Small improvements and typos #2

ryo が 12 個のコミットを gran/ryoblog:impr_n_typos から master へマージ 2023-02-28 09:46:50 +09:00

Major sections like /scam, /pol, and /blog are left untouched due to their huge scale.

Major sections like /scam, /pol, and /blog are left untouched due to their huge scale.
gran が 11 コミット追加 2023-02-28 00:00:19 +09:00
90a6ff506c about: improve text
"You want to know who caused 311 back in 2011" is generally taken as
a question by the reader, and "It was me!" is interpreted as the

Replace comma with the question mark.

"more about it in the [scams](/scams) department" is better to be used
in the next sentence as the current one is already overloaded as is.
0bb65ee735 glossary: fix typos, spelling, wording
* "defemation" -> "defamation".

Taken as a typo.

* "looks an aweful lot like" -> "looks an awful lot like"

Also taken as a typo.

* "Emanual Macron" -> "Emmanuel Macron"

This is the correct spelling of his name as found on the clearnet.

* "even if you agree with that they censor now" ->
  "even if you agree with what they censor now"

The original part does not make any sense to me.

The second part follows with "it'll come after what you don't want to
see censored", so this edit acts on assumption that the reader is
supposed agree with WHAT exactly odysee censors, not the fact of
censorship itself.

* "climate change zellots" -> "climate change zealots"

Not sure what "zellots" are, but I am certain it was supposed to be

* "aka, Communism" -> "aka Communism"

I am under belief that the comma here is not needed.
cb2baf9e94 contact: fix typos; improve wording and formatting
* "disgarded" -> "discarded"

Possibly a typo.

* "Any spam is subject to niggerlisting." ->
  "Any spam is subjected to niggerlisting."

It would be easy to just append an article before "subject", but I am
not sure whether "spam" is countable without a noun (like "spam

* "Any such complains shall [...]" -> "Such complaints shall [...]"

"Complains" is a verb. Use "complaints" for noun instead.

"Any" is omitted for the sake of getting this word less repetitive.

* "If any such complains arrive in my mailbox" -> "If any of them
  arrive into my mailbox"

"If any such complain[t]s" duplicates the previous sentence, use some
"creativity" to make it short; like: "If any of them".

I have seen the practice of putting things INTO something, and I
suspect this somehow does apply to mailboxes even if the one in this
context is not physical.

* "I'll forward them straight into a black hole" ->
  "I'll move them straight into a black hole"

I believe the point of this part was to let the potential harmbinger
know that the earlier listed types of correspondence will be deleted
without second thought.

"Forwarding" email does not necessarily imply it is "obliterated" by
said "black hole" as the recipient may still have a copy left.

* "Any death threads shall [...]" -> "Any death threats shall [...]"

I suspect this was a typo.

* "Every other form of death threads [...]" ->
  "Every other form of the death threat [...]"

See the last commentary.

When "Every other form" is used, the applied subject is used as a
singular noun (I think?).
27ca1dfdfe donate: fix grammar and the broken glossary url
"I'm accepting donations" -> "I accept donations"

Present continuous is definitely not the way to state this.

"/glossory#cuckflare" -> "/glossary#cuckflare"

Taken as a typo.
2cfd788bfb fali: fix grammar and typos, improve wording
* "but then end up" -> "yet ending up"

Earlier part was written as "claiming to be", so the logical outcome
would be "ending up" instead of "end up".

"but then" is replaced with "yet" to make the text less repetitive with

* "But then" -> "After that"

Make "then" less redundant.

* "libtertarian" -> "libertarian"

Clearly a typo.

* "if their claims actually match reality or not" ->
  "whether their claims actually match reality"

Paraphrasing, nothing serious here.
5cc90f3a97 fali/disqordia: fix typos
* "Show me the surpreme leader then" ->
  "Show me the supreme leader then"

* "herASSment" -> "harASSment"
bdc5f99dd3 fali/gab: fix grammar; improve formatting; link to scams/copyright
* "how many times \"First Amendment\"" ->
  "how many times the \"First Amendment\""
375d786fb8 faq: minor improvements
* "and entirely CSS" -> "and CSS entirely"

* ", hell even the Fediverse" -> "; hell, even the Fediverse"
13e9452bb0 obsoletewords: minor improvements
* "they're lost meaning" -> "they've lost meaning"

* "Misogeny" -> "Misogyny"

I know that the correct spelling is "harassment", but I mistype the first "a" as an "e" on purpose so that it kind of becomes a word play on "her ass". I know that the correct spelling is "harassment", but I mistype the first "a" as an "e" on purpose so that it kind of becomes a word play on "her ass".
gran が impr_n_typos を強制プッシュ ( 13e9452bb0 から ed06d9f4e6 へ ) 2023-02-28 02:05:26 +09:00 比較

I mistype the first "a" as an "e" on purpose so that it kind of becomes a word play on "her ass".

So, the game of words then? Thank you for explaining. Reverted this change.

Also added a commit which breaks down the definition of a "websoyte" into list. Please give it a look, too.

> I mistype the first "a" as an "e" on purpose so that it kind of becomes a word play on "her ass". So, the game of words then? Thank you for explaining. Reverted this change. Also added a commit which breaks down the definition of a "websoyte" into list. Please give it a look, too.
gran が impr_n_typos を強制プッシュ ( ed06d9f4e6 から 4549f26ec6 へ ) 2023-02-28 02:16:39 +09:00 比較
ryo がコミット e4dd291569master にマージ 2023-02-28 09:46:49 +09:00
gran がブランチ impr_n_typos を削除 2023-02-28 10:03:21 +09:00
2 人の参加者
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リファレンス: ryo/ryoblog#2