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title: Fake Anarchist/Libertarian Instance Database

Originally I made this list of Fediverse instances claiming to be anarchist and/or libertarian, but then end up being communist and/or authoritarian instead.
Then I started adding heavily censorious "free speech" instances as well.
But then I started adding instances that are maybe truly free speech with red flags, and instances that are truly free speech, anarchist, and/or libtertarian, but don't claim to be as such.
So now this is a one stop Fedi instance review area to check if their claims actually match reality or not, though I've left the original name unchanged until I figure out an acronym using the same letters.

I break their TOS, COCk, and/or about pages down so you don't have to.

Fake libertarians

Fake anarchists

Fake free speech

Fake anti fascists

Possibly true free speech, but has red flags

True free speech, true anarchist, and true libertarian, but doesn't claim to be one