2022-07-04 07:42:27 +09:00
コミット 48e2acecc3


@ -44,6 +44,13 @@ support/*.md:
markdown chroma=emacs markdown chroma=emacs
template page template page
ext .html
markdown chroma=emacs
template page
webring/*.md: webring/*.md:
config config
ext .html ext .html


@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
<a href="/scams/">Scams</a> | <a href="/scams/">Scams</a> |
<a href="/faq/">The Fack</a> | <a href="/faq/">The Fack</a> |
<a href="/codeofconduct/">The COCk</a> | <a href="/codeofconduct/">The COCk</a> |
<a href="/dmca/">DMCA</a> |
<a href="/webring/">Webring</a> | <a href="/webring/">Webring</a> |
<a href="/glossary">Glossary</a> <a href="/glossary">Glossary</a>
</p> </p>
@ -63,6 +64,12 @@
<div class="section"> <div class="section">
{{ .Content }} {{ .Content }}
</div> </div>
{{ if .Other.Threadid }}
<a href="https://social.076.ne.jp/notice/{{ .Other.Threadid }}">Comment in SNS discussion here.</a>
<iframe src="https://comments.ryocafe.site/{{ .Other.Threadid }}" class="comment-iframe" />
{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ end }}
{{define "tag"}} {{define "tag"}}

src/blog/comments-for-ryocafe/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
title: New comment system for 寮居酒屋
author: 寮
date: 2022-07-04 06:30:00
tags: blog,technology,webdev
threadid: AL812RpgqmL2MHw1Z2
I've implemented a comment system on this site.\
And I had to do it in quite a clever way too, considering the fact that this site is statically generated, so there's no database or anything to even enable comments to begin with.\
Another way would be to install some bloated, censorship-happy, JS-based comment system, but they all suck.\
So I made my own backend in PHP ([source code](https://git.076.ne.jp/ryo/ryocomments)) that fetches replies from Pleroma, and shows that as comments, so all I have to do in the static site generator is to configure an iframe that will look for the thread id on Pleroma, and fetch it via its API using PHP's CURL implementation.
So I still run a static website, and still 0 Javascript.\



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@ -20,3 +20,10 @@ tags: blog,ai,art
![](acce528a5a3e1b0f0e042b5483f298e61af6388bf679a5325599afcdd8f876de.png) ![](acce528a5a3e1b0f0e042b5483f298e61af6388bf679a5325599afcdd8f876de.png)
![](fc7a69feb8223a6be668bfe82e701ef71618b23b86f12dd9b874a1ece14a8a18.png) ![](fc7a69feb8223a6be668bfe82e701ef71618b23b86f12dd9b874a1ece14a8a18.png)

src/blog/darkmode-should-be-default/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
title: For accessibility sake, dark theme should be the default, and not require JavaScript
author: 寮
date: 2022-06-24 16:12:00
tags: blog,technology,webdev,internet
threadid: AKo3N6G87Byl4dB76O
It's a trend these days to offer an optional dark theme alongside the eye bleeding light theme.\
This is a step in the right direction, considering how only a few years ago we all had to suffer under the light theme, because everyone stopped providing dark theme, colorful theme, or something else that's easy for the eyes, or otherwise use the Lynx browser so we can view content in any color we wanted, or simply boycot it altogether if there's no way to access the websoyte without JavaScript.
Preferably, the dark theme should be the default theme, rather than optional.\
Even if the default is the light theme, dark theme should work even with JavaScript disabled.\
Because as weird as it sounds, many of such websites will refuse to give you the dark theme unless you enable JavaScript.\
Apart from forcing people to enable it to push ads down your throat and spy on you using ANALytics soyware, I fail to see why you'd want to force people to enable JavaScript at all.
Honestly, I have no idea why the fuck we need to use JavaScript in order to have the right colors.\
What's so hard about storing the preferred theme into cookies, and apply the CSS for the theme you selected?\
We accomplished exactly that 2 decades ago already, so I don't see how we can't accomplish that today.
This blog doesn't have a theme switcher, but that's simply because there's no need for it.\
I designed this site to be a sweet spot between the light theme clan and dark theme clan, and I did that by making the theme red and yellow.\
I used to do red+green+white, but I found it to be pretty painful to the eyes, so I changed to red+yellow.\
And before that it used to be black+white+red+green+blue+yellow, but that was simply because I was still yet to design a theme, so it served as a temporary theme.
Speaking of accessibility, it's important for dark theme to work without JavaScript too, because if it doesn't, then your site is NOT accessible at all.\
If you care about accessibility so much, it should work on any browser under any settings.\
This includes being able to view the website with the [Lynx browser via Tor](https://technicalsuwako.moe/blog/lynx-tor-and-utf8-use-way/), if your website is unviewable that way, even though less than 1% of the world would ever do that, then your website is NOT accessible at all.\
Even the tiny things like being able to use the Tab key to get through a form, and being able to press the Enter key to submit a form (except for textarea, that one is designed to be able to use the Enter key for new line) without JavaScript contributes to accessibility.
Speaking of forms, stop doing form validation with JavaScript, it should always be done on the backend.\
Every single good web developer with no exception will tell you the following: never trust the client side, AT ALL!!\
Form validation on the client side can easily be manipulated.\
One example of that is what loli frog told me about Mixi.\
Apparently on Mixi you can bypass the 150 character limit by simply disabling JavaScript.\
Usually you won't be able to submit messages on your account's wall if the amount of characters goes beyond 150 characters, but if you disable JavaScript, your message can be any amount of characters you want, and it'll get published without any problems whatsoever.\
So clearly they don't do any form validation at all in the backend, only frontend.


@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
title: The new so-called "law" against insults isn't as dystopian as you think
author: 寮
date: 2022-06-30 18:30:00
tags: blog,politics,technology,privacy,anonymity,censorship
threadid: AL0fvPn1K3qKSjVpr6
While the whole world got worried about the new artificial "law" that bans insults, be reminded that Japan is only strict on paper, but in reality it's like a dog barking out loud with no teeth to bite with.\
Even if you don't anonymize yourself, if you're just saying something like "Kishida is an asshole" once on [Shitter](/glossary#shitter), but otherwise never appear in the mainstream media (and if you do, you're not being painted as some kind of Adolf Hitler Jr. with a MAGA cap and a Russian ISIS flag), then I really doubt they'll even bother with you.\
Even in a country where police has barely anything to do, they'd rather spend their resources on something more important, like having lunch at Mr. Donuts.
Of course best is to keep yourself anonymous, because they WILL put up examples to keep the population in check.\
These examples usually consist of state actors anyway, but what I do expect to happen (at least, I hope so) is that Japanese people become more privacy aware again.\
Since the raise of Shitter, LINE, [Instantkilograms](/glossary#instantkilograms), [Discucked](/glossary#discucked), [JewTube](/glossary#jewtube), TickTock, and the rest of the evil platforms, the people here have completely forgotten to keep themselves up to date about privacy risks.\
On the one hand everyone rightfully so hates it if you make photos of people's faces without hiding them, and absolutely refuses to get a MyNumber card, because both are serious privacy concerns, but on the other hand they have absolutely no problem at all signing up on millions of services that require a valid phone number (and there are no pre-paid SIM cards with valid phone numbers here in Japan, mind you), and have certainly no problem doxxing themselves to JewTube for a 10 yen a year ad revenue, because "I have nothing to hide".
So artificial "laws" like these will only make people more curious about privacy, and will turn to information on sites like [テクニカル諏訪子](https://technicalsuwako.moe) and [アノニマスの見解](https://anonymous-japan.org) (I could say my website as well, but this site is entirely in English, so I don't think they'll use me as a reference) as well as domestically developed and hosted pro-privacy services at [076 AIB](https://076.moe) and [Fedibird](https://fedibird.com/about/more#sec-8) to guide them to more privacy, and more importantly, more anonymity.\
So I can see light shining at the end of the dark tunnel, if the Chinese and Cubans are able to wake up, the Japanese eventually will too.


@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
title: After 2 and a half years of observation, covAIDS and the lethal injection were just a money making operation
author: 寮
date: 2022-06-28 19:40:00
tags: blog,politics,psyop,covaids
threadid: AKweLTB9GOIGyaOvTM
**Before you read this, this article should in no way be taken as fact, this is pure per observation by 2 random individuals.\
Nobody knows what the real truth is, and so do we.**
So like all other truthers, we've spent 2 and a half years looking at what's actually going on with the covAIDS and the lethal injections.\
And the parasites of the world know this very well, which is why they went from psyop to psyop in the mainstream media on the one hand, and from disinfo to disinfo in the alternative media on the other hand.\
Yes, they work on both sides!\
As a result, the believers of the former believe that the covAIDS is dangerous and the lethal injections are safe and effective, while the believers of the latter believe that the covAIDS either is mild or doesn't exist at all and the lethal injections are going to kill you.\
However, after spending months travelling around Japan, and loli frog spending her last few months travelling around Europe, I'd rather say the real truth is somewhere in the middle (not disclosing her current location for safety reasons, so she might be already back in Japan, or still somewhere in Europe, or somewhere in Asia, I don't even know).\
Both of us used this opportunity to disgard literally everything about the scamdemic we've seen and heard over the past 2 and a half years, avoid any source of information, and only trust our surroundings and stories by the people themselves (both pure bloods and lethally injected, we heard everybody out with an open mind).\
What we both noticed might shock you, because we both came to the conclusion that neither side has the real truth.
## covAIDS is a legend
By now, we all know that the virus doesn't actually exist, this was purely a scare tactic to make people take the lethal injection, because otherwise nobody would take it.\
This is not an operation unique to the 2020s, they are doing this once every decade, with some smaller scamdemics once every 2 years, they just come up with other names every single time.\
Also, would you ever take health advise from people who either weight more than 2 whale on top of each other, or look like zombies already dead?
## Lethal injections is a tool
The lethal injections, unlike what most truthers agree on, is not actually designed to kill off the masses, it's designed to make you so sick (or otherwise so volunerable to sickness) that you'll make yourself dependent on the medical system for the rest of your life.\
Yes, there are people dying in great quantities, but this is because the sicknesses these lethal injections are creating can be so fatal, their bodies just can't handle it, and end up dying as a result of that.\
This is why the most deaths appear to be in North America, Europe, and among atheletes.\
Both North America and Europe have a massive obesity rate, combined with very unhealthy GMO-modified diets, and obese people have weaker immune systems than others, so it makes perfect sense that they're the ones dying out faster than everybody else.\
Atheletes on the other hand are very healthy, but their bodies go through a lot on a daily basis.\
All this excessive workouts puts quite a toll on their bodies, so they too are more likely to die than your average programmer, where most of the body resources are being centralized into the fingers, eyes, and brain, rather than the entire body.
## Everyone who's injected has health problems
Both Japan and Europe have one thing in common: those who are lethally injected all have health problems.\
People in smaller communities (where everyone knows each other) always tend to have neighbors who are pure bloods among those who got injected at least once.\
One consistent pattern they all noticed across both continents is that the lethally injected are all suffering from extreme illness on a very long term basis, while the pure bloods are all doing fine.
## The real objective is not a mass genocide, it's money
If you're waiting for a mass die off, forget about it.\
That event is not going to happen, because as I said above, death is not the purpose of injecting people, death is merely a side product for those with weaker (or exhaused) bodies.
I hear you asking, "But Ryo-chan, how are they going to make any money on something they not only give away for free, they even pay you (think donuts, pizza, discount in stores etc) to take it?".\
The answer has 2 parts.\
The first part is the stocks in Phizer and Moderna, these went through the roof throughout 2021.\
The second part is the fact that those who took the lethal injections are getting so sick, they're becoming completely dependent on the medical system for the rest of their lives, which costs lots of money (if you're insured, you won't notice as much, because then your medical care gets paid collectively by the tax slaves), this is why medical insurance is mandatory in so many countries by the way.\
That's when the money machine really starts to roll.\
This is why they went full blown tyranny over the past 2 years; to make you lose hope and take the lethal injection in the false hope to go back to normal.\
This is why they finally open up the world again; so many people got injected already, it's just no longer necessary to keep things shut down, as now the money will flow into the system no matter what (maybe that's what Qanon meant with "nothing can stop what's coming, nothing"?).\
And those of us who never took the lethal injection are not going to take it anyway, so while some countries are still trying (like Kanada, Ausjailia, New Xiland, France, and CHAINA!!), many others realized that it's just not worth it to squeeze another 10% into compliance.
They might perhaps try again during autumn, so best to keep this possibility open.\
Awareness is everything, if too many people are expecting them to do something, they won't.


@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
title: My VPN service is better than yours!
author: 寮
date: 2022-06-30 06:26
tags: blog,technology,internet,privacy
threadid: AKzdibGKxfW5DK1j60
This blog post is sponsored by NordVPN/SurfShark/TorVPN/ProtonVPN/some other bottom-tier VPN service.\
You can get a -200% discount if you sign up using my referal...FUCK OFF!!
These VPN services need [JewTube](/glossary#jewtube) shills in order to survive simply because they all suck, they all spy on you despite claiming otherwise (even though they all got caught many times before).
Instead of relying on a VPN service, you'll need to learn how to make your own VPN service.\
That's right, one that only you can access!
# Merits
* Nobody blocks you, because no bad actors have used your VPN's IP address before.
* No one is spying on you, because you're in control of the servers yourself.
# Demerits
* No discount available from JewTubers.
# Set up
I recommend Vultr as the VPS provider, they're cheap, have many server locations to choose from, and they're pretty good.\
You can also pay with a limited number of cryptocurrencies, though still not with Monero because they're using BitPay as a middlemen.\
Just set up the cheapest possible VPS server, which is $ 5 USD a month, you really don't need anything more than that!\
I do recommend you pick OpenBSD as the OS for maximum security.
Once set up, log into the server via SSH, and immediately change the root password from there.\
Now on your local PC (if you haven't done yet), execute:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "mypc"
Just press enter on every single prompt without filling anything out.\
Now copy your SSH public key:
cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub
Now on your server in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, paste your public key.
Now that's done, we can safely disable logging into the server using a password, as you won't be able to log into this server unless your SSH keys match.
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Find "PasswordAuthentication yes", uncomment that line, and change "yes" into "no".\
And save it.
## Using the VPN
So now you too get an actually good VPN, the way to enabling it is, on your local PC:
ssh -D 7777 -q -C -N -f root@(SERVER IP)
And then in the proxy configuration of each application or your network manager, use a SOCKS5 proxy, hostname is, and port number is 7777.\
Now all what's left is to check whether your IP address is that of the VPS you're going through.

src/blog/os-ranking-each-generation/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
title: OS ranking per generation
author: 寮
date: 2022-06-22 18:30
tags: blog,technology,linux,smartphone
threadid: AKkNW90qlyx5VLWVou
# OS ranking per generation
As some of you already know, I've been a Linux user since childhood, I was introduced to WinDOS very later in my life.\
So I'll just put each OS/distro I had experience with in each generation into different tiers, and maybe explain why.
Tiers are Best, Good, Neutral, Bad, and Worst.\
I guess you can guess what each of them means.\
Also, I won't be ranking any OS or distro I never used during the given generation.\
Also, this is all just my own opinion, so please don't take it personally.
## 1997~2004: The Steve Jobs Returns™ generation
### Best
Mandrake, I never used it myself, but many fellow Linux users (which I didn't have access to, but my father did) said it was the best distro of the 3 that existed back then.
### Good
Red Hat, pretty ironic that my first OS isn't considered the best, but I really can't blame it for what it was back then.\
But according to my father, the reason we used Red Hat was because the other 2 weren't installable on our machine.
### Worst
Debian, might come as a shocker to you, but back in the day it was pretty much impossible to get Debian to work on any PC at all.\
Though [Loli Frog](/glossary#lolifrog) managed to get it to work, as it was her first OS.
## 2005~2008: The peak PC generation
### Best
Debian, as soon as it became actually installable, it jumped from worst all the way to best.
Ubuntu, the Ubuntu of back then isn't like the Ubuntu of current year, they were always ahead of the latest technologies (minus [Furryfox](/glossary/#furryfox) versions), and really used to made sure even your most WinDOS addicted grandma was able to get around.
Linux Mint, basically the same as Ubuntu, but further closed the gap for WinDOS users by having a UI that's more similar to WinDOS, and proprietary media codecs are already pre-installed.
### Good
Damn Small Linux, great distro on LiveCDs to take with you to school computers.
Puppy Linux, another great LiveCD distro.
KNOPPIX, yet another LiveCD distro, but instead of being for the purpose of running an OS without touching the OS that's already installed, that one was more useful as a Swiss knife of computer repairs.
### Neutral
Red Hat, I got a bit burnt out on Red Hat.\
Why pay for a distro if you can get superior ones for free?
OpenSUSE, it's OK, though I don't really understand the reason why anyone would use it other than German nostalgic boomers.
### Bad
Mac OS X, I got introduced to the only Mac we had in middle school.\
I hated the limitations, but at least the terminal was usable enough, even though they really did their best to hide it.\
For the zoomers out there, there was no full screen app menu back then, so you had to open up the /Applications folder in Finder in order to start anything up, like how Windows 3.11 and earlier worked like.
Solaris OS, basically Ubuntu with a lack of software.
### Worst
Windows, just like Mac, I got introduced to it in middle school, except it was running on hundreds of PCs there instead of just 1.\
The only non-WinDOS and non-Mac PC there was 1 Linux Mint PC, which I loved to use the most.\
Coming from Linux, WinDOS is insanely hard to use, none of the commands you know work on it, you're highly dependent on Internet Exploiter for software installation (well, Mac OS X was the same way with Safari), settings are spread all over the place, the UI is inconsistent (if you found GTK vs Qt apps to be inconsistent from each other, just look at how all the 3rd party music players for WinDOS XP looked like compared to, say, WinDOS Exploiter), and so on.
Fedora, it was a serious crash-fest when I tried it.
## 2009~2015: The smartphone takeover generator
### Best
Arch, now Arch Linux stole my heart, but I wasn't really able to install it.
Manjaro, on the other hand, this Arch-based distro got installed pretty easily, and I LOVED it!
### Good
Mac OS X, actually, Crapple managed to make their OS great for once.\
They fixed the problems it had in the previous generation, they managed to make it more normie-friendly without becoming a hurdle for the more advanced users, and even though it's not customizable at all, I was actually able to do my work on it pretty well, and Mac hardware was rock solid too (for the record, the iMac I bought 13 years ago still works like it if was bought yesterday, I recently sold it to a frontend developer though).
Debian, its appreciation dropped, but was still good for servers at least.
Linux Mint, the last time I took a look at it.\
It was usable, but now that I got used to rolling release distro's, I didn't really feel comfortable using it anymore.
### Neutral
Windows, I think WinDOS 7 was actually quite decent, the best WinDOS version I toyed around with (and I went through the entire history of that OS during that time).\
If WinDOS 8 would have been released much sooner, I'd probably have dropped it in the Worst tier for this generation too.
Android, as much as I hate smartphone OS's, this one was still pretty decent.\
At least, until they forced Material UI on to everything and it became a trend literally everyone and their mothers HAD to use, and I got extremely sick of it extremely quickly.
FreeDOS, I wouldn't say it's good or bad, I'm just OK with it.
ReactOS, I didn't spend lots of time with it, but it's OK for something that's almost 2 decades in alpha.
### Bad
Ubuntu, Canonical went down pretty steadily.\
Initially not their fault, Gnome basically forced all distro's to either use their absolutely terrible Gnome 3, or switch over to KDE or Xfce, or make your own DE.\
Canonical chose the 3rd option, and the results were perhaps only slightly better than Gnome 3, but still horrible.
### Worst
RHEL, OK, I'm done with them!
Fedora, still a crash-fest.
CentOS, forever outdated.
Archos Linux, which no longer exists, was an attempt to provide Arch Linux with an easy to use installer.\
Spoiler alert: it didn't work, always crashed after a few minutes post-installation.
iOS, toy OS.
## 2016~2022: The New World Order generation
### Best
Artix Linux, this is what Arch used to be.\
Unlike Debian, Arch is still great, and Artix is basically Arch with different init systems to choose from, but other than that it's the exact same OS.\
So basically, my opinion on Artix is the same as Arch, except the fact it doesn't vendor lock you into SoystemD is what makes Artix just a bit more superior over Arch.
Void Linux, lots of reason to love it, small codebase, incredibly fast, very secure, lots of packages available in the default repo (though outdated), and many more.\
This was the only distro that actually ran on my old, low-end Celeron IdeaPad with KDE without lag, but that thing was already on its way to death anyway.
Devuan and MX Linux, this is what Debian used to be.\
Excellent for servers, but also for inexperienced home users away from SoystemD.
GhostBSD, this is basically FreeBSD, but actually works.\
I didn't work with it as much yet, but so far my experience has been really great.\
Looking forward to try it out even more.
### Good
Slackware, I like the simplicity, but I'm really missing the convenience of AUR here.
### Neutral
Manjaro, while I appreciate their efforts to make Arch normie friendly, the direction they're taking is just something that's a lose-lose to everybody.
Debian, still does the job as a server OS, but I don't think it'll last for much longer.\
I'm using Mobian on my phone not because it's the best mobile Linux distro, but rather because it's the least bad one.
### Bad
Ubuntu, oh kami-sama, what the fuck are you doing to yourself!?
### Worst
CentOS, RIP.
WinDOS, version 10 was terrible both when it came to privacy, security, stability, usability, and everything else an OS is supposed to be good at.\
With version 11, [Microshaft](/glossary/#microshaft) went like "HOLD MY SOYMILK, YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET!!", and fucked up on all of that even harder.
iOS, once a consoomer toy, always a consoomer toy.
Android, spyware OS slowly becoming more and more locked down like iOS.\
It's still pretty open, but I can see the writing on the wall.\
Plus I'm not a fan of smartphone OS's at all, they're all like toys to me, so don't expect me to ever put them in any of the high tiers anyway.\
For this same reason, even though privacy friendly custom ROMs are miles better than Goolag Android, they're still toy OS's regardless.
macOS, gosh, how deep did this OS sink when Steve Jobs died...\
Even the hardware quality of the Macs went backwards.\
Earlier I said how a 13 year old iMac still functioned like if it was bought yesterday, right?\
Well, the MacBook Pro Retina I bought during this generation literally blew up in just 3 months (blew up as in the laptop body is now round instead of flat like how it's supposed to be).\
And that was my last time buying anything from Crapple, I'm done!
FreeBSD, doesn't boot up on one machine, and refuses to cooperate with Xorg on the other.\
More like FreeBullShiD!
OpenBSD, I heard many good things about it, but wasn't able to get it booted up.\
Took me days to figure out how to put a LiveUSB together that actually worked.


@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ title: Which Linux distribution or BSD variant should I use? Doesn't matter!
author: 寮 author: 寮
date: 2022-06-18 06:30:00 date: 2022-06-18 06:30:00
tags: blog,technology,linux tags: blog,technology,linux
threadid: AKamo9ZbBEZKm7RUEC
---- ----
In my [previous entry](/blog/recommended-linux-distro), I recommended a bunch of different distro's for specific use cases.\ In my [previous entry](/blog/recommended-linux-distro), I recommended a bunch of different distro's for specific use cases.\
However, these recommendations were based on my own personal taste, and I realized that what is the right choice to me might possibly be the wrong choice for you, and vice versa. However, these recommendations were based on my own personal taste, and I realized that what is the right choice to me might possibly be the wrong choice for you, and vice versa.


@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ title: BLAST FROM THE PAST!! Rules of the internet
author: 寮 author: 寮
date: 2022-06-14 19:12:00 date: 2022-06-14 19:12:00
tags: blog,meme,internet tags: blog,meme,internet
threadid: AKTZnTapFTespq46qG
---- ----
For the zoomers out there, these were the rules of the internet back in the early 2000s, so right before idpol started infecting the internet as we knew it.\ For the zoomers out there, these were the rules of the internet back in the early 2000s, so right before idpol started infecting the internet as we knew it.\
So this is a refresher for us millenials and genx-ers, and maybe you zoomers can apply these rules too to make the internet great again.\ So this is a refresher for us millenials and genx-ers, and maybe you zoomers can apply these rules too to make the internet great again.\


@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
title: As a lib-right, I'm disappointed in the tech other lib-righters choose
author: 寮
date: 2022-06-30 23:35:00
tags: blog,technology,webdev
threadid: AL17cloI1Z2ByL0JPM
2 days ago I published the [scams article on free speech platforms](/scams/freespeechplatforms), which then sparked a [massive conversation](https://social.076.ne.jp/notice/AKweNPZPeR0MMafzxA) between many different people from many different instances and went on from yesterday evening all the way to today morning.\
This gave me an idea for a rant.
The lib-right gets lots of stuff right, like economics, freedom, spirituality, memes, parties, business, and many other things.\
However, the 2 areas the lib-left is superior at are technology and loli's.
I used to believe that loli's was more a lib-right thing, but many on this side either don't care, or go on a "MAH DIJENERESHII!!" crusade, and will use their real face for everything instead.\
Well, considering most lib-right people tend to be American boomers, it's not all that surprising anyway.\
On the other hand, the lib-left always tends to pick a cute loli as their avatar, style their websites around that character, make things seem cute, and everything.\
But then again, most of the lib-left people tend to be European millenials, so they're naturally much more appreciative towards Japanese otaku culture.
As for technology, as you can see from the discussion on the Fediverse, the lib-left tends to self-host their own websites in which they've put lots of care into, they actually care about privacy, they actually care about putting their own website front and center, use SNS just as an advertisement and communication tool, host their own mail, XMPP, Tor, IRC, and Gemini servers, have very deep knowledge about Linux and BSD, and all that.\
Meanwhile, the lib-right generally doesn't even have a personal website, and if they have it's usually an overly bloated WordPress [soyte](/glossary#websoyte) filled with ads, trackers, and JavaScript (all pulled from and pinging to big tech servers all the time), hosted on an AWS (big tech) server, put behind [CuckFlare](/glossary#cuckflare) (undeclared big tech), but only use it to embed [JewTube](/glossary#jewtube) (big tech) or [Shitter](/glossary#shitter) (big tech) embeds, complaining about how they're banned from all of big tech and how much they hate big tech.\
Otherwise they're using Cuckflared [alt tech](/scams/alttech) platforms which ban you even before big tech.
Among the lib-right people with real tech knowledge (and/or loli appreciation), there really doesn't seem to be many people.\
All I can think of is myself (yup.), [テクニカル諏訪子](https://technicalsuwako.moe), [PhenomX6](https://pawlicker.com/), [WrongThink](https://wrongthink.neocities.org/), [xianc78](https://gameliberty.club/@xianc78), [チャノさん](https://anonymous-japan.org), [BananaMulcher](https://thecrowhouse.community/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=964), [Luke Smith](https://lukesmith.xyz), and [Mental Outlaw](https://youtube.076.ne.jp/channel/UC7YOGHUfC1Tb6E4pudI9STA).\
[Loli frog](/glossary#lolifrog) and I are perhaps the only 2 of them all that do all the stuff the lib-left does right (but we're both Japanese and Linux users from a very young age, so maybe that's why?), other than that they all seem to be stronger at only either of the 2 points.
But that's really all there is.


@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ title: How to bypass totally unnecessary Javascript
author: 寮 author: 寮
date: 2022-06-13 16:26:09 date: 2022-06-13 16:26:09
tags: blog,technology,webdev,internet tags: blog,technology,webdev,internet
threadid: AKRbqx3TNvjbKq36AK
---- ----
[This soyte](https://dragon-ball-official.com) requires Javascript in order to even view.\ [This soyte](https://dragon-ball-official.com) requires Javascript in order to even view.\
However, all it takes is pressing F12 to open up developer tools, and deleting the "&lt;div class="intro"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;" section, and the site is accessible again.\ However, all it takes is pressing F12 to open up developer tools, and deleting the "&lt;div class="intro"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;" section, and the site is accessible again.\


@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ title: Yet another example of why everyone uses adblockers
author: 寮 author: 寮
date: 2022-06-12 16:22:57 date: 2022-06-12 16:22:57
tags: blog,technology,webdev,internet tags: blog,technology,webdev,internet
threadid: AKPMLMm7CVVuBbZIDw
---- ----
[This is peak ad insanity.](https://linuxhint.com/base64_encode_decode_command_line/)\ [This is peak ad insanity.](https://linuxhint.com/base64_encode_decode_command_line/)\
Big ass ad above the article, even bigger ass ad embedded on the right, smaller add embedded to the bottom, ads after every single paragraph, automagic full screen video ad of which the close button is barely visible that shows up as you scroll down. Big ass ad above the article, even bigger ass ad embedded on the right, smaller add embedded to the bottom, ads after every single paragraph, automagic full screen video ad of which the close button is barely visible that shows up as you scroll down.

src/dmca/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
title: DMCA
If you find content you hold the copyright to that is in violation of the [DMCA](/scams/copyright), please open the Terminal, type the following, and go fuck yourself:
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda


@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ Below I'll explain the words I use one by one.
| [Commiefornia](#commiefornia) | | [Commiefornia](#commiefornia) |
| [CovAIDS](#covaids) | | [CovAIDS](#covaids) |
| [Crapple](#crapple) | | [Crapple](#crapple) |
| [CuckCuckGo](#cuckcuckgo) | | [CuckCuckGlow](#cuckcuckgo) |
| [Cuckflare](#cuckflare) | | [Cuckflare](#cuckflare) |
| [Current Year](#currentyear) | | [Current Year](#currentyear) |
| [DEMONcracy](#demoncracy) | | [DEMONcracy](#demoncracy) |
| [Discucked](#discucked) |
| [Dr. Fraudci](#drfraudci) | | [Dr. Fraudci](#drfraudci) |
| [Emasculated Maccaroni](#emasculatedmaccaroni) | | [Emasculated Maccaroni](#emasculatedmaccaroni) |
| [Fakebook](#fakebook) | | [Fakebook](#fakebook) |
@ -41,9 +42,11 @@ Below I'll explain the words I use one by one.
| [Justin Castro](#justincastro) | | [Justin Castro](#justincastro) |
| [Kanada](#kanada) | | [Kanada](#kanada) |
| [Kill Gates](#killgates) | | [Kill Gates](#killgates) |
| [Lesbian GNU/Linux](#lesbianlinux) |
| [Lethal Injection](#lethalinjection) | | [Lethal Injection](#lethalinjection) |
| [Loli frog](#lolifrog) | | [Loli frog](#lolifrog) |
| [MAFIAA](#mafiaa) | | [MAFIAA](#mafiaa) |
| [Mankojaro](#mankojaro) |
| [Microshaft](#microshaft) | | [Microshaft](#microshaft) |
| [New Xiland](#newxiland) | | [New Xiland](#newxiland) |
| [Niggerlist](#niggerlist) | | [Niggerlist](#niggerlist) |
@ -55,9 +58,14 @@ Below I'll explain the words I use one by one.
| [REEEtard Era](#reeetardera) | | [REEEtard Era](#reeetardera) |
| [Religious boomer](#religiousboomer) | | [Religious boomer](#religiousboomer) |
| [RNG Test](#rngtest) | | [RNG Test](#rngtest) |
| [Satan Klaus](#satanklaus) |
| [Scamdemic](#scamdemic) | | [Scamdemic](#scamdemic) |
| [Shitter](#shitter) | | [Shitter](#shitter) |
| [Soycecode](#soycecode) |
| [Soydev](#soydev) |
| [Soyence](#soyence) |
| [Soyny](#soyny) | | [Soyny](#soyny) |
| [Soyware](#soyware) |
| [The Eww](#theeww) | | [The Eww](#theeww) |
| [USSA](#ussa) | | [USSA](#ussa) |
| [Websoyte](#websoyte) | | [Websoyte](#websoyte) |
@ -142,13 +150,15 @@ Made up by myself.\
Meaning: Apple\ Meaning: Apple\
Man, that company went downhill so much since Steve Jobs died! Man, that company went downhill so much since Steve Jobs died!
<h2 id="cuckcuckgo">CuckCuckGo</h2> <h2 id="cuckcuckgo">CuckCuckGlow</h2>
Made up by myself.\ Made up by myself.\
Meaning: DuckDuckGo\ Meaning: DuckDuckGo\
Sometimes also known as "CuckCuckGone", this search engine has always been praised for being this ultimate privacy friendly, neutral, and censorship-less search engine, despite being caught [red](https://torrentfreak.com/duckduckgo-removes-pirate-sites-and-youtube-dl-from-its-search-results-220415/) [handed](https://www.ar15.com/forums/general/DuckDuckGo-gone-WOKE/5-2491000/) [many](https://nitter.unixfox.eu/montreal_girl/status/1348321568607391746) [times](https://digdeeper.neocities.org/ghost/search.html#ddg) before.\ Sometimes also known as "CuckCuckGone", this search engine has always been praised for being this ultimate privacy friendly, neutral, and censorship-less search engine, despite being caught [red](https://torrentfreak.com/duckduckgo-removes-pirate-sites-and-youtube-dl-from-its-search-results-220415/) [handed](https://www.ar15.com/forums/general/DuckDuckGo-gone-WOKE/5-2491000/) [many](https://nitter.unixfox.eu/montreal_girl/status/1348321568607391746) [times](https://digdeeper.neocities.org/ghost/search.html#ddg) before.\
However, it wasn't until the [Ukraine vs Russia psyop](https://video.076.ne.jp/c/lezluthor/videos) when their loyal users [finally noticed](https://slate.com/technology/2022/03/duckduckgo-russian-disinformation-downranking.html). However, it wasn't until the [Ukraine vs Russia psyop](https://video.076.ne.jp/c/lezluthor/videos) when their loyal users [finally noticed](https://slate.com/technology/2022/03/duckduckgo-russian-disinformation-downranking.html).
Update: since CuckCuckGo has been pretty glowy as of recently, I decided to rename it to CuckCuckGlow.
<h2 id="cuckflare">Cuckflare</h2> <h2 id="cuckflare">Cuckflare</h2>
Made up by myself, kinda.\ Made up by myself, kinda.\
@ -171,6 +181,14 @@ Meaning: democracy\
Dispite popular beliefs, democracy has nothing to do with freedom.\ Dispite popular beliefs, democracy has nothing to do with freedom.\
It's basically mob rule, most people are retarded, so if you have 2 wolves and 1 sheep deciding what's for dinner, then of course that 1 sheep will be the dinner. It's basically mob rule, most people are retarded, so if you have 2 wolves and 1 sheep deciding what's for dinner, then of course that 1 sheep will be the dinner.
<h2 id="discucked">Discucked</h2>
Made up by myself.\
Meaning: Discord\
The "let's centralize all the forums into a single, centralized chat app that glows in broad daylight".\
Given, they used to be more free speech when it started out (because of course), but as soon as governments started figuring out Discord, they cucked out HARD!!\
And now it's a Big Brother botnet.
<h2 id="drfraudci">Dr. Fraudci</h2> <h2 id="drfraudci">Dr. Fraudci</h2>
From DollarVigilante.\ From DollarVigilante.\
@ -243,6 +261,15 @@ Meaning: Bill Gates\
The evil depopulation man, proudly telling you right in your face how he wants to depopulate the earth.\ The evil depopulation man, proudly telling you right in your face how he wants to depopulate the earth.\
He made a killing with his killer "vaccine", which is not a vaccine. He made a killing with his killer "vaccine", which is not a vaccine.
Who would have thought that the most evil super villain in the entire world is just some small, overweight, old computer nerd that sounds like Kermit the Frog?
<h2 id="lesbianlinux">Lesbian GNU/Linux</h2>
Made up by myself.\
Meaning: Debian GNU/Linux\
Used to be the best Linux distro for servers until the whole systemd fiasco.\
More about it from [this guy](https://unixsheikh.com/articles/the-delusions-of-debian.html).
<h2 id="lethalinjection">Lethal Injection</h2> <h2 id="lethalinjection">Lethal Injection</h2>
From DollarVigilante.\ From DollarVigilante.\
@ -262,8 +289,16 @@ By the way, it's actually a dude in real life, I confirmed while offkaiing, but
<h2 id="mafiaa">MAFIAA</h2> <h2 id="mafiaa">MAFIAA</h2>
From RagingGoldenEagle.\ From RagingGoldenEagle.\
Meaning: RIA and MPAA\ Meaning: MPA and RIAA\
The copyright ([which is a scam](/scams/copyright)) mafia who together have done far more damage to the entire internet than all governments combined. The copyright ([which is a scam](/scams/copyright)) mafia who singlehandedly caused far more damage to the entire internet than all governments combined.
<h2 id="mankojaro">Mankojaro</h2>
From TechnicalSuwako (テクニカル諏訪子).\
Meaning: Manjaro\
Manko (マンコ) means "vagina" in Japanese.\
I don't necessarily dislike Manjaro, but they do make [quite some bad decisions](/blog/recommended-linux-distro/#manjaro).\
Plus it just rolls off the tongue quite nicely.
<h2 id="microshaft">Microshaft</h2> <h2 id="microshaft">Microshaft</h2>
@ -338,6 +373,12 @@ From TechnicalSuwako (テクニカル諏訪子).\
Meaning: PCR Test\ Meaning: PCR Test\
The PCR test is not a test, it's literally a random number generator (RNG). The PCR test is not a test, it's literally a random number generator (RNG).
<h2 id="satanklaus">Satan Klaus</h2>
From DollarVigilante.\
Meaning: Klaus Schwab\
The pure evil super villain of humanity, the inventer of The Great Reset where you will own nothing and be happy (aka, Communism as a trojan horse).
<h2 id="scamdemic">Scamdemic</h2> <h2 id="scamdemic">Scamdemic</h2>
From The Cobert Report.\ From The Cobert Report.\
@ -350,6 +391,26 @@ From some Bitchute commenter.\
Meaning: Twitter\ Meaning: Twitter\
That place is shit, enough said. That place is shit, enough said.
<h2 id="soycecode">Soyce Code</h2>
Made up by myself.\
Meaning: Source code written by soydevs\
Soydevs can't code at all.
<h2 id="soydev">Soydev</h2>
From Luke Smith.\
Meaning: Someone who can't code at all\
Probably some college/university graduate on a MacBook at a Starbucks who picked up JavaScript and/or Python during university, as recommended by their brainwasher, I mean teacher.
<h2 id="soyence">Soyence</h2>
From RagingGoldenEagle.\
Meaning: Science based on feelings rather than merit\
What the covAIDS scamdemic has taught us over the past 2 years is that science is basically useless.\
Science used to be individuals who come up with a question, and are being challenged to experiment to see what the answer will become.\
Nowadays, it's individuals who got handed the prepared answer by the government, and are being asked to make up some bullshit question that theoretically leads to that bullshit answer they already have.
<h2 id="soyny">Soyny</h2> <h2 id="soyny">Soyny</h2>
From RagingGoldenEagle.\ From RagingGoldenEagle.\
@ -357,6 +418,12 @@ Meaning: Sony\
Ever since Sony moved it's PlayStation HQ from Tokyo to California in 2015, all of the sudden PlayStation, which used to be a safehaven for the otaku people, went extremely next level woke, and kept doubling down since then.\ Ever since Sony moved it's PlayStation HQ from Tokyo to California in 2015, all of the sudden PlayStation, which used to be a safehaven for the otaku people, went extremely next level woke, and kept doubling down since then.\
The levels of soy went so through the roof, many former PlayStation fans jumped off the already sinking ship, and went to PC and Nintendo Switch exclusively. The levels of soy went so through the roof, many former PlayStation fans jumped off the already sinking ship, and went to PC and Nintendo Switch exclusively.
<h2 id="soyware">Soyware</h2>
From Luke Smith.\
Meaning: Software made by soydevs\
Soydevs can't code at all.
<h2 id="theeww">The Eww</h2> <h2 id="theeww">The Eww</h2>
From RagingGoldenEagle.\ From RagingGoldenEagle.\


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title: 9 to 5 jobs are a scam
# 9 to 5 jobs are a scam
And I actually didn't realize this fact until I started working as a freelancer.
In most timezones, 9 am to 5 pm is what is considered daytime.\
You're some salaryman sitting in the office all day long, and you probably never get to see the sun, because by the time you can go back home again, it's already dark outside.\
This is extremely unhealthy to your body, as your body NEEDS the sun's vitamin D.\
And what is your reward?\
Enough money to pay your bills, fill your fridge, and no praise from anyone at all.


@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title: The ADL is a scam
# The ADL is a scam
They're supposed to be the "anti-deformation league", but all they do is deformation.\
So apparently, deformation is only OK if they do it...
Which is why I prefer to call them "adult diaper league" instead.


@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
title: Alt tech is a scam
# Alt tech is a scam
The purpose they're supposed to serve is to provide a "free speech" alternative to big tech, but in reality they're merely an auth-right version of big tech, which is auth-left.\
If you really want free speech, you should make your own Fediverse instance, or better yet, make your own website.\
Or do both, so you can use your own website to broadcast any opinion you want without sanction, and use Fedi for shitposting and/or advertising of your articles on your own website in case your target audience consists of zoomers who have no idea what the hell an RSS is.
Also, pretty much every single alt tech platform with the exception of Rumble is [Cuckflared](/glossary#cuckflare), so you know they're NSA honeypots by default.\
While it sounds like Rumble is the only safe alt tech platform, that one is running on AWS servers, which is also [pretty questionable](https://time.com/5929888/amazon-parler-aws/) to see they're still allowed to be around.


@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
title: Anti Money Laundering "laws" are a scam
# Anti Money Laundering "laws" are a scam
In theory, it's to prevent money laundering.\
In reality, it's to make it harder for you to not pay [extortion](/scams/taxation).
Hard earned money should NEVER be taxed, it's none of the government's business on how much money you have, and where it's being spent on, m'kay...

src/scams/freespeechplatforms/index.md ノーマルファイル

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title: Free speech platforms are a scam
# Free speech platforms are a scam
Every single time [JewTube](/glossary#jewtube), [Shitter](/glossary#shitter), or [Fakebook](/glossary#fakebook) goes through a round of mass bannings, a new alt tech platform pops up out of nowhere.\
Every time they give the impression that they're all about free speech, only to then censor or ban you for saying something they don't like.\
The PR on their homepages always tend to give a very different impression of what is written in their Terms of Service, which effectively makes them auth-right approved speech platforms as opposed to big tech's auth-left approved speech platforms.\
In this sense Shitter is way more free speech than Gab, Parler, GETTR, and so-called "TRUTH" soycial combined.\
Because while Shitter has insane double standards, and is extreme communist and all that, at least because of its massive size it's easier to get away with stuff that will otherwise get you banned.\
On the alt-tech platforms on the other hand, it's way easier to get sniped down due to its considerably smaller userbase.
So far, the only platform declaring to be a free speech platform that is truly free speech is [Free Speech Extremist](https://freespeechextremist.com), they only ban spam and actual pedophilia, and that's it.
Another pattern I noticed is that true free speech can only be found in smaller Pleroma or Mastodon instances that don't necessarily advertise themselves as free speech.\
Examples are [Baest](https://bae.st), [Baraag](https://baraag.net), [Varis.Hangout](https://varishangout.net), and [076 SNS](https://social.076.ne.jp), as well as single user instances (obviously) such as [アノンの見解](https://pl.anon-kenkai.com) and [Pawlicker](fedi.pawlicker.com).


@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ The more people become aware, the sooner we can live on Earth as intended by the
# F # F
* [Western version of capitalism](/scams/fake-capitalism) * [Western version of capitalism](/scams/fake-capitalism)
* [Fiat currencies](/scams/fiat) * [Fiat currencies](/scams/fiat)
* [Free speech platforms](/scams/freespeechplatforms)
# G # G
* [Mind Control](/scams/government) * [Mind Control](/scams/government)


@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: Voting is a scam
# Voting is a scam
Once every x amount of years or months you can file a piece of paper and deposit it into a box.\
And it changes.........NOTHING!!
Voting is literally just a fancy way of saying "slave suggestion box"; you the slave can choose between eating brown diarhea, rainbow colored diarhea, orange diarhea, or green diarhea.\
You'll still be served diarhea in the end, but at least you can choose the color!
Likewise with voting in elections, you can choose which master you want to be enslaved to, but the policies will remain unchanged regardless of who you vote for, because all candidates and/or parties are exactly the same anyway.
There might be one or two legit different parties as well (like here in Japan we have the [国民主権党/Popular Sovereignty Party](https://kokuminsyuken.jp/)), but the system has been set up in a way that those parties will never get (s)elected.\
Like how Joseph Stallin (who by the way has killed way more people than Adolf Hitler) has put it, it doesn't matter who votes, all what matters is who counts the votes.


@ -105,3 +105,11 @@ hr {
.webring-img { .webring-img {
width: initial; width: initial;
} }
.comment-iframe {
width: 100%;
max-width: 900px;
min-height: 600px;
border: none;
overflow-y: scroll;