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# streams
The `streams` package provides static types for Core and Extended types to the
[ActivityStream Vocabulary](
The library is battle-tested against the `vocabulary-ex*-jsonld.json`
[test documents](
in addition to usual unit tests.
Its mission is simple: Provide meaningful static types for the ActivityStream
Vocabulary in golang. This library is a convenience layer on top of the
`activity/vocab` library, which gives unfettered access to the data types.
This library is entirely code-generated by the `activity/tools/streams/gen`
library and `activity/tools/streams` tool. Run `go generate` to refresh the
library, which requires `$GOPATH/bin` to be on your `$PATH`.
**Consider using this library and falling back to `activity/vocab` only when
## This library's API is huge!
**The W3C does not require client applications to support all of these
use cases.** The W3C only requires that *"all implementations must at least be
capable of serializing and deserializing the Extended properties in accordance
with the Activity Streams 2.0 Core Syntax,"* which what this library and the
`activity/vocab` libraries do for clients. This library's API is large to
permit clients to use as much or as little as desired.
## What it does
This library provides a `Resolver`, which is simply a collection of callbacks
that clients can specify to handle specific ActivtyStream data types. The
`Resolver.Deserialize` method turns a JSON-decoded `map[string]interface{}`
into its proper type, passed to the corresponding callback.
For example, given the data:
"@context": "",
"type": "Note",
"name": "Equivalent Exchange",
"content": "I'll give half of my life to you and you give half of yours to me!",
"attachment": ""
in `b []byte` one can do the following:
var m map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &m); err != nil {
return err
r := &Resolver {
NoteCallback: func(n *Note) error {
// 1) Use the Note concrete type here
// 2) Errors are propagated transparently
if handled, err := r.Deserialize(m); err != nil {
// 3) Any errors from #2 can be handled, or the payload is an unknown type.
return err
} else if !handled {
// 4) The callback to handle the concrete type was not set.
Only set the callbacks that are interesting. There is no need to set every
callback, unless your application requires it.
## Using concrete types
The convenience layer provides easy access to properties with specific types.
However, because ActivityStreams is fundamentally built off of JSON-LD and
still permits large degree of freedom when it comes to obtaining a concrete type
for a property, the convenience API is built to give clients the freedom to
choose how best to federate.
For every type in this package (except `Resolver`), there is an equivalent type
in the `activity/vocab` package. It takes only a call to `Raw` to go from this
convenience API to the full API:
r := &Resolver {
NoteCallback: func(n *Note) error {
// Raw is available for all ActivityStream types
vocabNote := n.Raw()
To determine whether the call to `Raw` is needed, the "get" and "has" methods
use `Resolution` and `Presence` types to inform client code. The client is free
to support as many types as is feasible within the specific application.
Reusing the `Note` example above that has an `attachment`, the following is
client code that tries to handle every possible type that `attachment` can
take. **The W3C does not require client applications to support all of these
use cases.**
r := &Resolver {}
r.NoteCallback = func(n *Note) error {
if n.LenAttachment() == 1 {
if presence := n.HasAttachment(0); p == ConvenientPresence {
// A new or existing Resolver can be used. This is the convenient getter.
if resolution, err := n.ResolveAttachment(r, 0); err != nil {
return err
} else if resolution == RawResolutionNeeded {
vocabNote := n.Raw()
// Use the full API
if vocabNote.IsAttachmentIRI(0) {
} else ...
} else if p == RawPresence {
vocabNote := n.Raw()
// Use the full API
if vocabNote.IsAttachmentIRI(0) {
} else ...
## Serializing data
Creating a raw type and serializing it is straightforward:
n := &Note{}
n.AddName("I'll see you again")
n.AddContent("You don't have to be alone when I leave")
// The "type" property is automatically handled...
m, err := n.Serialize()
if err != nil {
return err
// ...but "@context" is not.
m["@context"] = ""
b, err := json.Marshal(m)
The only caveat is that clients must set `"@context"` manually at this time.
## What it doesn't do
This library does not use the `reflect` package at all. It prioritizes
minimizing dependencies and speed over binary size.
The ActivityStream specification is built on top of JSON-LD, which uses JSON.
This library should be used with `encoding/json` in order to transform a raw
string into a `map[string]interface{}` to static, semantically meaningful
This library does not set the `"@context"` property required when sending
serialized data. Clients are in charge of setting it to
This implementation is heavily opinionated against understanding JSON-LD due to
its sacrifice of semantic meaning, significant increase of complexity, even
weaker typing, and increased exposure to partially-understood messages. These
costs earn a degree of flexibility that is not needed for the ActivityStream
This library is *not* a [JSON-LD]( parser, and by design
does not implement any further understanding of JSON-LD that may be outlined in
the [W3C's JSON-LD]( specification. Furthermore,
it does *not* implement any of the JSON-LD
[processing algorithms]( If this
functionality is strictly needed, or this library is not suitable, please see
[piprate/json-gold/ld]( and its
## Other considerations
This library is entirely code-generated. Determined clients can add their own
custom extended types to the `activity/tools/defs` library and generate a
useful type. However, this process is purposefully painful to force clients to
seriously consider whether they need their own
[custom type](
The code-generation aspect also allows the specification to be translated into
declarative data, which permits certain kinds of validation and verification.
This has led to giving the following feedback to the specification:
* [Inconsistencies between property domains and type properties](
* [Please clarify "items" and "orderedItems" properties](
* [Expectations around IRI resolution](
* [Examples Contradict Specification](
* [Tombstone "formerType" Property Range Needs Clarification](
* [Example 60 Missing `@context` Property](
* [Stylistic Consistency For Non-Functional Single-Value JSON in Examples](
* [Spec does not clarify non-functional natural language values when mapped](
* [Example 102: `url` property missing `type: "Link"`](
* [Example 146: Missing `Z` in startTime](
* [Example 150: Latitude/Longitude are not xsd:float](