a crappy old laptop, and stick to it until it completely stops working, and maybe have a high-end PC for gaming if you want, but don't hook it up to the internet. Pre-2008 laptops have far fewer spyware, and easier to repair, and if you avoid soyware, you can easily use it even in current year and beyond. As a bonus, by not wasting so much money on a new PC or phone all the time, you'll be able to earn money while asleep.
* Stay up to date on anonymity and privacy related topics, because the government will always find new ways to violate your basic human rights (it's by design!). Government is your 2nd biggest enemy in all of existence (the number one is your mind).
There's far more, but I only mentioned the very easy things you can do.
## Comment by Udon
2023-01-02 20:45:42 +09:00
2022-06-18 22:03:33 +09:00
> ・Keep your bank accounts as empty as possible (withdraw as soon as you receive salary, or trade in for crypto).
Governement and zoomers: Let's abolish cash! It's a lot more convenient and Covid-free!
## Comment by 寮
2023-01-02 20:45:42 +09:00
[@udon](https://social.076.moe/udon) It's a very dangerous move.\
2022-06-18 22:03:33 +09:00
But I guess more zoomers start waking up the more they start shutting down their bank accounts for not being docile enough.